Chapter 189 – Divine Chosen Hero Golden Dragon

“One day, you will willingly fight for me, sweeping through this realm as my chosen champion!”

As the voice faded, giving Saga no chance to respond, the sound by his ear abruptly ceased, vanishing completely.

“Indeed, this malevolent god still can’t get me out of its mind. Though it didn’t show itself, it couldn’t help but speak to me, always watching the battles here from the shadows.”

“But, I could never agree to its terms,” Saga thought to himself.

He had seen the Tyrant Fiend’s behavior and found it lacking: madness, bloodlust, and a desire for slaughter filled its heart, constantly screaming ‘kill, kill, kill’. Although fierce in spirit, it seemed rather unimpressive to Saga.

His goal was to become an emperor-like existence, not a mere war machine that knew only battle and slaughter.

Such a war machine could serve him, but he disdained to become one himself.

“However, what does it mean that it allows me to pray to it?”

Saga pondered, looking towards the spot where the Tyrant Fiend had been obliterated without a trace.

Before its death, the demon had prayed to the Tyrant Blood God, resulting in a look of despair and dimness. If it was just a prayer left unanswered, the reaction wouldn’t have been so extreme.

“This god of war probably despises followers who pray to it in defeat, only to be abandoned.”

That was Saga’s guess.

“The demons who worship it pray and get abandoned, while I, who have always refused it and even once twisted its head in the world of consciousness, am granted permission to pray for blessings in times of danger?”

“If it’s really as I suspect, the demons slain by my dragon breath would be furious enough to come back to life if they knew.”

Licking his lips, Saga couldn’t help but look up at a 45-degree angle, gazing into the sky with a melancholy look:

“My damned charm, even gods from outer space can’t extricate themselves from it.”

Shaking his head, Saga sighed deeply:

“Ah, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.”

Hearing Saga’s sigh, the Golden Dragon turned its head.

“My friend, what are you talking about?”

“Nothing much, just a little sentiment.”

At the same time, the Amethyst Dragon and the Gemstone Dragon also approached.

“Fortunately, the malevolent god that the demon worshipped didn’t incarnate and descend.”

“If it had, it would have likely caused a disaster.”

“The god probably didn’t notice this place. After all, deities have numerous followers and hear countless prayers every moment,” the Amethyst Dragon said slowly.

Saga thought to himself that the god had indeed descended, but only as a whisper, and they couldn’t hear it.

Then he heard the Golden Dragon scratch its head and say:

“Well, the other party is definitely paying attention here.”

Including Saga, the three dragons turned their heads to look at the Golden Dragon.

Under Saga’s somewhat astonished gaze, the Golden Dragon slowly said:

“Just now, a voice echoed in my mind, claiming to be the Tyrant Blood God, the Skull Lord.”

Hearing the Golden Dragon’s words, Saga was first slightly stunned, then it made sense.

The Skull Lord had been watching the battle in secret, noting Saga’s performance as well as the Golden Dragon’s, who had fought valiantly beside Saga, and had taken an interest in the Golden Dragon. This was not surprising but very natural.

As for the Amethyst Dragon and the Gemstone Dragon, although they had also exerted much effort in the battle against the Tyrant Fiend, the Skull Lord did not favor their style of combat. Compared to their long-range harassment and pulling tactics, this deity preferred the blood-soaked melee combat of warriors.

Unlike the calm-faced Saga.

Without the favor of the Skull Lord and no chance to communicate with it, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon became anxious.

“This must be the malevolent god that the demon we just killed worshipped. With such a title, it’s definitely not a deity that’s easy to get along with,” they said.

Although a god’s title doesn’t always represent their alignment and style, it can certainly serve as a reference.

Tyrant Blood God, Skull Lord.

Such titles would lead any sapient being to judge that this is a malevolent or evil god.

The battle was over, but the howling winds and snow still persisted.

Under the gaze of the other dragons, the Golden Dragon pondered for a while and then slowly shook its head:

“I actually feel that this being is not purely malevolent.”

Saga’s gaze shifted, looking at the Golden Dragon:

“How so?”

In fact, he and the Golden Dragon shared similar thoughts. From their brief interactions, this Outer God seemed evil, but not entirely so.

The Golden Dragon pondered:

“In the psychic world, I had a brief communication with it, so I learned some of its principles.”

“This Tyrant Blood God revels in battle and slaughter, but at the same time, it admires strength, courage, and glory, favoring beings with the guts to draw swords against stronger opponents.”

“To describe it as purely evil is somewhat one-sided, of course, from a conventional perspective, it is still predominantly evil.”

Hearing the Golden Dragon’s words, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon looked at each other.

“I say, Hyperion, you haven’t been bewitched by the evil god, have you?” the Gemstone Dragon said.

