Chapter 216 – Have you been a dragon? Of course not!

Under the scorching sun, the adventurers felt no warmth.

Gazing at the Golden Emperor Dragon, whose regal presence overflowed like a sovereign, and then at the ghastly remains of their two companions, they shivered with cold despite the sweltering heat.

The death of two close companions for many years.

This left the remaining adventurers wary, fearful, and chillingly angry. On one hand, they wanted to slay the dragon immediately to avenge their fallen friends; on the other, they were daunted by the dragon’s might, their minds torn.

The Indestructible Fang’s expression darkened as he stared intently at the Golden Dragon before him.

“King of the Near Seas, I will sever your head to honor the souls of my departed companions!”

With rage boiling within him, the blood mist around The Indestructible Fang grew denser.

To this, the Golden Dragon scoffed dismissively:

“You? Hah, have you ever been a dragon? Wishful thinking.”

“An ant who knows not the vastness of heaven and earth dares to compare itself to me.”

After a pause, Saga’s gaze sharpened, his voice low and grave:

“Adventurer, exhaust your strength, deplete your cunning, and try by any means to tear apart my body.”

“Then, it will be my turn to shatter all your efforts and let you truly understand the chasm between humans and dragons.”

Across from him, The Indestructible Fang took a deep breath, his muscles crisscrossed with bulging veins, blood surging within.

With a sweep of his blood wings, he silently raised his battle axe and struck head-on at the Golden Dragon.

At the same time, the other three adventurers set aside their sorrow, transforming grief and fear into strength, and once again launched a tempestuous assault on the Golden Dragon.

The Silver Dragon held its head high, magic power flowing like a torrent, its dragon chant unceasing.

A massive ice-blue magic array appeared in the sky, with crystalline snowflakes and a storm descending from above, the air’s temperature plummeting to a bone-chilling cold in an instant.

Thousands of sharp ice spears emerged from the magic array, raining down like a deluge, funnel-shaped, relentless and continuous, targeting the Golden Dragon below.

This was a power akin to a ninth-tier shaping spell—Ice Spear Hell!

The Holy Knight hurled his heavy hammer.

In mid-air, the knight’s hammer glowed with a dazzling white light, then split from one to three, and three to nine, quickly forming a river of cold, heavy hammers, rushing towards Saga.

The Hammer of Catastrophe!

The priest clasped his hands, eyes slightly closed, praying skyward.


A white lightning bolt, swift as lightning, descended from the sky.

Divine Retribution!

Among the many attacks, the priest’s signature offensive divine art struck first.

The lightning of retribution hit the Golden Dragon’s body instantly, but could not penetrate the invisible force field barrier, kept at bay, while the sky full of ice spears and countless hammers continued to strike the dragon’s body.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Like eggs against a rock, the ice spears shattered, the hammers deflected and sent flying, occasionally colliding with the ice spears and breaking apart.

At this moment, the area around Saga became a zone of extreme danger, yet he stood at the center, unscathed.

Feeling the rapid depletion of his power essence, Saga narrowed his eyes, contemplating:

“I need to end this quickly. My defense is built on the consumption of power essence. Their attacks are strong and drain a significant amount of power essence. Once it’s exhausted and I can no longer use my basic force techniques, the battle will become troublesome.”

Although he had a legendary spell given by the Red Dragoness, Saga felt it would be a waste to use it against a group of adventurers who hadn’t reached legendary status. This trump card was reserved for legendary foes he couldn’t handle yet.


The Indestructible Fang also approached within the dangerous zone created by the ice spears and hammers, violently cleaving towards the dragon’s head.

Below, the priest continued to use divine arts, providing The Indestructible Fang with enhancement effects.

Holy Blessing!

A sacred radiance entwined around The Indestructible Fang, mingling with his blood aura, adding to his might.

The dragon twisted its body, its tail with a longer reach sweeping out, exploding the air with a ring of shockwaves, heavily smashing towards The Indestructible Fang.

The Indestructible Fang flapped his blood wings, rising above the sweep of the dragon tail.

His wings slightly folded, his body spun rapidly, wielding the battle axe, dodging while simultaneously striking Saga’s tail like a whirlwind, leaving numerous shattered marks on the scales.

Holy Blessing enhanced The Indestructible Fang’s defense, speed, strength, reaction, and more, making him even harder to hit.

At this time, the chaotic assault of ice spears and hammers came to an end.

The Silver Dragon and the Holy Knight, one on each side, coordinated with The Indestructible Fang, attacking the Golden Dragon together.

Missing with its tail sweep, Saga, having turned around, raised his arms and then brought them down heavily towards The Indestructible Fang.

At the same time, he twisted his head, looking towards the Silver Dragon on his left.

“Nearly dead once and you dare face me again, you’ve got guts. Well then, a tiny insect clad in dragon’s skin, let’s have you die once more.”

The Silver Dragon opened its mouth, releasing a frosty dragon breath towards Saga’s head.


The Golden Dragon also exhaled dragon breath.

