Chapter 209 – Countries come to pay homage

“What? The rulers of the nations must personally visit the Grayrock Archipelago to meet the King of the Near Seas within ten days and swear allegiance?”


Duke Quel slammed his hand on the armrest of his chair, unable to contain his fury upon hearing the envoy’s message below.

Even a monarch of a kingdom wouldn’t summon the rulers of duchies with such arrogance and unreasonableness, usually presenting a facade of politeness.

“What if I don’t go? Envoy from the Grayrock Archipelago.”

Taking a deep breath, Duke Quel tried to calm himself down, then spoke sternly to the envoy of the King of the Near Seas.

The envoy’s voice was flat, merely relaying the will of those above, bowing his head to Duke Quel:

“If you do not visit the Grayrock Archipelago within ten days, the mighty Emperor Dragon will personally visit your lands.”

“Such arrogant Evil Dragons! Hmph, do the humans in the Pola Duchy who swear allegiance to Evil Dragons not have any pride or honor of their own?” A high-ranking noble of the Quel Duchy couldn’t help but scold the envoy.

Meanwhile, many guards in the palace hall, silent as statues, fixed their gaze on the envoy.

Under the sharp scrutiny, the beleaguered envoy raised his head, unafraid and assertive, “The Emperor Dragon’s wings will soon envelop the entire Near Seas, and this is just the beginning.”

Looking directly at Duke Quel’s solemn face, the envoy said gravely:

“Wise and far-sighted Duke Quel, if I were you, I would clearly know what choice to make at this crossroads of fate—swearing allegiance to the King of the Near Seas, to the Emperor Dragon, is the only way out.”

Hearing this, some nobles were furious.

“How dare a servant of monsters lecture our Duke on what to do? Insolence, deserving of death!”

The atmosphere suddenly turned deadly.

However, unlike the enraged nobles, Duke Quel’s anger had dissipated.

His gaze narrowed, his expression shifting, his fingers tapping on the armrest as he stared at the human envoy loyal to the King of the Near Seas, deep in thought.

Seconds later.

Duke Quel exhaled and waved his hand, “I understand your purpose, you may leave.”

“May the Duke make the right choice, lest you err.”

The human envoy advised, then took his leave.

After the envoy left, Duke Quel fell back into contemplation, the tapping of his fingers echoing in the spacious hall.

“Duke, you’re not seriously considering submitting to the King of the Near Seas, are you? It would be a disgrace to our national prestige, and the souls of the dukes who have passed away would not rest in peace,” a count said, looking at the thoughtful Duke Quel.

But before Duke Quel could respond.

Another count spoke up:

“The King of the Near Seas? Almost all creatures of the Near Seas now revere him as the Emperor Dragon. Our allied forces were defeated, and the so-called national prestige vanished the moment our forces were crushed.”

“I think pledging allegiance to the Emperor Dragon isn’t such a bad idea. Look at the current state of the Pola Duchy; the Emperor Dragon doesn’t interfere much with the governance of his subordinate nations.”

“Besides, such a terrifying dragon, unprecedented in its ability to turn the tide of battle and sweep away all high-ranking beings in our allied forces, has potential beyond our imagination.”

This count leaned more towards pledging allegiance to Saga.

“No matter how strong the potential, it’s still just a dragon that hasn’t reached legend.”

“It demands all rulers of the Near Seas nations to visit the Grayrock Archipelago, threatening to visit their lands if they don’t comply. Heh, such arrogance, but can it truly threaten all the Near Seas nations?”

The first count chuckled, continuing:

“Our nation may not be able to withstand its ferocity, but what about the Tevel Duchy? They have a legendary being! The King of the Near Seas’ momentum is strong, but it cannot escape the fact that it’s not yet legendary. One against ten sounds powerful, but it’s not enough to face a legend head-on.”

After listening, another count retorted:

“This widely known news in the Near Seas, do you think the Emperor Dragon is unaware? Yet, he still issued a final ultimatum to the Near Seas nations. Think about what that means, you fat-brained fool.”

“What did you say? Bald and impotent filthy idiot.”

The two counts’ words grew heated, escalating from a reasoned debate to personal attacks.

At this point, Duke Quel tapped the armrest, his dull voice interrupting the two counts’ argument.

Under the watchful eyes of the nation’s highest-ranking nobles, Duke Quel chose his words carefully, then slowly said: “I agree with one thing the envoy said—we are indeed standing at a crossroads of destiny.”

After a pause, Duke Quel spoke gravely: “Whether we choose to pledge allegiance or resist, both carry great risks.”


