Chapter 222 – King of the Sea Shark

“How could this be? Am I actually weak?”

The Sea Storm Shark, always proud of its strength among its peers and often boasting of its feats in defeating enemies above its level, now found itself deep in self-doubt.

If its battle with Saga had been evenly matched, and it had only fallen slightly short after a fierce and prolonged fight, the Sea Storm Shark could have accepted that.

But the harsh reality it faced was that within a mere ten seconds of contact, it had been completely overpowered by Saga’s crushing and condescending dominance. On the surface, they were both at the ninth rank, but in reality, it was as if they were creatures of entirely different classes, separated by an insurmountable chasm.

Saga taught the Sea Storm Shark a harsh lesson, making it realize there are dragons beyond sharks.

Without giving the Sea Storm Shark any more time to doubt itself, the Golden Dragon flapped its wings, radiating an irresistible and majestic aura. Skimming low over the sea, its approach caused the water beneath its wings to form clear indentations, as if torn by an invisible scythe.

At the same time, a shock ran through the Sea Storm Shark’s heart.

“No good, I’m far from a match for the King of the Near Seas.”

“If this continues, I’m afraid I’ll end up belly-up and dead.”

The Sea Storm Shark wasn’t a foolhardy brute who couldn’t read the situation. Its challenge to Saga was mainly because it had only heard of Saga’s deeds, not witnessed them firsthand, and such tales are often exaggerated.

But now, facing Saga directly and feeling the immense pressure, the Sea Storm Shark had no intention of fighting to the death.

Making a split-second decision as the Golden Dragon pursued, the Sea Storm Shark dove into the deep sea, its powerful tail fin thrashing wildly, stirring up vast currents as its massive body swam swiftly below the surface.


The ripple of a massive object brushed past the Sea Storm Shark’s body.

Without looking back, but with its keen shark senses, it immediately detected the King of the Near Seas following closely behind, as persistent as a shadow.

“Although I’m no match for you…”

“In the ocean, in my domain…”

“Hmph, I might still not be able to defeat you, but when it comes to escaping, I am definitely superior!”

The Sea Storm Shark thought proudly.

With a thought, the currents created by its tail fin seemed to come alive, moving with the Sea Storm Shark’s will, increasing its swimming speed dramatically, turning it into a shark-shaped cannonball.

However, the Sea Storm Shark was horrified to find that the Golden Dragon was closing in even faster through the sea.

The distance between them wasn’t widening as the Sea Storm Shark had hoped, but was rapidly shrinking.

“Huh? Is it not hindered at all underwater?”

The Sea Storm Shark took a deep breath, its tail fin whirling like a propeller, stirring up deep-sea waves and increasing its speed even further.

At the same time, during this tense moment, the Sea Storm Shark’s aura, already at the pinnacle of the ninth rank, began to fluctuate. Not in a bad way, but the bottleneck between it and the legendary realm was loosening faster.

“I think I’m about to break through.”

“Fantastic, a breakthrough to legend on the battlefield, I truly am a genius.”

“Just a bit more time, and I’ll become a legendary creature, transcending the ordinary and ascending to a new level of life.”

Feeling its own changes, the Sea Storm Shark was elated, and as it sensed the Golden Dragon rapidly approaching, it glared fiercely and continued to flee.

“King of the Near Seas, keep chasing. Once I break through, the tables will turn, and then I’ll show you how I’ll counter-kill you!”

The Sea Storm Shark thought jubilantly, almost seeing the scene of itself, as a legend, slaying the King of the Near Seas.

On the other side, the Golden Dragon remained calm, relentlessly pursuing the desperately fleeing Sea Storm Shark.

Both the dragon and the shark were fast, diving into the kilometer-deep sea in just a few seconds. At such depths, the thick water layers blocked out the sunlight, leaving the sea dark and silent.

In this environment, the shining, glittering Golden Dragon was very conspicuous.

Many predators living in the dark deep sea set their sights on the Golden Dragon, but after sensing the immense Dragon Might it carried, they wisely kept their distance, instinctively not daring to interfere.

Meanwhile, sensing the Sea Storm Shark’s location, the Golden Dragon took a deep breath, its gaze becoming serious, and then extended its dragon claw, grasping at the air.


Universal Attraction!

