Chapter 191 – Shark carving chanting poet, Emperor Dragon poem

After six years of slumber, Saga awoke.

He shook his dragon wings, and dust filled the air around him. The long sleep had covered his dragon scales in dust, and a thick layer had accumulated in the crevices of his body.

Opening his eyes,

Saga shook his head, and his consciousness gradually became clear.

Buzz! As soon as he activated his force field, the dust covering Saga’s body was instantly repelled, revealing the shimmering golden scales beneath, each one gleaming and pristine, dazzlingly new.

Releasing his tightly coiled tail, he straightened up and shook his head.

Saga looked around.

The dragon’s nest, which had once seemed a suitable size, now felt cramped. A mere stretch of his wings could touch the walls, and a forceful nod of his head caused his horns to poke the top of the nest.

It wasn’t that the space had shrunk, but Saga had grown larger.

Saga didn’t rush to leave the dragon’s nest he had occupied for over six years. Instead, he took some time to carefully examine himself and observe the changes.

“Over six years of sleep, this has been the longest growth slumber I’ve ever experienced,” Saga pondered thoughtfully.

For dragons, whose lifespans are incredibly long, especially those who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years and have seen it all, a few years are insignificant. But for Saga, who was still quite young, these six years were a significant portion of his life, making it feel like a long sleep.

Saga had started his slumber around the age of ten and had slept for over six years. He was now sixteen.

“Now, just over sixteen, I have officially become a young dragon.”

Saga turned his head, his gaze sweeping over his body and finally resting on his tail.

His scales, like diamond-encrusted gold, were layered and constructed, radiating brilliant light. The three pairs of horns on his head were sinuous and majestic, and his golden pupils were deeper, exuding an invisible and immense charm that would make nearby creatures instinctively want to worship him. He was full of dignity.

Moreover, this sleep had significantly increased Saga’s size.

From head to tail, the young dragon with golden diamond-like scales measured fourteen meters in length. To many sapient beings like humans, he was an undeniable behemoth, capable of causing massive destruction with every move. If he fully spread his nearly thirty-meter wingspan, it could cover a vast area, like a broad sail rising from the sea.

In terms of size,

Saga was now indistinguishable from an adult dragon.

As for combat power, ordinary adult dragons stood no chance against him, not even Red Dragons or Golden Dragons. Although they were all dragons, the gap between them was as if they were not of the same species.

The difference between dragons was vast.

Saga stretched his body, but his wings, not fully extended, were blocked by the now seemingly cramped walls of the dragon’s nest.

No longer staying in the nest,

Saga lifted his head and stepped forward.

His pace quickened, his horns, wings, and the walls of the connecting mine tunnel scraped against each other, leaving marks and sparking in the darkness.

Accompanied by dazzling sparks and increasingly wild winds,


The young dragon emerged from the narrow mine tunnel into the bright and expansive world, spreading his wings and with a powerful shake, shattered the sunlight into a dappled pattern of light and shadow, soaring into the sky.


A tremendous Dragon Might radiated from Saga, sweeping across Moon Bay almost instantly.

All the creatures living in Moon Bay trembled, then instinctively looked up at the sky, gazing at the golden dragon silhouette that tore through the wind and sunlight, soaring into the clouds, with faces full of fervent awe.

“Praise our Lord, praise His Majesty!”

Some of his followers knelt on the ground, shouting praises.

Saga, with his keen hearing, heard the praises of his followers, but he didn’t pay them any mind. Instead, he simply soared in the high skies, racing among the drifting clouds, feeling the powerful force coursing through his body, his wings stirring fierce winds that tore the clouds apart.

Suddenly, Saga hovered in mid-air.

He raised his arm and swung it forward forcefully, not using Power Essence or psychic energy, but simply venting the swelling power within him.


The air exploded, and the misty clouds in front of him were dispersed by the strong wind from his dragon claw, creating a vast void.

