Chapter 196 – Electromagnetic Rotating Explosive Fist, Storm is Coming

Grayrock Isle was always Saga’s domain.

With the Topaz Dragon Lord gone, Goldsand Isle too recognized Saga as its leader.

Now, even the largest human duchy, once a land of many voices, had become a vassal to Saga, crowning him the undisputed uncrowned king of the Grayrock Archipelago.

Months later.

Grayrock Isle.

In the majestic Dragon Palace, rebuilt and decorated by human craftsmen and monsters alike, Saga rested in his usual chamber. The floor was covered in a layer of glittering gold and silver coins, interspersed with gems of various hues, some piled up like small hills.


The sound of precious metals and gems colliding rang out crisply.

Saga’s head emerged from the mountain of treasure, his forehead adorned with coins. He shook his head, flinging them off, and they scattered with a tinkling sound.

Surrounded by opulence, Saga wore a lazy expression.

He lay in his hoard, letting the gems and metals partially bury his massive body, with only his dragon head exposed, savoring the comfortable sensation of his scales rubbing against the treasure.

For many creatures, sleeping on a pile of coins and gems would be uncomfortable, even painful.

But dragons have multiple reasons for their love of treasure.

Apart from being a symbol of power, dragons, with their thick scales and less sensitive touch, find the uneven surface of gems and coins perfectly comfortable.

After basking in this comfort for half a day.

Saga opened his eyes, the thought to leave and exercise his body crossed his mind, but the comfort was too great, and his lazy body seemed sealed in place, unmoving.


In a dangerous forest somewhere on this planet, the young Iron Dragon, Lexander, had recently fought his way out of a pack of Terror Wolves, bloodied and battered. Without waiting for full recovery, he boldly entered the territory of a high-ranking creature, engaging in a frenzied battle to strengthen himself.

As he fought valiantly, an image of a Golden Dragon flashed in his mind.

The Golden Dragon that had defeated him in battle was etched deep in his heart, an indelible memory, driving him to become stronger at any cost.

He fought madly, his eyes blood-red, whispering in his heart:

“Saga. You, whom I chase, must also be striving to grow stronger.”

While the Iron Dragon fought for his life.

Elsewhere, the young dragon turned over and sprawled on his hoard, his belly and limbs pressed against the coins and gems, becoming a puddle of dragon, his tail swaying unconsciously, as if his ‘sealed’ body couldn’t leave this place.

After several minutes.


Oh, laziness!

Saga lamented with heartfelt earnestness, “I can’t go on like this. Rise up!”

Taking a deep breath, the young dragon suddenly stood up.


Countless shiny metals and magic gems danced like fireworks, scattering all around, while Saga’s splendid scales, no less dazzling than any gem, were fully revealed.

Minutes later.

On the north side of Grayrock Isle, in a region strewn with rugged rocks.

A Golden Dragon, over ten meters long, stood amid the stone forest, standing on two feet, arms crossed, tail tip spinning a massive irregular rock over five meters in diameter, displaying astonishing control of strength.

A slow-witted Copper-beaked Sea Swallow, not noticing the True Dragon exercising, soared overhead.

As it neared Saga, it seemed to cross an invisible barrier, entering another world, its body pulled by an unseen force, plummeting uncontrollably towards Grayrock Isle, its panicked wing flaps futile.

However, just as the sea swallow was about to crash into the ground.

Suddenly, the force dragging it towards the island’s surface vanished.

In its place, an unprecedented lightness.


The sea swallow shot into the sky and vanished.

Saga remained indifferent, continuing his physical training within the ever-changing force field, the intangible energy nourishing his body, especially the parts he was exercising, making him even stronger.

As time passed, the sun began to set.

The soft morning light turned into the intense brilliance of noon, which then faded into the hues of dusk, and finally, the tranquil twilight bathed the Grayrock Archipelago.

At the same time.

The Golden Dragon lay on the ground among the rocks, eyes slightly closed.

Saga had finished his physical training and was now developing his fundamental strength.

Ascending from the sixth to the seventh tier, Saga’s combat power had increased significantly, mainly reflected in his physical attributes and the enhanced effects of his basic force combat techniques.

Additionally, he had naturally awakened many spell-like abilities typical of adult Golden and Red Dragons.

However, to master more basic force combat techniques, he still had to rely on himself.

The dormant growth of Dragon Kind did not grant Saga new skills related to the basic force. However, his brain had developed further, his perception of the force field had sharpened, and his understanding of the essence of all things had deepened, allowing him to develop skills more efficiently. Even during his dormant periods, his active mind subconsciously explored the uses of the basic force.

Now, Saga had a new skill based on electromagnetic force nearly figured out.


A wave of invisible vibrations emanated from Saga’s body.

Sizzle sizzle. Fine arcs of electricity appeared, clinging and traveling along his body, affecting the surrounding magnetic field, which began to change and rotate. Dust on the ground involuntarily levitated and orbited around Saga. The effect grew, and the surrounding electric currents also began to spin until the nearby rocks trembled, ready to float off the ground.


