Chapter 217 – The selection of heroes by the terrifying and cruel god—The Indestructible Fang, the battle ends

A vast number of Tevel Duchy’s citizens perished in the aftermath.

As for the priest who was hit directly, one can only imagine the consequences under such a terrifying force.


Dragon wings unfurled, a gust of wind arose, and the dust in the sky was blown away. The Golden Dragon, situated at the center of the collapsed ground, shone with scales that glittered brilliantly. He looked up, his gaze calm and indifferent, towards The Indestructible Fang that resembled a blood-red meteor.

Having used a plethora of explosive abilities, The Indestructible Fang’s momentum had reached a peak, seemingly a step away from legend, as if it could step into the legendary realm at any moment. In this state, the earth-shattering slash executed by The Indestructible Fang was unparalleled in might.

“This guy is getting desperate.”

“Good, let’s finish this once and for all.”

Feeling the formidable force of The Indestructible Fang’s strike, Saga thought silently while taking a deep breath.

The Indestructible Fang’s blood surged, his earth-shattering slash locked onto Saga, descending from the sky.

He carried a cataclysmic force, and his speed increased, becoming more potent. Meanwhile, The Indestructible Fang was bathed in blood, as if he couldn’t withstand the pressure of his own abilities, with cracks spreading across his skin, growing in number.

The distance between them rapidly closed.

Even before the blow struck, the ground beneath Saga began to crack, shattered by the sharpness of the earth-shattering slash, leaving long cross-shaped marks on the surface.

The dragon abruptly raised its neck and exhaled.


The prepared annihilation dragon breath was released, soaring into the sky, leaving a trail of void, engulfing The Indestructible Fang.

However, sensing mortal danger, The Indestructible Fang did not charge head-on like he did against Saga’s electromagnetic pulse dragon breath last time. His wings flapped behind him, his body twisting and turning with agile evasion. Saga’s neck rotated, his dragon breath chasing The Indestructible Fang, but unable to hit.

The annihilation dragon breath was powerful and indestructible, but not without flaws.

It struggled to hit enemies with swift movements.

Unwilling to waste Power Essence any further, Saga ceased using the annihilation dragon breath.

“King of the Near Seas, let me tear your body apart!”

The Indestructible Fang growled lowly, his eyes wild with madness.

Blood warriors, when fighting beyond their limits, gradually lose their sanity, becoming frenzied, yet not utterly mad, retaining a sliver of reason while gaining formidable combat power.

“A firefly’s light, daring to compete with the sun and moon?”

Saga’s wings flapped behind him, and amidst the broken earth and ruins of buildings, his majestic body rose upright.

Taking a deep breath, the remaining Power Essence in his body continuously converged towards his right claw. The dragon claw, radiant with golden light, exuded an extremely heavy texture, causing the surrounding air to unnaturally twist like a vortex.

Twisting his waist, retracting his claw, he charged up.

Then, as The Indestructible Fang’s earth-shattering slash approached, the Golden Dragon sprang into action.

Transcendent Heavy Punch!

In an instant.

Feet planted on the ground, striking from below, the Golden Dragon’s Transcendent Heavy Punch was thrown inch by inch, colliding heavily with the cross-shaped giant axe glow at the forefront of the blood-red meteor.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still.


The entire world lost its color.

The terrifying sound of the air exploding, like the ringing of a great bell, echoed through the heavens. A ring-shaped shockwave burst forth from the center of The Indestructible Fang and Saga, tearing apart the surrounding ground, shattering and flinging debris, turning countless rocks into dust. Numerous ordinary people were reduced to bone and ash in the aftermath of the battle, with only those of Transcendent rank or above, and at a considerable distance, barely clinging to life.

The terrible shockwave even radiated to the seas surrounding Starfall Island, causing the sea to boil and tsunamis to roll.

Waves swept towards the distance, one after another.

The magnitude was vast and terrifying, with countless sea creatures killed by the shock, their blood staining the ocean.


At the center of the most terrifying shockwave, accompanied by the splattering of axe fragments, a twisted blood-red figure was flung backward, carving a long trench in the ground.

The Indestructible Fang was bathed in blood, his arms broken, flesh mangled, his previously rising aura plummeting, becoming feeble.

On the other side.

