Chapter 221 – Sea Storm Shark

Saga thought of the Sea Storm Shark that had said it would challenge him after becoming a legend.

During his slumber, Saga kept abreast of the outside world through his connection with the Psychic Guards like the Black Sharks, aware of everything happening within his territory.

“This shark from the Shark Empire nearly destroyed my Moon Bay and dared to challenge my authority.”

Saga’s eyes narrowed as he murmured to himself:

“Now that I’m awake, you ignorant fool, brace for my arrival.”

The Sea Storm Shark was currently active in the Near Seas region, its presence easily discernible by the crazy tsunamis it caused wherever it went.

Saga didn’t fear battling beings that had just entered legendhood.

However, he wouldn’t foolishly wait for the Sea Storm Shark to become a legend and then come looking for trouble.

“Having slept for so long, I’m itching for a fight. You’ll be perfect for sharpening my claws.”

Feeling the surging power within him, much stronger than before, Saga issued a telepathic command to the rulers of the Near Seas nations: “Locate the Sea Storm Shark and leave it to me.”

Then, Saga coiled back down in his resplendent chamber.

After awakening from his slumber, Saga’s mental strength had greatly increased, as had his perception and control over basic force. He began to attempt feats that were impossible for him at the eighth tier.

Inside the Emperor Dragon Palace.

Countless force field arcs came to life, moving as if sentient, following Saga’s will.

Time passed quietly within.

About ten days later, while Saga was exploring basic force in the palace.

Under the bright sunlight, the vast ocean shimmered, waves undulating.


A deep, ethereal, and somewhat terrifying whale song suddenly rang out.

A whale, dozens of meters long, leaped out of the water, then crashed back down, causing tumultuous waves. Its body was covered in crisscrossing bite marks, and the blood turned the surrounding sea a crimson red.


The whale leaped out of the water again.

But upon closer inspection, it was clear it wasn’t leaping on its own. Its massive body twisted unnaturally in mid-air, more wounds appearing on its body.

Then, it fell again.

This time, before the whale hit the water.


A shadow over twenty meters long emerged from beneath the waves, bringing with it a powerful force that caused the water to bulge, and then it burst forth from the sea.

It was a giant shark, twenty-three meters long.

It had deep blue, rough skin like a rasp, and on its ferocious head, a gaping maw filled with terrifying, serrated teeth, like a meat grinder.


The twenty-meter-long giant shark sent the whale, over thirty meters long and much larger than itself, flying higher into the sky.

The whale’s skin, upon contact with the shark’s rough hide, burst open instantly, blood pouring out.

The origin of the whale’s numerous wounds was now clear.

It fell repeatedly, only to be struck again and again by the giant shark’s head or tail, tossed into the air as if in play, and struck again just before hitting the water.

After several times.

The whale’s cries grew weaker until it finally lost all signs of life.

The giant shark, having had its fill of play, let the dead whale be and began to feast on its prey, tearing at the whale’s flesh with its gaping maw, staining the surrounding sea with thick blood.

This cruel and playful killer was the target Saga had ordered the Near Seas nations to search for.

The ninth-tier Sea Storm Shark—Itamar.

Although it looked like a ferocious giant shark, the Sea Storm Shark was a true sapient being. In the Shark Empire, it was considered a powerful species, naturally violent and warlike, with an incredibly strong physique. It could also create tsunamis at will, commanding the vast ocean, and displaying formidable combat strength at sea.

In the coastal regions bordering the Shark Empire, coastal villages were occasionally swallowed and destroyed by the disastrous tsunamis caused by the Sea Storm Shark.

During the war between the Shark Empire and the Mermaid Empire.

A legendary mermaid attacked the Sea Storm Shark’s habitat, scaring it considerably, which is why it chose to hide in the remote areas of the Stormy Ocean.

Considering the few powerful beings in the Near Seas and their disdain for such a remote area, the newly arrived Sea Storm Shark harbored certain ambitions to rule here, to stay away from the war and comfortably enjoy its shark life.

“King of the Near Seas, huh, what a joke.”

“Relying on his numerous followers, he didn’t dare to respond to my challenge and let a bunch of rotten fish attack me. He’s just a coward with an empty reputation.”

The Sea Storm Shark, having been repelled by Saga’s followers, was not convinced.

Little did it know, the shared ruler of the Near Seas nations, even when outnumbered, could still sweep through armies with ease.

“You just wait, I can break through to legend at any moment.”

“Once I become a legend, I’ll go to Starfall Island, kill all your followers, and then tear you apart alive, taking your authority as the King of the Near Seas.”

As it tore a large chunk of flesh from the whale and swallowed it, the Sea Storm Shark thought viciously.

Some shark species of the Shark Empire.

They believed their strength was not inferior to that of dragons and were dissatisfied that their fame was not as great, so they often sought to challenge dragons.

