Chapter 204 – Cross-tier battle with one against ten, outnumbered but still dominant

“Hmm? Where did he go?”

The commander of the curse magic, having shifted his attention away from the Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon, was momentarily taken aback before his expression subtly changed.

Suddenly, he had lost sight of the core target of this punitive expedition, the King of the Near Seas.

Taking a deep breath, the commander softly chanted under his breath, his body surging with magic power as he silently recited incantations, constructing a detection spell to track down the vanished King of the Near Seas.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

The Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon had both plunged into the fray.

The Black Sharks were being besieged by three high-ranking warriors. Although they were barely clinging to life thanks to their swift movements, they were overwhelmed and battered from all sides in this unfair fight, covered in wounds and looking quite pitiful.


The sea surface caved in, bursting into countless splashes.

The Black Shark narrowly dodged the pincer attack of two high-ranking warriors, reappearing on the other side.

However, the third high-ranking warrior, relying on his excellent combat experience and intuition, successfully predicted the Black Shark’s movement and swiftly launched a deadly attack.

A chilling blade glinted before his eyes.

The Black Shark took a deep breath, his body crackling with electricity, focusing all his concentration to dodge.



A blinding bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the world shrouded in dark clouds, and directly enveloped the high-ranking warrior within it.

Zap zap! The high-ranking warrior struck by lightning showed a pained expression, his body trembling uncontrollably.

At the same time, an immense sense of oppression came from above.

The Black Shark was slightly startled, then looked up to the sky.

A nine-meter-tall behemoth, like a small mountain, plummeted from the sky, landing squarely among the other two high-ranking warriors. With a sweep of its arm, it sent one warrior flying, and with a ferocious roar, the tangible sound waves repelled the other warrior who had taken the opportunity to attack.

“Cackle, die, all of you!”

The immense physical strength was something the former Necromancer did not possess, which excited Addison greatly.

His tall and sturdy body moved with the force of a storm, catching up to the warrior sent flying, grabbing him with one hand, and then squeezing fiercely. No matter how the captured warrior struggled, he couldn’t break free from the Dragon Vein Giant’s vice-like grip and was crushed to death.

With a casual toss, the mangled corpse was thrown at another high-ranking warrior.


With a pang of mercy, the high-ranking warrior didn’t shatter the corpse flying towards him, merely sidestepping it.

As they passed by each other, a sinister smile appeared on the face of the Dragon Vein Giant.

“Corpse Explosion!”

In an instant, the mangled corpse violently burst open, turning into a terrifying black-green mist that enveloped the high-ranking warrior.

The last high-ranking warrior, struck by lightning, shook off the paralyzing effect.

But just as he regained his senses, a spear made of lightning thrown by the giant pierced through the rain and embedded itself in his shoulder.

Had his reaction not been swift, he would have been killed instantly.

At that moment, the black-green mist of the Corpse Explosion was fiercely dispersed, revealing the inside of the high-ranking warrior’s body, rotten and bloody, his vitality weak.

Like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

The Dragon Vein Giant instantly killed one high-ranking warrior and severely wounded the other two.

In the sky above the battlefield.

A high-ranking seventh-tier Winged Tiger Knight was the first to confront the arriving Sapphire Dragon, but in just a brief encounter, he was suddenly frozen in place, then bitten to death by the Sapphire Dragon.

More knights, following several high-ranking seventh-tier leaders, temporarily halted their assault on creatures like the lion-scorpion, turning their attention to the Sapphire Dragon.

The battle-hungry Sapphire Dragon roared thunderously, its body shimmering with psychic energy, then split into three, wreaking havoc.

The intimidating thunderous roar and psychic stabs caused the enemy’s will to falter.

Sharp claws, powerful tails, and wings crushed the bodies of the enemy forces.

The adult eighth-tier Sapphire Dragon was like a sharp knife tearing through the air forces of the Near Seas nations. Although it too was injured in the onslaught of many knights, the destructive effect it brought was overwhelming for the knightly order.

The appearance of the Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon changed the tide of the war.

At this time, the higher-ranking commanders who had been quietly observing could no longer sit still.

Several eighth-tier beings rose from the magic ships where the casters were stationed, rushing to the frontline battlefield. They joined forces with the many seventh-tier leaders on the battlefield, and the caster legion also provided healing spells, occasionally constructing powerful high-tier destructive spells. Together with the relentless elemental cannon fire from the magic ships, they attacked the Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon.

