Chapter 192 – Ambitions

Saga was quite satisfied with the poetry the Tiger Shark had written for him.

In a rare display of generosity, he rewarded the wandering poet with several yellow crystals plucked from the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, allowing the Tiger Shark to sing his praises far and wide.

“Praise you, great Emperor Dragon.”

“I shall compose more poems for you and spread your glory.”

The impressed poet decided to dedicate a significant period to writing and singing about Saga’s exploits.

“Where do you plan to go next?”

Feeling good, Saga inquired of the Tiger Shark before him.

“I wish to leave the troubles of the sea behind and head to the continent’s splendor.”

“I will cross the Yar Continent, penning the Song of the Skyrealm Casters, then travel to the Naturia Empire on the Klay Continent, where I aim to discuss philosophy and poetry with the innately romantic elves.”

Saga calmly stated:

“That is no safe journey.”

To cross the Yar Continent and reach the Klay Continent, even by the safest routes, one would encounter many dangers and troubles.

The Tiger Shark declared:

“A wandering poet does not halt. To die on a glorious journey is the destination of my dreams.”

Saga was rather friendly towards the Tiger Shark, who had composed a poem that greatly flattered him.

“May the winds be at your back, wandering poet.”

The Tiger Shark bowed deeply to Saga in respect, then raised his head and said, “Your Grace, the noble Emperor Dragon, I shall forever cherish your blessing.”

With that, the Tiger Shark flapped its wings and took flight, departing.

Over the next month, Saga did not rush to leave. He stayed in Moon Bay, gradually mastering the surge of power that came with his awakening.

An increase in power beyond one’s control is not always a blessing.

During this time, Saga bestowed a Resolute Personality crystal upon a little skeleton, making it his third Psychic Guard.

Soon after, Saga soared into the sky, leaving Moon Bay behind.

The dragon raced through the heavens.

Beneath his dragon wings, a swarm of Tiger Sharks followed.

Including the Black Shark and the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, as well as the Demon Warlock Addison, a Production Brigade of elite Tiger Sharks left Moon Bay in a grand procession, migrating towards the Grayrock Archipelago.

Little Skeleton Ull remained in Moon Bay.

With a Psychic Guard present, along with a seventh-tier Tremorboar skeleton and two recently successful Dragon Vein transformation griffins, the combined strength of Moon Bay was not to be underestimated. Moreover, should any unforeseen difficulties arise, Saga could instantly be made aware through the Resolute Chain.

Saga’s flight speed far exceeded the swimming pace of the Tiger Sharks.

Lacking a nurturing disposition, believing that his followers were there to serve him rather than be cared for by him, Saga did not slow down to wait for them.

He pointed them in the right direction.

Then, taking the lead alone, he soared majestically through the vast sky towards the Grayrock Archipelago.

Having reached a higher realm, Saga’s movement speed had increased.

When soaring at full speed between the vast sea and sky, the dragon flapped his wings, tearing through the wind and clouds, leaving them far behind in an instant. Sea creatures could only catch a fleeting glimpse of a golden streak across the sky before it vanished from sight.

Crossing thousands of miles was a brief endeavor for Saga.

He had set out at dawn.

After some time, as the sky was painted with layers of flame-like twilight and night had yet to fall, Saga arrived near the Grayrock Archipelago.

Meanwhile, on Grayrock Isle.

Inside a palace crudely forged from various metals but grand in structure and suited to Dragon Kind aesthetics, the Blue Dragon Glorithia lounged lazily, half-lying on a massive throne, belly exposed.

Below the throne was a spacious hall.

A circle of burly Trolls, Ogres, Minotaurs, and other monsters gathered, encircling an Ogre and a Minotaur.

Both monsters, nearly equal in height and bursting with immense strength, locked gazes.

With a roar, the Ogre and Minotaur stepped forward, arms outstretched, colliding with force and wrestling each other as the surrounding monsters roared, cheering for their kin.

Glorithia, propped on the throne, munched on a purple grape offered by a Wolf Giant, half-closing her eyes in enjoyment, watching the scene with a relaxed demeanor.


A deep voice reached Glorithia’s ears.

“Glorithia, you seem to be living quite comfortably.”

Startled, the Blue Dragon nearly choked, patting her chest before looking around, finally focusing on the rippling air above the hall.

Under the gaze of many eyes.

The light twisted, gradually revealing the form of a Golden Dragon, its robust and majestic body, and the overwhelming Dragon Might that made the monsters in attendance fall to the ground in respect.

The scenes of the war between Dragons and Giants were vivid as if they had happened yesterday.

This familiar yet foreign massive form reminded them that the true ruler of Grayrock Isle had returned.

And he was stronger than before.

“Ah, Saga, I’ve been diligently managing Grayrock Isle in your stead. In your absence, I’ve kept everything in perfect order, and we’ve had quite the harvest.”

