Chapter 198 – Fierce as a Fury – Sapphire Dragon

Within the borders of the Pola Duchy, on Berte Street, sat the Whale Tavern.

The tavern was a lively mix of patrons, buzzing with activity. People gathered in groups, sipping on coarse rye beer and devouring chunks of roasted meat. As they ate and drank, they boasted and joked, sharing intriguing tales that drew gasps of amazement from those around.

At a table seating four, a loud thud resounded.

A large beer mug slammed onto the table, splashing froth like blooming flowers. The middle-aged patron, who appeared slightly inebriated, glanced around cautiously, his wary demeanor prompting nearby listeners to lean in.

He whispered:

“Have you heard? The Grayrock Archipelago is no longer fragmented. It’s been unified.”

“Oh? When did this happen? I recall dragons and Storm Giants on the Grayrock Archipelago, not to mention the Pola Duchy.”

A patron from the next table laughed heartily, interjecting, “Where are you from, bumpkin? Your news is outdated. The dragons and giants of the Grayrock Archipelago fought a war, and the Dragon Lord wiped out all the giants. That’s old news.”

Another joined the discussion, saying:

“Dragons are indeed formidable. Though many records claim dragons and giants are archenemies, I always felt dragons were fiercer.”

“I think the giants are stronger.”

“Nonsense, isn’t the human duchy on the Grayrock Archipelago still intact? And monsters still exist. It’s hardly unified.”

Someone with limited knowledge chimed in.

Meanwhile, the first patron cleared his throat and said mysteriously:

“That’s where you’re wrong.”

“A mighty True Dragon, hailing from unknown lands and self-proclaimed as the Emperor Dragon, has swept away all obstacles with irresistible force. It now covertly rules over the Pola Duchy, and the entire Grayrock Archipelago is under the dragon’s dominion.”

A patron, previously quietly drinking, suddenly spoke up, “Are you referring to the recently famed King of the Western Sea?”

“Yes, the King of the Near Seas, the Emperor Dragon. It is now the most powerful being in the nearshore region, invincible beneath legend.”

“Where did you hear this? I wasn’t aware.”

“Hmm, an adventurer friend well-versed in news told me.”

“Emperor Dragon? Tsk, what a grand title for a dragon. In my experience, even the haughty Dragon Kind rarely adopt such monikers, usually favoring names like ‘Wing of the Wildfire’ or ‘Dragon of Calamity.’”

“I’m planning to leave the nearshore region. No one knows when this Emperor Dragon might bare its fangs again. Dragons are fickle in their moods, and I’d rather not become a dragon’s servant. It’s better to gather my treasures and leave the nearshore sooner rather than later. I advise you all to do the same.”

“Nonsense, no matter how powerful, it’s just a dragon. Invincible beneath legend? While there may be no legendary figures in the nearshore region, there’s no shortage of high-ranking beings close to that level. If they band together to hunt down a dragon, it would be easy. No matter how strong it is, how many can it fight at once? Look at you, scared by some unverified rumors, a bunch of cowards.”

“You speak lightly, but how do you propose they unite? Who would take the lead?”

The patrons buzzed with discussion, the small tavern alive with heated debate about the King of the Near Seas, the Emperor Dragon.

As the conversation about the Emperor Dragon grew more animated, the initially tipsy patron looked around, then staggered to his feet and left the Whale Tavern.

What he didn’t notice was that as he stepped out of the tavern, in an inconspicuous corner shrouded in shadow, a burly yet unobtrusive figure narrowed his eyes and followed.

The street was a bustling commercial thoroughfare lined with various shops, crowded with people.

The drunken patron blended into the crowd, weaving through the streets and quickly distancing himself from the Whale Tavern, eventually reaching a quieter alley with few passersby.

After looking around to ensure no one was following, his staggering gait straightened, and the bleary eyes of the drunkard shone with clarity, his drunkenness vanishing in an instant.

He pulled out a map and a pen from his chest.

The middle-aged man made a mark on the map at the location of the Whale Tavern, crossing it out to indicate he had been there.