After an initial display of might, the Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon were quickly suppressed.

The monster legion was still at a disadvantage.

However, the commander of the curse magic, who was directing the caster legion from the rear, did not show any joy.

He frowned, pondering in his heart.

“King of the Near Seas, where have you gone?”

“Could it be that seeing the situation turning sour, you felt you were no match for our allied forces, so you took the opportunity to flee while your subjects were engaged in battle? No, it’s unlikely. The King of the Near Seas, whose presence is as bright as the sun, would never be a cowardly dragon.”

Suddenly, as if sensing something, the commander of the curse magic was shocked.

He abruptly looked up, issuing a command through magic, “All hands on deck! Maximize the magic shield’s power on the ship!”

Damn it!

Daring to venture alone deep into our rear, aren’t you afraid of being surrounded and killed, never to escape? The forces here are not to be underestimated.

The commander of the curse magic was shaken, realizing where the King of the Near Seas was now, and was startled by the boldness of the other party.

Almost at the moment his words fell.


Amidst the wind and rain, the silhouette of a Golden Dragon almost grazed the top of a magic ship, and even through the magical shield, the casters on the ship were still overshadowed by the dragon’s massive shadow, clearly seeing the diamond-like golden scales and the disdainful gaze in the molten gold-like dragon eyes.

“There are always insignificant and ignorant creatures who wish to confront the power of a True Dragon!”

“Come face me! Face death!”

At such close range, Saga could clearly see the fear in the eyes of the casters below. He roared lowly, raising his claw, bringing with it a sense of heaviness to the extreme, and slammed it down fiercely.


The Superheavy Dragon Punch smashed onto the magic shield.

In an instant, the magic shield, capable of withstanding high-tier attacks, shattered like an eggshell, and the Golden Dragon’s body, with a pressure like the abyss, continued to press down, landing in the middle of the ship.


Deafening roars erupted amidst the torrential rain, drowning out the thunder.

A fifty-meter-long large magic ship was instantly split in two, magic runes shattered and vanished, the steel hull twisted and cracked, capsizing towards the seabed. The tremendous force spread, radiated, and burst forth. The low-ranking casters on the ship were instantly killed, with only a few lucky mid-ranking casters and those with solid high-ranking abilities managing to escape in time.

“Courageous! All casters, unleash your full firepower, target—the King of the Near Seas!”

Just like that, a large magic ship was destroyed, accompanied by heavy casualties. The commander of the curse magic made a decisive decision and issued the order.

A multitude of casters tensed up, their bodies surging with magic power, their mouths rapidly reciting spells, constructing magic.

Boom boom boom!

On all the surrounding magic ships, elemental cannons, mana cannons, and other war machines all shifted their targets, locking onto the Golden Dragon rising from the wreckage of the magic ship, firing thunderously.

Brilliant lights flared.

The gray, rainy world became as bright as day, with the silhouette of the Golden Dragon at the center of the world, bearing the brunt of all the ferocious bombardment.

Crash crash crash!

Explosions erupted continuously around Saga’s body, evaporating countless raindrops, and the sea surface below collapsed into a huge pit.


A dragon’s roar that echoed through the heavens, overpowering the sound of explosions and thunder, rang out.

A pair of Golden Dragon wings proudly unfurled, the dragon bathed in the light of the explosions, seemingly unharmed. Each golden scale shone brightly, dazzlingly brilliant.

Carrying a terrifying momentum, the Golden Dragon fiercely rammed into another nearby magic ship.


The several tens of meters long magic ship, like a giant beast, appeared extremely fragile before the dragon. The shields that lit up around it were almost instantly shattered by brute force, and then the entire steel-forged hull was penetrated by the dragon as if it were rotten wood.

The dragon rose from the already destroyed ship.

Elemental cannons and mana cannons continued to lock on and bombard him, thundering like thunder, but they could not break through the dragon’s impenetrable force field defense, instead adding to its imposing aura.

The dragon, bathed in cannon fire, swept its disdainful gaze over the insignificant creatures below with its golden dragon eyes.

“All shall submit to the King of the Near Seas!”

The dragon declared, its head held high.

Three pairs of majestic dragon horns lit up with dazzling blue lightning and silvery white electric light, as bright as a sun made of thunder and lightning. At the same time, the dark clouds in the high sky also lit up, with countless silver snakes writhing and thunder dragons dancing, as if responding to the Golden Dragon’s declaration, celebrating for it.