Under Saga’s gaze, the Blue Dragon jumped from the throne as if her tail were on fire.

To her, the current Saga was too oppressive.

In terms of size, Saga had completely surpassed the adolescent Blue Dragon, not to mention his strength.

After some growth during this time, the Blue Dragon, who had been living in luxury on Grayrock Isle, had barely advanced to the sixth tier. Although it was only a one-tier difference on the surface, facing Saga filled her with an insurmountable pressure, as if facing a deep abyss.

“Is this old man finally dropping the act and revealing some of his true power?”

The Blue Dragon thought to herself.

But as soon as she did, she felt trouble brewing.

“Damn it, I forgot he can read minds.”

With a sheepish smile, Glorithia tried to ease the awkwardness.

Saga merely glanced at her, causing the Blue Dragon to squirm uncomfortably. He didn’t care about her inner thoughts and, folding his wings, landed on the main seat.

It was a gilded throne.

While ornate, it was a bit small for Saga’s current size and not very comfortable.

“Have there been any troubles here on Grayrock Isle while I was away?”

Saga gazed at Glorithia and asked.

The Blue Dragon pondered and replied truthfully:

“The human duchy from West Sea Island has been sending envoys to negotiate with me. At first, they wanted to buy this island, which you know about.”

“After being refused, they continued to negotiate, seeking to buy the metallic materials from the mines on Grayrock Isle. I said I couldn’t decide and refused them as well.”

“However, humans are persistent. They kept sending people to negotiate for a long time and even brought me many gifts hoping I would relent.”

Smacking her lips, Glorithia showed a smug expression and said:

“This palace was built by some craftsmen they sent.”

“I figured if I kept refusing them, they would continue to please me, so I was even less likely to agree.”

Pausing, she showed a hint of regret and continued:

“However, they haven’t sent anyone recently, so they might have completely given up.”

Listening to Glorithia’s words, Saga mused.

On the Grayrock Archipelago, West Sea Island is the largest, with a territory of about 150,000 to 160,000 square kilometers. The human duchy that rules West Sea Island, the Pola Duchy, has a population of several hundred thousand. Although they lack a legend, they have several high-ranking existences and a sizable elite army, making them the strongest force in the Grayrock Archipelago.

After the Storm Giant clan was annihilated, the duchy coveted the metal-rich Grayrock Isle.

However, although only the Blue Dragon and a group of monsters were present on Grayrock Isle, it was also under the care of the Topaz Dragon Lord. Grayrock Isle and Goldsand Isle were considered allied fronts. Weighing the benefits and losses, and not wanting to wage full-scale war with the two major monster territories nearby, the human duchy, despite desiring Grayrock Isle, did not wage war recklessly.

“Completely given up?”

Saga’s gaze narrowed slightly as he calmly looked at Glorithia and said:

“Then, when I first arrived at the Grayrock Archipelago, what was the human army I saw gathering and conducting pre-war drills over West Sea Island’s airspace?”

The human duchy on West Sea Island lacks the ability to set up large-scale anti-air magic formations.

When Saga passed by, maintaining a Twisting Light Force Field, he keenly noticed armies gathering in some hidden places, ready and eager to move.

Normally, such armies would not assemble on a large scale.

This movement clearly indicated that they were planning a significant action soon, such as waging war.

So the question arises, who is the target of the war?

Glorithia was taken aback.

She extended her right claw and scratched the single horn on her nose, muttering in confusion:

“What army?”

Glorithia, indulged in pleasure, had no habit of scouting the movements of surrounding forces and was completely unaware.

Saga shook his head imperceptibly, too lazy to explain to the Blue Dragon with a slow mind.

At the time, if he had had more capable followers and not for the care of the Topaz Dragon Lord, he would not have left Grayrock Isle in Glorithia’s hands to manage.

The Golden Dragon straightened up, his gaze sweeping over the monsters gathered in the hall.

Most of those present were the elite leaders of the monsters on Grayrock Isle.

Trolls, Ogres, Minotaurs, Wolf Giants—a group of massive, fierce-looking monsters held their breath, waiting for the command of their true ruler.

The atmosphere in the palace grew silent, you could hear a pin drop.

Until the deep Dragon Tongue broke the silence.

“Monsters, you have rested long enough.”

“Do you long for bloodshed, miss the sound of bones shattering?”

The Golden Dragon spoke gravely.

“Go call your clans and kin, prepare them for war!”

Roar! The monsters howled, their eyes gradually filling with bloodlust and excitement under Saga’s mental suggestion, then they left the palace to gather at the monster tribes across Grayrock Isle, assembling the monster army.

“Eh? Are we going to war?”

The Blue Dragon hadn’t caught up yet.

After speaking, she suddenly realized: “Is the human duchy’s army coming for us?”

Once she understood, Glorithia became furious: “These insignificant insects, they really have some nerve!”

