Chapter 212 – Crossing the legendary battle, gold shines again

As the words thundered across the sky, the earth shook and the mountains quivered. The small hill that had been violently trembling, with rocks tumbling down, suddenly exploded into countless fragments, scattering in all directions like a torrential downpour, creating a deafening roar.

At the same time.

A blue streak of light shot up into the sky amidst the stone rain, with overwhelming momentum, piercing the heavens.

“It’s Duke Tsunami! Duke Tsunami is still alive, that’s great.”

Starfall Island was quite large, originally home to two dukedoms that were hostile to each other due to sharing the same territory. When Duke Tevel reached the status of a legend, he conjured a massive tsunami in a battle that obliterated the opposing dukedom, unifying Starfall Island. Hence, Duke Tevel, who had become a legend, was also revered as Duke Tsunami.

Nowadays, in the central square of Tevel Duchy, there still stands a statue of Duke Tsunami, depicting a middle-aged man with a stern face, not given to frivolity, and a tall, upright figure, standing atop surging waves.

Many citizens of Tevel Duchy looked up at the sky, seeing the figure of Duke Tsunami, not particularly tall, but one that brought them great comfort.

This country has always been filled with stories about Duke Tsunami. However, because he had not shown himself for a long time, many ordinary people believed he had died. Of course, some thought he was just hiding in the shadows, hence the rumors and uncertain news.

“Duke Tsunami has appeared, Tevel Duchy is saved.”

“Indeed, our legendary duke couldn’t have died so easily. He’s been silently protecting our nation!”

“The King of the Near Seas is about to pay the price for his arrogance!”

With the appearance of Duke Tsunami, the previously panicked citizens of Tevel Duchy now brimmed with vitality, their faces filled with smiles.

Clearly, they believed that Duke Tsunami could deal with the King of the Near Seas and resolve the current crisis of Tevel Duchy.

It was normal to think this way. Duke Tsunami was a highly celebrated figure in the history of Tevel Duchy. As the first and only duke to reach the status of a legend, he held a heroic stature in the hearts of the nation’s people.

At the same time.

Saga narrowed his eyes, feeling the continuous oppressive aura belonging to a legendary creature, staring ahead.

Reflected in Saga’s golden dragon eyes was the figure of Duke Tsunami, similar to the statue standing in Tevel Duchy. The legendary duke had a resolute face with sharp features, a serious expression, not given to frivolity, and a pair of deep black eyes. Although he had just awakened from a centuries-long slumber, there was not a hint of confusion in his eyes, but rather a sense of steadiness and determination.

Wave after wave, like the howling of a tsunami, the legendary aura continuously radiated from Duke Tsunami, spreading far and wide.

Around Starfall Island, the sea, whether calm or not, now surged with great waves, roaring and boiling as if to cheer and celebrate the return of Duke Tsunami.

At the same time, Duke Tsunami was also sizing up the Golden Dragon before him.

Bathed in sunlight, the massive figure, scales dazzling with golden light, the unique and majestic triple pairs of dragon horns, the perfectly proportioned body, and the transcendent aura that most dragons lacked… all were reflected in Duke Tsunami’s vision.

His deep black eyes moved slightly, and Duke Tsunami calmly gazed at the Golden Dragon before him, murmuring:

“Is it you, the one who invaded Tevel Duchy under my protection, shattered the national defense formation I left behind, and woke me from my slumber?”

During his speech.

The oppressive might of a legendary creature, like surging waves, enveloped the Golden Dragon.

Saga’s spirit was resilient, and he had encountered numerous legendary dragons in Deep Sea Dragon City, even feeling the might of demigod dragons. Duke Tsunami, who had not ventured far into the legendary realm, was not powerful enough to elicit a significant reaction from Saga. To Saga, it felt like a gust of wind brushing against his face.

The legendary pressure was like a storm, but the Golden Dragon at its center remained unmoved.

Saga looked around and then met Duke Tsunami’s gaze without showing weakness, speaking in a tone of surprise:

“Who else could it be but me? Are you feigning ignorance or are you just naturally foolish?”

On the other side.

Hearing the Golden Dragon’s provocative words, Duke Tsunami’s gaze sharpened, and if an ordinary creature met his gaze, it might be blinded.

“Provoking a legend,” Duke Tsunami said expressionlessly, “should I praise your courage or mock your ignorance?”

“Do I need any courage for such a simple matter?”

The dragon laughed heartily, its dragon chant shaking the heavens.

“Enough talk. One of my purposes for coming here is to test the power of a legend.”

The dragon shook its neck, then stretched out its sturdy arm, hooking its sharp fingers at the legendary duke:

“Come on, don’t disappoint me.”

