Chapter 203 – By the blood of the enemy, I offer to Emperor Dragon’s radiant glory!

Due to the disruption of their observation spells, the casters of the Near Seas allied forces were unable to accurately lock onto their targets.

Thus, they ceased to waste magic power needlessly. One by one, the magical warships braved the wind and rain, moving through the storm like behemoths as they continued to approach the reef-dense forest.

Amidst the thunderous roars and the howling wind and rain, time marched on.

The numerous magical ships gradually closed in on the reef-dense forest, appearing before all the monsters, and then, about five kilometers away, some of them came to a halt.

The storm raged on, yet it seemed unable to affect the area surrounding the magical ships.

The caster teams of the allied forces remained on the magical ships, utilizing the special spell formations onboard to cast more efficiently and replenish their spent magic power and mental energy more swiftly.

Ships carrying close-combat commanders and elite soldiers continued to advance towards the reef-dense forest.


From a particularly massive magical ship, the sound of numerous wings flapping could be heard.

White tigers with wings, each carrying a knight clad in silver-white armor, soared into the air. Each one possessed at least a mid-tier life force, with some even being high-tier beings.

This was the Winged Tiger Corps from the Duchy of O’Connor, also one of the most elite air forces among the many duchies.

Under the leadership of several high-tier Winged Tiger Knight Commanders, a vast number of Winged Tiger Knights blotted out the sky, their wingbeats drowning out the storm and thunder.

In addition to the Winged Tiger Knights, the air forces of other duchies also made their presence known.

Pegasus Knights, Black Eagle Knights, Gryphon Knights—while not quite matching the quality of the Winged Tiger Knights, the gap was not significant. They formed a massive aerial corps that circled high above, advancing steadily through the storm alongside the magical warships, with the reef-dense forest now within reach.

Crack! Crack! The magical ships, protected by magical shields, shattered the outer reefs blocking their path.

On the other side, with a roaring howl from the Black Shark, the restless monster army sprang into action, their screeches, roars, and bellows drowning out the sound of the storm.

Lion-Scorpions, Bloodthirsty Giant Eagles, Bipedal Dragons, and more soared and dashed through the sky.

The Tiger Shark dove into the sea, while Ogres, Trolls, Wolf Giants, and others leaped across the reefs, unwilling to be outdone and closely following behind.

The dark mass of the monster army met the Near Seas allied forces head-on.

As the two sides drew closer, the casters from both factions began to exert their strength.

Robust magic pulses rose from the rear of both sides, forming various spells and creating a bizarre spectacle.

Clouds of fire and dark clouds hung in the sky simultaneously, with raindrops and flames mingling as they fell from the heavens.

Icy beams pierced through the rain curtain, leaving straight crystalline traces in mid-air.

Magic missiles, shockwave ripples, water tornadoes, high-explosive fireballs—countless spells bloomed like fireworks in the sky and sea, their dazzling elemental glows brightening the dim skies under the cloud cover.

The shields of the magical ships glowed brightly, intercepting the rain and spells cast by the monster warlocks.

A multitude of spells struck the shields of the magical ships, creating web-like cracks, but they could not break through.

At the same time, spells from the Near Seas casters also fell upon the advancing monster army.

A fireball the size of an ordinary person’s fist pierced through the rain, evaporated the water, and struck a Troll fiercely, then suddenly exploded, forming a massive fireball over three meters in diameter, engulfing the entire Troll.

Trolls possess terrifying regenerative abilities, easily regrowing severed limbs, but they fear fire the most.

This high-explosive fireball spell was enough to claim the life of a Troll.

However, rip!

A pair of cyan-black claws tore through the flames, and the Troll, protected by a water elemental shield that flowed over its body like water, continued its frenzied rush, the charred marks on its skin rapidly fading.

Looking around.

On the bodies of Trolls, Ogres, Wolf Giants, Sea Wolves, and other monsters, most bore supportive or protective spells.

This was because most monster warlocks were engaged in support, with only a very few attacking the magical ships, as the main combatant monster clans were mostly close-combat brutes, fierce and formidable. The role of the warlocks was to protect them from targeted attacks by the opposing casters, not to engage in a barrage with the enemy casters.

The caster corps of the Near Seas nations were more professional.

Although the spells they cast without much preparation were not very advanced, they were not something that could be withstood without injury.

Moreover, spell bombardment was only a part of the attacks the monster army faced.

The magical warships were equipped with elemental cannons, mana cannons, and other war implements, which were also firing non-stop. The dazzling elemental glows were brighter than the lightning streaking across the sky, and the deafening booms surpassed the sound of thunder.

The spell bombardment and the bombardment from the magical ships created a terrifying zone of destruction.

