Chapter 207 – The terrifying power of domination, the legion retreats

Facing the rebuke of the Seraphim, the commander of the curse magic turned pale and attempted to defend himself:

“No, it’s not like that.”

The Seraphim showed an impatient expression, cutting off the commander’s words, and said:

“As the aggressor, you dare summon me, hoping to use me against the victims.”

“You should be grateful that you haven’t committed any heinous acts against the heavens, otherwise, you would have already fallen to my holy sword!”

“However, when I tally your past, there are sins that need to be purified.”

As he spoke, under the incredulous gaze of the commander, the Seraphim snorted coldly, with white lightning flashing in his eyes.

In an instant, the commander let out a wail, as if struck by lightning, his body trembling non-stop, his head splitting with pain.

“Mortal, this is but a minor punishment for you.”

After speaking, the Seraphim glanced at the Golden Dragon one more time, then without turning back, stepped through the Gate to Another Realm and left, leaving behind the disheveled and trembling commander of the curse magic, his spirit broken.

Could it be that we are the evil ones?

Even the Seraphim judged so, causing the commander to doubt.

In his eyes, the King of the Near Seas was a huge threat to the Near Seas nations, powerful and gathering a large number of monstrous followers, capable of starting a war disaster at any moment, which is why they chose to strike first.

But on second thought.

Regardless of the reasons, they indeed were the aggressors, and it was only fair to be rebuked and punished by the Seraphim.

“Damn, I summoned the wrong target.”

Looking at the Golden Dragon watching the spectacle from afar, the commander’s heart sank, unsure of what to do next.

The good news was, the Gate to Another Realm had summoned a being of legend.

But the bad news was, this legendary angel turned against the caster.

And this is why the Gate to Another Realm, capable of summoning legendary beings, was not classified as legendary but was judged as a ninth-tier spell.

The Gate to Another Realm can indeed summon powerful beings.

But if they don’t listen to the caster, what they do next is entirely up to their mood, and it might even bring disaster to the caster, as similar incidents had happened before.

This time, the commander was only punished by the Seraphim, which was a stroke of luck amidst misfortune.

However, the more difficult situation now before him was the commander looking at the majestic and shining-scaled Golden Emperor Dragon, his spirit sinking to rock bottom.

Having used two ninth-tier spells in a row.

One of which was the Gate to Another Realm, a spell infinitely close to legend, the commander now lacked the ability to construct powerful spells, his weary spirit and limited magic power only allowing him to use simpler spells.

But how could simple spells threaten the Golden Dragon before him?

Like the commander.

The Dimensionist and the Wind Caster also felt their spirits plummet.

They never expected such an outcome.

Even if the summoned creature was not as strong as the King of the Near Seas, a fierce battle would have been within an acceptable range.

The Shield Knight traded his life for the commander’s time to cast spells, but not only did the spell fail to threaten the King of the Near Seas, it pushed them into the abyss.

“Hey, mage, this is quite the spectacle.”

“How does it feel to be despised and punished by the divine being you summoned?”

With the situation under control, Saga was in no hurry to deal with them, grinning and speaking.

At this moment, the commander took out a bottle of magic potion and drank it, his magic power gradually replenishing, the stabbing pain in his spirit eased somewhat, but still waves of pain kept surging.

“Even the Seraphim can make the wrong judgment.”

“Although the Seraphim did not strike you, you are still an evil being.”

The commander took a deep breath, his wavering spirit becoming resolute, and said in a deep voice.

Saga smacked his lips and scoffed:

“Evil? I know I’m not kind, but to label me as an evil creature, heh, on what grounds? Your pale and powerless empty words?”

Truly evil creatures take pleasure in torment and slaughter.

In summary – do not commit small evils, nor neglect small goods.

Saga occasionally does evil, but only if it benefits him, evil is not the goal, and when in a good mood, if Saga encounters a weak creature being bullied, he doesn’t mind showing the ‘justice’ of a pure-blooded Golden Dragon and helping the weak creature.

Saga considers himself to be of a neutral alignment.

The commander fell silent.

“What do we do now?” the Dimensionist asked quietly.

Gazing at the Golden Dragon in the sky, the commander clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, “This punitive expedition has failed, all forces retreat!”

His voice, amplified by magic, swept across the battlefield in an instant, reaching the ears of every soldier from the Near Seas nations.

The battlefield quieted for a moment.

Then, on the frontline where the human legions and monster legions were clashing, the human legions, which held a certain advantage, began to retreat without complaint.