Then, with his wings drawn in, Saga dove headfirst toward the ocean, plunging into the vast and serene deep sea. The moment he hit the water, the surface shattered like glass, and waves rose from the center, causing a series of tsunamis.

The sea churned and boiled as if a giant beast was stirring below.

Soon after, the water bulged and broke, revealing Saga’s robust and beautiful body, with crystal-clear droplets revolving around him, tracing beautiful arcs before falling back into the sea.

Saga flapped his wings, skimming the sea surface at high speed.

The immense wind pressure caused the water beneath him to collapse, leaving a trail as if the fragile blue canvas was torn open beneath the True Dragon. In a brief moment, he had pulled hundreds of meters of separation before the sea closed slowly behind him.

After soaring freely between the sky and the ocean for several hours,

Saga’s exuberant spirits finally began to subside, and he instinctively landed at the highest point of Moon Bay, which was Gemstone Mountain, overlooking his domain and subjects from a commanding height.

“Congratulations, my Lord, on reaching a higher echelon.”

Demon Warlock Addison climbed to the top of an ancient tree, looking up and shouting.

Saga extended a dragon claw.

A force of attraction precisely caught the Demon Warlock, pulling him up to the top of Gemstone Mountain, landing at Saga’s feet.

Looking up at the giant dragon, capable of crushing his current body with a single swipe of its claw, the Demon Warlock felt a mix of complexity and sentiment.

Once targeting this uniquely gifted Outsider dragon to seize its body, it had now become one of its leading followers, witnessing its monstrous rate of progress.

“Your scales shine brighter than the sun and moon!”

It praised exaggeratedly and admiringly.

Saga looked down at the Demon Warlock Addison, speaking indifferently:

“I’m well aware of my own strength, and competing with the sun and moon is still far off. However, my story has just begun, and surpassing the brilliance of the sun and moon is inevitable.”

After six years of sleep, Saga had naturally broken through from mid to high echelon, reaching a higher level of existence.

To be precise,

He became a high-echelon being in his fourth year of sleep, at the age of fourteen.

But Saga, now a high-echelon being, did not wake up immediately. Instead, he continued to sleep, using growth slumber to stabilize and reinforce his realm.

“Reaching high echelon in my youth, in the history of the Dragon Kind, only I and the Golden Dragon have achieved this.”

“But this is just the beginning. I aim to break through to legend in my youth.”

Saga was not satisfied with the achievement of breaking through to high echelon during his youth.

A young legend is an even rarer honor.

It’s not that no dragon has ever achieved it, but they are extremely rare, so much so that even in the annals of dragon heritage, they are few and far between.

Dragons, as long-lived beings, are not known for their speed of growth.

Legendary beings are not Chinese Cabbages.

In any world, legendary beings can be considered a power in their own right.

Becoming a legend before the age of twenty-five, within his youth, was a minor goal Saga set for himself.

Meanwhile, Addison scratched his skeletal head and said:

“Your Majesty, your growth rate astonishes and moves me.”

“At the same time, it also concerns me.”

“Perhaps, in a few years, I will no longer be able to offer you any assistance, and you will leave me far behind.”

Hearing this, Saga raised an eyebrow, his gaze reflecting the Demon Warlock’s current strange form.

“What, are you in a hurry for the Storm Giant’s body, so you’re here to urge me?”

Saga said with a half-smile, half-serious tone.

“Gah gah, you see right through me.”

The Demon Warlock laughed strangely and offered praise to ease the embarrassment of being exposed.

Saga smiled slightly and said:

“I won’t forget what I promised you.”

“Besides, I’m also looking forward to seeing the birth of the Dragon Vein Storm Giant.”

“Moreover, if you wish, I can reserve a spot for you as a Psychic Guard.”

The information about the mage’s tomb that Addison provided had led Saga to acquire the invaluable treasure, Spark, whose worth was immeasurable. Addison, who provided the information, had played a significant role.