However, for monsters with incredibly strong physiques, capable of tearing apart steel and stone, such attacks were not enough to rout them.

With the enhancement and protective spells given by the warlocks, the monsters withstood the bombardment from the magical ships and the spell attacks, breaking through the danger zone and reaching the vicinity of the magical ships. Although each was more or less injured, this did not cause them to shrink back. Instead, the scent of blood and gunpowder in the stormy air further stimulated their inner ferocity.

At the same time, a large number of soldiers had already descended around the magical ships.

Without exception, every soldier participating in this punitive war had stepped onto the transcendent path, primarily warriors, with not a single ordinary soldier present, as an ordinary soldier would not survive a second here.

Some ranged soldiers remained on the decks of the magical ships, protected by the ships’ shields, using enchanted bows and arrows or operating elemental cannons and other war implements to attack.

Since the monsters could not be allowed to destroy the shields, the soldiers skilled in close combat actively left the magical ships to engage in melee combat with the monsters.

“For the glory of the Emperor Dragon!”

A Wolf Giant, four meters in length, roared and crushed the reefs, instantly pouncing on and killing a lightly armored swordsman.

Lightning flashed, and its powerful arms grabbed the swordsman, tearing him in half at the waist with a violent rip, as blood and organs spilled out.

Even among Saga’s increasingly numerous monster clans, the rare Wolf Giants were still considered upper-tier combatants, fierce and formidable. During the war with the Storm Giants, the Wolf Giants had caused considerable trouble for the True Dragon’s side.

But in the chaos of the battlefield, such a monster could also be instantly killed the next second.


An elemental heavy cannon struck the Wolf Giant, sending its massive body flying.

The robust physique of the monster was bloodied but not dead.

However, as the injured Wolf Giant barely emerged from the water, a glinting iron spear pierced the rain curtain and entered its head, killing the Wolf Giant with a single blow.

This was a sixth-tier warrior, a minor leader within the human army.

His face hidden behind a lion-headed helmet, his cape soaked with rain, he wielded an iron spear, charging through the monster ranks, quickly claiming many lives.


The iron spear swept out an energy blade tens of meters long, slicing a bulky Ogre in half.

The warrior leader immediately shifted targets, setting his sights on a Minotaur.

But before he could strike down the Minotaur, a sudden chill in his heart was followed by an overwhelming sense of weakness.

Looking down, he saw a huge, gaping hole through his left chest, his heart gone.

His vision blurred.

In his dying moments, he saw a black Tiger Shark with silver-white stripes, its body wrapped in electric currents, darting through the battlefield with afterimages. It possessed terrifying speed, even surpassing that of many high-tier beings, making it impossible for even a sixth-tier warrior to defend against a sudden kill.


With a howling gust, a powerful Winged Tiger Knight swooped low, his long spear deflecting a leaping Tiger Shark and aiming for the spine of the Black Shark.

The Black Shark reacted swiftly, sensing the danger from behind.


The knight’s long spear pierced through the Black Shark’s body, but it was only an afterimage.

The Black Shark, its body surging with electricity, dodged the Winged Tiger Knight’s charge in a flash.

Missing its target, the Winged Tiger Knight circled around, ready to fly back into the sky.


The sea suddenly erupted, and a seven-to-eight-meter-long Dire Wolf burst forth, biting the Winged Tiger Knight at the waist and bringing it down, then gnawing through the armor and flesh with its sharp teeth.

As the Black Shark’s gaze shifted from the Sea Wolf leader, it continued to maneuver through the chaotic battlefield.

In the tumultuous battlefield, danger lurked everywhere.

Human soldiers and monsters were blinded by bloodlust, killing everything in sight without hesitation.

Even after slaying their current opponent, there was no room for carelessness, as the next attack could come from any direction at any moment.

To survive in such a place, one’s mind must be completely tense, with no room for relaxation.

A moment’s inattention could lead to injury or even death.

The Black Shark’s speed was extremely fast, and its mental focus was so intense that time seemed to slow down around it.

In the chaotic battlefield, this malevolent shark was like the reaper of lives.

With every swipe of its electrified claws, it claimed the life of a Near Seas allied forces leader.

But even the Black Shark was not safe in such a battlefield.

Suddenly, as the Black Shark locked onto another sixth-tier enemy, ready to strike, a sharp sense of danger pierced deep within its heart.

Its body instantly vanished from its spot.


The reef beneath it shattered to dust.

A heavily armored warrior wielding a dark longsword, his presence that of a high-tier being, stared coldly at the Black Shark.

The Black Shark had caught the attention of a high-tier human commander.

