Chapter 218 – The Skull Lord, danger!

Saga felt no dread toward The Indestructible Fang, who had been whisked away by the Skull Lord; on the contrary, his curiosity was piqued. Should they meet again, he wondered to what extent this human, who sought to compare himself with Saga, could evolve under the Skull Lord’s tutelage.

“Continue to grow, then come before me seeking vengeance.”

“When that time comes, I will tear you apart with my own claws.”

As the blood-red world faded and sunlight enveloped him once more, the dragon murmured to himself.

“As for the Skull Lord…”

Saga narrowed his eyes, pondering how to deal with this malevolent deity.

A psychic glow ignited in his gaze, his thoughts whirling with ideas.

Eventually, he sighed in resignation and shook his head.

The gap was simply too vast; even if he exhausted all his psychic energy and continuously used thought storms, he couldn’t conceive a viable plan.

The disparity was just too great; Saga was currently powerless against the deity.

There was only one way Saga could influence the Skull Lord.

And it was quite simple.

That was—to tattle to the Dragon God.

The Dragon Kind was not without divine protection.

Among the myriad deities, the Dragon God was not one to be trifled with. An evil god from the external multiverse would be suppressed within the Great Ring Multiverse. Even if it was a higher deity in its own universe, it stood no chance against the Dragon God here, especially not against the Platinum Dragon God.

However, Saga had not refrained from praying to the Dragon God.

After encountering the Skull Lord, Saga had prayed to the Dragon God more than once, but alas, he never received any response.

The children of the Dragon Kind were scattered throughout the Great Ring Multiverse.

The Dragon God was constantly bombarded with prayers from countless True Dragons, most of which were pleas for protection or treasures. It was impossible for the Dragon God to listen to and respond to each one; only a fortunate few ever received a response.

Unfortunately, Saga was not one of those lucky ones.

Unable to rely on the Dragon God, Saga had no other recourse.

“Though I may reign supreme over these Near Seas, I am still too weak.”

“The world is vast, the journey long, and formidable foes abound.”

“Reliance on external forces is ultimately unreliable unless one has reached the pinnacle of the world, able to do as one pleases, reigning over the infinite multiverse. Otherwise, one day, I may meet my end.”

“On the path to strength, I must tread more firmly.”

Saga took a deep breath, lifted his draconic head, and gazed into the clear blue sky, silently resolving in his heart.

“But let’s try one last time.”

“Perhaps this time, I’ll receive a response from the Dragon God.”

With that, he made another attempt to tattle to the Dragon God, albeit with a sense of trial.

The pantheon of Dragon Gods was not small.

There was Karrilex, the Dragon God of Destruction and Ruin; Landis, the Dragon God of Judgment and Justice; Tamara, the Dragon God of Life; and Kuronips, the Dragon God of Judgment and Fate. The most powerful among them, unquestionably, was the Platinum Dragon God, the deity most revered by the Metal Dragon Kind.

The Platinum Dragon God, the Holy Dragon of Paradise, the Lord of the North Wind, the Metal Dragon God. He had many titles, also known as Bahamut.

The hellish overlord that served as the energy core of the Red Dragoness was a near-deity, not much weaker than an ordinary deity.

Yet, when the Platinum Dragon God, merely possessing the body of the Golden Dragonfather, descended, he effortlessly defeated the hellish overlord.

Apart from his formidable combat prowess.

It was said that the Platinum Dragon God also quietly watched over every Golden Dragon, all of whom were his favored children. Occasionally, he would bless a Golden Dragon he favored, a common occurrence across many planes.

“But I am a half-blood Golden Dragon, perhaps not under the watchful eye of the Platinum Dragon God.”

Thinking this, Saga shook his head, pondering:

“Not necessarily. Otherwise, with the Skull Lord’s power, he could have forcibly intervened. It was through my prayers to the many Dragon Gods that I repelled him during our first encounter.”

Taking a deep breath, Saga’s expression turned solemn. He adjusted his mindset, closed his eyes, and prayed to the Platinum Dragon God in his heart.

