Chapter 213 – Reverse the Legend!

Beneath the dark clouds, the dim sky suddenly brightened, radiating a dazzling brilliance in all directions from the center where the Golden Emperor Dragon stood, coating the surrounding space with a layer of golden hue.

Everything within sight turned into a radiant golden color.

Accompanied by a sudden surge of terrifying might, worthy of legend, the already golden-scaled dragon seemed like a blazing sun at this moment. Each of its scales shone brilliantly, outshining even Duke Tsunami standing nearby.

“No wonder he dares to confront a legendary being head-on; he has such an ace up his sleeve.”

On Starfall Island, inside an unassuming three-story inn, The Indestructible Fang watched the battle between Duke Tsunami and the Golden Emperor Dragon in the sky. When he saw the splendid golden light rising from Saga, his gaze sharpened.

“Boss, it’s good that your intuition is sharp. Otherwise, if we had rashly made a move against the King of the Near Seas back in the Grayrock Archipelago, we might have all perished there.”

The female assassin calmed her serious mood and patted her chest with lingering fear.


As the female assassin spoke, a deafening explosion resounded between heaven and earth.

The golden dragon, resplendent and dazzling, shattered the Water God’s Blade with a swipe of its claw, roaring loudly as it spread its wings, tearing through the rain curtain and pouncing directly towards the water giant formed around Duke Tsunami.

“Who do you think will win, the King of the Near Seas or Duke Tsunami?”

The gunner watched the battle intently and spoke without thinking.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Around the water giant, countless streams of water flowed at high speed, like splashing waterfalls, resembling the whirlpools of the deep sea.


The golden dragon’s claws fiercely pierced the barrier formed by the rapidly rotating water, then tore it apart with a violent rip, creating a huge gap in the high-speed water stream that could shred steel.

“Clearly, Duke Tsunami is no match for the King of the Near Seas.”

The half-elf druid with a beautiful visage spoke quietly.


The Golden Emperor Dragon burst into the water giant, its aura overwhelming, and its dazzling golden light turned the water giant into a golden god-like figure from the inside out. It rampaged within, tearing open a path straight towards Duke Tsunami’s true body.

Faced with the ferocious Golden Emperor Dragon, Duke Tsunami had no choice but to abandon the water giant he had condensed with considerable energy. As his true body turned into flowing water and vanished from the spot, he reformed elsewhere.

Without the connection to Duke Tsunami’s true body, the water giant’s movements immediately became stiff and sluggish, but it did not collapse and disappear.


Bathed in golden raindrops, with his wet hair flying, Duke Tsunami glared at the Golden Dragon within the water giant. Veins bulged on his forehead as he growled and opened his palm, then clenched it heavily through the air.


The entire water giant twisted and spun, centering on where the Golden Dragon was, and in an instant, it became a giant vortex of high-speed water, attempting to crush and shatter the dragon’s body.

“It’s not necessarily so.”

The priest murmured, watching the scene.

“The King of the Near Seas is currently in a state formed by external forces, not his own power. If he can’t take down Duke Tsunami quickly, once the external force that allows him to rival a legend disappears, he will no longer be Duke Tsunami’s match.”

Watching the intense battle between Duke Tsunami and the Golden Dragon in the sky, the half-elf druid pursed her lips and said, “That’s possible.”

“But, why do I feel that Duke Tsunami won’t last that long?”

Meanwhile, within the high-altitude water vortex transformed from the water giant.

“Useless, useless, useless!”

Saga roared, his golden wings flapping violently.


Two blinding beams of golden light burst forth, like two giant golden blades tearing through the heavens and earth, directly piercing the giant water vortex and shredding it completely.

Free from the water vortex, the Golden Dragon did not pause for a moment. Its body blazed with golden flames like wildfire, evaporating the raindrops from the sky, and then, with its majestic body, it pierced through the rain curtain and pounced towards Duke Tsunami with unstoppable might.

On the other side, facing the oncoming Golden Dragon, Duke Tsunami’s gaze turned stern. His aura surged as he retreated, creating distance while swinging the gem-encrusted water blade from below upwards towards the Golden Dragon.

Whale’s Cry Slash!