Their eyes met, and without a word, the high-tier commander shattered the reef beneath him and lunged at the Black Shark.

Facing an existence a whole tier above itself, the Black Shark remained composed, its fierce face showing no sign of panic.

Psychic Blast!

The Black Shark’s gaze intensified, and the light of psychic energy burst forth from its eyes.

The high-tier commander’s movements stalled as if struck by lightning, his mind a blank.

By the time he regained his senses, the Black Shark’s electrified claws had already reached his chest.


Magical runes traveled across the surface of the commander’s armor, lighting up to block the Black Shark’s claws. The high-tier commander countered with a slash through the rain, aiming for the Black Shark’s head.

With a flash of electricity, the Black Shark retreated, avoiding the lethal strike.

“I almost died.”

The high-tier commander felt a chill, touching his armor.

Had it not been for his heavily enchanted armor, he might have been killed by a sixth-tier monster in their first encounter.

“By the blood of our enemies, we glorify our lord!”

The Black Shark roared softly, its back trailing afterimages formed by electricity, as it boldly charged at the high-tier commander, fighting above its tier.

Although the top combatants were still holding back, silently observing, the war had already reached a fever pitch.


A thirty-meter-long medium-sized magical ship suddenly shook violently, struck by a blazing hammer tail, its magical shield instantly shattered.

The Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, with its tyrant personality, roared as it emerged from the water, breaking many reefs.

It leaped high, its body ablaze like a meteor, and crashed down.


Many soldiers hurriedly jumped away, trying to avoid it, but a few too close to escape were smashed into pulp. The magical ship groaned and tilted, slowly capsizing after the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon’s fierce onslaught.

At that moment.

Sword-wielding warriors rushed forward, dozens of them surrounding and attacking the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon.

Their weapons struck the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, leaving cracks, but it was difficult to truly injure it.

The Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon’s close-combat abilities were incredibly fierce, and every move carried immense destructive power. Dozens of mid-tier warriors were either killed or injured upon contact.

Its massive claw lifted and crushed a warrior with a squeeze.

Steel armor and flesh fused together.

With a flick of its head, a sixth-tier warrior leaping towards it was immediately impaled by the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon’s horned head.

Its body spun rapidly, and its hammer-like tail sent a swath of soldiers flying.


A long-charged mana cannon struck the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, causing it to stagger. Its thick scales cracked, and hot blood flowed.

With a fierce glint in its eyes, the tyrant Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon leaped high.

Its body curled like a boulder, reigniting in flames, resembling a fiery meteorite, aiming for the magical ship that had just fired at it.

But before the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon could land.

The sea below suddenly surged, and the water mixed with shattered reef fragments formed a murky giant hand that grasped the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon and pressed it towards the deep sea.

On the deck of a magical ship, a commander dressed in sea-blue armor, surrounded by the pulsation of water elemental energy, leaped into the boiling sea to engage in combat with the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon.

Both of Saga’s Psychic Guards were entangled.

As for Saga’s other monster kin, although they were formidable in single combat, they were outnumbered by the human army and were at a definite disadvantage, fighting many with few.

The situation in the sky was similar.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Elemental cannons and mana cannons thundered continuously, complemented by the casters’ spells, relentlessly striking the monster army, especially those engaged in aerial combat with the human air forces. Being live targets in the sky, they bore the brunt of the fierce firepower.


A Lion-Scorpion swatted away a Winged Tiger Knight’s spear, and its long poisonous tail pierced through, injecting a terrifying toxin into the Winged Tiger’s body, causing it to convulse and fall from the sky.

But two more Winged Tiger Knights approached from the side, their spears whistling as they pierced through the Lion-Scorpion’s neck and abdomen.

A Bloodthirsty Giant Eagle grabbed a Pegasus Knight, quickly tearing both the rider and mount to shreds.

Bipedal Dragons exuded a faint Dragon Might, intimidating the Gryphon Knights’ mounts and taking the opportunity to kill the riders above.

However, like the Lion-Scorpion, more human sky knights surrounded and attacked them, and with the additional bombardment from spells and magical cannons, they were brought down in large numbers.

Looking across the entire battlefield, now encompassing both sky and sea.

The monsters were retreating step by step, with the massive Near Seas allied forces holding a clear advantage, especially as more high-tier units entered the fray.

But the monster army also achieved impressive feats.

The Black Shark was covered in cuts, its blood mixing with the rain, but in its claws was a head with an incredulous gaze.

After a fierce battle, the Black Shark triumphed in its fight above its tier, twisting off the head of its opponent, living up to its status as one of Saga’s Psychic Guards.

Almost simultaneously, the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon re-emerged from the water, ramming and destroying the magical ships.

