Chapter 206 – The Great Desolate Dragon Falls and the Divine Herald of the Blazing Sky

The Shield Knight was sent flying, and the other high-ranking melee combatants hesitated, not daring to step forward to intercept.

Three high-ranking Casters were completely exposed in front of the massive dragon.

Fortress of Wind!

An eighth-tier Wind Caster triggered a spell, instantly casting a high-ranking defensive spell with impressive effects.

Boundless gales rose from the ground, swirling up vast amounts of seawater to form a tangible fortress of strong winds between the Golden Dragon and the Casters.

Saga charged forward relentlessly, flapping his wings and slamming directly into it.


The colossal dragon, with its terrifying momentum and strength, only paused slightly before shattering the Fortress of Wind with a ferocious posture. It continued its assault, cloaked in fierce winds and torrential rain, lunging towards the Casters with a savage ferocity.

Faced with the imposing dragon, all three Casters felt their hearts sink.

Among them, the Dimensionist, with a solemn face, decisively used his life-saving spell.

Imaginary Space!

Whoosh. Including the Dimensionist, the high-ranking Wind Caster and the commander of the curse magic all faded and disappeared from this space, hiding in a temporary spatial rift.

Inside the Imaginary Space, Casters could clearly see the outside world and continue to prepare spells, but due to the lack of Elemental Energy, the efficiency of spell preparation was greatly reduced.

Since the space was hidden and difficult to detect, their safety was normally well assured.

However, they were not facing a normal situation.

Suddenly losing sight of the three high-ranking Casters, Saga, who was charging forward, paused in his tracks.

His gaze narrowed as he scanned the surrounding environment.

At this moment, the mid-ranking Casters scattered across the battlefield were quietly chanting curses, hoping to cast spells on the King of the Near Seas to support their high-ranking allies. But with just a slight glance from the dragon, a heavy shadow fell over their hearts, chilling them to the core. Their lips buzzed, unable to continue chanting, not daring to attack the King of the Near Seas.

Ignoring the group of mid-ranking Casters who were intimidated by him and posed little threat.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, the Golden Dragon closed its eyes, its radiant faceplate calm and focused.

At this moment.

Every trace of wind slicing through the air, every raindrop falling from the sky, including the ongoing clashing and the changes in the Force Fields raised by the human and monster armies in the distance, no matter how big or small, obvious or subtle, all were perceived by Saga, leaving nothing unnoticed.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Centered around Saga, invisible electromagnetic pulses were emitted and retracted, providing him with even more detailed environmental information.

His perception abilities were fully activated.

Within this special perceptual vision, the Golden Dragon saw through everything in this space, clear as day.

In just a few seconds, a small space that caused an interaction in the Force Field perception but was invisible to the naked eye and ordinary senses was discerned by Saga.

Suddenly opening his eyes.

The Golden Dragon turned towards the Imaginary Space, a smile revealing its sharp dragon teeth.

“Got you.”

He opened his mouth and exhaled.

A fierce and swift electromagnetic pulse dragon breath burst forth, shattering the curtain of rain along its path, heading straight for the Dimensionist’s Imaginary Space.

“Damn it!”

The Dimensionist’s heart skipped a beat, a sense of despair creeping in, feeling as if the dragon before him was omnipotent, with such formidable psychic abilities.

“Even the Imaginary Space cannot escape its perception. And with such terrifying strength, attack power, and defensive capabilities, what kind of ultimate being is this dragon? Does it have no weaknesses at all?”

“Is it really a dragon? Dragons are powerful, but even a dragon shouldn’t be this terrifying.”

Like the Wind Caster, the Dimensionist also had a similar feeling; they seemed to have provoked the wrong target.

The opponent looked like a dragon.

But in a daze, the Dimensionist felt that the opponent might be some terrifying creature even stronger than a dragon, merely in the guise of a dragon.


Faced with the oncoming electromagnetic pulse dragon breath, the Dimensionist felt a fatal danger.

Saga’s electromagnetic pulse dragon breath was not weak at all. If the Dimensionist’s Imaginary Space were hit, it would be greatly affected. The best-case scenario would be the space becoming chaotic, making it difficult for the Caster himself to leave. If it were any worse, the space might shatter completely, killing them inside.

With no other choice, the Dimensionist dissolved the Imaginary Space.

The three high-ranking Casters immediately used their powers to dodge the Golden Emperor Dragon’s electromagnetic pulse dragon breath.

The Dimensionist teleported through space, vanishing from his spot and reappearing far away.

The Wind Caster grew a pair of wings of wind on his back, greatly increasing his speed, flapping and flickering.

The commander of the curse magic also used a space-related skill to teleport and avoid the attack.


Before the electromagnetic pulse dragon breath, the Casters scattered like birds and beasts, and the dragon breath pierced directly into the vast ocean below, tearing a huge gash in the already turbulent and scarred sea, evaporating countless amounts of seawater.