In any city, a bustling tavern was always the best place to spread news. He understood this and, considering the mission he carried, he exhaled and prepared to change his disguise before heading to the next tavern.

Looking up at the sky, the sunlight was still bright, casting its rays into the alley and illuminating his front, casting a long shadow behind him.

He walked away, his shadow trailing behind him.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms emerged from the shadow at his feet, yanking his legs and pulling him down forcefully.

Caught off guard, his expression changed dramatically as his body shrank, his lower half pulled into the shadow on the ground. The shadow clung to him like glue, its powerful adhesive force making it difficult for him to move.

At the same time, a shadow rose and took the form of a robust figure, standing before the trapped man.

It was a Shadow Monk, adept in the arts of stealth and ambush.

Such monks always served a powerful individual and were often referred to as ninjas or shadow dancers.

“Speak, who is the mastermind behind you?”

The shadow veiled his face, revealing only a pair of eyes. The emotionless gaze of the Shadow Monk weighed heavily on the middle-aged man’s heart.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying. Perhaps there’s some misunderstanding.”

The middle-aged man feigned panic, confusion, and bewilderment, his voice tinged with the fear of one who has been attacked.

“I’ve followed you from the Whale Tavern to this place. If you think this is just a misunderstanding, then you’re incredibly foolish.”

“Don’t play dumb with me. Let’s make this easier for both of us.”

“Who sent you to spread the news of the King of the Near Seas?”

The Shadow Monk’s voice was icy as he spoke.

Whoosh! Shadow tendrils rose from the ground, tightly binding the middle-aged man, leaving him weak, paralyzed, and cold, unable to move except for speaking, even to take his own life.

Realizing he couldn’t bluff his way out, the exposed middle-aged man dropped the act.

His expression of confusion and fear faded as he spoke gravely, “Don’t waste time. Kill me. If you think you can extract any information from me, you’re sorely mistaken.”

Under the sunlight, the Shadow Monk smiled briefly.

“Sometimes, I prefer a hard-mouthed target over an easy task.”

“Prepare yourself mentally. You’re about to spend some unpleasant time with me.”

Whoosh! The shadows surged, engulfing the middle-aged man completely.

The Shadow Monk looked around, then slowly sank into the shadows, concealing his presence with shadow arts while using the Shadow Step to traverse the dim light and shadows with his captive.

He brought the target to a shabby inn.

After casting a Shadow Veil to seal the room and ensure no noise would escape, the Shadow Monk began his work.

Then, unheard by anyone, agonizing screams filled the room.

A similar scene unfolded in other nations of the Western Sea.

Days later, in the Western Sea, on Grayrock Isle.

The Golden Dragon lay coiled atop a mound of treasure, communicating with the monk sect leader through a psychic link, exchanging recent intelligence.

“Your Majesty, we’ve confirmed that the masterminds are from special organizations in the Raymond and Cassel Duchies.”

The monk sect leader reported.

“What’s the reason?”

“The exact reason is unclear. They were only given the task to exaggerate and spread your fame.”

The monk sect leader continued.

After a pause, the monk sect leader added:

“Besides identifying the masterminds, we’ve discovered that the public opinion in the Near Seas Eight is quite hostile toward you. Your reputation has spread far and wide, almost becoming a household name, and it’s all infamy.”

Infamy that was household knowledge. Saga remained unfazed.

“You may return. Keep the Shadows active abroad, monitoring all information related to me and the political shifts in the various nations.”

“Yes!” The monk sect leader responded gravely.

After disconnecting the psychic link with his subordinate, Saga swished his tail, his gaze contemplative.


A gust of wind arose as the Golden Dragon soared out of the Dragon Palace, standing atop the palace roof, gazing into the distance.

“Raymond and Cassel Duchies.”

“Among the Near Seas Eight, these are the two duchies closest to the Grayrock Archipelago.”

The states in the Near Seas region were primarily human duchies, and the two duchies behind the scenes were the closest to Saga.