The high-tier commander who had dived into the sea to fight the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon was now nowhere to be seen, buried at the bottom of the sea.

“Truly two dangerous beasts.”

“They are the kin of the King of the Near Seas. Take them down first!”

Before the Black Shark and Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon could continue their rampage, more high-tier seventh-tier commanders joined the fray. With higher ranks and outnumbering their opponents, and with the aid of more elite soldiers, both the Black Shark and the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon found themselves in peril.

“Aren’t you going to make a move, King of the Near Seas?”

“Your monster army is about to falter.”

At a certain distance from the main battlefield, the commander of the curse magic, standing on the deck of a magical ship, narrowed his eyes, murmuring in his heart.

As a ninth-tier caster, this commander also had a keen perception.

He had a premonition that the King of the Near Seas was no ordinary dragon. To ensure his expulsion or death, caution was necessary, as some of the top combatants of the Near Seas allied forces had not yet moved, such as the eighth and ninth-tier commanders who were still holding back, waiting for the main adversary to reveal itself before striking with the force of thunder to capture it.

“How much longer can you hold back?”

Calculating in his mind, the commander of curse magic observed the changing situation on the battlefield, standing silently.

Meanwhile, on Grayrock Isle.

On the towering seaside cliffs, a majestic Golden Dragon quietly watched the intense battlefield, now in the throes of fierce combat. Thunder and storm, fire and smoke, all reflected in its molten gold eyes.

To ascertain the exact number of high-tier combatants in the Near Seas allied forces, the meticulous young dragon did not act rashly at first.

The death of some kin meant little to Saga.

The monster clans under his command were somewhat mixed, and experiencing a trial by fire in this war to become more refined was more in line with Saga’s wishes.

“The high-tier beings of the Near Seas nations have come in large numbers; they indeed take me seriously.”

“However, a few particularly strong presences have not acted, probably waiting for me to move.”

Saga smiled suddenly, his dragon wings unfurling gently at his sides, beginning to beat softly in the rain curtain.

“Then as you wish, let me show you my power.”

After sensing the enemy’s top-tier combatants with near certainty, Saga decided to take action.

At the same time, his voice, through psychic linkage, echoed in the minds of the Dragon Vein Storm Giant and the Sapphire Dragon, who were on standby.

“Go forth, display your fangs, wreak havoc, sweep across the battlefield.”

Hearing Saga’s words.

The Dragon Vein Giant and the warlike Sapphire Dragon, already restless in the rear, both revealed excited looks.

“Let me tear these vermin apart,” growled the Sapphire Dragon, its wings flapping as it soared into the sky amidst the pouring rain.

The Dragon Vein Giant also roared:

“With this giant’s body, I fight for the Emperor Dragon!”

Tangible storms brewed around the Dragon Vein Giant, who also flew directly into the sky, heading for the frontline.

Now, the two strongest under Saga’s command had begun to move.

The Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon, both carrying immense momentum, had just set out when they caught the attention of many human powerhouses.

As for Saga himself, the rain continued, soaking the towering cliffs, but the Golden Dragon had vanished without a trace, its massive body quietly disappearing into the dense rain curtain without leaving a trace or disturbance.

The Near Seas allied forces, now aware of the new monstrous threats, braced themselves for the impending clash. The presence of the Dragon Vein Giant and the Sapphire Dragon on the battlefield was like a signal, heralding the arrival of the true storm.

The Sapphire Dragon, with its scales shimmering like countless gems, roared as it ascended, its mighty dragon breath ready to unleash devastation from above. Its eyes, burning with battle lust, scanned the battlefield for worthy foes.

The Dragon Vein Giant, surrounded by the swirling tempest it commanded, was a towering figure of awe. Each step it took resonated with the power of the dragon veins coursing through its veins, its fists ready to crush any who dared stand in its path.

As the two titans approached, the Near Seas allied forces quickly adjusted their formations. The commanders shouted orders, rallying their troops to face the new threat. The air crackled with magic as casters prepared their most potent spells, and the warriors gripped their weapons tighter, steeling themselves for the brutal combat to come.

The storm intensified, the winds howling like the cries of fallen warriors, as the two sides prepared to collide in a cataclysmic confrontation. The fate of the Near Seas nations hung in the balance, with the outcome of this battle poised to shape the future of the entire continent.

And in the midst of this brewing chaos, the King of the Near Seas, the Golden Dragon known as Saga, was about to make his grand entrance. With the might of his dragon wings, he would descend upon the battlefield, a transcendent being ready to tip the scales in favor of his monstrous legion.

The war had reached its zenith, and all eyes were on the skies, waiting for the moment when the true dragon would reveal his overwhelming might.

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