Chapter 188 – Blast the demon and become the champion of terror and cruelty!

Huff, huff, huff. Dragon wings flapped vigorously as a group of dragons gathered, basking in the snowfall from the sky, their eyes looking down upon the tumultuous sea.

“Quite resilient, isn’t it?”

Saga clenched his sharp claws.

Even a small hill, after being bombarded by Saga and the Golden Dragon to such an extent, should have been pulverized into dust. Yet, the Tyrant Fiend, though looking miserable and plunged into the sea, had not suffered a fatal blow, its evil life force burning as fiercely as ever.

“After all, it’s a ninth-tier demon close to legendary status. It’s normal for it to be tough.”

“But this is exactly what I want.”

“If it died after a few hits, it would be far too boring.”

The Golden Dragon licked its lips and said.

Meanwhile, Saga looked down at his dragon claws, which were covered in dragon scales that had turned a scorched red from being burnt by high temperatures, hissing as they came into contact with the cold winter air, like a branding iron.

This was the effect left on Saga’s claws after repeatedly piercing through the blood-colored flames surrounding the Tyrant Fiend during his attacks.

Although the Tyrant Fiend was continuously taking hits, the blood-colored flames burning around it did not extinguish.

The Golden Dragon’s claws were the same.

The fact that such residual effects could be inflicted on two fire-attribute True Dragons showed the ferocity of the Tyrant Fiend’s blood-colored flames. If Saga and the Golden Dragon had been Silver Dragon hybrids or pureblood Silver Dragons, which had weak resistance to fire, they might have been in serious trouble.

Unfortunately for the fiend, though its blood flames were strong, they were but minor burns to the two who could bathe in lava as if it were a hot spring.

Shaking off their claws, the high temperature on their scales dissipated quickly in the cold air, returning to their original color.

Not daring to plunge into the sea and give the enemy a chance, the dragons gathered together, suspended in the sky.

“Saga, Hyperion, you’ve seen it, even demons fall for my beauty.”

Charlotte, the Gemstone Dragon with a potent charm spell of her own, stretched her colorful and gorgeous body, proudly raising her head and speaking in an almost intoxicated tone.

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon, who had eroded the Tyrant Fiend’s mind and amplified the charm effect, did not take credit.

Her psychic dragon horns pulsed atop her head, her brow furrowed slightly, and she spoke calmly:

“When I attacked the mind of this Tyrant Fiend, I felt that its heart was almost completely filled with the desire for slaughter and battle. Besides that, there was a mysterious, zealous devotion, like that of a fanatical believer.”

“It constantly roared within, ‘Blood sacrifice to the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne.’”

“Most of my psychic attacks were ineffective.”

Looking towards Saga, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon asked:

“Since it came after you, you must have encountered such a demon before, Saga. Do you know which Blood God it is calling out for in its heart? I couldn’t find any mention of this deity in the records of gods from our heritage.”

Saga’s expression remained calm as he replied:

“Perhaps it’s a new aspect created by some evil god, not yet known to the world.”

Saga, who had faced the Tyrant Blood God in the realm of will, had a strong intuition that the other party was definitely not some evil god’s aspect. A newly created divine aspect could not possibly possess such a grand and terrifying presence.

The opponent was like a Traveling Mage, most likely an Outer God from another multiverse.

Without more concrete information, Saga decided to treat the other party as an Outer God, a malevolent deity from another universe.

In a previous discussion with the Red Dragoness about gods from the external multiverse, she had suggested an idea.

Those who knew the truth of the infinite multiverse and the existence of Outer Gods must exist, as the Traveling Mage mentioned in his notes that he was severely wounded by a deity of the Great Ring. So why is there no such awareness among the creatures of the myriad worlds? Even the Dragon Heritage contains no trace of it. In the Great Ring Multiverse, where deities abound and truly exist, sapient beings have a relatively full understanding of gods.