His eyes flickered with psychic brilliance as Saga’s thoughts raced.

“Being the closest duchies to me, they feel threatened by me, fear me, and want to eliminate me before I grow stronger and strike their nations.”

“But they feel their own power is insufficient.”

“So they send their organizations to spread my infamy in other nearshore nations, to draw their attention and vigilance. This way, they can seek more support from other countries.”

A storm of thoughts fueled by psychic energy.

Through the integration of all available information, Saga formulated the most likely and probable conjecture.

He shook his head imperceptibly, his youthful dragon gaze sweeping over the directions of the two human duchies. His eyes were calm, like the surface of a lake before a storm.

“I will make you regret making an enemy of me.”

“King of the Near Seas? Since you’ve bestowed this title upon me, I shall not shirk from it.”

Facing the cool moonlight, Saga lifted his head.

His dragon horns, coated in a layer of moonlight, shone resplendently, exuding an awe-inspiring and majestic aura.

In the days that followed, Saga quietly remained in the Grayrock Archipelago, continuing his daily training, developing his skills, and growing stronger bit by bit, all while adjusting his state to face the impending storm.

Meanwhile, the Shadow Monks active abroad brought more news.

The Near Seas region was not particularly vast, merely a gap between the Yar Continent and the Whirlpool Sea.

There were no legendary beings openly present in the Near Seas Eight. Apart from the monster lords who ruled their domains and the pirate groups that roamed the seas, there were still numerous high-ranking combatants, including four individuals close to the legendary ninth tier.

Two of them resided in the strongest human duchy of the Near Seas—Tevel Duchy.

The other two were scattered across other duchies.

Moreover, the strategy of Cassel and Raymond Duchies to promote and assassinate Saga’s reputation was indeed effective.

The other six nations took the King of the Near Seas very seriously, sending many scouts to the Grayrock Archipelago to investigate. However, most returned without success, as the native creatures knew little about Saga, and the information obtained indirectly was not very reliable.

Those few bold enough to sneak onto Grayrock Isle for a closer look stayed there forever, including a high-ranking eighth-tier thief specialized in stealth and assassination. Saga detected him and ordered a Dragon Vein Giant to snap his neck.

Lacking effective intelligence.

But the fact that all scouts sent to the Grayrock Archipelago returned empty-handed also allowed for some inference about the power of the “King of the Near Seas.”

One day, as Saga sat in the Dragon Palace with his eyes half-closed, immersed in sensing the Force Field world and exploring his skills, a communication request from the Black Sharks came through his mind.

The psychic link between a Mind Warlock and a Psychic Guard was not an equal two-way connection. The influence of the Mind Warlock over the Psychic Guard was unquestionable, but for a Psychic Guard to communicate with the Mind Warlock, permission was needed to transmit information.

Saga accepted the communication request.

The voice of the Black Sharks resonated within his mind.

“Your Majesty, I’ve intercepted a troop of the Salamander tribe along the coastline.”

“Their Salamander leader expresses a desire to travel thousands of miles to pledge allegiance to the King of the Near Seas and become one of your subjects.”

Upon hearing this, Saga was momentarily taken aback, then his expression cleared.

“The strategy of Cassel and Raymond Duchies to promote and assassinate my reputation is not bad, but they overlooked one thing.”

“My fame is loud, and while it instills fear and wariness in the humans of the Near Seas, it also attracts the worship of monsters, especially considering my identity as a True Dragon.”

The same reputation, the same level of strength.

Dragons are more likely to attract the loyalty and following of various monster species, as the potential and power of dragons are universally acknowledged.

“Bring the Salamander leader before me.”

“As you command.”

Minutes later, in the grand hall of the palace, Saga’s massive body sat on a throne tailored to his size, his gaze fixed upon the prostrate creature below.