In a deeply sunken ring-shaped pit, the Golden Dragon’s majestic body stood tall, shrouded in smoke and dust, appearing fierce yet indistinct.

Blood dripped from his claw, a giant cross-shaped imprint deeply embedded into his dragon claw, the hard scales nearly completely severed, waves of intense pain washing over him.

Although not a serious injury.

Such wounds were rare for Saga.

The pain did not change Saga’s expression; he gazed towards The Indestructible Fang, who was in an even worse state, and said:

“Human, to stand as my equal, you still have a long way to go. However, you are not mediocre, and I found this battle quite enjoyable.”

His voice paused, then Saga calmly said:

“But that’s as far as it goes.”

On the other side, hearing the Golden Dragon’s words, The Indestructible Fang, severely wounded, his vigorous blood no longer flowing, covered in terrible injuries, fell silent for a few seconds.

Three companions dead, two critically injured and on the brink of death, their fate unknown, he himself in a dire situation.

Rage boiled within The Indestructible Fang, searing his nerves.

“Is that so? Then you’ve miscalculated.”

He suddenly burst into laughter.

With a flip of his hand, a cup appeared, intricately carved, as white as jade, semi-transparent, but filled with blood-like liquid, giving off a sacred yet evil aura.

Saga’s gaze sharpened.

Although he did not know what The Indestructible Fang had brought out, Saga’s instincts told him it was no simple matter.

“Let’s die together, King of the Near Seas!”

The Indestructible Fang raised the White Jade Blood Cup, tilted his head back, drank it in one gulp, and then casually tossed the cup into the surrounding ruins.

The cup he used, known as the Blood Chalice, was a magical artifact that the adventuring team had obtained by chance from the tomb of a legendary lich after enduring countless hardships.

Drinking the blood from the Blood Chalice, the drinker would gain unprecedented power, but at the end of the duration, the drinker would also explode and die, including the blood previously consumed and their own blood, which would return to the Blood Chalice, enhancing its effect.

After drinking the blood from the Blood Chalice.

The Indestructible Fang’s face contorted, as if enduring immense pain, and he began to breathe heavily, his wounds healing, his aura skyrocketing, breaking through the ninth rank limit and reaching the legendary realm.

Feeling the unprecedented power.

The Indestructible Fang stared at the Golden Dragon, showing no fear of the impending death, instead laughing heartily and saying:

“King of the Near Seas, Emperor Dragon.”

“You think I’m not worthy to stand as your equal, then, about to die at my hands, being dragged down by the ant in your eyes, what are your thoughts?”


Saga shook his head, showing a hint of pity for The Indestructible Fang, and with a slight smile, said:

“Even if it means sacrificing your life to take me down with you.”

“Admirable resolve.”

“But, adventurer, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed.”

Breaking through the tri-duchy legion’s blockade, then shattering the national protective formation, battling Duke Tsunami, facing the elite adventuring team. After a series of battles, Saga had nearly exhausted the Power Essence within his body, but facing The Indestructible Fang, whose aura had climbed to legendary and unprecedented strength, the Golden Dragon remained unfazed, as calm as ever.

The Indestructible Fang looked puzzled, not understanding where Saga’s confidence came from.

But in the next second, he understood Saga’s source of confidence.


A dragon scale on Saga’s chest suddenly turned blood red.

The red spread like a plague, dyeing the Golden Dragon into a Red Dragon, but this was just the beginning.

The blood-red color continued to spread, in an instant, dyeing a large area of space, including The Indestructible Fang, in blood-red. The sky, the ground, the ocean, even the wind, all turned blood-red, and with the scene of devastation here, it was as if hell had descended upon the material world.


Blood-red chains appeared out of thin air, instantly wrapping around The Indestructible Fang’s limbs.

The Indestructible Fang was slightly taken aback, then furious, his blood boiling.

The chains trembled incessantly, but they revealed an incredibly tough and indestructible nature, pulling The Indestructible Fang into a spread-eagle position, rigid and straight, no matter how he struggled, they did not break.

On the other side.

A blood-red spear gradually appeared, floating beside Saga, twenty meters long, even longer than Saga’s current body length, with black and red hellfire burning on it.

Extending his dragon claw, he grasped the blood spear.