The Red Dragoness speculated that if the knowledge of the infinite multiverse and the existence of Outer Gods were to spread, it might cause serious adverse effects within the Great Ring Multiverse.

Therefore, only a few deities who knew this information would not spread it.

Saga thought it over carefully, and the Red Dragoness’s words made sense.

In the Great Ring Universe, there are also Demon Lords, Archdukes of Hell, and evil gods. These already restless beings, if they knew the truth of the infinite multiverse, could cause untold chaos. Even benevolent and neutral gods would not be able to maintain complete calm.

Moreover, the power of gods is related to faith.

If the existence of Outer Gods were widely known, their power within the Great Ring would undoubtedly be enhanced.

The Red Dragoness and Saga concluded that the fewer beings who knew the truth of the infinite multiverse and the existence of Outer Gods, the better. Otherwise, this knowledge would have long been known to countless beings.

Returning to the matter at hand.

After hearing Saga’s words, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon said:

“This Tyrant Fiend is likely a fanatical follower of some evil god, an entity that has caught the attention of an evil deity.”

“I have a premonition that this battle won’t end so easily. Everyone, be careful.”

At the same time.

As if responding to the words of the Amethyst Dragon, an anomaly occurred.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. As if an invisible hand was stirring, the sea below began to boil, forming a massive funnel-like vortex. All fish and sea creatures within it were torn to shreds, turned into a mist of blood, and converged towards the blood-colored figure at the center of the vortex.

“A second phase? I hope it’s more challenging.”

Excitement shone in the Golden Dragon’s eyes as it eagerly prepared to engage.

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon quickly distanced themselves, continuing the tactical strategy previously employed against the demon.

Saga’s gaze sharpened as he looked down at the whirlpool on the sea’s surface.

At the center of the vortex was the figure of the Tyrant Fiend.

Hiss, hiss, hiss. A large amount of blood mist converged from all directions, merging with the blood-colored flames on its body and entering the Tyrant Fiend’s form. Its wings spread, and it roared to the sky, the injuries it had sustained from the beatings by Saga and Hyperion healing at an alarming rate.

“Kill, kill, kill! Slaughter them all!”

The Tyrant Fiend was nearly insane.

If there were any Holy Knights who had once been comrades of Barbette here, they would find it hard to associate the righteous and brave Holy Knight they once knew with the crazed demon now shouting for bloodshed.

The Evil Knight Barbette, who thought he could wield the power of an evil god while maintaining his own sanity, had failed.

Now, like countless beings in the outer universe who had pledged allegiance to the Tyrant Blood God, it had completely become an apostle of slaughter and war for this entity, a bloodthirsty fiend.


With a swipe of its claw, the Tyrant Fiend tore open much of its already half-shattered armor, revealing a robust and ferocious body.

The blood mist and flames merged into the body, turning into dark, blood-colored patterns scattered across its flesh, crisscrossing and bringing powerful regenerative abilities.

At the same time, the Tyrant Fiend plunged a claw directly into its own right chest, tearing off a large chunk of shocking flesh, which it then threw out while still writhing.

Roar, roar, roar!

The thrown flesh twisted and swelled, and from it, vicious mouths filled with sharp teeth sprouted. Starting from these ferocious openings, the expanding flesh tore into ten portions, twisting into ten terrifying canine creatures with blood-red bodies, spines crisscrossing their backs, and mouths bristling with sharp teeth.

“Bloodhounds, tear them to shreds!”

The Tyrant Fiend roared, pointing its sword at Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon in the distant sky.

In the cavity where the flesh was missing from its chest, granulation tissue was abundant, writhing and twisting, rapidly repairing and healing.

At the same time, the pack of hounds raised their heads, crouched low, snarled, and then moved swiftly through the air, lunging towards the Amethyst and Gemstone Dragons.

The Golden Dragon and Saga were about to take out these lesser creatures first.

But then, a deafening roar echoed.

“Come again! I will tear your scales and break your bones!”

