Chapter 193 – To deceive the many with the few, the might of the dragon

A thick fog enshrouded the silent ships as they sailed across the calm sea.

The looming Grayrock Isle ahead seemed like a slumbering beast, its silhouette faint and elusive, catching the eye.

Atop the leading magic ship, a dark-skinned human monk with a solemn face and bare, muscular upper body frowned, his gaze electric as he scanned the dense fog.

His monk’s intuition was exceptionally sharp.

“I have a bad feeling.”

“This war will not go smoothly.”

On the deck of the ship, the monk approached the general who led the legion and spoke gravely.

Before the monk stood a tall, burly middle-aged man with a stern face, wearing a heavy armor and an eagle-headed helmet, at his feet crouched a ten-meter-long White Feather Gryphon, its sharp eyes covered in golden plumage.

The eighth-tier Gryphon Knight, Candela, and his mount, a high-ranking seventh-tier Golden Feather Gryphon.

Candela had met his mount when it was still a White Feather Gryphon. However, compared to the mount, the knight was more like a partner and old friend with a shared mind, their coordination seamless. Together in battle, they could unleash strength far beyond the typical combination of an eighth and seventh tier.

“A bad feeling? Bertus, your intuition is always accurate,” said the Gryphon Knight, his brow furrowed as he surveyed the surrounding fog and spoke to the monk.

Unlike many other Extraordinary Beings, the monk harnessed a special energy, a Qi that flowed through all things, to create magical effects or enhance physical attributes. This Qi, as the monks called it, permeated nature, and the monk’s precise control established a profound connection with the world, granting him strong intuition.

A powerful monk’s intuition was almost akin to a prophecy spell.

Monk monasteries were scattered across many planes and worlds, engaging and cooperating with various powers in the prime material world without seclusion.

There were many sects of monks, the most widely known being the Striking Fist Sect, the Shadow Sect, and the Four Symbols Sect.

Bertus, the monk, belonged to the Striking Fist Sect, known for its exceptional individual combat prowess.

He said gravely:

“Our reconnaissance has revealed that the monsters on Grayrock Isle seem aware of our intent to subjugate them and have begun actively preparing for war.”

“There might be some variables.”

The monsters’ preparations on Grayrock Isle had not escaped the human duchy’s scouts, but Saga, who had never shown himself directly, was not within their considerations.

On the other side, the Gryphon Knight’s expression remained calm.

Ambition solidified in his gaze from behind the eagle helm.

“The Blue Dragon on Grayrock Isle is just a young dragon, and the monsters left by the Giants are of no concern.”

“Even if it were a mature Blue Dragon, we could take it down.”

He declared.

Three of the four high-ranking beings of the human duchy had come directly.

The seventh-tier protective Caster had not accompanied the legion but stayed behind to guard the homeland. However, since the islands of the Grayrock Archipelago were not too far apart, a seventh-tier Caster could easily arrive if needed to provide assistance.

The Golden Feather Gryphon lay beside him, eyes closed in feigned sleep.

No joy could be seen on the monk’s dark face.

As the outline of Grayrock Isle became clearer through the fog, his unease grew.

He furrowed his brow and said to the Gryphon Knight, the leading commander:

“When the Topaz Dragon and the Storm Giants began their war, a total of four dragons were involved.”

“Now, the Blue Dragon that occupies Grayrock Isle, the high-ranking Brass Dragon and Topaz Dragon, and a somewhat strange little Golden Dragon.”

“I’m wondering if the Blue Dragon on Grayrock Isle sensed our intent to subjugate it and sought help from the other dragons. The Topaz Dragon has been gone for a long time, but we’re not clear on the other dragons’ situations.”

“I think, out of caution, we should plan for the long term.”

The Gryphon Knight’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the monk and said, “It’s possible.”

“Regardless, we must take Grayrock Isle. The king is determined to have it.”

“The Blue Dragon on Grayrock Isle is not strong, and the many powerful monster clans are a minor nuisance. As for the reinforcements you mentioned, even if they come, this war must be fought. Dragons are indeed powerful, but we can handle two high-ranking dragons. Once we take Grayrock Isle, Goldsand Isle, without the Topaz Dragon Lord, will be as good as ours.”

“Once all four major islands are occupied, the entire Grayrock Archipelago will belong to our nation.”

“With more land and resources, we’ll quickly recover from the war’s losses and thrive.”

The Gryphon Knight had no intention of changing the plan.

“Speak to Celuria, have her ready to act at any moment.”

“My sense of unease has not diminished in the slightest,” said the monk.

