Chapter 208 – Famous Across the Eight Directions – The End of Emperor Dragon

Just a minute later.


A Golden Dragon, whose body eclipsed the sunlight, appeared in the skies over West Sea Island, casting its gaze downward, sweeping its eyes inch by inch across the island.

“Is it just my imagination?”

After detecting nothing unusual, Saga withdrew his gaze.

“No, it’s not.”

“There is indeed a force secretly watching me.”

“Their response was quick; they likely slipped away before I began my patrol here.”

Saga had a premonition earlier and, as a Mind Warlock, he trusted his instincts.

During the battle with the Near Seas allied forces, Saga had also devoted a part of his attention to guard against a potential surprise attack, but it never came.

“Fearful of my power, unable to find an opportunity, so they retreated?”

Saga pondered.

Shaking his head, he thought to himself, “I should have appeared weaker at the end, to lure out these rats hiding in the shadows, but now it’s too late.”

“Has this force given up on the idea of dealing with me, or are they planning anew?”

His mind racing, Saga contemplated for a while.

Due to a lack of information, he couldn’t draw any effective conclusions and temporarily put the matter out of his mind. After all, when the enemy shows up, he’ll just have to deal with them as they come. Once this hidden force reveals itself, Saga will let them experience what the high-ranking beings of the Near Seas nations feel when facing him directly.

Several weeks later.

The aftermath of the war with the Near Seas allied forces had been cleaned up.

The monstrous followers of Saga had suffered significant casualties in the direct confrontations of the war, as they were at a disadvantage against the nations’ armies. However, the originally diverse followers had been streamlined, and those who survived the crucible of battle were all elite, each possessing either exceptional strength or extraordinary luck.


In the grand and majestic palace on West Sea Island.

Rus XIII, who should have been seated high upon the throne, was now serving beside it like a servant, his face plastered with a fawning smile, looking up at the being seated on the throne.

In the grand hall of the palace, all the nobles’ eyes were focused on this figure.

Before their eyes was a seemingly casual, youthful humanoid figure, lounging on the throne.

With a flawless, enchanting face, symmetrical golden scales as exquisite as jewelry adorned his cheeks, and three pairs of crown-like dragon horns spiraled from his head.

His golden pupils shone brilliantly, and as he glanced around, he resembled a sovereign king surveying his dominion.

A long, slender dragon tail extended from the youth’s lower back, playfully held in his hands shaped like dragon claws.

This humanoid being looked merely like a youth, appearing very young, but he exuded a profound and majestic aura that commanded worship and awe, his presence as deep and vast as the ocean, silencing all the nobles present with his every move.

This was Saga, rarely taking on a human form.

Upon reaching a high rank, Saga had naturally mastered the transformation magic that all adult True Dragons possess, allowing him to take on any form he desired, or naturally morph into a form corresponding to his own characteristics, as was the case with Saga.

The human palace was becoming rather cramped for Saga’s increasingly massive form.

Thus, he used transformation magic to temporarily take on a humanoid form, naturally taking his place on the throne that belonged to the ruler of the duchy.

At the same time.

The nobles of the duchy, now subjects under Saga’s rule, stole glances at the young Emperor Dragon, not daring to look directly at him.

Although Saga showed no impatience or malice, and did not intentionally exude Dragon Might to intimidate, the atmosphere was nearly frozen, the nobles’ breaths shallow, not daring to make a sound in the grand hall.

Their fear of Saga stemmed from a renewed understanding, a subversion of their beliefs.


Like a storm suddenly sweeping over the Near Seas.

In just a few weeks, without any need for exaggeration, the outcome of the Near Seas battle had spread.

The ruler of the Grayrock Archipelago, the King of the Near Seas, had defeated the Near Seas allied forces, a lone dragon fighting against ten high-ranking beings, then with an unstoppable force causing the demise of two ninth-rank beings, and making the other leaders flee. This news was now widely known throughout the Near Seas region and was rapidly spreading across the Yar Continent.