“Not good!”

The commander of the curse magic felt an intense elemental fluctuation and his face changed slightly.

At the same time, facing the threat brought by the King of the Near Seas, all the magic ships maximized their shield power and paused their attacks.

The wind howled, and the rain poured.

Surrounded by the majestic figure of the Golden Dragon, thousands of heavenly thunders descended, casting it as if a deity had descended, infinitely majestic.

Boom boom boom boom!

The sea area where the magic ships were located turned into a lake of thunder.

Countless currents traveled through the water, easily capable of killing a person.

Elemental cannons and other war machines were extinguished, all magic runes lit up, providing magic energy to attack the ship’s magic shields, resisting the terrifying heavenly thunders that were even more fearsome than the might of heaven.


The shields shattered, and the heavenly thunders that fell from the sky swept through the rain and engulfed the ship’s hull. Entire magic ships and the human casters and soldiers who failed to evade in time were swallowed and drowned by the lake of thunder, dying without even a chance to scream.

At this moment, everyone here truly understood the terror of the King of the Near Seas, the might of the Emperor Dragon.

In the reef-dense forest area where a large number of monsters and human legions clashed.

Both sides noticed the commotion elsewhere.

Upon seeing the Golden Dragon displaying its might, countless monsters roared and howled, excited as if they had been enhanced by spells, their morale greatly boosted.

“For the Emperor Dragon, kill, kill, kill!”

“Tear apart their fragile bodies!”

With roars and howls, the battle continued.

The thunder that echoed through the dark sky gradually weakened, and the lightning within the clouds thinned, as if the endless heavenly thunder bombardment was coming to an end.

The lightning on the dragon horns extinguished, turning red-hot as if overheated.

Hiss hiss hiss. Raindrops fell from the sky, landing on Saga’s dragon horns and instantly evaporating, forming a misty vapor.

The still torrential rain, the lingering electric light in the air, the numerous wreckage of magic ships on the sea surface, and the Golden Emperor Dragon high above, looking down upon everything like a king, together formed an unforgettable scene.

In one raid.

Saga had almost completely destroyed the enemy’s rear ships, causing heavy casualties.

However, the widespread attack was somewhat dispersed, and the real powerhouses did not die in this all-encompassing thunder strike, with many people surviving.


A wave of magic rippled past, and the originally turbulent sea surface instantly calmed down.

A group of casters, surrounded by magical auras, stood on the sea surface, looking up at the Golden Dragon in the sky, feeling a slight chill, but their recitation of spells did not stop.

The sound of incantations was like rapid raindrops falling into a lake, echoing continuously.

They were casting a joint spell.

Saga narrowed his eyes, looking at the casters, with psychic energy blooming in his gaze.

Psychic Blast!


A spherical shield emerged, resisting the Psychic Blast and then disappearing again.

Quickly, the sound of incantations ceased with the fall of the last syllable.

A caster raised his staff, pointing to the sky.

Seal the Sky!

For dragon species adept at flying, the best combat strategy is to first pull them into ground combat. To ensure that the King of the Near Seas loses the ability to fly, many casters cast this spell simultaneously.

However, to the astonishment of the casters, the Golden Dragon remained suspended in the air.

Looking at the casters who were shocked, Saga grinned.

The essence of Seal the Sky is to disperse the magic energy that supports the flight of magical creatures. Without the magic energy that has always aided their flight, magical creatures often become disoriented, and their ability to fly is greatly affected.

However, Saga is an exceptional dragon species that has trained his physique year after year.

He can even rely solely on his physique to soar and fly in a super-heavy environment. The mere Seal the Sky, even if released by many casters together, cannot suppress him.

“Foolish and ignorant fools.”

The Golden Dragon opened its mouth and exhaled.


An electromagnetic pulse dragon breath shot out, shattering the wind and rain along the way, heading straight for the casters below.

A powerful magic shield reappeared, but the composite magic shield, capable of withstanding attacks from ninth-tier creatures, cracked visibly under the Golden Dragon’s breath, countless cracks spreading like a spider web, on the verge of collapse.

The breath of a dragon species always has astonishing effects.

Although Saga’s electromagnetic pulse dragon breath is a simplified version of the annihilation dragon breath, it is still stronger than the ordinary cobalt dragon’s electromagnetic pulse dragon breath and should not be underestimated.

Crack crack! In no more than a second, the magic shield will be destroyed.