A thick, viscous golden flame breath poured out from Saga’s mouth, colliding with the Silver Dragon’s frosty breath, then unstoppable, it devoured and evaporated the Silver Dragon’s breath, continuing forward.

The broad dragon wings, carrying a roaring wind, smashed towards the Holy Knight, not known for his speed.

At that moment, The Indestructible Fang twisted his body, lowering his altitude, avoiding the Golden Dragon’s claw strike.

However, before The Indestructible Fang could counterattack, blinding lightning and electric currents suddenly burst forth from the dragon’s claws.

Immediately, the dragon’s claws collided heavily.

Electromagnetic Rotational Blast!


Dazzling electromagnetic radiance spread out, centered on the colliding claws of the dragon, expanding instantly like a thunderball, engulfing The Indestructible Fang, who was too close and unable to evade.

Crackling with leaping electric light, The Indestructible Fang flapped his blood wings and burst out from the thunderball’s range, distancing himself from the Golden Dragon, but in an instant, his body was charred black, his flesh blurred, nearly carbonized.

At the same time, the golden flame breath swallowed the Silver Dragon’s frost breath, engulfing the Silver Dragon, who showed fear behind its mask, in flames.

A scream sounded as the Silver Dragon, bathed in fire, lost its combat ability under the burning of the thick golden flames, plummeting to the ground like a meteor.

Fire and ice opposed each other.

Fire-based attacks dealt more damage to the ice-based Silver Dragon.

Saga seldom used his flame breath, mainly relying on basic force skills against enemies, but as a hybrid of the Red and Golden Dragons, both fire-based True Dragons, his dragon fire was actually very powerful and a formidable attack method.

As the Silver Dragon was engulfed in flames and fell towards the ground.

The Holy Knight, struck by the dragon’s wing, also crashed towards the earth like a shooting star.

Bang! Bang!

Two deafening sounds erupted, the island’s ground shook, and the upheaval of earth and stone was like a tidal wave, forming two craters, one large and one small.


The priest showed a deep weariness, sighed, and desperately used divine arts to heal the Silver Dragon and the Holy Knight.


A dragon-shaped shadow that blotted out the sky loomed over him.

“Little one, do you think you’re safe?”

The deep Dragon Tongue resonated within the priest’s mind.

The priest’s breath hitched.

In the sky, thanks to his terrifying self-healing ability and the priest’s divine art, The Indestructible Fang had almost fully recovered, then watching the Golden Dragon pounce towards the priest, his heart sank.

“Be careful!”

While shouting to warn the priest, The Indestructible Fang extended his arm, aiming at the Golden Dragon from afar.

Bloodthirsty Hand!

The Indestructible Fang’s arm and hand turned blood-red in an instant, exuding a tremendous pulling force, tugging at the blood within the Golden Dragon’s body.

This was one of the Berserker’s skills, capable of directly grabbing distant enemies, causing them to involuntarily approach oneself.

However, the Golden Dragon merely paused before continuing its assault on the priest as if nothing had happened.

“Damn, his defense isn’t limited to physical strikes?”

The Indestructible Fang’s heart sank.

Just now, he had only felt the flow of the Golden Dragon’s blood for an instant, cut off the moment he activated Bloodthirsty Hand.

The Indestructible Fang slapped his chest heavily.

Blood Vigor!

Blood Explosion!

Blood Ignition!

Suddenly, his blood circulated rapidly within his body, burning continuously, steaming more blood flames on his surface, The Indestructible Fang’s aura surged by leaps and bounds.

At the cost of a prolonged weakened state, he executed an overdrive burst skill.

Heaven Splitting Earth Cleaving Slash!

With a roar, The Indestructible Fang, like a blood-red meteor, plummeted at high speed, chasing the Golden Dragon.

His battle axe became entirely blood-red, his blood burning and boiling, forming a massive cross-shaped sharpness in front of the ‘blood-red meteor,’ as if it could split anything.

At the same time, the Golden Dragon was now just a short distance from the priest.

The priest took a deep breath, calming himself down, and cast a space-based divine art.

Blink of Space!

In an instant, the priest’s body shone with pure light, the surrounding space rippled, undulating like water.

Psychic Dimensional Lock!

Saga’s gaze focused, his mind resonating.

Under the influence of the divine art, the active undulating space suddenly became stable again, motionless.

During the last encounter with the Eight Nations’ Joint Army, because the caster’s space-based spells made dealing with them troublesome, Saga specifically learned a space-based psychic ability for dimensional locking.

His dimensional lock was not yet proficient, only able to seal space for a very short time.

If the target were a master proficient in space-based spells, it would have little effect.

However, it was enough to deal with the priest.

At that moment, the priest’s composure broke, his calmness gone, his face filled with fear and panic under the rapidly enlarging shadow of the dragon, unable to remain calm in the face of impending death.


The dragon’s body fell.

Among the rising dust and flying debris, the ground suddenly collapsed downward, cracking layer by layer, nearby rows of houses collapsed in pieces, as if it were the end of the world.

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