These soldiers and commanders also understood.

Their apparent advantage was only temporary.

The King of the Near Seas’ ferocity was too fierce, able to destroy their high-ranking combatants with his own power, impossible to deal with, and if delayed, once all high-ranking combatants perished, their numbers would only become lambs to the slaughter, at most causing minor losses to the enemy’s monster legions.

At the same time, Saga’s faceplate revealed an indifferent smile, saying to the commander:

“Do you think you can come and go as you please here?”

The commander exhaled deeply, his gaze resolute, and said, “Do you want to exterminate us all? It won’t be that simple.”

With that, he took out a vial of magic potion.

It was a round-bottomed bottle containing blood-red liquid, gently rippling and emitting a dangerous hue.

When the commander took out this vial of magic potion, the Wind Caster was taken aback, then his expression changed slightly, and he said in a low voice:

“What are you trying to do? Are you out of your mind?”

The commander ignored the Wind Caster’s whisper, just staring intently at the Golden Dragon, suddenly opened the potion, tilted his head back and drank it all, then with a peaceful smile, as if he was a man about to die, said:

“King of the Near Seas, witness with my life, soul, and magic, I will lead the army to retreat safely, and you cannot stop me.”

As he spoke.

The commander’s complexion turned flushed, his body emanating an exceptionally strong aura, surging elemental light undulating around him, like flames burning fiercely.

Saga narrowed his eyes, watching the commander in his abnormal state.

He could clearly sense that the commander’s life force was rapidly dwindling at a terrifying speed, his magic, spirit, body, soul, everything was burning, trading it all for a moment of extraordinary casting ability far beyond his normal state.

The Wind Caster and the Dimensionist showed sorrow in their eyes, sighing, but there was a hint of joy deep within.

Because they were safe.

The commander burned all over, his body gradually becoming ethereal.

At the same time, with a solemn expression and accompanied by a deep incantation, he raised his staff and swung it.

Humming sounds filled the air!

Countless magic runes burst forth around the commander, mixing with the howling wind and rain, falling precisely on the living soldiers of the Near Seas nations and the intact magic ships, including the nearby Dimensionist and Wind Caster.

The scene was magnificent.

Endless magic runes filled the space between the sky and the sea like a nebula.

Saga watched the casting commander quietly, feeling his surging power at the moment, looking at his increasingly ethereal body, not interfering.

“King of the Near Seas, I’ve lost a lot to you, but don’t think everything will go your way.”

The now translucent commander roared, then swung his staff fiercely.


The sky full of magic runes lit up at the same time, space rippled violently, bursts of white light enveloped the soldiers and magic ships, and with a whoosh, they vanished from their original location.

At the cost of everything he had, the commander cast a teleportation spell close to the level of legend.

Listening to the commander’s reluctant roar, the Golden Emperor Dragon’s gaze was as calm as a lake after the rain, speaking unhurriedly:

“I understand your thoughts, wanting to atone for your mistakes, allowing the soldiers who followed you to retreat safely.”

After a pause, the Golden Emperor Dragon grinned, revealing sharp fangs, and calmly said:

“But you’re wrong again, I don’t mind you saving them, nor do I have the intention to slaughter the soldiers, because, before long, they will all serve me as king, submitting under my dragon wings, honoring me as—Emperor Dragon.”

At this time, the storm still howled incessantly.

Only the human soldiers and intact magic ships had disappeared, with countless wrecked magic ships and the blood-stained sea still bearing witness to the recent harrowing war.

The Near Seas nations’ campaign against Saga ended in failure.

But the provoked Saga would not let it go.

Next, it was his turn to campaign against the Near Seas nations.

The efforts he made were meaningless. Facing Saga’s piercing words, the good news for the commander was that he didn’t hear them, the bad news was, he had completely burned out, vanishing from the world without a trace.

“When the campaign fails and turns into a defense of the capital, I wonder if the rulers of the nations will regret their initial decision.”

Saga’s gaze narrowed, overlooking the tumultuous ocean, whispering in his heart.

At this moment, the storm began to subside, a ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds, falling on the scales of the Golden Emperor Dragon, adding a golden edge, further enhancing its extraordinary aura.

The war was temporarily over.

A multitude of blood-soaked monsters looked up at the sky, gazing at the distant Golden Emperor Dragon, unable to help but roar, shouting the divine might of the Emperor Dragon, worshipping devoutly.