Saga stopped exhaling.

Suspended in mid-air, the Golden Dragon’s gaze fell one by one on the faces of the three high-ranking Casters, seeing the fear of himself in their eyes.

“Quite the quick escape.”

Saga’s gaze narrowed, whispering in his heart: “It seems I need to learn some psychic abilities that can lock down space.”

Casters not adept at close combat generally excel at kiting, and high-ranking Casters usually learn a space-related teleportation or blink spell to evade powerful attacks they cannot withstand.

However, spells and psychic abilities that lock down space do exist.

If one party uses a space teleportation, and the other uses a dimensional lock, it then becomes a matter of whose spell mastery is deeper and whose construction is more powerful.

Back to the matter at hand.

The dragon breath was dodged by the three Casters, but Saga was not disappointed.

Reaching a certain level, Casters who master many spells are indeed difficult to kill, with numerous and variable methods, and this is one of the reasons why the Caster profession is noble.

Saga did not expect to kill them in one go.

Facing the Casters who had escaped the dragon breath attack, the dragon waved its wings unhurriedly, its voice like deep thunder, saying: “How many times can your magic power support you in escaping before me?”

“Once? Twice? Or three times?”

Looking at the dangerous smile in the dragon’s eyes, all three Casters felt a chill in their hearts, tightening.

Unlike dragon Casters, who naturally possess vast amounts of magic power and a tough and robust spirit, allowing them to freely use powerful magic that matches their casting level, ordinary human Casters have very limited magic and mental power. Using too many spells can lead to magic depletion and mental fatigue with severe headaches.

A typical ninth-tier Caster can hardly construct more than three ninth-tier spells in a single battle.

Even with mana potions or mental elixirs to replenish, human Casters still need to be careful and prudent in using their spells during battle, not wasting their not-so-abundant magic and mental power.

Unless they reach the status of a legend.

Legendary Casters commune with the world and can mobilize natural Elemental Energy at a very low cost. Spells below the legendary level can be used at will, but constructing legendary spells still requires careful calculation.

At this time, the Shield Knight who had been sent flying returned, dragging his heavy body back into the fray.

He stood in front of the commander of the curse magic, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

“Use your strongest ninth-tier spell. If successful, we may still have a chance. If we continue like this, we are doomed.”

The commander of the curse magic frowned slightly and said:

“It’s not stable and may pose a threat to us.”

Suddenly sighing, gazing at the other end where the Golden Emperor Dragon was imposing, the commander of the curse magic’s brows relaxed, saying, “But now we have to take a gamble.”

“I will hold the line until you complete the spell,” the Shield Knight said resolutely.

“Hammond, Myers, stop constructing offensive spells. They pose no threat to the King of the Near Seas. Focus all your efforts on supporting me with defensive spells,” the Shield Knight said to the Dimensionist and the Wind Caster.

“For the glory of the nations, we must defeat the King of the Near Seas!”

The Dimensionist and the Wind Caster exchanged glances, then tried to calm their trembling hearts, saying:

“Alright, we will achieve the ultimate victory!”

What began as a confident and strong expedition now seemed like a desperate counterattack against a stronger existence. The balance between the allied forces of the Near Seas nations and the King of the Near Seas was already tipping significantly in one direction.

Thud, thud, thud. The three Casters took out expensive mana potions that they were reluctant to use in ordinary battles and drank them quickly.

Wind of Healing!

Wind of Fortitude!

Wind of Agility!

Wind of Revival!

A multitude of buffing spells were cast by the Wind Caster, layered upon the Shield Knight, making him glow with different properties and colors of magical winds, looking radiant and top-notch.

The low and mid-tier spells were directly cast by the Wind Caster, while the high-tier spells couldn’t be constructed in the blink of an eye. In this critical moment, the Wind Caster used his treasured spell scrolls.

Invisible Barrier!

Dimensional Shield!

Blessing of Space!

Like the Wind Caster, the Dimensionist also targeted the ninth-tier Shield Knight with spells or used scrolls.

After casting a large number of buffing spells in one go, plus having both used two high-tier spells with significant consumption earlier, the Dimensionist and the Wind Caster were experiencing waves of piercing pain in their minds, needing some time to rest before they could cast again, in short, entering a cooldown period.

“You’ve been strengthened, go. I believe you can face the King of the Near Seas and stop him!” the Dimensionist and the Wind Caster placed their hopes on the enhanced Shield Knight and the commander of the curse magic, who was concentrating on constructing a ninth-tier spell.

Feeling the renewed power surging within, the Shield Knight’s confidence soared.

“Even if a legendary True Dragon were here, it could not breach my shield!”