The Sea Storm Shark, swimming joyfully and unaware, felt the water around it unnaturally twist. Countless silent arcs of gravitational pull converged on it, enveloping it, and then, in the next instant, a massive pressure suddenly descended.


At that moment, the Sea Storm Shark seemed to become a massive source of gravity, with endless water converging towards it, compressing layer by layer, causing its speed to plummet.

After Saga’s repeated growth, his Universal Attraction was becoming increasingly effective in battle.

Under the heavy pressure of Universal Attraction, the Sea Storm Shark’s speed dropped significantly.

Invisible to the naked eye, but clear in Saga’s perceptive vision, his Force Field was omnipresent, even in the deep sea, unaffected.

Locking onto the Sea Storm Shark’s silhouette, Saga opened his dragon maw, and a Singularity Dragon Breath, an advanced version of Universal Attraction, began to brew.

After a long slumber, Saga was quite hungry and craved some high-quality food.

The Sea Storm Shark, on the verge of legend, was a suitable target.

Therefore, Saga chose to use Singularity Dragon Breath, which could incapacitate the Sea Storm Shark without damaging its body.

Water from all directions was drawn in, converging into the Golden Dragon’s mouth, not entering its lungs but gathering around a black sphere that was gradually growing larger.


Saga looked up and expelled the gravitational singularity from his mouth.

The singularity’s immense suction stirred the deep sea, forming a vast vortex that closed in on the Sea Storm Shark.

“What’s happening?”

The Sea Storm Shark tensed up inside.

At the same time, a piercing pain, like needles on its back, and a sense of extreme danger and impending death, erupted from within.

The singularity’s watery vortex also stimulated the Sea Storm Shark’s senses.

The Sea Storm Shark swam desperately.

“Faster, faster!”

“I’m about to break through to legend, how can I die in the deep sea?”

The Sea Storm Shark roared inwardly, its aura becoming even more unstable.

However, as the singularity approached, the terrifying attraction it emitted, like an invisible hand pulling on the Sea Storm Shark’s tail, and Saga’s distant Universal Attraction control, made the Sea Storm Shark’s movements extremely sluggish, struggling to move its fins.


As the Sea Storm Shark watched in despair, the singularity hit its body.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Then, in the next instant, the singularity, no larger than an adult’s head, suddenly expanded, engulfing the Sea Storm Shark’s body in a completely black domain, like a black hole filled with terrifying pressure, compressing the Sea Storm Shark’s body uncontrollably, shrinking inward bit by bit.

Flesh shattered, bones cracked.

The Sea Storm Shark’s body couldn’t withstand the singularity’s pressure.

However, in this situation, the Sea Storm Shark’s eyes became bright and spirited.

Enveloped by the singularity, it strained to raise its shark head, its heart beating like thunder, and its life aura, already on the brink of legend, began to soar wildly.

A life transition and ascension, in the face of death, began.

On the Sea Storm Shark, the imposing presence of a legendary creature emerged.

Then, it opened its maw, sneered, and roared:

“King of the Near Seas, do you think you can kill me?”


The Sea Storm Shark stood upright, bursting with ferocious momentum, breaking a hole in the singularity domain, and quickly escaping.

“A breakthrough at the last moment? This protagonist-like treatment appearing on a shark, this guy’s luck is really good.”

Saga narrowed his eyes.

A breakthrough in battle was rare.

The Sea Storm Shark’s breakthrough to legend surprised Saga, although he knew it was on the brink of legend, there was still a big difference from a true legend.

Many creatures are stuck at this step, unable to ascend to legendary status for life.

Creatures on the brink of legend could break through at any moment.

But for most creatures that lack talent and rely entirely on luck, reaching legend might be the next second or never before death.

Saga was witnessing a creature breaking through in battle for the first time.

He himself had never had such an experience.

At the same time, in the silent and cold deep sea, the Sea Storm Shark continued to stand upright, its legendary aura profound and terrifying, stronger than ever, causing the surrounding sea to tremble.

No longer fleeing.

Facing the Golden Dragon head-on, feeling the unprecedented power coursing through its body, the Sea Storm Shark wore a proud expression and roared to the sky:

“Legends reign supreme, today I step into legend, I am the fated shark, Aquaman!”