The serene Golden Dragon opened his eyes.

Thump thump thump. The flying dust and floating rocks fell to the ground, and the spiraling currents and magnetic energy all converged on Saga’s left claw, forming a dazzling lightning glow.

Electromagnetic Rotational Blast Punch!

Standing tall, Saga swung his dragon fist into the sky.


A column of lightning pierced the heavens, tearing through a cloud hanging in the night sky, its bright light nearly illuminating the entire Grayrock Archipelago.

This powerful surge made the monsters on Grayrock Isle look on with awe, recognizing the might of the great Emperor Dragon.

On the island, a Warlock sitting on a rock, basking in the moonlight and meditating, was startled, opened his eyes, and witnessed the terrifying spectacle.

“With such terrifying power, His Majesty was merely toying with us during our battle.”

“Thankfully, I made the right choice.”

He mused internally.

“Praise His Majesty, praise the Emperor Dragon.”

The brand of servitude activated, and he murmured with a sincere awe that he himself did not notice.

This Warlock, now back in the human duchy and with the king’s strong support, had opened and was running a monastery.

Including on Grayrock Isle, there was now a newly built monastery for Warlocks, and it was not just for show. A variety of monsters of different shapes and races were practicing there in the twilight.

At Saga’s request, Bertus taught without discrimination, allowing a large number of monster kin to join the monastery and try the monk’s path.

Tiger Sharks, Ogres, Trolls, and other monsters already possessed formidable bodies. Once they awakened the monk’s qi and gained the Striking Fist Sect’s combat reflexes and agile movements, each would become an undeniable weapon of war.

But back to the main story.

On the north side of Grayrock Isle, Saga withdrew his fist and looked up at the sky, at the clearly hollowed-out cloud.

“Long-range attack capability, impressive power.”

Saga was satisfied as he shook his claw, which was still steaming and evaporating seawater, the scales showing a red-hot iron color.

Electromagnetic Rotational Blast Punch.

This was a new combat technique he had created, based on electromagnetic force, inspired by his Superheavy Intentional Bombardment Punch.

The Superheavy Dragon Punch was heavy and powerful, relying on pure strength and weight for crushing physical damage. Its downside was a small attack range, suitable only for close combat, and its slow speed made it easy to dodge.

The Electromagnetic Dragon Punch carried ordinary power compared to the Superheavy Dragon Punch. Unlike the pure force of the latter, it had an energetic nature. The highly concentrated and rapidly rotating electromagnetic energy had extraordinary penetration and explosive power, capable of long-range attacks, and its striking range even exceeded Saga’s dragon breath.


In the Pola Duchy, a middle-aged noble leaned against a gilded window, gazing at the boundless ocean, also noticing the fleeting brilliant lightning over Grayrock Isle.

Listening to the rolling waves.

The noble’s eyes twitched, a nameless flame burning in his heart.

Even under the rule of their own kind, no country could make all its citizens obedient, let alone under the rule of another race.

People think dragons are arrogant, but their arrogance comes from their mighty power and nature, which is traceable.

However, many humans are just as arrogant as dragons, even without any basis, even when facing beings stronger, wiser, and more visionary than themselves. Still, many humans arrogantly regard them as monsters in their hearts, not as equals or even superior intelligent groups.

This noble was one such arrogant person.

Deep down, he resisted and despised being ruled by another race, even if that race could blow him away with a single breath, even if the king had already submitted, even if the country’s structure and environment had not changed much under the new rule.

Looking towards Grayrock Isle, the noble took a deep breath against the cold wind, then turned and entered his study.

The crystal lamp shone with a soft light, dispelling the night’s gloom.

The noble took out a piece of magic rune-etched paper, dipped a quill in magic powder, and began to write with concentration.

“Serim, my friend.”

“After decades, much of my memory has faded, but the unforgettable image of you fighting alongside me remains clear.”

“I miss those times, but alas, my mediocre talent forced me to give up adventuring and return to inherit my noble title. You, my friend, make me proud. Even from afar, your increasingly renowned deeds have reached my ears.”

“I am going through a difficult time and reluctantly seek your help.”

“Perhaps you are unaware, but my country no longer belongs to humans.”


The noble recounted recent events and asked for assistance.

“I know you are busy, but please forgive my presumptuous request. Swear allegiance to a dragon? I cannot accept this. The weak king disgusts me, as does the Evil Dragon.”

“If you could lead your adventure team to the Grayrock Archipelago and help me slay the dragon and seize power, I would be eternally grateful. Once successful, you will share in all the wealth of this country.”

In his youth, this now portly middle-aged noble was also one of the countless adventurers who traversed the continent with dreams and ambitions.

As an adventurer, he traveled far and wide, with broad experiences and many friends, and a decent network.

During his travels, he met an exceptionally talented young man and became companions and friends, sharing many adventures until the gap between them widened. More talented adventurers gathered, and his presence became superfluous, even a hindrance, so he left.

After ending his adventuring career, the noble still followed his companion’s journey.

