Chapter 202 – A new storm has appeared

“Your Majesty, many human scouts have recently arrived at the Grayrock Archipelago, and the majority have been discovered and eliminated by us. However, they keep coming, and there might still be some that slipped through the net.”

In the Dragon Palace hall on Grayrock Isle, the half-shark, half-tiger, half-dragon Black Shark reported to Saga.

“Don’t worry too much about that.”

Half-reclining on his custom-made throne, the Golden Dragon slightly lifted his eyelids and spoke with a dismissive ease.

Whether superficial information was exposed or not wasn’t important. As long as Saga’s trump cards remained unknown, the multitude of intelligence agents sent to scout would be of no use.

“How are the new monster tribes that joined the Grayrock Archipelago doing?”

After pondering for a moment, Black Shark replied thoughtfully, “Currently, there are as many as forty-five different types of monster tribes gathered across the major islands of the Grayrock Archipelago, many of which possess considerable combat strength. There are no fewer than ten tribes like the Salamander and Bipedal Dragons.”

Pausing, Black Shark continued, “They are restless. When different monster tribes encounter each other, it’s fine if there’s a significant disparity in strength. However, those that are equally matched and powerful often clash, leading to frequent skirmishes and conflicts almost daily.”

Hearing this, Saga wasn’t surprised.

This was to be expected.

The monster tribes that had come to pledge allegiance were generally savage and fierce. If they could create a harmonious and familial atmosphere, that would truly surprise Saga.

“A bit of conflict is beneficial; let them shed some blood.”

The Golden Dragon looked down at his core followers and said:

“Tig, the war between the Grayrock Archipelago and the Near Seas nations is about to begin. These newly joined monster tribes will all be useful when the time comes.”

“Your recent performance has been commendable. All monster tribes, whether it’s your Tiger Shark tribe or the other newly joined ones, will be under your control. Prepare them for the upcoming war.”

“Now, there are many monster tribes on the Grayrock Archipelago, but they vary in levels and are a mixed bag. How to manage them is up to you.”

The monster forces of the Grayrock Archipelago were now quite formidable.

But as one of Saga’s trusted followers, Black Shark, akin to a chief steward among his lieutenants, was capable, especially after becoming a Psychic Guard for Saga and receiving a composed Personality. Black Shark’s temperament had become even more stable, reaching a level of calmness that could face any sudden event with a cool head and orderly conduct, managing the numerous monster tribes efficiently.

Not long ago.

Leaders of powerful monster tribes like the Salamander, Bipedal Dragons, and Sea Wolves all sought to become the chief under the dragon and above all tribes. They challenged Black Shark but were defeated one by one, without rest, in a gauntlet-style confrontation until they were all subdued.

Saga’s bloodline and psychic energy were both formidable.

Black Shark, with the dual identity of Saga’s Dragon Vein kin and Psychic Guard, now had the strength to rival a True Dragon of the same rank.

Moreover, as Saga grew stronger, as a Psychic Guard, as an extension of Saga’s Personality, it too became more powerful.

“As you command.”

Black Shark took his leave from the Dragon Palace.

He summoned the leaders of the various monster tribes, issuing orders to different monster chieftains to lead their tribes in pre-war drills, sharpening their claws and teeth for the imminent war.

The pre-war exercises of naturally ferocious monsters were nothing like those of human legions.

These drills were bloody and often resulted in casualties.

Sometimes, when the monsters were blinded by rage, the exercises turned into real battles, requiring Black Shark’s timely intervention to prevent them from becoming fights to the death.

As time passed, such incidents occurred frequently.

However, those who stood at the end of these brutal exercises were usually the most fierce and valiant.

There were too many monster tribes converging on the Grayrock Archipelago, and Black Shark was using this method to weed out the weak, using the blood and death of the lesser to temper the blades of the strong.

Although the Grayrock Archipelago was vast enough to accommodate these monsters, Saga was not a half-blooded Golden Dragon and was not running a charity to shelter them for nothing.