“It did say some things, wanting me to join its ranks as a follower and made some promises of benefits, but I’m not foolish enough to agree,” the Golden Dragon said.

Saga thoughtfully asked, “What exactly did it promise you?”

The Golden Dragon recalled the communication with the Skull Lord, then carefully chose his words and spoke in a relaxed tone: “It said it wanted me to become its chosen one and would grant me great power.”

Saga: …………

You’re also a chosen one?

Are chosen ones that cheap?

Damn evil god! Who knows how many beings it has said similar things to at the same time.

How could I have almost believed it?

Saga felt a severe dissatisfaction with the Skull Lord, annoyed in his thoughts.

Then the Golden Dragon thought for a moment and added, “To be precise, it wanted me to become a chosen hero.”

Spreading its claws, the Golden Dragon continued:

“However, because the communication was brief, I don’t know exactly what it means by a chosen hero.”

Chosen hero?

In front of the Golden Dragon, Saga’s gaze flickered, scratching his chin.

The Tyrant promised me the glory and power of a chosen champion, which is somewhat different from the Golden Dragon’s chosen hero. But which holds a higher position in this evil god’s legion, the chosen champion or the chosen hero?

Saga fell into thought.

A few seconds later, he raised his head and looked at the Golden Dragon: “Like you, I also heard the voice of the Tyrant. This evil god tempted me with the glory and power of a chosen champion.”

Pausing, Saga said solemnly, “Hyperion, don’t be foolishly lured by the evil god. To obtain power from an evil god, there must be a huge hidden price.”

“The demon we just killed, filled with a desire for slaughter, might have been a being bewitched by the power of an evil god at the beginning.”

The Golden Dragon nodded: “Don’t worry, if one day I decide to follow a deity, with so many reliable Dragon Gods to worship, why would I choose an evil god of unknown origin? That’s impossible.”

It’s not that there are no dragons that worship non-dragon deities.

But they are the rarest of the rare.

In the entire prime material world, there might not be one such dragon.

Normally, if one must worship a deity, dragons would definitely choose to follow their own kind.

Then, the Golden Dragon blinked and changed the subject, curiously saying, “Chosen champion?”

“It’s different from the chosen hero promised to me. Saga, you seem to have a fate with the title of champion; it sounds much more significant than the Little Dragon Champion.”

Without delving into the differences between these titles, Saga shook his head, the crown on his head shining brightly, his voice calm and firm:

“I don’t think so. The Little Dragon Champion is something I fought for myself, defeating opponents along the way. But this chosen champion is dependent on the selection and blessing of a deity.”

Sparks flew from Saga’s nostrils, scoffing.

“I have no interest in such so-called chosen honors.”

He aspired to reach the pinnacle of the world, to be a dragon comparable to the gods. Being chosen represented the approval of a deity, but such approval was condescending, from a higher being to a lower one.

The Golden Dragon raised its claw, patted Saga’s shoulder, and laughed heartily.

“Truly a friend who fought side by side with me, both of us have caught the attention and favor of a deity, and both of us disdain it.”


Listening to the conversation between Saga and the Golden Dragon, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon exchanged glances, realizing from each other’s surprised looks that neither had heard the voice of the Tyrant.

The voice of the Tyrant Blood God, the Skull Lord, had only resonated within Saga and the Golden Dragon.

For the Amethyst Dragon Tixil, being ignored by the evil god didn’t matter much; she even thought that being noticed by an evil god, whether with good or bad intentions, was not a good thing. But Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon, who naturally enjoyed being the center of attention, felt differently.

“Hmph, we all fought the demon together, why did it only favor you two?” the Gemstone Dragon muttered discontentedly.

To her dragon sister’s confusion and dissatisfaction.

The Golden Dragon thought of the Skull Lord’s principles, flexed the muscles under his scales, and bluntly said:

“It’s simple. A god that admires strength and battle prefers a barbaric and fierce melee combat, soaked in blood, thrilling and exhilarating. Your and Tixil’s style of combat is not what it likes.”

The Golden Dragon’s words did not dissipate the Gemstone Dragon’s openly displeased expression.

Saga casually said: “Just a brute-type deity, it’s normal not to appreciate beauty. You should know, not all beings can appreciate your beauty, even gods.”

Hearing this, the Gemstone Dragon’s grievances and dissatisfaction instantly disappeared, her expression becoming joyful, her heart delighted.

“Hee hee, I forgot to say, Saga, your posture in battle with the demon was truly heroic and majestic.”

“Even more impressive than when you competed in Deep Sea Dragon City.”

The complimented Gemstone Dragon also did not skimp on praise, saying so.

The howling winds and snow continued to fall, and after the battle, Saga and the other dragons circled in the air for a while before returning to First Quarter Island.

By now, due to the increasing snow.