Celuria, the seventh-tier protective Caster of the human duchy.

Although the monk had a bad premonition deep inside, the fleet that had entered the fog had no intention of turning back, and the long-prepared legion would not return simply because of the monk’s intuition.

In the thick fog, time ticked away.

Grayrock Isle was now close at hand.

The Golden Feather Gryphon, which had been feigning sleep, opened its eyes. The Gryphon Knight was now mounted on it, holding an enchantingly long spear that was disproportionately long compared to his body, looking majestic.

Invisible Qi circulated within the monk’s body as he too braced for battle.

Suddenly, before the human legion could land, an intense sense of unease surged within him.

The monk’s temples throbbed as if a needle pricked his heart, his intuition sensing unprecedented danger.

At the same time.


Accompanied by the sound of something enormous flapping its wings, a storm suddenly arose.

The fog, already torn by the battle between monsters and soldiers, began to change.

As if stirred by an invisible hand or commanded by a deity, the wind swept through, almost instantly dispersing the dense fog over a wide area, making everything around clear.


The Golden Feather Gryphon cried out in fear.

Both the knight and the monk’s pupils contracted as they stared into the sky.

A fourteen-meter-long Golden Dragon hovered in midair, its majestic, serpentine form crowned with a coronet of pure gold, its diamond-like golden scales shimmering brilliantly. From the moment of its appearance, it became the focal point of the entire battlefield.

At that moment, the Golden Dragon looked down upon the battlefield below with the indifference of a sovereign, its molten gold pupils reflecting the faces and figures of the Gryphon Knight and the monk.

“I’ve seen this dragon before; it’s that strange little Golden Dragon that appeared during the war with the Giants!”

“How has it changed so much in such a short time?”

Both the knight and the monk were astonished.

“My sense of crisis comes from it,” the monk took a deep breath.

Simultaneously, the Gryphon Knight turned his head to look at the monk and said gravely:

“This dragon is out of the ordinary, not the Golden Dragon we know. Forget the other monsters, let’s kill it together!”

As he spoke, the Gryphon Knight took the lead, riding the Golden Feather Gryphon into the sky, heading straight for Saga.

The monk followed closely behind.

Although the appearance of Saga was somewhat unexpected, deep down, neither felt much apprehension. After all, Saga’s size was smaller than that of a mature dragon, and the aura he exuded was only that of a high-ranking seventh tier.

“Ignorant, insignificant creatures.”

“Surrender now, swear fealty to me, and I may spare your lives,” the Gryphon Knight heard the dragon’s indifferent murmur.

“Hmph, boasting shamelessly.”

“I’ve been wanting a dragon tooth lance, and you’ve come just in time!”

The Golden Feather Gryphon beneath him shone with a metallic luster, its wings flapping as it screeched. The knight raised his long spear, a glint of cold light at its tip, tearing through the fierce wind with the momentum of a meteor.

Charging Sun!

With this move, the Gryphon Knight had pierced through towering mountains and crushed many high-ranking sea beasts. His past victories filled him with unstoppable momentum.

In an instant, the distance between them closed.


The Gryphon Knight suddenly noticed a brilliant psychic glow in the dragon’s eyes.


It was as if a hammer had struck his brain, buzzing loudly.

The Gryphon Knight’s head throbbed with pain, and his vision went dark.

“How, how could this be?”

He had encountered many creatures and characters adept at targeting the mind and spirit.

As a knight proficient in close combat, he was mentally resolute and willful, and defenses against mental attacks were essential. He had already applied such defenses at the start of the battle. Moreover, his mind was linked with the Golden Feather Gryphon, making him more resistant to mental damage than the average Extraordinary Being.

But against the dragon’s attack, his mental defenses were as flimsy as paper.

The Golden Feather Gryphon, mentally linked with the knight, also cried out in pain, its body stiffening instantly. Under the force of inertia, it continued to charge towards the dragon, but its once formidable aura was gone.


Like swatting a fly, the dragon’s claw swiped across.

Because the Golden Feather Gryphon could share damage, the mental attack’s effect was greatly reduced.

When the dragon’s attack was inches away, the Gryphon Knight finally regained his senses. The menacing and howling dragon claw reflected in his vision, and he changed color.

“Damn it, what kind of dragon is this? Since when can it launch psychic attacks!”

The knight was, after all, an eighth-tier being and reacted swiftly.

He quickly raised his long spear in front of him.

The Golden Feather Gryphon and the knight both recovered, their strength bolstering the knight, whose aura surged.