As an extension of Saga’s Personality, the Psychic Guard, Black Shark instinctively executed Saga’s thoughts, including combat drills and other methods, to make the monster tribes of the Grayrock Archipelago more refined and powerful.


As Black Shark managed the numerous monster tribes.

In his bedchamber, piled with mountains of gold, the young dragon played with the tail-tip gemstone obtained from the Sapphire Dragon, then fell into silent contemplation.

Shadow had brought definite news.

Recently, all of the Near Seas Eight had been mobilizing their militaries, with every nation entering a state of readiness. Key ports were filled with naval fleets, and numerous fully-armed soldiers moved to and fro, filling the air with a thick scent of impending doom, leaving many citizens anxious.

Unlike the unanimous decision of the rulers to go to war.

Many ordinary people of the Near Seas nations actually did not wish for war, but in this world where the strong rule all, the decisions of the high and mighty seldom change for the will of the common folk.

The Near Seas nations were rapidly integrating and coordinating their military forces.

A ninth-tier Spell Caster from the Tevel Duchy had been appointed as the commander of the allied forces, and more and more key positions were being rapidly filled, forming a massive power.

There’s no turning back once the bow is drawn.

With such grand preparations for mobilization, the war of subjugation had become inevitable.

If they were to give up on the subjugation after causing such a stir, the Near Seas nations would become a colossal joke. Even if the common folk did not want war, abandoning the campaign would surely lead to accusations of weakness and incompetence against the rulers.

“The combined legion of the eight duchies may not be deploying all their forces, but the scale will definitely be substantial.”

“The size of the Near Seas allied forces, aside from lacking the most top-tier combat power, probably has more mid to high-level officers and ordinary soldiers than some kingdom’s regular legions.”

“Moreover, it might not just be the forces of the Near Seas nations that are joining the fray.”

Saga’s gaze narrowed, the light of psychic energy flickering in his eyes as his thoughts raced, considering all possibilities.

The human nations and the King of the Near Seas were about to go to war.

Such a situation would make ordinary creatures flee in terror, but for some bold adventurers, it was an excellent opportunity.

“But the more that come, the better. The more chaotic the situation, the better.”

The young dragon grinned, revealing his sharp fangs, “I’ll build as grand and splendid a stage as possible. Let the storm rage more fiercely; I will dance wildly upon it, showcasing the might of the Emperor Dragon.”

Saga had a premonition.

This battle would not be easy; he would likely have to reveal some of his cards.

But this would also become his battle of renown.

After this battle, the title of King of the Near Seas and the honor of Emperor Dragon would be etched deeply into people’s hearts, not just in the Near Seas region but along the coasts of the Yar Continent, and even reaching the inland areas, spreading his fame without any deliberate effort.

This would inevitably bring him more attention and, with it, more trouble.


Saga didn’t mind; he actually relished the constant crises.

His goal was to stand at the pinnacle of the world, to have all beings in this world revere him as the Emperor Dragon, whether out of fear or loyalty.

And as a half-blood of a Red Dragon and a Golden Dragon, Saga was never one for subtlety. He had the boldness of a Red Dragon and the meticulousness of a Golden Dragon. Dancing on the blade’s edge always brought pleasure to Saga.

“King of the Near Seas. This is just my first step.”

“In the not-too-distant future, this title will become—King of the World.”

The young dragon’s majestic gaze shone through his helmet, maintaining his ever-uplifted demeanor, certain that he would eventually grow into the King of the World, reigning over it like an emperor.

Then, Saga buried himself in his mountain of gold, leaving only a few pairs of dragon horns visible at the top.

To prepare for the war that would soon erupt, he had recently stopped training and exploring basic force, instead resting and relaxing his body and mind to bring himself to peak condition.

And so, time quietly slipped by, and half a month passed quickly.

Above the Western Sea, at the border between the Whirlpool Sea and the Yar Continent.


Dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder roared.