The shattered skies and seas, the disintegrating high-ranking beings, and the Golden Dragon, whose wings soared high amidst an apocalyptic scene, dominating the entire battlefield.

This terrifyingly powerful dragon left a profound impression on all the surviving soldiers.

The title of King of the Near Seas was no longer sufficient to describe the soldiers’ fear and reverence for him.

Thus, in the Near Seas region, a new title was gradually spreading before Saga’s Emperor Dragon moniker.

The Endbringer, the Endbringer Emperor Dragon.

This was no longer a self-proclaimed title for Saga, but one earned through his dazzling brilliance and widely recognized. Such a domineering title was naturally acceptable to Saga’s nature.

Moments later.

Saga suppressed his restless tail and turned his head, looking at the duchy’s nobles filling the hall.

Then, he spoke, breaking the icy silence.

“Recently, I’ve been pondering something.”

“The creatures and kingdoms of the Near Seas call me their king, but under my rule, there’s only the Grayrock Archipelago, which seems a bit incongruous.”

He paused, and under the watchful eyes of the nobles, the young Emperor Dragon calmly said:

“Since they all call me the King of the Near Seas, I shall not shirk the responsibility. I’ve decided to heed the call and aspirations of many Sapient Beings, to truly assume the position of the King of the Near Seas, and reclaim the territories and authority that rightfully belong to me.”

“What do you think?”

Although his tone was inquisitive, all the human nobles knew that this was not a question.

Upon hearing this, Rus XIII was the first to step forward, bowing his head and suggesting, “Your Majesty, I am certain that regardless of whether the creatures and kingdoms of the Near Seas are willing or resistant, with your power and prestige, you are the rightful, divinely ordained sovereign, the sole ruler.”

He lifted his head, revealing a sycophantic smile, and said:

“Any who oppose your will are fighting against fate itself, they should not exist, they should be destroyed.”

“All Sapient Beings should prostrate themselves in the shadow of your dragon wings, acknowledging you as their king, with awe and reverence.”

After learning the outcome of the Near Seas war.

The last traces of hesitation in the duke’s heart vanished, and he understood a principle deeply—cling to the dragon’s leg before him. This mysterious and unfathomable Endbringer Emperor Dragon might be the highest being he could ever encounter in his life.

Listening to the duke’s flattering words, Saga nodded imperceptibly.

One reason dragons love to keep followers is because the proud hearts of dragons occasionally need some flattery to satisfy a bit of their vanity.

“You’re not wrong.”

The perfect-faced, innately intimidating humanoid youth lifted his eyelids and said in a deep voice, “It will be an honor for the Near Seas nations to be enveloped under my wings, to behold my glory.”

He paused, then said to Rus XIII:

“I believe there are those among the Near Seas nations who share your thoughts. Of course, there will also be those who are foolishly stubborn and short-sighted.”

“Send envoys to the Near Seas nations, in my name, tell them.”

His voice became cold and serious, like a sea brewing a storm, Saga calmly said:

“Within ten days, I want the rulers of these nations to appear here, standing before me, swearing their allegiance.”

Hearing Saga’s words, the nobles in the hall were slightly taken aback, then exchanged glances.

The command for the rulers of the nations to personally come to the Grayrock Archipelago to meet the young Emperor Dragon filled them with a mix of emotions. On one hand, they felt shame at being ruled by a non-human entity, but on the other hand, they felt a vicarious pride. As much as they didn’t want to admit it, they were somewhat proud of their ruler’s arrogance and strength.

As for the nobles’ feelings, Saga, who could discern hearts, was well aware.

However, he didn’t care about their reactions; he just needed them to carry out his orders.

“We obey your command, Your Majesty.”

“Only,” Rus XIII’s eyes gleamed, swallowing nervously, he said, “if a duke insists on not coming, what should be done?”

Saga once again toyed with his restless tail, speaking slowly:

“Tell them, those who fail to face me after ten days, I will go to meet them personally, but by then, the scene will be quite unsightly.”

Rus XIII nodded vigorously:

“Understood, I will convey your will.”

His stooped figure before Saga subtly straightened.