The Tyrant Fiend roared and took to the sky, heading straight for Saga and the Golden Dragon. As it sped through the air, the black patterns on its body pulsed with life, and its size grew inch by inch. In an instant, it went from a height of about three meters to a towering troll over ten meters tall, no longer smaller than the two Golden Dragons.

During this transformation, it discarded the serrated heavy sword that had not grown with its body.

But bone spurs erupted from its elbows, knees, shoulders, and other parts, turning its entire body into weapons of slaughter.

The desire for slaughter, battle, crushing enemies, extreme rage, and killing intent made the Tyrant Fiend even more powerful, yearning to crush the bones of its enemies with its own body and listen to the wonderful sound of gushing blood.

“We can handle these hounds, but we can’t help you for now. Be careful.”

The psychic voice of the Amethyst Dragon rang out.

Saga narrowed his eyes and then looked coldly and rationally at the Tyrant Fiend.

Clutching his dragon claws and shaking his neck, Saga flapped his wings and met the now larger and more formidable Tyrant Fiend.

The Golden Dragon, not to be outdone, followed closely.

Its speed was faster, its body shining with a brilliant light, like a golden sun traversing the snowy world, overtaking Saga and colliding fiercely with the Tyrant Fiend.

With its claws reaching out, the Golden Dragon came head-on.

The Tyrant Fiend exhaled hot air from its nostrils, ducked its body, dodged the incoming claws of the Golden Dragon, and then wrapped its arms around the Golden Dragon’s waist. With a fierce turn, it threw the dragon, which weighed over a hundred tons, far away.

Turning its sharp gaze to Saga, the Tyrant Fiend’s eyes were electrifying and resolute.

However, reflected in its field of vision was not only Saga.

There was also Saga’s partially enlarged arm, now ten meters long, the super-giant dragon arm.

The crown of pure gold on his head shone brightly, casting its light on Saga, adding an air of dignity. The super-giant dragon arm gathered a great deal of Power Essence and slammed down hard from above onto the demon that had just flung the Golden Dragon into the sea.


The demon’s neck twisted and its head was nearly smashed into its chest cavity. Then, just like before, the Tyrant Fiend was smashed into the ocean like a meteor by Saga.

“Damn it, I’ll tear you apart!”

Unlike before, the Tyrant Fiend had just plunged into the sea, but in the blink of an eye, it roared angrily and emerged from the waves, twisting its head upward, quickly restoring its twisted bones and shattered flesh, and charging at Saga.

This creature was now displaying extraordinary regenerative abilities.

Its defenses were not particularly strong, but it healed quickly, and with its ferocious desire for battle, it was uncertain how long it could last.

The use of the crown’s spell had a cooldown period.

After a full-strength blow, Saga’s dragon arm had returned to normal, and then he engaged in close combat with the now similarly sized Tyrant Fiend.

After becoming gigantic, the Tyrant Fiend’s movements were not as agile as before, but it gained even more ferocious momentum.

It lunged forward, its arms crossing, and the elbow with protruding bone blades swung like a scythe, one left and one right, slashing fiercely at Saga’s head.

In the face of imminent danger, in the blink of an eye, Saga remained composed, his thoughts moving swiftly.

Reverse Force Field!

Whoosh. The Tyrant Fiend’s massive body lost its previous balance, and under the sudden influence of the reverse force field, it shot up a great distance. The elbow bone blades traced a dangerous trajectory, but only passed above Saga’s head, sweeping past at high speed, producing a piercing sonic boom.


The super-heavy dragon fist surged from below, hitting the Tyrant Fiend’s abdomen squarely.

It was a scene reminiscent of when Saga, still a Hatchling Dragon, fought a teenage Blue Dragon beyond his tier.

The air behind him shook violently, dispersing the wind and snow, and the Tyrant Fiend’s abdomen caved in under the immense force. Its blood-engorged eyes bulged, nearly popping out of their sockets, and then its body flew upward in an arc through the air.