Large raindrops fell from the sky, forming a curtain of rain driven diagonally by the fierce wind, pitter-pattering as they hit the tumultuous, roaring ocean.

In such adverse weather.

With eight seventy-meter-long magic ships at its core, an armada made up of hundreds of ships of various sizes and shapes sailed unshakably.

The ocean roared like an angry giant, raising wave after wave.

But around the sailing Near Seas allied forces, the sea was unusually calm, as if it were a different world, where the raging waters seemed powerless.

The terror of natural forces was indeed fearsome.

But sometimes, the methods of Casters could be even more formidable.

“We’re heading straight for the Grayrock Archipelago.”

The ninth-tier Spell Caster, who was also the commander of the allied forces from the Tevel Duchy, Eridus, stood with his eyes closed, gazing into the distance.

His eyes were shut, but a pair of ethereal eyes hovered above his brow.

Above, in the stormy sky, a Star Eye twinkled, corresponding with the Spell Caster below, transmitting the scenes beneath the stars into the Spell Caster’s vision.

Through the Star Eye, the Grayrock Archipelago, miles away, appeared in the Spell Caster’s eyes in minute detail.

On the outskirts of the Grayrock Archipelago, facing the direction of the approaching Near Seas allied forces, was a vast and dense reef area, with numerous reefs and sea pillars protruding from the water, resembling a forest of stone, enduring the assault of the howling wind and fierce waves, unmoving.

Drenched in the storm, a multitude of monsters also gathered here.

This area was still some distance from the Grayrock Archipelago, serving as a buffer zone and the battleground chosen by Saga. He did not want the war to cause too much damage to his territory; otherwise, a ravaged domain would be displeasing to the eye.

The twinkling light of the Star Eye pierced through the clouds.

The Spell Caster observed the reef forest carefully.

The monsters gathered here were soaked but the ferocious and bloodthirsty light in their eyes was still striking against the dim stormy backdrop.

The front lines were composed of Tiger Sharks, Ogres, Trolls, Sea Wolves, and other muscular monsters.

Among them, the massive Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, Sea Dragon, and Dragon Vein Giant stood out.

In the sky, Salamanders flapped their wings and roared, Bipedal Dragons screeched and circled, and Bloodthirsty Eagles shrieked.

Behind them, Salamander Warlocks, Serpent Warlocks, Gnoll Warlocks, Jackal Warlocks, Troll Warlocks, and other magic-capable monsters formed a line of distant Warlocks.

Further back.

On a seaside cliff stood a Golden Dragon with golden diamond scales and majestic horns, wearing a crown of pure gold.

His scales shone brightly in the rain, and the Golden Dragon’s face was calm and unmovable, exuding an extraordinary dignity that even the ninth-tier Spell Caster found remarkable.


The Golden Dragon lifted its head, its molten gold eyes piercing through the storm to gaze at the heavens.

It was as if those storm-filled eyes were directly locking eyes with the Spell Caster.

Then, the Spell Caster saw the Golden Dragon’s helmet curve into a majestic smile, and saw its dragon claws crackle with thousands of electric arcs.

Like the chirping of a thousand birds.


A dazzling bolt of lightning shot into the sky.

The lightning pierced the thick clouds, accurately hitting the Star Eye and destroying it.

The Spell Caster grunted.

The ethereal eye on his brow shattered, his vision filled with swirling lightning, causing a slight burning sensation in his eyes.

“Such keen perception, to even notice the Star Eye?”

“This is one of the best scouting spells in high-tier curses.”

“Truly remarkable, no wonder it has caught the attention of eight nations, compelling them to put aside their differences and unite in subjugation.”

Slowly opening his eyes, the Spell Caster murmured to himself.

“The King of the Near Seas and its monster followers are all ready for battle.”

“Such a vast monster force has never appeared in the Near Seas before, but”

The ninth-tier Spell Caster looked around, the silently sailing magic ships amidst the storm caught his eye, along with the multitude of elite warriors and many high-ranking beings.