The sea rippled as if alive, slowly converging, layering over the Sea Storm Shark, now the Transcendent Aquaman, forming a thick, deep blue water armor, and a deep blue crown formed above its head, as if celebrating the birth of the Transcendent Aquaman.

Aquaman grinned, showing off his newly regrown shark teeth.

Pretending to be profound, he crossed his fins over his chest and said to Saga:

“Below legend, all are ants.”

“King of the Near Seas, run, flee in panic before me.”

“I’ll give you a ten-second head start, perhaps then you’ll have a chance to survive under my sharp teeth.”

On the other side, hearing the words of the Transcendent Aquaman and feeling his legendary aura, the Golden Emperor Dragon remained unmoved.

“You breaking through to legend surprises me.”

“But it seems you think that reaching legend can turn the tide.”

After a pause, the dragon’s face remained calm, its horns majestic, and a slight smile appeared on its lips:

“But I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you.”

Aquaman’s aura was indeed impressive.

But what hadn’t Saga seen? He didn’t feel any overwhelming pressure from Aquaman.

“Below legend, all are ants.”

“Without external help, non-legendary creatures cannot defeat a legend.”

“The chasm between the ninth rank and legend is like a moat.”

“But is it really so?”

The dragon murmured to itself.

Even before reaching the peak of the eighth rank, Saga could exchange a few blows with a second-rank legend.

His invincible performance in the eyes of other ninth-rank creatures felt like an insurmountable mountain.

Then, under the puzzled gaze of Aquaman, the Golden Dragon did not flee but instead raised its wings proudly, its Dragon Tail stirring up surging undercurrents, and launched an attack on the Transcendent Aquaman.

“Not running?”

Aquaman was moved.

“King of the Near Seas, unafraid of legendary might, daring to face death.”

“I admire your courage.”

The Golden Dragon’s body radiated a heavy sense of mass, its aura contained and dangerously deep, with an unstoppable momentum, it charged at Aquaman, the distance between them closing rapidly.

“You’re interesting, I don’t want to kill you anymore.”

“After I defeat you and become the new King of the Near Seas, you can serve me as my defeated general.”

The newly ascended Aquaman was already putting on airs.

Its confidence was inflated like never before.

It had no intention of avoiding the dragon’s edge.

Aquaman moved its neck, adjusted its posture, swung its tail fin, and also accelerated, surrounded by swirling currents, charging towards the Golden Dragon with an imposing momentum.

Dragon and shark rushed towards each other.

In the blink of an eye, like a needle against wheat, two massive figures, one gold and one blue, collided in the deep sea.


After a moment of silence, a deafening explosion echoed through the silent deep sea, rings of terrifying shockwaves spread in all directions, forming surging deadly undercurrents, continuous as if a submarine volcano erupted, making a wide area of the sea turbid, even causing the sea surface thousands of meters above to rise high, like boiling water.

At the center of this collision.

A deep blue shark shadow sprayed blood and was flung backward.

Aquaman’s face was in disbelief, its head was deeply dented, feeling as if its skull was almost shattered.

“No, impossible, absolutely impossible.”

Looking at the Golden Dragon on the other side, which seemed unharmed after twisting its neck, Aquaman couldn’t accept the result and opened its mouth wide, its tail fin moving rapidly, lunging at Saga to bite.

As Aquaman approached, the Golden Dragon suddenly turned, its Dragon Tail exuding a superheavy quality, and with a deflected Force Field, it fiercely struck Aquaman’s snout.

Aquaman’s mouth snapped shut, intending to bite off the Golden Dragon’s tail.

However, crack, crack

Just like before, as if biting into indestructible divine iron, its teeth, now several times sharper and harder than before, still shattered one by one.

With one tail whip, Saga sent Aquaman flying, its teeth scattering from its mouth.

Moving his own tail, Saga’s faceplate revealed a satisfied smile.

“After reaching the ninth rank, I can extend the effect of the Superheavy Dragon Punch to other parts of my body, and it works quite well.”

After the ninth rank, not only did the power of Saga’s Superheavy Dragon Punch increase, but as his mastery of gravity improved, the superheavy gravity that was previously concentrated on his forelimbs and claws could now be applied to his head, tail, wings, hind legs, and other key parts.

With just a thought from Saga.

His entire body could become a terrifying weapon of war, every move causing horrific destruction.

Not a legend.

But as good as one.

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