The ‘Red Dragon’s’ bleeding claw healed rapidly, and black and red hellfire ignited all over his body.

Feeling the terrifying might of the hellfire blood spear, as if it could kill a legend in one strike, Saga thought, “Feels even stronger than the Golden Halo Body Shield.”

The Golden Dragonfather gave Saga the Golden Halo Body Shield when he was not yet a demigod.

The Red Dragoness gave Saga this attack technique after reaching the demigod level, naturally stronger than the Golden Halo Body Shield.

Looking towards The Indestructible Fang, the Red Dragon grinned:

“Thinking of dying together with me, you’re overestimating yourself.”

As he spoke, the dragon gripped the blood spear and hurled it.

The giant blood spear silently traversed the blood-red space, shooting straight towards The Indestructible Fang’s tiny body.

On the other side, bound by chains, unable to move, The Indestructible Fang watched in horror as the dragon raised the blood spear, targeting and throwing it at him, his eyes bloodshot, his mouth roaring in unwillingness.

“Why, why is this happening?”

“I can’t accept this!”

The Indestructible Fang roared, his aura becoming more violent, his skin cracking, his blood burning wildly, turning into waves of powerful force, causing the chains that bound him to clang loudly, even cracks appearing.

But no matter how mad The Indestructible Fang was, he could never break free from the chains.

Although both could exert legendary power, there were differences, and clearly, Saga’s hellfire blood spear was superior.

Reflecting the oncoming hellfire blood spear in his eyes, The Indestructible Fang felt a surge of madness and unwillingness, roaring continuously.

He did not fear death, but such a death was meaningless.


Just as The Indestructible Fang’s rage and unwillingness reached their peak, time seemed to freeze.

A grand and deep voice, as if the clash of weapons mixed with the sounds of battle, entered The Indestructible Fang’s mind.

“Mortal, I am the Skull Lord, also revered by the world as the Tyrant Blood God.”

“I have heard your unwillingness, your defiance and madness have won my favor.”

“Pray, utter my prayer, become my apostle, my chosen hero, and I will free you from peril, grant you rebirth, and return with a vengeance.”

The Indestructible Fang was momentarily stunned.

“Chosen hero. What must I pay?” Amidst his madness, he had not lost all reason, knowing that everything came at a price, he asked.

“Battle, endless battle, until the high mountains are replaced by skull temples, until the vast oceans are filled with blood! Until the end of the world!”

The Skull Lord gave a firm response.


“This is not a price for me!”

The Indestructible Fang’s eyes seemed to ignite with flames as he declared resolutely.

In an instant, time resumed its flow.

The hellfire blood spear approached.

In the depths of his mind, The Indestructible Fang followed the voice, roaring to the heavens: “Blood sacrifice to the Blood God, skulls offered to the skull throne!”


A blood-colored phantom sitting on a brass throne appeared behind The Indestructible Fang, waved a hand, and a blood vortex sprouted from nowhere, sucking The Indestructible Fang right in.

Without a target, the hellfire blood spear shot towards the blood phantom.

The blood phantom raised its broad palm, accurately grasping the hellfire blood spear, effortlessly snapping it in two.

Seeing the familiar and majestic blood phantom, Saga’s pupils suddenly constricted.

At the same time, the blood phantom looked down, giving the ‘Red Dragon’ a deep glance.

“My champion, thank you for selecting a hero for me, we shall meet again.”

As it spoke, the Skull Lord’s phantom dissipated, appearing for only a moment, then leaving Saga with a gloomy expression.

The appearance of the Skull Lord was unexpected for Saga.

This meant that this deity from the external multiverse had always been watching him from the shadows, which is why The Indestructible Fang, who fought Saga, caught his attention.

A deep sense of unease and anger rose within Saga.

But he remained silent, not raging impotently, suppressing it deep within his heart, and noting the Skull Lord’s actions.


All who opposed Saga, either were subdued or mercilessly killed by him.

But due to the intervention of the Skull Lord, a malevolent deity, The Indestructible Fang became the only one to have slipped away alive from Saga’s grasp, whereabouts unknown, taken by the Skull Lord. Saga had a strong premonition that The Indestructible Fang would reappear before him in the future.

By then, as the Skull Lord’s chosen hero, this already talented human, blessed by a deity, would undoubtedly become even stronger.

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