He laughed, saying, then stared intently at the Golden Dragon before him, stepping forward through the air, positioning himself between the Golden Dragon and the Casters, and said in a deep voice:

“King of the Near Seas, come! I am ready, you will not send me flying easily again.”

Glancing at the commander of the curse magic preparing the ninth-tier spell, then at the Shield Knight with extraordinary effects, Saga shook his head and calmly said:

“You know nothing of power.”

Pausing, he twisted his neck and said, “Since you wish to face me, I shall oblige you this time.”

The Shield Knight’s gaze was firm, and it seemed difficult to get past his defense to deal with the commander of the curse magic.

The moment the words fell, the Golden Dragon flapped its wings, its body spinning as it shot up into the sky, ascending against the rain and disappearing into the dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

The Shield Knight was slightly startled, looking up at the sky.

Just as he was puzzled, a sudden overwhelming pressure descended, crushing down on him.

At the same time, a ‘Golden Meteor’ broke through the clouds, plummeting from the sky.

Surrounded by golden flames and entwined with tangible, terrifying lightning, it descended with an unstoppable, overwhelming presence, as if it could destroy and annihilate everything.

Great Desolation Dragon Meteor!

Saga’s face was calm, looking down like a king upon the tiny figure holding up a shield below.

At the same time, the Shield Knight’s vision reflected the imposing Golden Emperor Dragon, feeling as if everything else had vanished, the wind and rain ceased to exist, the Casters behind him were gone, and the world seemed to be left with only his tiny self and the descending Golden Emperor Dragon.

Taking a deep breath, the Shield Knight’s gaze was resolute, his expression and demeanor as unchanging as the rocks of an ancient mountain.

“My shield is unbreakable, able to withstand all harm.”

Looking up at the ‘Golden Meteor’ drawing closer, he whispered.

“Tarik, get out of the way!”

Sensing a fatal crisis, the Dimensionist and the Wind Caster quickly retreated to a distance and shouted at the Shield Knight.

The momentum of the Golden Emperor Dragon descending like a meteor was too terrifying, many times more dreadful than a real meteorite falling. They were worried for the Shield Knight.

“The destiny of a Shield Knight is to withstand attacks, never to retreat under any circumstances!” the Shield Knight declared.

Previously, when facing the dragon’s sweeping strike, he had no action or even thought of dodging, only focused on blocking.

Of course, this was not because the Shield Knight had any stubborn ideals.

In fact, the Shield Knight was very aware of his situation. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to dodge; he simply couldn’t. Shield Knights have top-tier defense, but this means they are not adept at evasion.

Facing powerful attacks, it’s better for them to focus all their efforts on defense rather than thinking about how to dodge.

With his spirit highly tense, time seemed to slow down.

The Shield Knight looked up at the sky, clearly seeing the Emperor Dragon falling with the rain, its diamond-like golden scales, and its beautifully proportioned limbs, as well as the indifferent gaze from above.

“Come on, we humans are not so easily shattered.”

He slightly bent his body, raised his shield above his head, his expression focused and solemn. His body, enhanced by various spells, exuded an unbreakable and solid aura.

The next instant, the ‘Golden Meteor’ struck.


A huge ring-shaped wave of air erupted, as if a tsunami had been lifted directly in mid-air, emitting a dull roar, spreading far and wide. In that moment, the entire stormy sky was cleared.

The ‘Golden Meteor’ remained in place, and due to the rebound force, it moved up a negligible meter or two.

At the same time, accompanied by the shattered fragments of the shield, a tiny figure twisted unnaturally and plummeted straight into the deep sea, piercing through the thick kilometer-thick water layer with the surging waves and embedding deeply into the dark seabed below, sinking a hundred meters into the seabed, never to rise again.

A Shield Knight, who could be respected as a powerful figure anywhere on this planet, was buried in the deep sea.

At the same time.

The Golden Emperor Dragon hanging in the sky lowered its gaze, the disdain in its eyes gradually fading, and it earnestly whispered:

“Human, you dared to face my power; you are a warrior. Your performance has pleased me. I will remember your existence; this will be your honor.”

Then, Saga shifted his gaze towards the Casters.

“Now it’s your turn, cowards who can only hide behind others and watch your comrades die.”

The Dimensionist and the Wind Caster showed expressions of anger and fear, while the commander of the curse magic, who had been focusing on casting, suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze electric and shining brightly.

“Evil Dragon, Tarik’s death has bought me time.”

“Your moment has ended!”

The commander of the curse magic whispered solemnly: “Mushivis, living in the silver heavens of Lunia, holy angel, please respond to my call and descend here!”

“Open the gate to Paradise Peak, the portal to another realm!”

In an instant, a point of light appeared in the sky, then quickly expanded, forming a door that was radiant, with a sense of sanctity and nobility, majestic and regal.

The dreary world of rain was also brightened, filled with rich light.