Furthermore, after being trained with the electromagnetic slave mark,

Addison, despite his high intelligence, no matter how he appeared on the surface, was now subconsciously thinking entirely for Saga’s sake.

“Creating a Psychic Guard, especially one with high intelligence, the biggest fear is betrayal.”

“But, combined with Dragon Vein transformation or electromagnetic slave mark, it’s possible to eliminate such worries.”

Saga pondered:

“Perhaps, I can create fifteen Psychic Guards with different personalities, forming an elite force of high-level followers who will take orders directly from me, come from me, and grow with me. In this way, I will be invulnerable in the psychic realm.”

This required long-term planning.

Because Saga could currently create only three Psychic Guards, and a legendary Mind Warlock could create no more than five psychic guards. Considering various factors, there was no precedent for a Mind Warlock to create as many as fifteen Psychic Guards.

At the same time, the human-headed spider skeleton at Saga’s feet hesitated for a moment, then said:

“The Dragon Vein Storm Giant is very appealing to me.”

“But, becoming your Psychic Guard, this…”

The young dragon smiled warmly: “You can take your time to consider, Addison. I value your potential and knowledge and won’t force you.”

Hearing Saga’s words of recognition, Addison felt a warmth in his heart and began to self-persuade under the effect of the electromagnetic slave mark. It thought that Saga’s talent was so outstanding, his growth rate the fastest it had ever seen, and he would eventually reach the pinnacle of the world. Valuing itself and offering the chance to become a Psychic Guard was an honor. Becoming a Psychic Guard might mean losing some of one’s personality and will, but what in this world doesn’t come with a price?

The focus isn’t on the cost, but on the gain.

“There’s no need to think about it, Your Majesty. It’s my honor!”

Saga wasn’t surprised by Addison’s response.

“You can start preparing your soul-snatching spell. I’ll take you to the Grayrock Archipelago, where the Storm Giant prepared for you is located.”

Addison was overjoyed and then climbed down from the mountain top to start preparing in advance.

Perched atop Gemstone Mountain, Saga’s expression gradually became serene as he gazed in the direction of Deep Sea Dragon City, his golden pupils as tranquil as a lake after the rain, without a single ripple.

“The prisoners exiled to the abyss by Kaserli.”

“…I wonder how the war in Deep Sea Dragon City is going.”

“There’s no message from the Topaz Dragon Lord, so it’s probably not over yet.”

A desire to go to Deep Sea Dragon City and fight the exiled prisoners stirred in Saga’s heart.

But reason made Saga stay put.

He was indeed strong now, even stronger than many adult dragons, and could contribute his strength, but this was insignificant for Deep Sea Dragon City.

“If I were to join the battle, it would inevitably distract my father.”

As a demigod Golden Dragon, the Golden Dragonfather was undoubtedly a pillar of Deep Sea Dragon City. It would not be good to distract him, and if Saga insisted on joining the battle, it would likely not have a positive effect and might even have a negative impact.

“Growing strong and powerful is what I should do. Deep Sea Dragon City doesn’t lack a high-echelon combatant like me. Compared to some of the ancient dragons in the city, I’m still like a small shrimp.”

Saga exhaled, his thoughts returning from Deep Sea Dragon City.

Before the Topaz Dragon Lord went to Deep Sea Dragon City, he entrusted his territory, Goldsand Isle, to Saga. Moreover, Moon Bay was too small. Saga had his own territory in the Grayrock Archipelago, close to the bustling and powerful Yar Continent. So Saga planned to move his forces to the Grayrock Archipelago. From there, he could venture to Yar Continent or return to the Whirlpool Sea. As for Moon Bay, it could serve as a fallback, leaving some followers to manage it.

“Tixil and Charlotte have both gone to Yar Continent.”

“They might have already made a name for themselves, but Yar Continent is vast, and I don’t know exactly where they are.”

“I’ll contact them when I decide to go.”

