Chapter 205 – Strikes from outer planes

It is widely known that Casters are a noble profession.

Equally well-known is the fact that Casters have many drawbacks when preparing to attack, such as the need for materials, the time it takes to construct Spells, which are far less explosive and fierce than the instantaneous attacks of warriors.

But why are Casters still considered a noble profession, and why are they respectfully called magic masters?

The reason is simple.

Apart from their almost limitless applications, once a Caster’s Spell is fully constructed, it unleashes astonishing power, especially when specifically prepared for a target. A fully formed seventh-tier Spell can pose a threat to even eighth or ninth-tier warriors and cannot be ignored.

Saga, as a Mind Warlock, is also a type of Caster, and among the many paths of Casters, he is considered a high-ranking one.

However, the Spells of a Mind Warlock, or psychic abilities, while swift and covert, also have their drawbacks.

For instance, the power of psychic abilities is not as strong as other Spells of the same tier that require time to construct.

Of course, if it’s a one-on-one battle at the same tier, a Mind Warlock of the same caliber would utterly dominate other Casters. Facing a Mind Warlock alone and having enough time to construct a powerful Spell is nothing but a pipe dream.

After leaving Deep Sea Dragon City, Saga’s strength had improved significantly, including the strength of his spirit.

However, because he focused on exploring the basic force, Saga did not learn new advanced psychic abilities, and facing many Casters at once, along with the obstruction of many high-ranking individuals, he had no opportunity to interrupt their casting.

After some time, a wave of Spells that posed a significant threat to Saga was about to erupt.

His gaze narrowed as he felt the rising powerful auras around him. Saga took a deep breath, temporarily abandoned his offensive, and switched to defense. He turned the effect of his Force Field to maximum, seamless and impenetrable, keeping the stormy weather completely at bay.

“Come then, please me with your Spells, try to make me feel pain.”

Looking down, he surveyed the many Casters whose eyes shone with intelligence. The dragon spoke calmly and with overwhelming presence.

At the same time.

Surrounded by dazzling light, the commander of the curse magic, whose eyes shone like the sun, raised his staff first. Reflected in his vision was the majestic form of the Golden Dragon, and the incantation he chanted was reaching its climax.




Following the commander’s movements, a series of huge Magic Arrays unfolded in the sky, varying in size and nesting within each other, forming a complex pattern that was branded into the clouds.

At the same time, the commander’s face was solemn as he whispered, his voice deep:

“Beast Lord of the tiger from Beasthaven, heed my call and bring down your indestructible claws that can tear everything asunder!”

Ninth-tier Curse Magic—Summoning the Claw of the Tiger Lord!

Beasthaven is one of the many outer planes, ruled by powerful Beast Lords, some of whom are comparable to deities. The Tiger Lord is one of them, and some powerful curse mages have established a connection with the Tiger Lord through special magical rituals, offering what the Tiger Lord desires, to summon its projection for an attack.

Saga lifted his head, looking up at the sky.

In his view, a gigantic tiger claw, hundreds of meters in diameter, emerged from the Magic Array, blocking out the sun. Although it was only a projection, it appeared solid and carried an awe-inspiring pressure as it descended from the sky.

Saga’s gaze narrowed as he felt the space around him almost solidify.

A tangible, immense pressure locked down the space around him, rendering methods like Psychic Step and magical teleportation ineffective, and his body became sluggish and difficult to move.

Suppressing the space around the target to ensure the strike hits is one of the effects of this ninth-tier Spell.

Creaking, Saga flapped his dragon wings.

Though slow, he could still move.

The pressure was strong, but not enough to immobilize Saga, who was accustomed to training in high-gravity environments.

However, a rare Dimensionist had also completed the construction of a high-tier Spell.

Potent Dimensional Lockdown!

In an instant, the space around Saga truly solidified, and the dragon, along with the storm, appeared as if embedded in amber, every movement exceedingly slow.

At the same time.

The descent of the gigantic tiger claw wasn’t fast, but it carried an unstoppable momentum. Under its terrifying suppression, the sea beneath Saga began to cave in layer by layer. Coupled with the potent dimensional lockdown and the storm being kept at bay, the mountainous tiger claw and the Golden Dragon below seemed to be in a separate space.


Saga exhaled, his demeanor majestic and calm, his eyes reflecting the mountain-sized super-gigantic tiger claw, his heart involuntarily pumping faster.

Not out of fear.

But rather, this scene reminded Saga of a vision that had once filled him with dread—the mechanical god fist that descended from the sky and suppressed the Red Dragoness.

Back then, even from a great distance, Saga could feel the terrifying power of the mechanical god fist. He shuddered uncontrollably, even though he was not the target and was safe, but the feeling that he could die at any moment lingered in his mind, inescapable.

“It’s very similar,” murmured the young dragon, no longer the fragile Hatchling Dragon, lifting his head.

He could expend a large amount of Power Essence to shatter the locked space with his Force Field, then temporarily avoid the tiger claw’s edge and dodge the crushing blow that could pulverize mountains.

But Saga did not do so.

Under the watchful eyes of many, the Golden Dragon looked up, his scales gleaming, and then opened his dragon maw, brewing the annihilating breath aimed at the sky-blocking giant claw.

The super-gigantic tiger claw was formidable, but slow.

This gave Saga plenty of time to prepare his breath.

Facing the super-gigantic tiger claw that blocked out the sky, the Golden Dragon’s chest swelled slightly as he took a deep breath, and then, when the dragon breath reached its peak, he exhaled fiercely.