The rain continued to fall, but tinted by the halo, the storm seemed to become a sacred rain, quite peculiar.

“Angels? Celestial beings?”

Saga’s gaze narrowed, his expression becoming much more serious.

The spell cast by the commander of the curse magic, Saga knew.

Because this was the signature ninth-tier spell of the curse series, called Gate to Another Realm.

This spell was once regarded as a legendary spell, only learnable by veteran ninth-tier Spell Casters. Later, due to certain drawbacks, it was downgraded to a ninth-tier spell.

By constructing a Gate to Another Realm, a curse Caster can summon hordes of extraplanar creatures.

Demons from the Abyss, devils from Hell, elemental beings from the Elemental Planes, constructs from Mechanica, or angels from Paradise Peak—all beings outside the prime material world can be summoned.

With the Gate to Another Realm, a curse Caster can create an endless legion.

However, facing the oppressive Golden Emperor Dragon, the commander of the curse magic did not believe that numbers could defeat the opponent.

The Gate to Another Realm has another way of use.

If the name of a specific extraplanar being and a clear plane are known, it can summon a single target not too much higher in rank than oneself through the name and plane as a medium.

However, this target is not under the control of the curse Caster.

The being can freely leave, assist the curse Caster out of goodwill, or attack the curse Caster in anger for being summoned forcefully.

Therefore, when using the Gate to Another Realm in this way, a suitable target must be chosen.

The commander of the curse magic believed that his choice was appropriate.

At the same time, a figure wearing exquisite golden armor and with wings on its back stepped through the Gate to Another Realm, arriving at the chaotic and devastated battlefield.

Saga looked intently.

What he saw was a perfectly featured, androgynous humanoid being, its expression holy and solemn, holding a flaming sword of sanctity in its hand, currently surveying the surroundings and assessing the situation, while a pressure emanating from a higher plane of life radiated from its center.

“A legendary-tier Seraphim.”

Saga’s heart sank slightly.

The commander of the curse magic had summoned a legendary angel using the Gate to Another Realm, and not just any angel, but the most powerful of angels, a Seraphim—favored servants of many deities.

Seraphim are the highest order of angels, usually serving at the side of deities or engaging in great endeavors that benefit the whole world or plane. They are a powerful defense against the invasion of evil forces, with Seraphim strong enough to rival deities.

The Seraphim summoned by the commander of the curse magic was actually on the weaker side.

For example, ordinary dragons are the pinnacle of mortals, but Seraphim possess divinity and are often treated like gods.

“Mortal, why have you summoned me?”

The Seraphim, commanding and imposing, looked at the commander of the curse magic.

“Holy and kind angel, I ask you to fulfill your duty and punish the evil being that ravages the ocean,” the commander of the curse magic pointed at the Golden Dragon and said.

“If it is an evil creature, I do not mind helping you eradicate it,” the Seraphim said calmly, then turned to look at Saga, suspended in the air. After clearly seeing Saga’s appearance, its gaze became focused.

An evil Outsider Golden Dragon?

No, there’s also the scent of a Red Dragon, a hybrid Golden Dragon.

The Seraphim slightly frowned.

Turning its head back to the commander of the curse magic, the Seraphim spoke with a stern tone:

“Mortal, you think a hybrid Golden Dragon is an evil creature, so what has it done?”

The commander of the curse magic hesitated for a moment, then said:

“It has wreaked havoc in the Near Seas, causing countless casualties, a true embodiment of evil.”

Before the commander of the curse magic could finish, the Seraphim, with a flick of its flaming sword, looked sharply and fiercely at the commander, saying sternly:

“Mortal! Angels are kind and holy, but they also wield sharp holy swords to punish the wicked!”

“Do not lie in my presence!”

Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, the commander of the curse magic, who had already deemed Saga an evil being, was taken aback.

On the other side, Saga, who had been ready for a confrontation, showed a puzzled expression as he quietly watched the unfolding situation between the commander of the curse magic and the Seraphim.

“Hmph, I will see for myself.”

As a Seraphim that made many evil beings tremble in fear, they were not any saintly figures. They possessed both formidable martial prowess and excellent judgment, and would not wrongfully slay a target.

The Seraphim’s eyes glowed as it used its Judgement Eyes to look directly into the commander of the curse magic’s eyes, easily penetrating his magical defenses and accessing his memories.

After a moment, the Seraphim, with a dignified posture, asked:

“Mortal, whose territory is this near?”

The commander of the curse magic instinctively replied, “It’s near the King of the Near Seas.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized his mistake.

Indeed, the Seraphim, with a majestic and beautiful demeanor, rebuked without mercy:

“You know this is the other party’s territory! Understand this, your allied forces of the Near Seas nations are the aggressors, and the other party is merely defending rightfully. Do not proclaim justice to me; I have my own judgment of right and wrong.”

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