Saga thought to himself.

Then, he remembered the creatures from the Shark Empire captured by his followers, and his voice directly echoed in Black Shark’s mind: “Bring the Shark Sculpture captured recently to me.”

“At your command.”

In less than ten minutes,

Black Shark appeared at Gemstone Peak with a group of Tiger Sharks.

Saga looked down.

The Tiger Sharks were arranged in two rows, carrying a huge stick carved from a tree trunk, and a strange-looking creature was firmly bound to it, fear and trepidation evident in the pair of eyes on its shark face.

Eyes can convey emotions.

Generally, the more intelligent the being, the richer the emotions.

Saga saw at a glance that this was a sapient being.

However, the creature’s appearance was quite strange.

It had an upper body similar to an ordinary shark, with a pair of huge wings on both sides of its body, and instead of a fish tail, it had the talons typical of an eagle.

The Shark Sculpture, one of the shark species of the Shark Empire, of average status, an amphibious creature capable of living in the sea, on land, and in the air, naturally possessing certain wind and water spell abilities, and with human-like intelligence.

The Shark Sculpture looked bizarre, as if a shark and an eagle were merged.

However, it didn’t seem out of place next to the surrounding Tiger Sharks.

“Why are you treating me so cruelly, fellow sharks? Where is the trust between sharks?”

The Shark Sculpture spoke in the shark language to the burly Tiger Sharks around it.

The Tiger Sharks remained silent, their gaze sharp and cold.

At the same time,

“Release it.”

Saga’s voice echoed in their minds, and Black Shark nodded, untying the magical material ropes that bound the Shark Sculpture tightly.

The Shark Sculpture, suddenly released by the Tiger Sharks, was stunned for a moment, then instinctively flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

“I really don’t know what you Tiger Sharks are up to, a bunch of barbaric and stupid creatures living in remote areas!”

The Shark Sculpture, now free, didn’t understand why the Tiger Sharks had released it. It didn’t ponder the matter and quickly flapped its wings, eager to leave the place.

However, as its body rose,

The Shark Sculpture, with a wide field of vision, caught a glimpse of a figure that made it shudder.

It was a golden dragon standing majestically atop a mountain peak, with an indifferent gaze and glittering scales, exuding an air of majesty and power. At that moment, its pair of golden pupils reflected the Shark Sculpture’s form.

“A dragon!”

The Shark Sculpture lost its balance, its wings stiffened, and it hovered in mid-air, not daring to move further.

Flying erratically in front of a dragon could be seen as disrespectful, and it could provoke a thunderous retaliation. Dragons are known for their temper, and not many are truly good-natured, even among the famously benevolent Metal Dragon Kind.

“Noble Golden Dragon, my name is Adamar, from the Glowing Ocean, from the distant Shark Empire.”

“I inadvertently entered your territory, and if there has been any offense, please forgive me.”

The Shark Sculpture now realized that this dragon was the ruler of this place.

No wonder those Tiger Sharks simply let it go. In the presence of a dragon, it wouldn’t dare to flee even if given freedom.

With eyes on the sides of its large head showing a flattering look, under Saga’s calm scrutiny, the Shark Sculpture spoke in a somewhat awkward and strained Dragon Tongue, but still reasonably comprehensible:

“Ah, you are the most noble being I have ever seen.”

“Your scales are more radiant than gold, more beautiful than gems.”

“Please forgive my uncontrollable praise; your nobility and strength have truly captured me.”

Unlike many of its fierce and combative kin, this Shark Sculpture loved poetry and was a minstrel, ostracized by its own kind. When war broke out, it simply fled the Glowing Ocean, singing clumsy poems along the way, until it arrived here.

“Enough with the base flattery.”

Facing the Shark Sculpture’s enthusiastic praise, Saga remained calm and said.

“I’m curious, how did a Shark Sculpture end up in the Whirlpool Sea?”