“Great Lord of the North Wind, Platinum Dragon God, I pray to you.”

“I pray that you hear my call, that you protect your children from the clutches of the evil god. In gratitude, I will offer you the treasures of an entire nation.”

As he prayed, Saga mentally recounted his encounter with the Skull Lord.

After a while.

Under the clear sky, a sea breeze carrying dust brushed past, and the Golden Dragon opened his eyes in disappointment, barely perceptible shaking of his head.

“Indeed, even the Dragon God is unreliable.”

Saga muttered in his heart:

“No wonder most True Dragons no longer worship the Dragon God. When it matters most, you can’t count on them. Which serious dragon believes in gods?”

The Dragon Kind revered the Dragon God.

But among a hundred True Dragons, there might not be even one devout follower.

This was also why the divine rank of the Dragon Gods was not high.

Of course, the combat power of the Dragon Gods could not be measured by divine rank, for they were gods but also near-deities; first dragons, then gods.

Long ago, the Dragon Gods were indeed higher deities, and the faith of the Dragon Kind was firm and widespread.

As for why the faith of the Dragon Kind has become so weak now, the records are vague, seemingly related to the ancient Dragonfall Wars, but the specifics are unknown.


Just as Saga had given up on praying to the Platinum Dragon God and had just criticized him a little.

A voice as deep as thunder, comforting and empowering to dragons, boomed from within his soul.

“I know.”

The statement was brief yet forceful.

Receiving a response from the Dragon God, Saga was taken aback, then sheepishly smiled and scratched his dragon horn.

“Uh, great Platinum Dragon God, how do you plan to deal with the Skull Lord?”

He inquired in his heart.

No response.

“Eh? Dragon God, are you still there?”

Saga asked again.

Still no response.

The voice seemed like an illusion, but Saga couldn’t possibly be hallucinating, and the divine and majestic feeling couldn’t be faked. The Dragon God had indeed responded to him.


Apart from the brief reply of “I know,” Saga could no longer elicit any response from the Dragon God, no matter how much he called out.

After calling out to the Dragon God in various ways for a few seconds, Saga ceased his attempts to further pester the deity.

Although he received no further response, Saga’s heart was somewhat relieved.

“Since the Platinum Dragon God has indicated that he knows, he should take some action.”

“Otherwise, there’s no need to reply to me at all.”

With a flick of his tail and a radiant smile, Saga declared:

“Skull Lord, you’ve picked on the wrong dragon.”

“I, Saga, have a god watching over me.”

In this world, it’s not just about strength; it’s also about having the right backing.

Races with divine protection tend to fare better than those without.

For example, within the Dragon Kind.

The Heavy Metal Dragons, once abandoned by the Dragon God, were prosperous and no weaker than the Chromatic, Metallic, or Gemstone Dragons. But now, they’ve dwindled to a mere handful, increasingly in decline.

“But how will the Platinum Dragon God act? The Skull Lord doesn’t seem like a simple evil god, and being from the external multiverse, his true body probably isn’t even in the Great Ring. Killing just a projection or avatar won’t do much good.”

Saga’s thoughts churned.

After a moment, the dragon shook his head, no longer dwelling on these matters.

“It’s not my place to intervene in the strife between deities.”

“It’s best not to get involved in divine conflicts at all.”


In the outer planes, on the second tier of the seven-tiered Paradise Peak in the heavenly realm of Mochuria.

Because golden light bathed everything, filling every inch of space, this tier was also known as the Golden Kingdom, and it was where the Platinum Dragon God’s divine realm was located.

In the divine realm of the North Wind.

A majestic dragon, resplendent with gold and silver light, coiled within a grand palace forged of divine metal. Centered around the dragon, a sacred and authoritative aura spread, invoking an involuntary sense of worship.

“Skull Lord, Tyrant Blood God.”

The Platinum Dragon God slowly lifted his head, his profound eyes reflecting the image of the Golden Dragon in the prime material world, contemplating something.

“No matter who you are, no matter where you hide, those who trouble the children of the Dragon Kind favored by me will pay a painful price.”