“Since it’s adept at psychic attacks, its physical strength must be average.”

“Watch me shatter your claws!”

The Gryphon Knight roared inwardly, his body’s power swelling.

The next moment, the knight’s long spear, which had been indestructible and had accompanied him for a long time, made of the finest magical metal, came into contact with the dragon’s claw.


An overwhelming, terrifying force came through.

His arms shook violently, and his palms ached. The Gryphon Knight’s face turned pale.

The Gryphon Knight’s eyes showed disbelief, his expression twisted as the long spear twisted and shattered under the claw.

“What kind of terrifying power is this!”

“Even though it’s a lower tier than me, I can’t stop it at all!”

Like a tsunami or an earthquake, the dragon’s crushing force sent the Gryphon Knight and the Golden Feather Gryphon flying backward, and the knight’s long spear snapped in two.

At the same time, the monk, who was slower than the knight, approached the golden dragon and launched an attack, giving the knight a chance to breathe.

As the dragon was entangled with the Gryphon Knight, the monk, who had already approached, took a deep breath.

Two streams of solid Qi entered his lungs, and the Qi within his body began to circulate rapidly.

Rapid Wind Strikes!

In an instant, the monk’s body trembled, and nearly a hundred afterimages of the monk appeared around the golden dragon. Their fists, wrapped in Qi strong enough to shatter steel, moved swiftly and struck like lightning, unleashing a barrage of attacks on the golden dragon.

Thud, thud, thud, thud!

The rain of fists continuously landed on the dragon’s body.

Even a dragon made of iron should have been blasted apart by the high-ranking monk’s relentless strikes.

However, each time the monk’s fist landed, an invisible barrier intercepted and deflected all the monk’s Qi, leaving not a single scratch or dent on the dragon’s scales.

“This kind of abnormal defense… Is this something a seventh-tier dragon should have?”

A deep sense of powerlessness surged within the monk.


The dragon suddenly lashed out with its tail, and amidst the myriad afterimages, it accurately targeted the monk, sweeping across with a howl.

Reflexive Dodge!

Although only seventh-tier, the monk’s reaction was faster than the knight’s due to different proficiencies. He ducked, narrowly avoiding the fierce tail strike, and continued to unleash a fierce barrage around the golden dragon, taking advantage of his agility, strong reflexive intuition, and small body.

“Little flea, are you trying to tickle me?”

The dragon’s indifferent murmur entered the monk’s mind.

At the same time, a surge of Dragon Might, like an abyss, erupted, radiating across all the monk’s afterimages. A tremendous fear welled up within the monk, urging him to flee and slowing his movements considerably.

The monk was an Extraordinary Being who combined body and mind, using his heart to control his body.

In terms of spirit, he had reached a state of tranquility, able to face the collapse of the heavens without changing his expression. However, under Saga’s Dragon Might, he still inevitably felt fear.

The monk clenched his teeth and brought his palms together sharply.

Mind Quelling!

In an instant, the fear dissipated, and his mind became absolutely calm and rational.

At the same time, a dragon claw larger than the monk’s body swept towards him.

The Qi within the monk’s body circulated, and his nimble movements allowed him to narrowly dodge the dragon’s claw strike.

However, a massive force of attraction suddenly emanated from the dragon’s claw, like an invisible hand grabbing the monk and pulling him towards the claw.

“What’s happening?”

The monk’s pupils tightened, and at the critical moment, the Qi in his body went wild, forming an invisible armor on his surface.

True Qi Armor!


His body ached as the monk was flung away like a rag doll.

His rapid-fire strikes against the golden dragon had lasted only a few seconds, during which he had thrown thousands of punches, but not once had he breached Saga’s defenses. Yet, one counterattack from the dragon had left the monk severely injured.

“I can let you hit me a thousand times, ten thousand times.”

“But I only need one hit to make you suffer.”

The golden dragon smiled coldly, its voice chilling.


The wind howled as the Gryphon Knight caught the monk.

A green light representing vitality and vigor wrapped around the injuries of the knight and the Golden Feather Gryphon, rapidly healing them.

The Gryphon Knight shared life force with the Golden Feather Gryphon, and he also possessed effective healing spells. Together, they were more than the sum of their parts. Being hit by Saga was not enough to incapacitate them.

“This is definitely not a Golden Dragon.”

“I’ve never seen or heard of a Golden Dragon with such abilities.”

The monk spat out blood as he spoke.

Primordial Form!

Buzzing sounds filled the air as Qi rapidly swirled around him, and his body, which Saga had injured with a single swipe, breaking the True Qi Armor, was also visibly healing.