A mere non-legendary dragon… Facing the arrogant Golden Dragon, even the usually composed Duke Tsunami’s expression darkened.

Legendary beings are highly respected wherever they go, and it is rare for them to be directly challenged by non-legendary beings.

As Duke Tsunami became angry, the previously clear sky suddenly became overcast with dark clouds, as if they were about to collapse onto the sea, the atmospheric pressure dropped drastically, and in the blink of an eye, a torrential downpour began, with large raindrops forming a curtain between the dark sky and the boiling sea.

Creatures that have reached the legendary level have begun to gradually understand the essence of the world. Every move, even their mood, can affect the surrounding environment.

Duke Tsunami was originally an ordinary water warrior. After becoming a legend, he ascended to the lord of the ocean and gained the ability to influence the weather within a certain range, especially in the marine environment where he could exert even greater power.

At this moment.

The rain poured down, and tsunamis hundreds of feet high roared and tumbled like angry dragons.

Duke Tsunami raised his arm.

The continuous raindrops seemed to be attracted by an invisible force, voluntarily gathering together, drop by drop, compressing and combining without interruption, eventually forming a translucent azure blade, purely made of water but ultimately compressed to a gem-like texture.

Holding the gem-water blade, Duke Tsunami, thousands of kilometers away, swung it through the air towards the Golden Dragon.

Water Surface Slash!


Instantly, the curtain of rain that filled the world was split open, a line of water as thin as it could be, suddenly unfolding in the air, its dangerous edge extending nearly a kilometer, slicing through the raindrops and slashing towards the Golden Dragon.

The Water Surface Slash was as fast as lightning and extremely sharp.

However, although his attitude was arrogant and brash, Saga’s spirit was always on high alert, his Force Field perception fully activated, and he instantly caught the trajectory of Duke Tsunami’s slash.

With an early prediction, Saga moved his dragon body and quickly dodged.


Barely grazing Saga’s scales, Duke Tsunami’s Water Surface Slash continued onwards, extending towards the distant horizon.

At the same time, seeing the Golden Dragon dodge his sudden Water Surface Slash, Duke Tsunami frowned slightly, seemingly surprised that the dragon could avoid it.

To resolve the situation quickly, he had not held back at all, using his full strength in the slash he had thought was almost certain to hit. The fact that the dragon had dodged it was not what Duke Tsunami had expected.

“No wonder you can put Tevel Duchy in crisis; you do have some skill,” Duke Tsunami said seriously.

Just from that brief encounter, he knew that the Golden Dragon before him was no ordinary creature and should not be treated as a typical eighth-tier dragon.

“To kill you quickly, it seems I’ll have to exert a bit more effort.”

Duke Tsunami’s gaze was sharp, his voice low:

“The fury of the sea will devour you.”

Suddenly, the seas around Starfall Island roared and boiled, boundless waters rose into the air, turning into thousands of water dragons, roaring and writhing, rushing towards the Golden Dragon from all directions.

Saga’s spirit was focused as he danced through the roaring water dragons, dodging the onslaught from the sky.

With a flap of his dragon wings, Saga dodged a water dragon’s snapping jaws.

At the same time.

Far away, Duke Tsunami’s body suddenly turned into scattered droplets.

In an instant.

Right in front of Saga, one of the oncoming water dragons collapsed and then reformed, instantly turning into Duke Tsunami holding the gem-water blade, his expression calm and determined, aiming for the Golden Dragon’s neck with a slashing blow.

Thousands of water dragons roared, but Saga automatically ignored the noise.

Reflected in his pupils was the approaching Duke Tsunami, and he intuitively sensed the danger approaching.

With sharp reflexes and perception, Saga prepared to respond.

Facing an enemy of legendary life level, he chose not to evade but instead raised his dragon claw, concentrating Power Essence, and met Duke Tsunami head-on with a ferocious posture.

The ultra-heavy dragon claw, imbued with a heavy sense of mass, tore through the pouring rain and reached for Duke Tsunami.

As a battle-hardened legend, Duke Tsunami knew his strengths and weaknesses well. Facing the Golden Dragon, known for its strength and impressive might, even though he was of a higher life level, he chose not to confront it head-on.

Compared to humans and most other species, dragons have unique advantages. Even non-legendary dragons, the best among them, might surpass legendary humans in terms of strength.

In front of the Golden Dragon’s claw, which was larger than his entire body, Duke Tsunami was surrounded by energy flows like waves, and despite the pull of the ultra-heavy gravity, his speed surged.

Like a splashing wave, Duke Tsunami deftly passed over the dragon claw, then circled around the Golden Dragon’s arm, cutting upwards along the way.