The already tumultuous sea surface boiled over like hot water, rising tumultuously as the water transformed into a massive, heavy whale with a sharpness to it.

Amidst the ethereal and vast whale cries, the oceanic giant whale, nearly sixty meters long from head to tail, charged upwards towards the Golden Dragon.

Although Saga was using the Golden Halo Body Shield, his size did not change significantly; the shield did not increase his size.

The oceanic giant whale, with its imposing sharpness, was much larger than Saga.

However, facing the much larger oceanic giant whale, Saga showed no sign of panic, charging head-on without dodging.

In an instant, it was as if a meteor struck the earth.

Covered in brilliant golden light, Saga collided head-on with the oceanic giant whale. The golden radiance on his body resisted the blade-like water currents, and he pressed forward undeterred, tearing through and shredding the entire body of the oceanic giant whale with a fierce posture, chasing after Duke Tsunami.

Saga was incredibly fast, and the distance between them closed rapidly.

Seeing the Golden Dragon drawing closer, Duke Tsunami couldn’t help but change his expression, feeling a slight tremor deep within.

Although he was reluctant to admit it.

In front of the terrifying Golden Dragon, Duke Tsunami couldn’t help but feel a hint of fear.

Whether it was the Water God Slash or the Whale’s Cry Slash, both were Duke Tsunami’s powerful offensive abilities. They could easily pulverize a mountain made of metal and steel, but they were almost ineffective against the Golden Dragon.

“What has he used? To gain such a leap in strength.”

The Golden Halo Body Shield was a spell created by the Golden Dragonfather, enhancing the user’s physical attributes, especially defensive capabilities. Duke Tsunami, despite his vast experience, had never seen such spell effects and could not discern the origin of the Golden Halo Body Shield.


Taking a deep breath, Duke Tsunami quickly calmed his inner turmoil, his mood becoming steady and calm, even more so than when Saga had not yet activated the Golden Halo Body Shield. At this moment, Duke Tsunami treated Saga as an equal, no longer underestimating him in the slightest.


Duke Tsunami’s body was shattered by the charging Golden Dragon, but there was no blood splatter, only a large number of water droplets bursting, blending into the rain curtain and indistinguishable.

The awe-inspiring Golden Dragon paused slightly in the air, surveying its surroundings.

In the field of vision, the rainwater seemed to come to life, gathering on its own, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into hundreds of Duke Tsunamis surrounding the Golden Dragon, their gazes calm and bodies tense, ready to attack or counter at any moment.

Saga’s wings swept through, stirring up a storm, and he instantly pounced on the nearest Duke Tsunamis. His claws seemed to tear through space, sweeping across.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the attack of the massive Golden Dragon, three Duke Tsunamis who couldn’t dodge in time were enveloped by the claws and crushed into scattered water droplets.

Immediately after, the Golden Dragon launched a ferocious assault on Duke Tsunami.

Covered in the blazing Golden Halo Body Shield, every move Saga made carried tremendous destructive power. His entire massive body became a terrifying weapon of war—claws, wings, tail… every part of his body was imbued with immense destructive force.

In just a few seconds, countless Duke Tsunamis were smashed to pieces.

However, at this point, Duke Tsunami had completely given up on attacking.

Every time a body was shattered by the Golden Dragon, a new one would be reformed. Therefore, the number of Duke Tsunami bodies hovering near the Golden Dragon remained unchanged, neither increasing nor decreasing.

Under the current circumstances, the experienced Duke Tsunami knew the best way to respond.

The key was one word—delay!

Duke Tsunami’s eyes were sharp, and he had already seen that Saga’s current state was unnatural and could not last long.

Fighting Saga head-on in his berserk state would undoubtedly be foolish. Duke Tsunami’s strategy for the battle was to drag out time until Saga’s berserk state ended, and then, from a position of superiority, crush him with the overwhelming power of a higher life level.

Seeing Duke Tsunami’s movements, Saga’s thoughts turned, and he instantly understood Duke Tsunami’s intentions.

“Nice idea, but alas, you’re facing me, and I’m going to disappoint you.”

Saga grinned.

Duke Tsunami wanted to wait until Saga’s Golden Halo Body Shield duration ended.