By then, the electromagnetic pulse dragon breath that can shatter metal and even corrode bones and souls will fall, and this group of casters will be in dire straits.


The dark clouds in the sky parted.

A sharp spear tip, made entirely of magic energy and tangible, emerged and plummeted instantly.

The Golden Dragon’s gaze shifted, stopping the breath, and the body that had been hovering in the sky instantly moved, disappearing from its original spot.


A hundred-meter-long white spear, like a weapon thrown by a deity to the mortal world, silently pierced through the curtain of wind and rain, entering the ocean without a sound.

Eighth-tier curse: Summon Holy Spear!

Standing on a piece of magic ship wreckage, the commander of the curse magic pursed his lips, shifting his gaze to the Golden Dragon that appeared in another part of the sky, avoiding the piercing of the holy spear.

The commander of the curse magic swung his silver staff, pointing at the Golden Dragon.

Suddenly, the sea surface began to boil.

The huge holy spear disintegrated into thousands of light spears emerging from the sea, like an inverse rainstorm, tracking and shooting towards the Golden Dragon.

Saga, expressionless, waved his dragon wings indifferently.

Hiss hiss hiss!

Gravity blades crisscrossed, crushing a large number of light spears, with only a few pinging off Saga’s scales, easily blocked by the deflection field.

The first strike from the sky was the strongest, making Saga feel danger.

But after avoiding it with Psychic Step, the subsequent changes of the spell were not so impressive.

Shifting his gaze to the caster who had released this somewhat threatening spell, Saga said softly, “Human, you have caught my attention.”

Being targeted by the dragon’s gaze, the commander of the curse magic felt a sinking feeling in his heart.

“How can a dragon that has just entered the eighth tier possess such terrifying might?”

Before the arrival of the Near Seas allied forces, Saga, who was naturally at the peak of the seventh tier, naturally and smoothly reached the eighth tier. If the enemy did not come, he was ready to take the initiative to attack the Near Seas nations.

“What kind of dragon is this? Unprecedented.”

Taking a deep breath, the commander of the curse magic’s gaze was calm and sharp, and he said solemnly, “King of the Near Seas, you are too arrogant, daring to come here alone.”

Although the ships were destroyed, the high-ranking beings here did not suffer casualties.

The ninth-tier commander of the curse magic, along with a ninth-tier knight guarding beside the commander, plus three high-ranking eighth-tier and five high-ranking seventh-tier beings, a total of ten high-ranking beings gathered from all directions, along with many elite mid-ranking beings, subtly trapping the dragon.

The Near Seas nations had a total of four ninth-tier beings on the surface.

To subdue the King of the Near Seas, two came at once.

This actually showed great regard for Saga, after all, no one could imagine what kind of monster they were facing. According to the known information, the King of the Near Seas was at most only eighth-tier.

Scanning the crowd, the dragon’s mouth curled up into a wild smile.

“What you consider arrogance, to me, is just the daily routine I’m accustomed to.”

After a pause, the young dragon shook its neck leisurely and said unhurriedly, “Humans, in the face of absolute power, numbers are useless, but I still hope you can make me enjoy this.”

Grinning, revealing sharp dragon teeth.

“Come, face me!”

With a flick of the dragon wings, the Golden Dragon moved through the rain curtain with extreme speed, the storm and rain stirred up behind it as if wearing a cape woven from the elements.

In the blink of an eye, Saga appeared in front of a seventh-tier warrior.


The thunderous sound explosion only resounded now, with ring-shaped shockwaves bursting behind Saga.

The seventh-tier human leader had not yet reacted when his vision was filled with a golden ‘wall,’ and then, a pain shot through his body, and he lost consciousness, dying on the spot.

In fact, within the high ranks, the gap between the seventh and eighth tiers is not very huge.

It is not easy for an eighth-tier to kill a seventh-tier in one hit.

However, for Saga, who was serious, it was as simple as eating and drinking, even though he had only broken through to the eighth tier a few days ago.

Ten high-rankers, now only nine remained.

Everyone present felt a sinking feeling in their hearts, not expecting the dragon’s attack to be so terrifyingly swift, instantly killing a comrade with the force of thunder.

“Tarik, you don’t need to stay by my side. The King of the Near Seas needs you to confront it directly and engage it, otherwise it could kill us one by one.”

The commander of the curse magic made a decisive decision, ordering the ninth-tier knight by his side to confront the King of the Near Seas.