Many parts of First Quarter Island had already been coated with a beautiful layer of silver.

Many of Saga’s monster followers gathered here, offering reverent gazes and praise to the descending dragons, especially their lord at the forefront.

“Praise our lord, for displaying Dragon Might!”

The battle had been loud.

The monster followers had all been startled.

Leaders like the Tiger Shark and the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon had wanted to assist Saga in battle.

However, the terrifying aura of the ninth-tier demon was like an insurmountable mountain to them, heavy, oppressive, terrifying, casting a deep psychological shadow in the hearts of the monsters here.

The leaders who were more valued by Saga could overcome their fear of the demon.

But they still couldn’t intervene in the battle between Saga and the other dragons and the Tyrant Fiend.

“My lord, I am ashamed that I could not assist you in battle.”

“I am still too weak to keep up with your pace.”

The Tiger Shark came before Saga, lowered its head, a look of shame on its fierce shark face, and said in a deep voice.

Beings that have undergone Dragon Vein baptism have strong resistance to the aura of other creatures. The Tiger Shark and the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon were not afraid of the aura of the ninth-tier demon and did not feel too oppressed. However, they could not fly and could only look up from the island at the battle between Saga and the other dragons with the Tyrant Fiend in the sky.

And even if they could fly.

With their level, they could at most withstand one move from the Tyrant Fiend, and most likely they would be killed in one hit.

Even though they were favored by their lord and had become Dragon Vein creatures, they still could not compare with the truly powerful upper races and could not provide significant help at critical moments. The Tiger Shark’s expression was ashamed, and its heart was unwilling.

Saga’s gaze narrowed slightly, looking down at the Tiger Shark that had followed him relatively early, listening to its unwillingness, and the lightning element pulsing within its body.

A few seconds later, a deep voice resounded, directly entering the Tiger Shark’s mind.

“Tig, I will give you another opportunity.”

“An opportunity to become even stronger.”

“But, there are no free favors under heaven, and there is a price behind every gift.”

Hearing this, the Tiger Shark suddenly raised its head, its gaze burning.

“My lord.”

“Call me Your Majesty from now on!”

Your Majesty, Your Highness, etc., are titles of respect for high lords.

For example, the Platinum Dragon God, occasionally dragons honor him as Bahamut Your Majesty or Bahamut Your Highness, and many small rulers in the prime material world also have such titles.

“Your Majesty, as long as I can become stronger, as long as I can become your sharpest claw, I am willing to pay any price.”

Saga’s gaze was calm as he continued:

“I will bestow upon you a part of my personality, making you my Psychic Guard.”

“From now on, you will become a part of me, an extension of my will. If I am strong, you will be strong; if I die, you will also perish. Your body, mind, will, soul, everything about you will no longer belong to you. With a single thought, I can decide your life or death.”

Without hesitation, the Tiger Shark’s gaze was fervent, and its tone was resolute:

“Your Majesty, wasn’t it already like this?”

“This is not a price for me, but a complete blessing. I am willing to become Your Psychic Guard!”

Being one of Saga’s followers and relying on Saga for survival, the Tiger Shark did not find it difficult to make the right choice.

“Tig, you are fortunate, and your choice is worthy of this fortune,” Saga said with a slight smile.

At the same time, he extended his dragon claw and flicked out a talon, touching the Tiger Shark’s forehead.


A glow of psychic energy blossomed and quickly became bright and dazzling, forming a crystalline outline on the Tiger Shark’s forehead that was faintly visible and gradually faded away.

Creating a Psychic Guard, the most crucial step for a Mind Warlock is to condense a personality crystal.

Saga had already achieved this.

The rest was to see if the guard he had chosen was qualified.

When the personality crystal fully entered the Tiger Shark’s psychic world and began to merge with it, Saga lowered his dragon claw.

At the same time, the Tiger Shark’s eyes became vacant, its expression constantly changing.

“Next, we’ll see if your innermost thoughts are consistent with what you’ve said,” Saga thought silently.

The reason why it’s best for Psychic Guards to choose creatures with less wisdom is not only because such creatures are less likely to betray, but also because creatures with higher intelligence can’t help but resist the invasion of another personality. If they can’t let go of resistance and perfectly lower their psychic defenses to accept the fusion with the Mind Warlock’s personality, then in the struggle between their own will and the personality crystal, the target’s mind will be torn apart.

However, Saga believed the Tiger Shark would not be a problem.

And indeed, it was so.

In Saga’s perception, it initially resisted the personality crystal subconsciously, but this inevitable resistance was not strong and was rapidly weakening.


An invisible but real chain of composure appeared between Saga and the Tiger Shark.

Through the connection between the Mind Warlock and the Psychic Guard, Saga could understand all of the Tiger Shark’s thoughts, know its emotions, browse its memories, understand its thinking, and directly control it. He could also share some of his psychic abilities and bestow some of his power from afar—a feeling of effortless command.