With a spread of his dragon claw, a great suction force drew the Shark Sculpture uncontrollably closer, eventually landing shakily at Saga’s feet.

Feeling Saga’s oppressive presence up close, under the shadow of this massive being, the Shark Sculpture grew even more nervous, but it still tried to show a respectful demeanor, folding its wings and bowing its shark head deeply to Saga before speaking.

After carefully choosing its words, the Shark Sculpture howled a few times to clear its throat, then with a tragic expression on its shark face, and in a tragic tone, it slowly said:

“The Glowing Ocean is my birthplace, my nurturing mother, whom I did not want to leave.”

“But the raging flames of war gradually covered her body, driving me here.”

It recounted the conflict between the Shark Empire and the Mermaid Empire, which was no secret in information-rich areas.

Moments later, after listening to the Shark Sculpture’s narrative, Saga was thoughtful.

“The Shark Empire and the Mermaid Empire have actually gone to war.”

“The Deep Sea Dragon City is also facing an attack from Kaserli’s prisoners; what a troublesome time.”

Thinking about it, Saga’s brow furrowed slightly, his sharp mind linking different events together.

“Perhaps, it’s because Deep Sea Dragon City has fallen into crisis that the two great sea empires have gone to war. Previously, with Deep Sea Dragon City mediating, there were constant frictions between the sharks and mermaids, but it never escalated to war.”

“…This war between the two great ocean empires could spread to the Stormy Ocean at any time.”

Shaking his head, Saga gradually collected his thoughts.

In fact, the Stormy Ocean was not very safe now, and it was possible to encounter fleeing prisoners, especially since Deep Sea Dragon City was located in the central Golden Sea of the Stormy Ocean.

Stormy Ocean, Glowing Ocean, Endless Ocean, Frozen Ocean.

Of the four oceans, only the Frozen Ocean, where the Magic Fish Empire was located, remained calm. The other three oceans had become dangerous, especially the bordering seas of the Shark and Mermaid Empires.

Now the oceans had become lands of strife.

After finishing the story of the origins of the war between the Shark Empire and the Mermaid Empire, the Shark Sculpture rambled on, not stopping as it recounted various experiences it had encountered along the way.

As it became engrossed in its tale,

Saga interrupted, “You may leave now.”

The Shark Sculpture paused, then said, “Thank you for your mercy.”

Realizing that the dragon had no interest in killing it, the Shark Sculpture’s tension eased considerably. It couldn’t help but admire Saga’s majestic physique and the splendid scales, saying, “You are truly beautiful. Even though we are not of the same species, I am deeply attracted to your nobility and beauty.”

After a pause, the Shark Sculpture added:

“Noble Golden Dragon, may I have the honor of writing a song about you to sing far and wide?”

Saga’s interest was piqued, and he glanced at the half-shark, half-eagle minstrel, saying:

“Go ahead, let me hear one.”

The Shark Sculpture thought for a moment, not immediately reciting poetry but first asking Saga, “Do you have any titles or great deeds you wish to speak of? This could enrich your image.”

Saga’s gaze narrowed slightly, and he selectively shared some of his experiences and titles with the Shark Sculpture.

The Shark Sculpture minstrel pondered for a moment, then raised its head and sang in a lamenting tone:

“Emperor Dragon, Emperor Dragon.”

“You soar through the vast skies, you soar over the boundless earth, you soar across the endless oceans.”

“Your scales shine like gold, your eyes sparkle with endless light.”

“Lesser beings revere your glory, yet covet your radiance.”

“Emperor Dragon, your form is as handsome as a deity, your majesty surpasses that of mortal emperors.”

“You are the stars in the sky, as well as the legend of the land.”

“You are grand and tall, majestic and free.”

“We sing of your saga, inscribing your splendor.”

“Emperor Dragon, Emperor Dragon, your name will be known across all corners of the world.”

ps: I’m asking for your monthly vote.

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