The knight nodded heavily, then soared into the sky, charging towards the Golden Dragon.

The commander of the curse magic, along with an eighth-tier wind mage and a rare seventh-tier Dimensionist, began reciting incantations, preparing powerful spells.

A large group of mid-ranking casters were also constructing spells.

The spells of the mid-ranking casters were basically no threat to Saga, who had already abandoned offensive spells and instead provided enhancement spells to their high-ranking beings. A few used spells like Slow, Feeblemind, and Fragility to attack Saga.

At the same time.

The spells from the mid-ranking casters were very diverse, but they could hardly break through Saga’s deflection field, with only one or two complex spells getting past the deflection field, but they were ignored under Saga’s strong magic resistance.

The deflection field was just the first layer of Saga’s defense.

Dragons naturally possess terrifying physical resistance and magic resistance, not to mention that Saga’s physical attributes are supreme among his kind, maxed out.

Ignoring the casters’ spells, Saga approached another seventh-tier warrior, ready to repeat his previous action and crush him.

“Are you ready to embrace death?”

Hearing the whisper in his ear, the seventh-tier warrior looked at the dragon now close at hand, feeling the terrifying dragon might like an abyss, and showed a look of despair.

Under insufficient containment.

His fate would be the same as his comrade’s, instantly killed by the King of the Near Seas.

“Even though we’re both high-ranking, why is there such a big difference?”

After all, he was a human capable of reaching the high ranks. In his despair, he did not lose his fighting spirit but instead overcame his fear, raising his long sword in a brave stance to face the enormous dragon claw.

Suddenly, a reassuring broad figure moved in front of the warrior.

The ninth-tier knight gripped a nearly man-high shield, the solid glow from the shield extending out, forming a thick barrier with an unbreakable texture.

Saga’s sweeping claw struck the barrier.


The barrier caved in, cracks spreading out like a web, but it did not shatter in one blow.

“Such tremendous power.”

The ninth-tier knight’s body trembled, not completely withstanding the blow but flying back a distance to dissipate the force.

Taking this opportunity, the warrior behind him widened the distance from the Golden Dragon, while the knight faced Saga directly, his angular face showing a resolute gaze, and said in a low voice:

“King of the Near Seas, you cannot break through my defense, and I will stop all your attacks here.”

Interesting. Saga narrowed his eyes, observing the knight who had blocked his attack.

Because he pursued the sharpness and swiftness of his offensive, Saga did not use the Superheavy Dragon Punch just now, but his attack still carried a massive force, which was blocked by a small-statured knight.

Observing the opponent’s robust figure and the intricately patterned shield, information from the dragon’s heritage surfaced in his mind.

The ultimate defense—Shield Knight.

Shield Knights forsake all offensive skills in pursuit of complete defense. They use the Shield of the Heart to ward off confusion and hesitation, using their bodies as shields to withstand all harm. Most attacks are harmless to them like a gentle breeze.

“Shield Knight. I don’t understand the joy of being a mere iron turtle that can only take hits.”

“Moreover, your defense is not as strong as you imagine.”

Looking down at the opponent with disdain, Saga clenched his claw.

An invisible force of attraction emerged, causing the surrounding wind and rain to swirl, forming a visible vortex between the dragon’s enormous claws.

A heavy sense of weight and danger approached.

With a flick of the dragon wings, all the raindrops around were shattered, and the Golden Dragon, with an overwhelming sense of oppression, came before the Shield Knight, and the Superheavy Dragon Punch was fiercely unleashed.

“I am the shield, my shield is unbreakable.”

Physical Immunity Shield!

The Shield Knight whispered, his muscles bulging as he raised his shield, adding the skills of a Shield Knight to it.


Countless raindrops shattered, and a wave of air surged like a waterfall.

Whoosh. The unstoppable force came simultaneously, and even with the use of a defensive skill with a strong immunity to physical damage, the Shield Knight’s body was involuntarily sent flying, carving a path through the rain. During this, his palms ached with pain, and the top-quality magic metal shield also cracked.

It should be noted that even before reaching the high ranks, Saga’s Superheavy Dragon Punch was already enough to pose a threat to ninth-tier demons, and those demons were not ordinary characters but exceptionally powerful beings.

Even the Shield Knight with ultimate defense was directly breached.

Saga prepared to pursue his advantage.

But the spells prepared by the high-ranking casters were ready, and for Saga, this was the greatest threat.

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