The duchy wasn’t that bold.

Otherwise, they would have attacked Grayrock Isle and Goldsand Isle right after the Topaz Dragon Lord left.

The Topaz Dragon Lord went to Moon Bay, entrusting his territory to Saga, also considering that his followers alone might not be able to defend Goldsand Isle without him.

After all, even with him present, the combined forces of Goldsand Isle and Grayrock Isle were not as strong as the human duchy.

But the cost of attacking would be substantial, so they did not consider it.

After the Topaz Dragon Lord left, the human duchy waited and scouted for over three years.

During that time, the departed Topaz Dragon Lord never returned, and Grayrock Isle was left with only Glorithia, who indulged in pleasure and wasn’t very sharp.

Faced with two pieces of fat meat almost within reach.

They observed for a long time and finally couldn’t resist, deciding to wage war.

The logic behind this was clear to Saga after a brief thought.

If he were the king of the duchy, he wouldn’t be indifferent to two territories adjacent to his own land. Previously, the territories were occupied by powerful Storm Giants and adult dragons, making it unprofitable to send troops to attack. But now it’s different.

After a few probes, if there’s no threat, they can officially go to war.

Saga had reason to believe that the benefits given to Glorithia by the human duchy were not for nothing; they must have probed and estimated Glorithia’s level, knowing that the adolescent dragon posed no threat.

However, what the human duchy didn’t expect was that the lord of Grayrock Isle was not Glorithia, but Saga behind her.

“I’ve heard from the Topaz Dragon Lord before that the strongest in the duchy is an eighth-tier Griffin Knight with a high-ranking Gold Feather Griffin mount, as well as a seventh-tier protective Caster and a seventh-tier Monk.”

A total of four high-ranking existences, that’s the duchy’s most visible strength.

It doesn’t sound very impressive.

But for a small island duchy, such high-end power is actually quite decent.

There are gaps between people, gaps between dragons, gaps between empires, and gaps between duchies.

The strongest duchies can easily assemble hundreds of high-ranking units, including ninth-tier ones nearing legend, and even have one or two legends. But the weakest small duchies might only have one or two seventh-tier existences.

“Four high-ranking ones in total.”

The young dragon shook his head and murmured, “Not long ago, I was ganged up on by a ninth-tier demon. If war breaks out this time, I guess I’ll become the target of the beating.”


Saga grinned, revealing his sharp fangs.

“I am not a demon whose mind is scorched by the desire to kill, and my opponent is not a gifted True Dragon.”

Even if the human duchy doesn’t plan to attack Saga.

Deciding to establish a foothold in the Grayrock Archipelago and gradually revealing his ambition, Saga wasn’t too keen on being on equal terms with a duchy.

Not just Grayrock Isle and Goldsand Isle.

“Now that I am here, the entire Grayrock Archipelago will be shrouded under the shadow of my dragon wings.”

In the following time, Saga’s monster followers prepared for war. The Black Shark-led troops had already arrived at the Grayrock Archipelago and, following Saga’s orders, had quietly infiltrated the area, now restless.

During this time, Saga visited Goldsand Isle.

Because of the Topaz Dragon Lord’s instructions, the Centaurs, Salamanders, Jackalmen, and other monsters of Goldsand Isle now also obey Saga’s commands and regard him as their lord.

In fact, when the Topaz Dragon Lord left Goldsand Isle to Saga, it felt almost like entrusting his legacy.

An adult Topaz Dragon participating in the dangerous war between Deep Sea Dragon City and the Casserly Abyss prisoners was likely to encounter trouble. However, Saga respected the Topaz Dragon Lord’s choice. Now, his task was to protect Goldsand Isle as its new lord, according to the Topaz Dragon Lord’s entrustment.

Throughout the process, Saga did not show himself directly.

He also discovered that the Caster from Red Maple Island, suspected to be a member of the Skyrealm Empire’s royal family, had left. This mysterious Caster, who had intervened to help during the battle between the dragon lords and the Storm Giants, had disappeared with his mage tower, whereabouts unknown.

Before Saga arrived, some of the human duchy’s garrisons had already landed on Red Maple Island.

It was evident that the human duchy harbored ambitions to take over the entire Grayrock Archipelago.

With the fall of the Storm Giants and the mysterious departure of the Topaz Dragon Lord and the Caster, their ambitions swelled.

But Saga shared the same thoughts.

Meanwhile, the human duchy’s army continued to grow in size, each soldier armored and armed.

After some time.

On a day shrouded in thick fog, where one couldn’t see their own hand in front of them.

The human duchy’s army began to move.

Just as Saga had speculated, their target was Grayrock Isle, the closest to their territory. A fleet of magic-protected ships silently approached Grayrock Isle, carrying a multitude of warriors.

However, the army moving stealthily under the cover of fog did not realize.

Their actions were being closely monitored by a giant dragon lurking in the shadows.

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