Duke Quel’s eyes shone as he said: “The risks that come with different choices are not the same.”

“Choosing to pledge allegiance, if the King of the Near Seas is defeated or killed by the legendary being of the Tevel Duchy, we will become the laughingstock of the Near Seas, nailed to the pillar of shame.”

“Choosing to resist, if the King of the Near Seas truly has the power to sweep the Near Seas, then judging by the nature of dragons, what awaits us is destruction, the fall of our nation.”

Leaning back in his chair, Duke Quel spread his hands and said:

“Becoming a laughingstock, a disgrace.”

“Being destroyed, the fall of our nation.”

“.It goes without saying which risk is greater and which is lighter.”

After speaking, Duke Quel fell silent, quietly observing the reactions of the other nobles.

Below, inspired by Duke Quel’s talk of risks, the nobles showed thoughtful expressions, including the count who had strongly opposed pledging allegiance to Saga, who was now reconsidering.

After a moment, seeing that his subordinates had thought it through, Duke Quel said:

“Gentlemen, this is a matter that will determine the fate of our duchy. I do not wish to decide alone.”

“Let’s vote. Facing the now mighty King of the Near Seas, the Emperor Dragon, shall we pledge allegiance or oppose him?”

Immediately, the voting began.

After a while, the results were in.

Among all the nobles present, only three voted to oppose the Emperor Dragon, while the rest unanimously favored allegiance.

The count who had initially strongly opposed changed his mind after seriously considering the consequences and risks of both choices, believing that pledging allegiance to the Emperor Dragon was the better option.

“Jeremy, Johnny, Elonis.”

Looking at the three nobles, Duke Quel sighed and then said: “I am grateful for your service to the nation, but now, it is time to end it. One last contribution to our country.”


The three nobles were stunned.

“Seize them. At this decisive moment, we cannot afford any mistakes.” With a wave of his hand, a host of guards surrounded them, charged with killing intent, upon Duke Quel’s command.


As the Quel Duchy was taking action, other duchies faced envoys from the Grayrock Archipelago, like Duke Quel, setting aside personal thoughts and making decisions based solely on risk assessment.

Some, already intimidated by the defeat of the Near Seas nations’ allied forces and inclined to switch sides, decided to pledge allegiance immediately upon understanding the Emperor Dragon’s will brought by the envoy.

But there were also those who would rather die than submit to a non-human monster.

And some were indecisive, unsure of what choice to make.

Although they were rulers of nations, the responses of the dukes of the Near Seas nations varied.

In the Tevel Duchy.

After hearing the Emperor Dragon’s envoy, Duke Tevel was very calm. Although the allied forces were defeated, he was unafraid, saying: “Wants to visit our territory? Then come.”

“When the time comes, the Tevel Duchy will give the King of the Near Seas a grand welcome.”

Ten days later.

In the Grayrock Archipelago, on West Sea Island, within the Pola Duchy.

Under the watchful eyes of five dukes with the aura of high-ranking beings, a majestic golden beast descended slowly from the opened palace dome.

Overwhelming Dragon Might washed over them.

Even the dukes, accustomed to grandeur, found their breaths catching.

Although they had seen the terrifying performance of the Golden Emperor Dragon through remote magical observation during the outbreak of the Near Seas war, that was still through magic from a great distance.

Now, facing this formidable Golden Emperor Dragon, all the dukes felt an immense, intangible pressure.

“Is it really not yet legendary?”

“This pressure, even if it’s not legendary, is almost there.”

The dukes thought simultaneously.

At the same time, Saga’s gaze swept over the diminutive figures of the dukes before him, stepping forward until the shadow cast by his massive dragon body enveloped them all.

The dukes struggled to suppress their fear, but their trembling bodies betrayed them.

Saga was pleased with their reaction, looking down and saying:

“You are wise to have made the right choice.”

After a pause, the dragon’s head lowered, gazing closely at Duke Raymond and Duke Cassel, smiling with a mouthful of hot breath:

“You two are quite sensible. If you hadn’t come, my first visit would have been to your nations.”

The shadowy activities of the nations had already been ascertained; the main instigators who had initially stirred up opposition to Saga and sparked the war were these two dukes.

They had instigated it.

Now they came to pledge allegiance.

With the oppressive presence of the dragon’s head and the hot, heavy breaths bearing down on them like a dragon’s hurricane, the two dukes nearly lost their footing, staggering slightly.

Barely steadying themselves, they forced smiles on their faces and said in a low voice:

“We are certain, the Emperor Dragon’s scales will shine over the entire Near Seas, even the whole world.”