It was a ten-meter-long giant lion, unlike ordinary lions not only in size but also in its sparse fur. Its muscular limbs and body were visible everywhere, with skin primarily blue and adorned with gray, purple, and black spotted patterns. A pair of dragon-like wings extended from its sides, with an impressive wingspan. Most striking was the long scorpion tail trailing behind the giant lion, its barbed tip glowing with a blue hue, signaling a deadly venom.

It had not yet reached a high rank but was on the cusp, at the peak of the sixth tier.

The Salamander, one of the variants of the Salamander tribe, was fond of following True Dragons and could traverse land, sea, and air, making them quite popular with True Dragons.

All Salamanders carried a fearsome venom. The venom of a peak sixth-tier Salamander could even cause a ninth-tier warrior excruciating pain, provided it could strike the target and penetrate their defenses to inject the toxin.

At the same time.

Feeling the profound Dragon Might emanating from the Golden Dragon, the Salamander leader bowed its head even lower, speaking in a roar-like monster language:

“Exalted and great Emperor Dragon, sovereign of the Near Seas.”

“I yearn to become your subject, to roar and rage under your dragon wings, to fight for you, to shred all enemies within sight!”

Simultaneously, a deep, thunderous psychic voice resonated within the Salamander leader’s mind.

“I accept your allegiance.”

First startled, the Salamander leader quickly replied, “It is my honor!”

After a brief exchange, the Black Sharks led the Salamander leader away, finding a place on Grayrock Isle for the tribe to settle temporarily as their territory.

But this was just the beginning.

In the days that followed, a multitude of monster species arrived at the Grayrock Archipelago, seeking to follow the King of the Near Seas.

Blue-scaled Gnolls, Berserk Froglings, Salamanders, Bipedal Dragons, Bloodthirsty Jackalmen. Some were nearby, while others had traveled over mountains and rivers from the continent’s coasts.

Among them, the most powerful were the Bipedal Dragons and the Salamanders, both of which were useful subjects for dragonkind.

The Grayrock Archipelago was vast enough to accommodate these territories. For the monster tribes eager to follow Saga, aside from those too weak and unremarkable, the rest successfully joined Saga’s ranks.

Saga’s forces expanded rapidly.

The commotion here did not escape the watchful eyes of the Near Seas nations. As more and more monsters gathered towards the Grayrock Archipelago, the nations that already viewed the “King of the Near Seas” as a potential enemy became restless. Communications and negotiations among the Near Seas Eight became increasingly frequent regarding the situation here.

However, before the war began.

An uninvited guest arrived at the Grayrock Archipelago.


An unabashed, unrestrained Dragon Might swept over Grayrock Isle, startling Saga from his daily training.

He looked up toward the source of the Dragon Might.

In the night sky shrouded by darkness, the silhouette of a blue dragon streaked across the horizon was clearly visible.

It bore scales that shone like stars, neatly arranged and varying in hue from the light blue of a spring sky to the deep blue of sapphires and compressed ice crystals, stunningly beautiful. Uniquely, its tail spines and the diamond-shaped tip of its tail floated separately from its body, moving independently.

This was a mature female Sapphire Dragon.

Its sixteen-meter-long body drew closer to Saga.

As Saga spotted its figure, it too sensed Saga’s draconic aura and, with a clear line of sight, saw Saga without any cover.

“Coming straight for me?”

Saga’s eyes narrowed slightly, locking gaze with the excited eyes of the Gemstone Dragon from afar.

This mature Sapphire Dragon had passed by the Near Seas region two days ago, hearing of a kin revered as the King of the Near Seas, and had flown here out of curiosity.

Gemstone Dragons were a neutral Dragon Kind.

However, not all Gemstone Dragons were disinclined to cause trouble.

Among all Gemstone Dragons, Sapphire Dragons were the most belligerent. Battle was an intrinsic part of the Sapphire Dragon’s nature. They were fiercely combative and ferocious, with a desire for battle that could even surpass that of Red Dragons. After all, many Red Dragons were actually quite lazy and didn’t always want to fight, whereas Sapphire Dragons were either fighting or on their way to a fight.

If one word could describe Sapphire Dragons, it would be—warlike to the point of madness!

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