Circle Dance Slash!

Crack, crack!

Blades of light crisscrossed, and dragon scales cracked and blood spurted.

In the blink of an eye, Duke Tsunami passed over Saga’s dragon arm, appearing at his shoulder, then standing on the dragon’s shoulder, Duke Tsunami swung his arm fiercely, the gem-water blade cutting towards the dragon’s neck with extreme sharpness.

This series of actions was as fast as the wind, as quick as lightning.

Saga’s entire arm was painfully stinging, but the most dangerous thing now was the gem-water blade cutting towards his neck.

In this moment of high tension, time seemed to slow down in perception. Before the blade arrived, a tingling sensation came from the neck, but at the moment of imminent danger, Saga didn’t think of defending or dodging. Instead, his eyes hardened, and he raised his other arm, the golden dragon claw with a heavy mass, and slapped it towards Duke Tsunami, towards his own shoulder.

Facing a legendary opponent, Saga maintained a ferocious fighting style, attacking against attack.

“Do you think your attack speed can surpass mine?”

Duke Tsunami roared, his face calm and solemn. As the giant dragon claw loomed over him, he still stood on the dragon’s shoulder and swung his blade towards the dragon’s neck.

In an instant, when the dragon claw was still inches away from Duke Tsunami, his gem-water blade had already touched the Golden Dragon’s neck.

Water Surface Slash!

The ultimate sharpness emerged on the gem-water blade!

According to Duke Tsunami’s calculations, the next development should be like this — his blade would break through the Golden Dragon’s defenses, cut open its scales, tear its flesh, sever its neck, and decapitate the dragon with a single blow, then he would have enough strength to leap from the dragon’s shoulder and avoid the slap of the dragon claw that had lost the support of new life energy.


Things did not go as Duke Tsunami had hoped, and reality did not follow his plans.


The gem-water blade barely broke through the invisible force field attached to the dragon’s scales, then scraped against the dragon’s neck scales, accompanied by a series of sparks, emitting a clear sound of metal striking gold.

“Got you!”

At the same time, the dragon roared.

Duke Tsunami looked up to see the golden dragon claw obscuring his vision, howling towards him.

The dragon claw slapped down heavily, and Duke Tsunami’s eyes shifted, his blade sweeping, and numerous water streams appeared around him, intertwining into a shield that encircled him.


A tremendous force came through.

Like a fly being swatted away, Duke Tsunami, a legendary being, was sent flying far away through the rain curtain.

Huff… Two streams of hot breath spewed from the dragon’s nostrils.

In the fierce storm, Saga stood upright, his wings constantly flapping behind him, his dragon arms stretched to their limits.

As if embracing the storm and thunder, embracing the world.


Just then, a bolt of lightning struck behind the dragon, illuminating the dim world with a fleeting brilliant light that reflected off the Golden Dragon’s scales, shining brightly.

“Legends are not invincible; they bleed under my attack! Come again, let me tear off your head!”

With arms stained with hot, crimson blood, the Golden Dragon roared, its molten gold pupils ablaze with fighting spirit, burning fiercely like flames.

He had not revealed his trump card at the first opportunity. If possible, Saga still preferred to rely solely on his own strength to defeat a legend.

Crossing a rank that seemed like a chasm to ordinary creatures and battling a legendary being was something Saga could not afford to take lightly, especially since his deflection force field was under tremendous pressure in the face of legendary attacks. To completely block Duke Tsunami’s attacks with the deflection force field would require a massive amount of Power Essence, and after a few times, Saga would not be able to sustain it.

In the brief contact just now, when Duke Tsunami circled up his arm, because the arm was not a vital point, to save Power Essence, Saga did not fully activate the deflection force field. Instead, he used a layer of deflection force field that did not consume much Power Essence to weaken Duke Tsunami’s slash, then relied on the defensive resistance of his own scales to withstand the blow. Although he was injured, it was not a serious wound.

Afterward, when Duke Tsunami thought Saga’s defense was only at that level and struck at his neck with all his might, Saga fully activated the deflection force field and took the opportunity to hit Duke Tsunami.

Regardless of the process, Saga managed to inflict damage on a legendary enemy in a battle that crossed legendary ranks, and it seemed that he had the upper hand on the surface.

At the same time, the scene of the Golden Dragon knocking Duke Tsunami away was also witnessed by many onlookers.

“What’s going on… Duke Tsunami, a legend, was knocked away? Could it be that he can’t beat the King of the Near Seas who hasn’t reached legend status?”

Some were astonished and panicked.

“Emperor of the End, Emperor of the End… to be able to battle across ranks against a legend, it’s inconceivable,” someone murmured, their spirit shaken.

At the same time.