Shark nobles who went to the Deep Sea Dragon City for exchanges often requested to spar with dragons.

The Deep Sea Dragon City was a sacred place for sea creatures, but that didn’t mean all sea beings respected dragons. It was more like a political status, as the disputes between sea empires sometimes required the neutral and powerful Deep Sea Dragon City to mediate.

And now.

Due to the interference of the Casserly Abyss prisoners, the Deep Sea Dragon City was in trouble and couldn’t take care of itself, leading to a war between the Mermaid Empire and the Shark Empire not long after, plunging several oceans into turmoil.


The feasting Sea Storm Shark lifted its head, looking towards the sky.

In the high sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds, two small black dots circled.


The piercing cry of the eagles cut through the clouds.

Two Black Eagle Knights had spotted the Sea Storm Shark and immediately reported its location through a communication crystal.

“Staring at your grandpa shark, looking for death.”

The Sea Storm Shark’s eyes flashed with ferocity.

Spell-like ability—High-Pressure Water Cannon!

Inhaling tons of seawater and then raising its head, the shark opened its maw and expelled it forcefully.


A torrential column of water capable of shredding steel shot into the sky, crossing thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, aiming for the circling Black Eagle Knights.

The two knights were only mid-tier.

The Sea Storm Shark’s long-range attack terrified them.

Fortunately, they were far enough away and high enough to have time to react.

Controlling their mounts, the Black Eagles flapped their wings and soared higher, narrowly avoiding the Sea Storm Shark’s high-pressure water cannon.

As beings that could traverse the seas, sharks were at a disadvantage against creatures that could soar through the skies.

At its ninth-tier level of life, the Sea Storm Shark could float in the air for a short time and over a certain distance. But once away from the sea, its abilities were greatly affected. Unlike the Tiger Shark, which could fly, the Sea Storm Shark needed to reach legend status to truly leave the sea and soar through the skies in its shark form.

“Flying creatures are always so annoying.”

Missing its target, the Sea Storm Shark was dissatisfied.

“I’ll let you live a little longer.”

“Once I reach legend and take the position of King of the Near Seas, not even a single bird will be allowed in the skies of the Near Seas! All flying creatures will be slaughtered!”

The Sea Storm Shark thought this as it continued its journey.

Ignoring the circling Black Eagle Knights, the Sea Storm Shark leaped out of the water and dived into the deep sea, frolicking in the vast ocean with great fanfare, unconcerned about the eyes watching it.

In the Sea Storm Shark’s view, there was nothing to worry about.

It had always been watched because of the trouble it caused. During Saga’s slumber, the Near Seas nations had sent strong teams to hunt it down, but in the boundless sea, the Sea Storm Shark easily escaped into the deep sea. With its formidable strength, it had evaded several hunts and inflicted significant losses on the hunting teams.

The Sea Storm Shark glanced disdainfully at the knights in the sky.

They followed it relentlessly, and to the Sea Storm Shark, it was just another attempt to hunt it down.

Even too lazy to dive deep and avoid their gaze, the Sea Storm Shark moved even more brazenly, racing across the sea surface.

“Want to hunt me again? I’m tired of sea beasts; a bit of human blood to fill the gaps in my teeth wouldn’t be bad.”

The Sea Storm Shark patiently awaited the appearance of the hunting party.

With the potential to break through to legend at any moment, the Sea Storm Shark was full of confidence, not fearing the high-tier warriors of the nations and Saga’s kin.

A few minutes later.

Lying on its back on the sea surface, belly exposed, the Sea Storm Shark scratched its belly with its fin, looking bored.


The listless Sea Storm Shark flipped over, then showed a wary expression, lifting its head from the sea surface.

Because a vast and profound aura had just swept by like a hurricane, causing waves without any restraint, and in an instant, it had passed over the Sea Storm Shark’s body, causing it to tense up.

The giant shark’s head lifted.

In its small eyes, this scene appeared.

Against the backdrop of a sky as clear as sapphire, a dazzling golden dot was rapidly approaching, growing significantly larger with each breath. In a blink of an eye, it went from a barely visible dot to a vague dragon silhouette.

The scales, shining like diamonds, refracted the descending sunlight, emitting a brilliant luster that was hard to look at directly.

An indescribable dazzling brilliance.

And the dragon’s own majesty, deep as the abyss.

As if one more glance would melt you, one step closer would explode you.

“This is… the King of the Near Seas!”

The Sea Storm Shark’s eyes focused as it recognized the newcomer.

“King of the Near Seas, you’ve finally stopped being a coward.”

With a fierce smile, as the golden dragon’s shadow grew closer and began to loom over, the Sea Storm Shark growled at the approaching Golden Dragon.

Dragons’ strength often correlated with their size.

Seeing that the opponent was not as large as itself, although imposing, the inherently violent Sea Storm Shark was not the least bit afraid.

At the same time.