At the same time, the birth of the chain of composure could also support Saga at the right time, allowing him to remain composed in the face of sudden changes.

At this moment, the chain of composure had just been born and was not yet solid, appearing faint in Saga’s eyes.

The transformation of the Tiger Shark had just begun.

The composure personality was just beginning to merge with it.

It would take some time to become a true Psychic Guard.

Soon after, Saga found the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon and did the same, transforming it into a Psychic Guard, and the chain of the bully was born and gradually solidified.

For those who are not honest and unwilling to submit to him.

When reasoning doesn’t work, the chain of the bully allows Saga to show a purer side of the bully to oppress enemies.

“They can both successfully merge and become Psychic Guards.”

Saga’s gaze withdrew from the transforming Tiger Shark and Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon and then thought to himself:

“Psychic Guards can somewhat improve my computing power, allowing me to better study and control the basic forces.”

Saga had not neglected his training on the path of the Mind Warlock, but his original intention had not changed. He embarked on the path of the Mind Warlock to better study his own essential abilities.

Indeed, psychic methods were only auxiliary to the current Saga.

In intense battles with relatively powerful enemies, what could determine the outcome were the battle techniques that Saga formed based on his understanding of the basic forces, with psychic methods only serving as an aid.

His talent on the path of the Mind Warlock was not bad, but it had not reached a monstrous level.

Soon after, Saga, having ended a great battle, burrowed into the dragon’s nest inside Gemstone Mountain to rest and recuperate, and the Golden Dragon and other dragons also found their favorite places around Moon Bay to rest like Saga.

Although the four dragons had always had the upper hand against the Tyrant Fiend, the ninth-tier demon was not weak, and the intense battle had caused them all considerable wear and tear.

In the blink of an eye.

Half a month had passed.

In the month of frozen everything, today’s Moon Bay was not swept by wind and snow, but the cold air was still pervasive. The streams and lakes on the island were covered with a layer of ice crystals. Due to the continuous wind and snow in the previous period, many trees still had thick frost on their branches, and there was a thick layer of snow on the ground. The entire Moon Bay had become a world of snow.

First Quarter Island, the animal pen.

Rustle rustle rustle. A few sheep that looked like rice dumplings shook their bodies, shaking off the snowflakes on their bodies as the dawn broke.

Then, their view was filled with a golden ‘wall.’


Some sheep looked up in confusion, and before they could see what was blocking their view, everything went dark, followed by a startled bleat that was abruptly cut off by a crunching sound.

Saga lowered his head and took a whole sheep into his mouth in one bite, then chewed with audible crunches.

After resting for half a month and fully recovering from the wounds sustained in the battle with the demon, Saga had come here to satisfy a craving for sheep.

“I love eating lamb,” Saga murmured with narrowed eyes, savoring the taste.

Then, with a flap of his wings, he scattered the layers of snow on the ground and took to the air, returning to First Quarter Island and perching atop Gemstone Peak to survey his domain.

His gaze lingered momentarily on two of his followers, a black Tiger Shark with silver-white stripes and a massive Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon.

Both had become his Psychic Guards.

On them, Saga could see the clear glow of psychic energy.

Originally ignorant of psychic energy, the Tiger Shark and Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon had awakened to psychic abilities due to their transformation into Psychic Guards, extensions of Saga’s will, and could now use many psychic abilities shared and bestowed by Saga.

“Those two Psychic Guards of yours are quite impressive,” the voice of the Amethyst Dragon reached Saga’s mind amidst the whooshing sound of dragon wings flapping.

“Those who can undergo Dragon Vein transformation and also qualify to become Psychic Guards are not many.”

Saga turned his head to look at the Amethyst Dragon, whose amethyst scales were touched with a faint glow of dawn.

Soon after, Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon also flew over.

The two smaller female dragons exchanged a glance, then suddenly said to Saga:

“Let’s go to Yar Continent together. I’ve long heard of its prosperity, and there are even empires as grand as Deep Sea Dragon City.”

Under Saga’s gaze, the Amethyst Dragon smiled lightly and said:

“I want to experience the customs and cultures of different regions of Saiga Planet firsthand, not just through the records in my inheritance. I want to fly across the skies of this world step by step, leaving my own mark, enhancing my experience and psychic abilities during my travels, and selecting places I deem suitable to prepare for the creation of my ideal Gemstone Dragon City.”

Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon then said:

“I want more beings to be enthralled by my beauty, and Tixil has convinced me. I feel we can do this together; our goals don’t conflict and can be pursued simultaneously. She said that once Gemstone Dragon City is established, we can call upon the Dragon Kind to hold a beauty contest not limited by gender, and I’m quite interested in that.”

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