This was one of the signature moves of the Striking Fist Sect monks, capable of providing an effect similar to a powerful healing spell, but it couldn’t be used consecutively in a short period as it consumed a lot of Qi.

“Who are you? Why are you meddling in our war over the Grayrock Archipelago?”

“If the Blue Dragon paid you to come here, we can negotiate, offer you more compensation, as long as you choose to stay out of it.”

The Gryphon Knight stared at the golden dragon ahead and said gravely.

Then he saw the dragon smile indifferently, and the deep Dragon Tongue echoed through the sky.

“Stay out of it? The Grayrock Archipelago will be the beginning of my ascent to the pinnacle of the world, humans, you have overstepped.”

The golden dragon raised its head, its calm gaze like a sovereign surveying its territory.

“Proclaim me as the Emperor Dragon, and I will give you the chance to swear fealty to me.”

He declared.

“Submit to a monster? You’re dreaming!”

The Gryphon Knight’s face darkened as he spoke.

Realizing that the dragon’s goal was also the Grayrock Archipelago and not just a hired ally, he knew there was no room for negotiation in this war.

“There are always insignificant creatures who wish to face my glory.”

The dragon’s voice was calm and profound, like the ocean before a storm.

“Then come, face me, and let me trample and shatter your courage.”

Faced with the powerful dragon, the Gryphon Knight and the monk did not act rashly.

“Its defenses are too strong.”

The monk’s gaze was solemn, his dark face filled with apprehension.

“Your penetrating Qi is of no use?”

The Gryphon Knight frowned.

Penetrating Qi, another advanced technique of the Striking Fist monks.

Monks who mastered Penetrating Qi could channel their Qi through the target’s defenses and into their body, undetected and harmless, and then, when enough Qi had accumulated, they could detonate it all at once, killing the target instantly. As long as they were in the same plane, they would be affected by the explosion of Qi.

The monk had already used all his techniques in the initial contact with the dragon, including Penetrating Qi.

The result, with the dragon unscathed, showed that the monk’s secret technique had not been effective.

Hearing the Gryphon Knight’s question, the monk shook his head and said heavily:

“There’s an invisible barrier on its surface, and Penetrating Qi can’t get through.”

Normally, Penetrating Qi is a skill that senior eighth-tier monks can master. This monk was quite insightful, so he managed to grasp it in advance at the seventh tier. However, against the powerful golden dragon, this trump card technique was of little use.

The Gryphon Knight took a deep breath and said gravely:

“So it’s something like a magical shield, with such a strong effect, the consumption must be significant. I don’t believe it can be used indefinitely.”

Immediately, the Gryphon Knight and the monk regrouped and charged towards the golden dragon ahead. This time, the Gryphon Knight slowed down and did not rashly approach Saga alone as before. He and the monk were almost side by side, holding the broken half of his long spear, its tip still sharp and gleaming.

The golden dragon also flapped its wings and met the Gryphon Knight and the monk head-on.

The Gryphon Knight, the Golden Feather Gryphon, and the Striking Fist monk, three high-ranking beings, launched a fierce attack on the golden dragon.

The battle, which should have been an unfair fight due to the numbers, still appeared one-sided.

Only it wasn’t the golden dragon that was overwhelmed, but the knight and the monk, who were more numerous.

The attacks of the Gryphon Knight and the monk were ferocious, as both were proficient in close combat, but their storm-like offensive failed to break through Saga’s defenses. Whether it was the knight’s spear, the Gryphon’s sharp feathers, or the monk’s steel-shattering Qi, all were blocked by the invisible barrier around the dragon.

Moreover, Saga was not just a target to be hit.

Every counterattack from the golden dragon required the Gryphon Knight and the monk to be on full alert because a hit would result in serious injury.

In theory, when outnumbering the opponent, they could coordinate and restrain the enemy, but the golden dragon often chose to ignore their attacks, making it impossible for them to restrain it, and the rhythm of the battle had long fallen into the dragon’s control.

The golden dragon, expressionless, unleashed a Superheavy Dragon Punch surrounded by arcs of gravitational force, distorting the air around it into an unnatural spectacle.

Facing the Superheavy Dragon Punch, a near miss would cause injury, and a direct hit would be fatal. Knowing this, the pressure on the Gryphon Knight and the monk was immense.

Although they had the advantage in numbers, they were at a severe disadvantage.

The colossal dragon in their view seemed like an insurmountable mountain, and a heavy shadow fell over the hearts of the Gryphon Knight and the monk.

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