Saga looked down, his gaze indifferent as he watched the giant shark challenging him below.

“You wish to challenge my authority, so I shall grant you this opportunity.”

He paused, the Golden Dragon’s eyes narrowing, and his calm voice seemed to state a fact:

“But there’s only one outcome for you, and that is death.”

The Sea Storm Shark was momentarily stunned, intimidated by the Golden Dragon’s aura, but it quickly recovered, saying, “Big talk from a braggart.”

That’s what it said.

However, the Sea Storm Shark’s inner caution towards Saga had been escalating ever since Saga appeared before it.

Without further communication with the Sea Storm Shark.

Saga didn’t care about the reasons it came to the Near Seas or what purpose it had in challenging him. He had only one simple thought now—he wanted to eat fish.

Immediately, the Golden Dragon flapped its wings, its radiant body bringing a howling wind as it dived straight towards the Sea Storm Shark.

Watching the rapidly diving Golden Dragon, oppressive and overwhelming, the Sea Storm Shark’s heart dropped its contempt, its fierce eyes fixed on Saga, and then it opened its maw to shoot out a high-pressure water cannon.


The highly concentrated, high-pressure, and powerful water column erupted from the Sea Storm Shark’s mouth, heading straight for the Golden Dragon.

Saga, unfazed, opened his mouth and released a Dragon Breath of fire.


The blazing golden flames instantly collided with the high-pressure water cannon, and with an unstoppable force, burned, evaporated, and devoured the water cannon, crushing it on its way to the Sea Storm Shark.

In this aerial clash, the Sea Storm Shark was utterly defeated.

“So powerful.”

The Sea Storm Shark’s heart skipped a beat.

As the golden dragon breath came bearing down, threatening to engulf it, the Sea Storm Shark flicked its tail, splashing waves, and dived, twisting and turning to retreat.

The rolling flames hit the water, instantly evaporating untold tons of seawater, producing vast amounts of steam and hissing sounds.

At the same time.


The sea surface suddenly rose, and a hundred-foot-high tsunami surged, striking towards the Golden Dragon.

“King of the Near Seas, come on, taste my power!”

The Sea Storm Shark’s roar echoed with the ocean.

Saga stopped the fire breath, watching the Sea Storm Shark weaving through the tsunami, its silhouette faintly visible, and then he plunged headfirst into the tsunami.

Within the tsunami it created, the Sea Storm Shark’s attributes were greatly amplified.

It opened its gaping maw, aiming for the Golden Dragon.

Saga raised his right dragon arm to block the Sea Storm Shark’s ferocious maw, while his left dragon claw lifted and struck towards the Sea Storm Shark’s head.

The Sea Storm Shark’s eyes glinted with ferocity.

“My shark teeth can even make legendary creatures dodge; King of the Near Seas, you’re too arrogant.”

“Let me tear your limbs apart!” the Sea Storm Shark whispered internally.

Bone-Crushing Bite!

Its mouthful of sharp teeth shone with a blinding sharpness, like countless flashing daggers, and then it bit down on the Golden Dragon’s forelimb.


The Sea Storm Shark’s eyes bulged, staring blankly.

Pain shot through its mouth.

One by one, the shark teeth that touched the Golden Dragon’s radiant diamond scales broke off, blood gushing from its mouth, all its own blood, as if it had bitten into the most indestructible, counter-attacking steel.

Saga’s control over deflecting force fields became more adept.

Facing the Sea Storm Shark’s straightforward biting attack, he easily deflected it, reversing the damage back onto the Sea Storm Shark itself, leaving him unscathed.

“Impossible, how could this be?”

With a mouthful of pain, the Sea Storm Shark couldn’t accept it.

At the same time, the dragon’s talon was about to strike.

The Sea Storm Shark’s heart tightened, countless streams of water rapidly spinning, covering its body, forming a vortex armor with excellent defense and tearing capabilities.


The dragon claw tore through it like ripping paper, easily shredding the Sea Storm Shark’s vortex armor and landing heavily on its body.

The twenty-meter-long, thousand-ton Sea Storm Shark was sent flying out of its own tsunami, crashing into the distant sea, causing ripples and splashing water everywhere.

The Sea Storm Shark’s mouth was bloodied, its teeth askew and broken.

One side of its head caved in, the tough shark skin collapsed, even exposing the ghastly white bones, with several terrifying claw marks.

“Damn, how is this guy so strong? Why didn’t he show up when I challenged him, instead letting a bunch of rotten fish attack me?” the Sea Storm Shark thought with a sinking heart.

It didn’t know that Saga was simply in slumber, and unless absolutely necessary, he certainly wouldn’t bother with its challenge.

At this moment, dragon and shark had officially clashed, and in less than ten seconds, the outcome was clear.

In front of the Golden Dragon, the Sea Storm Shark’s originally ferocious eyes now seemed much clearer.

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