And what Saga had to do was to take down Duke Tsunami within the duration of the Golden Halo Body Shield.


The ferocious assault of the Golden Dragon paused.

Under the watchful eyes of many Duke Tsunamis, Saga lowered his head, coiled his tail, and folded his wings, wrapping his body.

While using the Golden Halo Body Shield, Saga naturally understood the various effects of this powerful legendary spell, including the one he was now using.


Centered on the dragon’s body, waves of tangible golden light converged from all directions, and the raindrops dyed golden returned to their original color. The downpour continued unabated, and the world beneath the dark clouds returned to darkness.

In just one second, all the golden light disappeared.

The space returned to its original state.

Except now, the especially dazzling Golden Dragon, curled up like a ball in the sky like the sun, was exceptionally eye-catching.

An unprecedented sense of danger emerged in his heart.

Duke Tsunami’s eyelids twitched non-stop, his expression turning serious, and then he gritted his teeth, releasing more legendary power to condense more figures.

“Boss, should we make a move now? The King of the Near Seas seems to be losing his temper, and Duke Tsunami might not be able to withstand the next attack.”

“No rush, wait until the King of the Near Seas’ powerful state ends.”

“What about Duke Tsunami?”

“Um… I hope he can survive the King of the Near Seas’ attack without dying. Later, when we take down the King of the Near Seas, we can also save Duke Tsunami and do him a favor.”

At the same time.

Under the gaze of thousands, the curled-up Golden Dragon suddenly moved, its wings that covered the sky spread open.


Centered on the Golden Dragon, a ring of golden waves swept out, spreading in a circular pattern over a vast area, carrying an unstoppable force, and instantly evaporating swathes of the rain curtain.

Feeling the extreme danger and seeing the terrifying range of the attack, Duke Tsunami’s face turned pale.

Duke Tsunami wanted to dodge, but the spreading golden waves were incredibly fast.

In an instant, the golden waves swept over one Duke Tsunami after another, instantly crushing and vaporizing them.

Suddenly, when one Duke Tsunami was hit, all the remaining Duke Tsunamis trembled and shattered at the same time.

The only remaining Duke Tsunami spread his hands, resisting the outer edge of the golden wave, with a faintly visible circular water shield around him, which was quickly cracked by the sweeping golden wave.


Under the energy wave unleashed by the Golden Dragon, the tiny water shield shattered, and the golden wave rolled over Duke Tsunami, engulfing his body completely.

In an instant.

The powerful aura of a legendary being began to rapidly wane.


The outer ring of golden light swept over a portion of Starfall Island, vaporizing rocks, trees, wildlife, and beasts, leaving a huge gap at the edge of the sea as if bitten off by a giant beast.

When Saga first used the Golden Halo Body Shield, he instantly crushed the Necromancer, wasting most of its power because the opponent was not strong enough.


This spell bestowed by the Golden Dragonfather demonstrated its formidable power, not something ordinary legendary spells could compare with.

As time passed.

The waves released by the Golden Dragon also began to weaken and eventually dissipated.

Looking down at the ravaged scene below, Saga shook his head.

“This is the power I want.”

He whispered in his heart, looking forward to the day when he could wield such influence with his own strength.

In the field of vision, Duke Tsunami’s figure still stubbornly existed.

He had not died in this burst.

But he was not faring well either.

Duke Tsunami’s face was now pale as paper, fragile as if it could shatter at a touch, and his life force was as weak as a flickering candle in the wind, barely able to stand above the sea.

Looking up at the Golden Dragon in the sky, Duke Tsunami’s gaze became despondent.

A sharp sea breeze blew over, chilling his weak body.

“As a legend, to die in battle against a non-legendary creature… what an embarrassing end.”

Duke Tsunami was undoubtedly doomed to die, and even if he survived, it would only be for a few more days. His already scarce life force was now nearly exhausted.

At the same time.

The golden light on Saga’s body dimmed, and his powerful aura began to fall, gradually returning to his own level, and the abundant power that filled his body also began to dissipate.

Due to using the powerful ability inherent in the Golden Halo Body Shield, the duration of the shield was shortened, and now the duration had ended.

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