“To pledge allegiance to you, to bask in your radiance, to live under your dragon wing, will be our greatest honor.”

As they spoke, the two dukes knelt to the ground, submitting to the Golden Emperor Dragon before them like subjects.

Saga withdrew his head, then looked at the other three dukes.

After a few seconds of silence, the remaining three dukes also put aside their last ounce of pride and knelt like Duke Raymond and Duke Cassel, humbly submitting.

As rulers of their nations, they were accustomed to looking down on those who knelt before them.

Now, in this situation, their feelings were complex, finally experiencing the taste of being subordinates.

After leaving some subtle influences in their minds, Saga nodded lightly and said:


The five dukes stood up.

“You have made the correct choice, so you may continue to rule your nations. Apart from obeying my commands and offering tribute regularly, there will be no other changes.”

After a pause, the dragon’s gaze narrowed, whispering:

“As for the remaining three duchies, they will all pay the price for their choices.”

The three absent duchies included the unsurprising Tevel Duchy.

The other two were the closest to the Tevel Duchy, thinking they could rely on the legendary protector of the Tevel Duchy to defy the Emperor Dragon’s might.

The dukes exchanged glances.

At this time, Duke Anis, who had been skeptical before the war even began, took a deep breath and said to the imposing beast before him:

“Your Majesty, everyone must pay the due price for their wrong choices. However, I hope you can spare the innocent citizens of the duchies.”

Saga looked down at the frail Duke Anis, a slight smile on his dragon face, and said:

“I’m not some Magic Dragon; I have no interest in senseless slaughter.”

After a pause, Saga spoke in a deep voice:

“I will purge all high-ranking dissenters of the duchies, replacing the ruling class.”

“As for the common citizens, they will live under my rule and will all be my property. No dragon would destroy its own possessions without reason.”

Duke Anis’s eyes brightened, saying: “Praise your mercy and compassion.”

Not long after, the five dukes had left the Grayrock Archipelago, each returning to their own nations.

Following Saga’s orders, they immediately began to muster the remaining forces, forming an alliance of five nations, preparing to subjugate the remaining three nations of the Near Seas.

Fate is unpredictable, and the world changes so swiftly.

These five dukes certainly hadn’t anticipated that they would end up pledging allegiance to the King of the Near Seas, whom they had considered a target for subjugation.

The other three dukes also hadn’t foreseen that, as would-be subjugators, they would now face subjugation by the King of the Near Seas.

Roles had been reversed.

Meanwhile, as the five-nation alliance was vigorously forming, Saga lay leisurely on the coastal sands of Grayrock Isle, waves crashing against his scales, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful, distinctive maidens, drenched as they tenderly wiped each magnificent dragon scale.

“This is the life of a dragon.”

The Golden Dragon closed his eyes, feigning sleep, enjoying the maidens’ meticulous care of his scales.

Suddenly, a telepathic nudge stirred.

Without opening his eyes, Saga listened quietly to the voice reaching into his heart.

“King of the Near Seas, Emperor Dragon.”

“Who would have thought, Saga, just a few years apart, although you’re still in the ocean, your fame has spread far and wide, reaching Yar Continent, reaching our ears. Is that really you?”

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon’s voice, tinged with a faint smile, arose from within.

Saga responded:

“Guaranteed genuine.”

After a pause, he sighed and said: “Ah, is it worth such a fuss? I intended to keep a low profile, but a mere display of power has already shocked the world.”

“Yes, yes, you’re the most low-key.”

Listening to this voice, Saga could almost see Tixil rolling her eyes at him.

“Heh, you know me.”

“Do you need help? With your recent fame, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of troubles. Charlotte and I have both reached high ranks, not as high as you, but we can definitely help.”

As True Dragons with exceptional talents, their high ranks were not on the same level as those of ordinary beings.

“I can handle it.”

“Once things stabilize here, I should visit Yar Continent.”

Then, Saga asked: “Tixil, where are you and Charlotte on Yar Continent, and how’s it going?”

Tixil answered: “There have been some setbacks, but overall, it’s not bad.”

“We’ve had some friction with the ratmen who live underground and occasionally surface, but it’s been resolved. We’ve also met a Caster from the Skyrealm Empire, who helped us build a small city as a dwelling. When you come to Yar Continent, contact me first, and visit my city.”

Tixil wanted to create a Gemstone Dragon City similar to Deep Sea Dragon City.

She was already taking action towards her heartfelt goal.

“Alright, I got it.”

After a brief exchange, the young dragons agreed to meet again on Yar Continent.

Before long.

The five-nation alliance was fully integrated and began to advance towards the location of the Tevel Duchy.

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