Before long, once the Near Seas nations are all under the rule of the powerful Endbringer, he can turn around and mock those who previously ridiculed him for his weakness and incompetence.

Weak and incompetent?

This is clearly knowing the times! Having an exceptional vision, the courage to set aside vain dignity and willingly serve a greater ruler!

A sense of pride involuntarily surged in Rus XIII’s heart.

Saga’s strength had changed the minds of those who were forced to submit to him.

After all, the world still speaks through strength.

Although Saga had defeated this nation before, he had not shown excessively formidable power, but now, the gap between them was as wide as a chasm. When the gap is large enough, feelings of resistance and opposition are hard to maintain, instead becoming a longing and awe for great power.

Standing up, Saga’s tall figure was revealed to all.

“Go and carry out your task.”

Looking down at Rus XIII, Saga said, then spread his dragon wings behind him, ready to leave.

Just as Saga was about to take off, Rus XIII stopped him.

“Your Majesty, I have prepared a gift for you.”

His gaze shifting, Saga calmly looked at the human duke.

Rus XIII’s face beamed with a smile, whispering, “To celebrate your illustrious Dragon Might, your great victory over the allied forces, I have selected ten of the most beautiful virgins as maids for you, for your appraisal.”

With that, Rus XIII clapped his hands.

Accompanied by the fresh scent of virgins, ten girls of various shapes and features, all exceptionally beautiful, stepped forward cautiously and lined up before the humanoid youth.

Despite some shyness and fear, they tried to lift their heads and puff out their chests, displaying their beauty.

At the same time, upon seeing the young Emperor Dragon, their initially forced smiles became genuinely warm and eager after a brief moment of surprise.

Even in humanoid form, Saga still had the appearance of a handsome youth, and he carried the majestic aura of a king, incredibly charming and captivating.

The transformation magic of dragons, when naturally morphing into a certain race, would shape the dragon into the most aesthetically pleasing form of that race.

A dragon of stunning charm in the eyes of Dragon Kind would be equally popular in any race.

The girls had thought they were to serve a fierce and terrifying dragon, and had come here prepared to sacrifice themselves, but seeing their reactions now, many would probably be willing to throw themselves at him.

“You are thoughtful; my palace just happens to need some maids. Take them to my palace later, they will be sent there.”

Saga said.

These girls were quite beautiful, but unfortunately, they were too frail in Saga’s eyes, mostly ordinary humans. The best among them was a mere second-rank female warrior, who seemed as weak as an ant to Saga, easily crushed underfoot.

Saga had little interest in them.

If he were to truly engage with them, he would need to be extremely careful with his strength, lest he accidentally turn them into mush, which would be quite disappointing.

The difference in life levels was too great.

However, they were pleasing to the eye.

Having spent his days among monsters, Saga needed some beauties to feast his eyes on.

Although creatures like the Salamander and Bipedal Dragons had some decent-looking females, compared to the carefully selected girls from the human duke’s duchy, they did not appeal to Saga, who held a uniform standard of beauty.

“It is my honor to please you.”

Hearing Saga’s words, which were a reluctant praise, the human duke was overjoyed, saying.

Clinging to the dragon’s leg without letting go—this was the long-term strategic direction the human duke had set for himself, and he was very clear about what he relied on to maintain his ducal status.

Then, Saga left the human duchy on West Sea Island and returned to Grayrock Isle, where he was more comfortable, entering his own chamber, sprawling on a mound of glittering gold and silver, and comfortably closing his eyes.

Saga was in no rush to act against the Near Seas nations.

After setting the ten-day deadline, he was curious to see how many rulers of the duchies would not be standing before him after ten days.

Saga was capable of sweeping through the Near Seas allied forces, and even though the allied forces did not represent the full strength of the Near Seas nations, it still meant he could easily destroy any single duchy.

Whether out of fear or foresight, seeking a brighter future through allegiance and submission, there would certainly be some.

However, there would also be stubborn ones who would rather die than bow to him and defend their national sovereignty.

In such cases, Saga’s approach was simple.

Behead them, or take them as dogs.

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