Would a half-blood Golden Dragon receive the Dragon God’s attention?

The answer is yes.

Especially one as outstanding as Saga; it would be difficult not to notice him.

However, deities do not casually offer protection to their children.

If Saga were on the brink of death in his battles with Duke Tsunami or The Indestructible Fang, no matter how much he prayed to the Platinum Dragon God, he would not receive a response.

In the eyes of the Dragon God, those who have not weathered storms and live solely under protection are not true dragons.

But if a deity-level being bullies the lesser, then the Dragon God has a reason to step in, like the hellish overlord who once coveted the soul of a legendary Golden Dragon and felt the wrath of the Platinum Dragon God.

The existence of deities is mainly to protect their kin from oppression by other deities.

As for conflicts among mortals, deities seldom intervene.

Suddenly, the divine body of the Platinum Dragon God vanished from the palace, whereabouts unknown, as well as any plans.

In the prime material world, on Saiga Planet, in the Near Seas, on Starfall Island.

Saga calmed his spirit and looked around.

Within his sight, the aftermath of battles left destruction and ruin, the ground collapsed and fissured, a desolate scene of devastation.

Saga turned his head as if searching for something.

Seconds later, his gaze shifted, and he extended his dragon claw.

An invisible force erupted, and from a crevice in the ground, the crystalline Blood Chalice appeared in Saga’s talons.

“This artifact amplified The Indestructible Fang to legendary status. Though it looks a bit sinister and evil, it should be a valuable treasure worth keeping.”

After examining his spoils of war, Saga prepared to stow it away.


The Blood Chalice began to shake, cracks appearing one after another until it shattered into lusterless fragments.

The Tyrant Blood God had taken The Indestructible Fang; how could he allow The Indestructible Fang to die from using the Blood Chalice? Under his protection, the legendary artifact’s effects were nullified and destroyed.

Looking at the shattered Blood Chalice.



The Golden Dragon was annoyed, spewing dragon fire to incinerate the fragments of the Blood Chalice, out of sight, out of mind.

“Skull Lord, you truly deserve to die!” Saga blamed everything on the Skull Lord.

At the same time.

On Yarl Continent, within a dark forest, in an underground tomb.

In a laboratory filled with necromantic runes, strange magical tools, and instruments, a figure clad in a black robe, withered like a mummy and manipulating magical instruments, suddenly paused.

Two blue flames ignited in the pupils, cold and dangerous.

The legendary lich crushed a glass vial filled with green liquid in her hand, uttering a dangerous whisper:

“My Blood Chalice! Who is it, who destroyed my Blood Chalice!”

The Blood Chalice was crafted by the legendary lich, a legendary artifact that might restore her beautiful body. If it absorbed enough powerful blood, then, by drinking it, the lich could have a chance to break free from the shackles of her undead form, achieving eternal life without the mind and body being eroded by the undead form.

The legendary lich had high hopes for the Blood Chalice.

However, the artifact had its flaws; for instance, the user must willingly drink the blood within, without any resistance, for the Blood Chalice to harvest the blood—a sort of magical contract.

The adventuring team managed to take the Blood Chalice from the tomb, which the legendary lich had allowed intentionally.

She had sensed The Indestructible Fang’s vigorous life force and deliberately let the Blood Chalice fall into his hands, waiting for him to use it and then harvest his life force.

She had clearly felt a creature drink the blood from the chalice.

But afterward, the Blood Chalice sent a signal of destruction.

“Only a legendary being of my caliber could destroy my Blood Chalice.”

The flames in the lich’s eyes flickered as she calmed down, sensing the last known area of the Blood Chalice, thinking:

“The Western Sea. No rush, I’ll finish this spell I’m working on, then head to the Western Sea to investigate.”

For an immortal undead lich, the perception of time is vastly different from that of ordinary beings; a few years are but a blink of an eye.

She was researching a legendary spell and might not leave the tomb for a decade.

A decade meant little to a lich; she didn’t think it would be too late to set out after ten years.