The monsters attracted by the name of the King of the Near Seas, upon seeing the scale of the Near Seas allied forces, actually didn’t believe they could win this battle, after all, in their view, even if the King of the Near Seas was strong, he was not legendary, and facing such a large-scale coalition would be difficult.

But the reality was.

This Golden Emperor Dragon, with his own power, broke into the rear of the allied forces, displaying terrifying dominion, leaving an indelible impression of terror on all the high-ranking beings of the allied forces.

Fighting beyond his tier while taking on ten at a time, and completely overpowering the opposition.

This terrifying dominion, even the most worldly and experienced monsters had never seen before.

It can be foreseen that this battle will be widely spread.

Not just the Near Seas region, the coastal areas of the Yar Continent, and even the inland, will soon be talking about the King of the Near Seas and the title and deeds of the Emperor Dragon.

The title of Emperor Dragon will also henceforth step onto the continental stage, appearing before all beings, turning the tide.

The war with the Near Seas nations is now at a pause.

Saga’s gaze shifted, looking around, as if searching for something.

At the same time.

On a mountain peak of West Sea Island, lying in the grass, a gunner with a two-meter-long sniper magic gun was trying to lock onto the King of the Near Seas, his heart startled, quickly giving up the lock.


Magic power rippled, the team’s casters reinforced the stealth array at the same time.

“This dragon is truly powerful.”

“Fighting so many high-ranking beings at the same time like it’s a game. No wonder you value it so much, Captain.”

“If I could get its bloodline, my Dragon Transformation might reach a new height,” the Druid licked his lips and said.

“Captain, are we not making a move yet?”

“The war is over, the King of the Near Seas must be at his most relaxed now, and he must have consumed a lot, this is a good opportunity, if we don’t make a move now, it will slowly recover.”

The female assassin was eager to try.

The Indestructible Fang, Serilim, had just taken his gaze off the King of the Near Seas, his eyes serious, and said:

“No, I still underestimated the King of the Near Seas, don’t think that just because it has just gone through a big battle, it looks like it still has a lot of strength left.”

“I thought that the massive scale of the Near Seas allied forces could at least force out a bit of its trump card and create the best opportunity for us to strike.”

“But now it seems, this was just a warm-up for the King of the Near Seas.”

With admiration in his eyes, the Indestructible Fang murmured:

“What a powerful creature, when I first started my adventure, I always heard how powerful and dangerous dragons were, but after real contact, I felt it was just so-so, but this guy fits my youthful understanding of dragons.”

After a pause, the bright eyes on the handsome face of the Indestructible Fang shone brightly.

“If I could successfully hunt such a dragon, taking its tooth as a trophy, I would be very satisfied, even if I died in this hunt, it would be worth it.”

The other members asked, “What do we do next?”

The Indestructible Fang showed a thoughtful look, then calmly said: “Just defeating the army that came to subdue it will definitely not satisfy the King of the Near Seas, I predict, it will soon try to invade and rule the Near Seas nations.”

“The scale of this coalition is not small, even two ninth-tier beings came, but this is not the full strength of the Near Seas nations, they would not pour all their strength into one punitive expedition.”

“But when their own country is in danger of being destroyed, some old fellows hidden in certain duchies will definitely take action, I have reliable information.”

“That will be the best time to strike.”

The Indestructible Fang smiled slightly and said, “The best quality of a hunter is patience, let’s go to Tevel Duchy immediately and quietly wait for the King of the Near Seas to arrive.”

Unlike many who only speculate and doubt, the Indestructible Fang has information channels from the Adventurers’ Association, confirming that there are legendary beings hidden in Tevel Duchy.

At the same time.

The Indestructible Fang was also certain that even if the King of the Near Seas was aware of the legendary beings in Tevel Duchy, this arrogant and fierce dragon would not be deterred.

As for why he was so certain.

“Because, I can feel that we are the same kind of creature.”

The Indestructible Fang whispered in his heart.

Although they are different species, one human and one dragon, the Indestructible Fang felt in his heart that the King of the Near Seas and himself were like ‘kindred spirits’ beyond species, both shining like stars among their own kind.

Such beings, faced with a storm, would not shrink back, as long as there was a glimmer of victory, they would choose to forge ahead, ride the wind and waves through the storm, and reach the pinnacle of the world.

“Let’s go, don’t reveal any breath, it seems to have noticed us already, even though we haven’t shown ourselves, what terrifying intuition.”

Immediately, the adventurer team dived into the deep sea, leaving without a trace, without relying on any tools.

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