The monsters of the Grayrock Archipelago were numerous and of good quality, quite elite, but they were no match for this legion.

Especially in terms of high-level combat power.

“Still not enough to withstand our combined forces.” The Spell Caster stood at the bow of the ship, resting with his eyes closed, while many high-ranking beings on other magic ships stood silently, waiting for the war to erupt.

In the storm sweeping the Western Sea, the Near Seas allied forces advanced relentlessly through the wind and rain.

At the same time.

A burst of electromagnetic rotation shattered the Star Eye, and the young Golden Dragon shook its claw, withdrawing its gaze from the slowly closing heavy clouds, gazing in the direction of the Near Seas allied forces.

The distance between them was still vast, and Saga could not see the other side.

But he could faintly sense their approach.

The aura of many high-ranking lives gathered together was as conspicuous as a fire in the night, like a massive and majestic beast, carrying an overwhelming presence as it cut through the storm, advancing steadily.

Today’s downpour was related to this.

The presence of the strong often causes changes in the natural environment, especially legendary beings.

There were no legendary beings here.

But the gathering of many high-ranking beings could produce a similar effect.

“The last time I experienced such a memorable storm was when the Death Knight and Necromancer came across the sea.”

Countless raindrops shattered against the dragon’s scales, and Saga silently mused to himself.

At that time, Saga had just awakened to the fourth tier of psychic energy, then leaped across three tiers to face the high-ranking Death Knight. In a life-and-death struggle, he nearly killed the Death Knight several times, just a hair’s breadth away from slaying the Death Knight and Necromancer with his own power.

Standing on two feet, the massive body of the Golden Dragon rose upright.

His wings spread, and a pair of strong dragon arms covered in golden scales opened wide, as if embracing the stormy sky, embracing the world.

The dense raindrops fell on the hard-as-iron scales.

Listening to the thunderous roars in the sky and looking at the white expanse of rain, Saga savored the moment.

“This storm is as fierce as the last.”

“And just like last time, I will safely pass through and thrive amidst the storm.”

The howling wind and rain continued unabated.

The rolling waves ceaselessly crashed against the reef forest and the monsters’ flesh and fur, but could not make them waver in the slightest.

Monsters that lived and dwelled in the sea were accustomed to all kinds of harsh weather.

This would not weaken them; instead, it would further ignite the flames within their hearts.

Time gradually passed.

The Near Seas allied forces moved swiftly through the storm, the torrential rain unable to hinder their speed.

After a while.

The storm persisted, but the Near Seas allied forces had already reached a few dozen miles from the Grayrock Archipelago.

By now, Saga could clearly see the dense magic ships and the soldiers on them, a dark mass with a strong oppressive feeling, gradually approaching.

There were many high-ranking Casters within the Near Seas allied forces.

At this time, the numerous monsters in the reef forest had entered their spell strike range.

Some ultra-long-range high-tier spells could easily strike dozens, even hundreds of miles away.

However, at such a distance, precise targeting was necessary; otherwise, it would be a mere waste of magic power.

Following the orders of the ninth-tier Spell Caster commander, the Casters in the legion began to cast observation spells like Scrying Eyes, Stellar Insight, and Magic Pulse, attempting to lock onto the target area.

In the reef forest.

Unnatural fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air stirred by the wind and rain.

Magical energy began to gather in different places.

However, before the observation spells could take shape, the monster Warlocks behind the reef forest cast their spells, disrupting and scattering the gathering magical energy.

The monster Warlocks on Saga’s side varied in skill level and were not as proficient as the Caster legion.

But they were still capable of intercepting and disrupting some observation spells.

As for high-tier observation spells like the Star Eye, this time, without Saga’s intervention, the Sapphire Dragon in the sky roared, emitting a thunderous sound that scattered the rain, disrupting them.

The two sides had not yet made direct contact.

But the skirmish between the Near Seas allied forces and the forces of the King of the Near Seas had already begun. In the midst of the storm, the war had already commenced.

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