On Starfall Island, within the ruins of Tevel Duchy.

After confirming that the severely wounded druid and Holy Knight had perished in the aftermath of the battle.

The Golden Dragon spread its wings and soared, its body casting a vast shadow as it eclipsed the sun.

Just as Saga was about to leave Starfall Island to finish off the tri-duchy legion still resisting, an incredibly angry voice reached his ears.

The ninth-tier fire Caster, pale and staggering, looked up at the sky.

“Damn Evil Dragon, look at what you’ve done!”

He roared in rebuke at the Golden Dragon.

Saga paused, then turned and looked down at the fire Caster.

The fire Caster had almost lost his ability to fight after the protective magic array was destroyed. Saga had ignored him, planning to deal with him later, but he didn’t expect the fire Caster to provoke him.

Under the gaze of the Golden Dragon, the fire Caster’s body trembled slightly.

But he still glared at Saga, his voice filled with grief and anger:

“So many innocent citizens of my country have died because of you. You will go to hell sooner or later!”

The dragon’s expression was calm, his voice low:

“I do not mind making way for weak ants, but only if… I can see them.”

Many humans had perished in the wake of his battles, but Saga didn’t care.

He had no habit of slaughtering ordinary beings. However, Saga, with half of his blood from the Red Dragon, would not feel any psychological burden for the casualties caused during his battles.

Hearing the dragon’s cold and merciless words, the fire Caster’s breath hitched, and he fell silent.

Then, with the sound of whispered incantations, the fire Caster’s body ignited, his life and magic power burning together, squeezing out his last potential, turning into a massive fireball, soaring into the sky, and crashing toward the Golden Dragon.


Saga exhaled a breath of golden dragon fire, engulfing the fireball with rolling flames.

Next, the Golden Dragon reigned over the battlefield where the five-nation punitive force and the tri-duchy resistance force were clashing.

Within a mere minute, the chaotic war came to an end.

The war ended, and the surviving soldiers of the tri-duchy legion surrendered, becoming prisoners.


Within a day, Tevel Duchy, Moris Duchy, and Peran Duchy, the three duchies that opposed Saga, surrendered one after another, swearing fealty to the King of the Near Seas, hoping for his forgiveness.

However, their surrender did not bring mercy from the King of the Near Seas.

After all, Saga had already given them a chance.

As the saying goes—do not say you were not warned.

A storm of bloodshed descended, and in a short time, the nobility of the three duchies were purged, their territories granted to the five wise duchies that had sided with Saga, quickly divided among them.

After the turmoil, only five nations remained in the Near Seas.

In the Near Seas region, Saga officially solidified his title as the King of the Near Seas, becoming the undisputed ruler, with power at his fingertips.

From then on, all creatures of the Near Seas lived under the wings of the Emperor Dragon.

The name of the King of the Near Seas was now known to all in the coastal regions of Yarl Continent.

Countless people learned of the existence of such a powerful True Dragon who could sweep through his peers and even defeat legends beyond his rank.

More adventurers and monster tribes flocked to the Near Seas, making the already bustling region even livelier.

The monsters mainly came to follow the King of the Near Seas.

As for the adventurers, many renowned and powerful ones believed the tales of the King of the Near Seas to be fabricated, doubting the existence of such a powerful dragon and challenging him.

But without exception, they were subdued, swearing allegiance to the King of the Near Seas, or they perished.

Not long after, on the magically rebuilt Starfall Island, in the central area, a genuine golden palace was constructed with the wealth offered by the five duchies, named the Emperor Dragon Palace, serving as Saga’s residence.

The original citizens of Tevel Duchy on Starfall Island were all relocated to other duchies’ territories.

The location here was better than the Grayrock Archipelago, more central in the Near Seas rather than on the edge, with richer resources and a more beautiful environment. Therefore, Saga chose it as his dwelling place for himself and his kin.

Meanwhile, after a series of intense battles.

Within the resplendent Emperor Dragon Palace, where gold and silver treasures and various magical artifacts filled the sleeping chamber like a river, Saga once again felt a deep weariness.

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