The other did not end his adventures and became more famous. He once single-handedly entered an adult Red Dragon’s nest, emerged bloodied, overcame the odds, and alone decapitated the Red Dragon, rescuing the princess of a small duchy, thus gaining fame.

Just as there are geniuses and prodigies among Dragon Kind.

Other species also have similar beings.

The noble’s request was to one of the brighter stars among humans.

At the start of their adventure, when the two youths were of similar strength, the noble had risked his life to block a ferocious beast’s attack for his companion, leaving several striking scars on his chest to this day.

After finishing the letter, the noble took a deep breath and watched the writing fade.

He sat at his desk, waiting silently until dawn.

As the first light of dawn broke, and sunbeams streamed through the window into the study, the motionless envelope suddenly lit up. The magic runes twisted, forming common text.

“Adams, my friend, I am delighted to receive your letter.”

“I am aware of your plight.”

“How could I refuse an old friend’s request? Besides, slaying dragons is my specialty, and I’ve formed a professional dragon-slaying team. Any dragon that hasn’t reached legend, I am confident I can behead.”

“I’ll set out as soon as I finish my current task.”

“Looking forward to seeing you again, toasting to old times.”

Relieved by the response, the noble stepped outside again, looking towards Grayrock Isle, and whispered, “Evil Dragon, prepare to die.”

Thud thud thud. The sound of iron boots on the ground approached.

The noble looked down to see a squad of royal enforcers striding into his courtyard, brutally injuring or even killing the guards who tried to stop them, and confronting the noble.

“By royal decree, Count Adams, please come with us.”

The entire royal court was under high pressure, the once weak king becoming unexpectedly decisive, showing no mercy to any noble who resisted the dragon’s rule, and even establishing a secret intelligence agency for surveillance and judgment.

The noble’s dissatisfaction with dragon rule had not been well concealed, discovered by his servants and secretly reported.

“Cowards who betray their country for glory will go to hell with the Evil Dragon they serve!”

The count laughed loudly.

The royal enforcers acted, arresting him.

Days later, another charred body was added to the pyre, one less being with a rebellious spirit.

At the same time.

Radiating from the Grayrock Archipelago, on two large islands not too far away, rulers of two different human duchies were secretly communicating through magic.

The situation on the Grayrock Archipelago had reached the ears of both duchy rulers.

The 【Emperor Dragon】, who had swept through obstacles with overwhelming force to become the ruler of the Grayrock Archipelago, was gaining some fame. Songs praising the Emperor Dragon were spreading among the duchies.

Since learning that the Grayrock Archipelago was ruled by a powerful dragon, the rulers of the Cassel and Raymond Duchies had been restless.

“The Grayrock Archipelago, once home to many factions, is now united under a dragon. What do you think?”

The King of Cassel spoke first.

“Rus XIII, that cowardly and foolish man, failed to repel the invasion and then chose to hand over his country, submitting to a monster, which I find shameful!”

“I have a strong premonition that the dragon is very ambitious. If we wait for it to grow stronger, once its wings are fully spread, our nearby countries will also be invaded.”

The King of Raymond responded.

“A dragon that dares to call itself Emperor Dragon is certainly not content with mediocrity.”

“It’s not acting now, but that doesn’t mean it will always be content to stay in the Grayrock Archipelago.”

“Let’s unite. While it’s still weak, we’ll eliminate it, or at least drive it out of the Grayrock Archipelago and then divide its territory.”

On one hand, it was out of fear.

Afraid that the dragon would become stronger and put them in jeopardy.

On the other hand, it was out of covetousness.

Coveting the territory of the Grayrock Archipelago.

“We are both stronger than the Pola Duchy, but our power alone may not be enough to take the Grayrock Archipelago. We might end up like the Pola Duchy, invaded by the dragon.”

“Besides us, there are six other human duchies in the Western Sea. Although they are farther away, we can ask for their help, offer compensation, and have them send troops.”

The Western Sea refers to the nearshore area of the Whirlpool Sea close to the Yar Continent.

The Grayrock Archipelago is at the westernmost point of the Western Sea, and further east is the coastal area of the Yar Continent. Beyond the mountains and ridges lies the inland, a land of kingdoms and empires, a place of prosperity and danger.

“Eight nations united, slaying the Evil Dragon, will surely make it flee in terror.”

The two duchy kings reached a consensus and began to contact other nearby duchies.

On the coastal reefs of Grayrock Isle.

Saga lay on a massive black reef, eyes half-closed, the waves crashing against his scales, breaking into a mist of fine, sparkling droplets.

Slowly opening his eyes, Saga squinted towards the clear, cloudless sky.

“Storms are brewing,” he murmured to himself.

As a Mind Warlock, his keen mind sensed an impending crisis, feeling that trouble was on the horizon.

“Let it come, and let it be fierce. I will become the overwhelming wave that sweeps across the world amidst the storm.”

The Golden Dragon calmed his thoughts, then closed his eyes again, basking in the moonlight, listening to the waves hitting the rocks, and continued to explore his ideas about the basic forces.

PS: Seeking monthly votes.

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