On the other side, Duke Tsunami, with a somewhat ugly expression, had stabilized his body and wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at the ferocious Golden Dragon in the distance, his brows deeply furrowed.

In the initial exchange, Duke Tsunami was surprised when he felt Saga’s deflection force field because he had not completely severed Saga’s arm, only breaking through the force field and shattering a layer of scales.

But what followed was even more unacceptable to Duke Tsunami.

At close range, using his own signature skill, not the initial ordinary high-speed attack, he struck the opponent’s neck head-on, only to have nearly all of his power dissipated by that invisible force field barrier, resulting in him being knocked away and slightly injured.

To be injured by a non-legendary being in a brief encounter was undoubtedly a huge humiliation for the legendary Duke Tsunami. If the story got out, Duke Tsunami would become the biggest joke in the legendary world. Due to the vast gap between legends, there has never been a precedent in the history of Saiga Planet where a legend in his prime was directly injured by a non-legendary creature.

Duke Tsunami gradually lost his composure, veins throbbing on his forehead.

Staring at the Golden Dragon provoking him in the distance, Duke Tsunami’s gaze was dark, his voice sharp as a knife:

“Very well, very well.”

“You’ve successfully angered me.”

“You want to feel the power and fury of a legend? I’ll grant your wish! Next, I’ll make you understand what fear is.”

“I will cut off your head and use your dragon head to decorate my walls.”

His body, transformed into scattered water streams, suddenly vanished from the spot.

The next instant, next to the majestic Golden Emperor Dragon, rainwater falling from the sky condensed together, forming the figure of Duke Tsunami, and not just one, dozens of Duke Tsunamis appeared around the Golden Dragon, indistinguishable from the real one, launching a fierce, storm-like assault.

At the center of the storm, Saga was not the least bit relaxed, with the deflection force field guarding his entire body.

Thump, thump, thump!

A barrage of impacts came from all over his body.

Saga’s Power Essence flowed away like a torrential flood.

While resisting Duke Tsunami’s fierce attack, Saga found a moment to counterattack, but now Duke Tsunami was more serious and cautious. Saga’s attacks were all dodged by the legendary being, without exception.


The Golden Dragon’s head rose high, and brilliant lightning shone on the triple pairs of majestic dragon horns, then centered on the Golden Dragon’s body, thousands of heavenly thunders descended, turning the surroundings into a sea of lightning.

However, the dozens of Duke Tsunamis turned into flowing water, weaving through the dense thunder, dodging perfectly.

“Do you have any other tricks? Bring them all out!”

“Otherwise, go die now!”

Above the Golden Dragon, a stream of water formed the figure of Duke Tsunami, his hands holding the gem-water blade high.

At the same time, more water streams gathered, all converging on this Duke Tsunami, causing his body to rapidly expand and grow, becoming tall and burly. In just a moment, a hundred-meter-tall water giant, centered on Duke Tsunami’s body and formed by a large amount of water, appeared in the stormy sky, towering like a mountain, as if a colossal deity, with unparalleled might.


Water God Slash!

The clothes on Duke Tsunami’s arms suddenly burst, revealing arms with muscles layered like entwined dragons and gnarled tree roots, all with wave-like patterns, now all glowing brightly.

Then, Duke Tsunami slashed heavily towards the Golden Dragon before him.

At the same time, the colossal water deity made the same motion, a mountainous water blade falling towards Saga’s head, the slash so fast it was like a blue lightning bolt in everyone’s eyes.

To finish off Saga decisively, Duke Tsunami used his ultimate move.

As the colossal water deity took shape, Saga had a strong premonition of impending doom. His keen intuition told him he couldn’t stop Duke Tsunami’s next terrifying attack.

Under such a fearsome onslaught, time itself seemed to stand still.

As the Water God Slash that could cleave mountains in two descended, the Golden Dragon shook its head as if giving up resistance, while sighing inwardly:

“Sigh, I’m still too weak.”

Golden Halo Body Shield, activate!

On Saga’s body, an inconspicuous dragon scale suddenly shattered.

At the same time, as he watched the Golden Dragon that seemed to have given up resistance, Duke Tsunami suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, as if something was stuck in his throat.

“This feeling…”

Duke Tsunami’s eyelids twitched, sensing something was amiss. The Water God Slash, already close to the dragon, continued to fall.


Just as the towering water blade capable of splitting mountains hit the Golden Dragon’s raised arm.


Accompanied by a sudden surge of terrifying aura, the scales on the Golden Emperor Dragon’s body lit up, the golden light dazzling and brilliant, illuminating the skies in all directions, tinting the raindrops gold, and brazenly invading Duke Tsunami’s field of vision.

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