The solidified space shattered.

A blank void appeared in the curtain of wind and rain, and everything in its path was annihilated.

The annihilating dragon breath shot up against the rain, striking the super-gigantic tiger claw.

Under the tense gaze of many Casters, the super-gigantic tiger claw hit by the annihilating dragon breath came to a halt, was pierced through with ease by the annihilating dragon breath, and then, the Magic Array branded in the sky was also torn apart, starting to break from the middle.

Crack, crack, the surface of the super-gigantic tiger claw began to spread with countless fissures.

In just a few seconds, the claw that blocked out the sun shattered like fragile glass, turning into countless dissipating energy fragments.

At the same time.

In the outer plane of Beasthaven.

Somewhere in the rolling forests, a majestic tiger resting on a cliffside stirred its eyelids but did not open its eyes, simply turning over to continue its deep slumber.

This Tiger Lord, more powerful than some deities, appeared as ordinary as any tiger.

In the prime material world, on Saiga Planet.

“How is this possible?”

The commander of the curse magic, witnessing the shattering of the super-gigantic tiger claw, stared in disbelief, exclaiming in shock.

As a Caster nearing legend, endowed with foresight, wisdom, and extensive knowledge, he rarely lost his composure, but the shock in his heart was too great.

It was known that the best way to deal with the summoned projection of the Tiger Lord’s claw was to dodge as best as one could, or at the very least, to defend the vital areas to minimize the damage taken.

It was the first time he had seen a creature shatter the Tiger Lord’s projection claw.

To the commander, it was inconceivable.

The Tiger Lord, even in Beasthaven, was an exceptionally powerful Beast Lord. Some weaker deities dared not touch its whiskers. The claw summoned by magic, though only a projection, carried a trace of the Tiger Lord’s power, and the possibility of it being shattered was almost nonexistent.

Unless, it was struck by a force of the same tier, or even stronger.

“How did you do it?”

Driven by a Caster’s curiosity, the commander couldn’t help but question the dragon in the sky.

Against the backdrop of the shattered tiger claw and the celestial Magic Array, the Golden Dragon bathed in the storm looked down from on high at the commander, his gaze calm and indifferent, offering no answer.

The commander felt a chill in his heart, recognizing the dragon’s gaze.

It was the look of a lion or tiger regarding an ant, or a deity overlooking mortals, a complete disregard from a lofty height.

At the same time, a high-ranking eighth-tier Wind Caster had also completed a long-prepared Spell.

Destructive Storm!


Centered around the Golden Dragon, a storm with immense destructive and cutting power suddenly sprang into existence.

It was as if billions of blades were repeatedly slicing around the Golden Dragon, instantly turning nearby raindrops into dust.

This was a wind of destruction that could slice through steel and metal, yet the Golden Dragon at the center of the storm stood unmovable.

His scales shone brightly, untouched by the destructive wind swirling on their surface.

Like the commander, the Wind Caster also wore an incredulous expression.

“Even the wind of destruction cannot breach his defenses?”

“Emperor Dragon, what kind of terrifying creature is this?” At that moment, the eighth-tier Wind Caster suddenly realized that the Near Seas nations might have provoked the wrong target.

At the same time.

Wrapped in the wind of destruction, Saga flapped his dragon wings.

“Petty creatures, your performance is over. Now, it’s my turn.”

With a low roar, the Golden Dragon’s tens of meters long dragon wings tore through the gale and the downpour, like a golden meteor striking towards the Casters. The wind of destruction had not yet dissipated, trailing behind the Golden Dragon like a cloak woven from the storm.

“King of the Near Seas, your opponent is me!”

The Shield Knight, who had been sent flying, soared back into action, holding his shield with both hands, intercepting in front of the Golden Dragon, with other close-combat seventh and eighth-tier units following close behind.


With a heavy swing of his dragon arm, which drew the wind and rain towards it, Saga swatted at the Shield Knight.

Saga couldn’t be bothered with this ironclad nuisance; his target was the Casters, and he would deal with the Shield Knight later.

An overwhelming force came through, and the Shield Knight was sent flying back even faster than he had come, utterly unable to stop the ferocious momentum of the Golden Emperor Dragon. The destructive wind that wrapped around the Emperor Dragon also swept over the Shield Knight’s body, bypassing the shield’s defense, causing him to burst open with wounds, blood streaming.


The dragon wings swept across, striking a seventh-tier warrior who had boldly approached and swung his sword at the dragon.

This ordinary seventh-tier warrior did not have the formidable defense of the Shield Knight and was instantly vaporized into a mist of blood upon contact with the dragon wing, splattering on the dragon’s body, adding to the Golden Emperor Dragon’s imposing aura.

While the ninth-tier Shield Knight was sent flying with a single blow, appearing very disheveled, the fact that he could withstand a full-force strike from Saga and not die was enough to prove the Shield Knight’s formidable defense.

Under normal circumstances, the outcome of facing Saga’s heavy blow would be instant obliteration.

The other surviving seventh and eighth-tier beings felt a chill in their hearts, hesitant to approach.

They were intimidated by Saga’s terrifying presence, and a deep shadow had already fallen over their hearts.

If not for a sense of honor still at play, and the commander still present as their backbone, they would likely have fled without a second thought.

Yesterday, my tenosynovitis flared up, causing severe pain in my finger joints, so today’s update is a bit shorter.

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