Before the Tyrant Fiend could stabilize itself.

From above, a golden dragon shadow streaked like lightning, surrounded by a round, brilliant golden light.

It was the Golden Dragon that had been thrown by the Tyrant Fiend and had now returned.

Like being hit by a small sun, the Tyrant Fiend shot away, its uncontrollable body slanting downward, once again smashed towards the ocean.


A thunderous sound erupted, and the sea exploded with waves centered on the Tyrant Fiend’s point of impact, raising a towering tsunami a hundred feet high.

For the third time, it was plunged into the sea.

With a ninth-tier body, being fought beyond its tier, the Tyrant Fiend howled and roared like a madman, venting the extreme rage and frustration that had built up in its heart.

“Ah, ah, ah!”

“I must kill you countless times to avenge my shame!”


The sea surface exploded again.

With the water seemingly flowing backward, the Tyrant Fiend shot up once more, entangled in battle with Saga and the Golden Dragon.

As time passed unhurriedly, in a world filled with fierce winds and heavy snow, the intensity of the battle between the two dragons and the demon continued to escalate.

The surrounding seas surged with waves, and tsunamis rolled on.

The fierce wind and the snow from the sky were continuously torn apart and then ceaselessly fell from the heavens.


The Tyrant Fiend turned resolutely, a powerful and heavy kick dispersing the wind and snow, sweeping towards Saga.

At that moment, the Golden Dragon suddenly collided from the side, consistently fulfilling its role as a shield, taking the hit for Saga.

The Tyrant Fiend’s heavy leg landed on the Golden Dragon’s shoulder.

Accompanied by the Golden Dragon’s blood falling from the sky, the Golden Dragon was kicked away.

The bone spurs on the Tyrant Fiend’s leg joint tore through the Golden Dragon’s scales, which boasted strong defense, and gouged out a noticeable blood hole.

At the same time, while the Golden Dragon was taking the hit for him.

Saga unleashed a close-range electromagnetic pulse dragon breath, striking the upper body of the Tyrant Fiend, peeling skin and eroding flesh.

Exposed to the electromagnetic pulse dragon breath, the Tyrant Fiend’s skin on its body surface directly disintegrated, even the skin on its face became a bloody mess, and the muscles beneath the skin, seemingly as strong as steel, were also being shattered and eroded, yet regenerated at a terrifying speed, being destroyed and reborn simultaneously, in a stalemate.


A war cry with a sonic attack burst forth.

Saga’s head spun, and his dragon breath was interrupted.

The Tyrant Fiend lunged forward, its movements sharp as it spun and punched, hitting Saga’s head squarely.


Invisible ripples spread along Saga’s faceplate.

The deflection force field dissipated most of the force, but a small part still passed through, causing Saga’s head to tilt, and the fine scales on his faceplate to crack.

The Tyrant Fiend growled lowly, and another fist came smashing down, still targeting Saga’s dragon head.


This punch also landed on Saga’s faceplate.

However, the result was not as the fiend had wished.

Because Saga, who had taken a hit head-on, calculated the perfect timing and angle for the force field’s operation when facing the subsequent attack.

Reverse Force Field!


The Tyrant Fiend’s terrifying fist, covered in thick bone and protruding spikes, landed on the faceplate, but was perfectly deflected by Saga, turning the enemy’s power back on itself.

A tremendous force came through.

The Tyrant Fiend’s bloodied face trembled, its arm shook violently, and there was a cracking sound as the forearm twisted unnaturally.

But the pain made the fiend even more irate.

It bent its other demonic arm, the elbow blade slicing towards Saga’s neck, incredibly sharp.


Two golden pupils shot from afar, hitting the Tyrant Fiend’s side and sending it flying far away.

When the pupil light faded, the Golden Dragon flew to Saga’s side.

Looking at Saga’s faceplate, now cracked and oozing with some blood, the Golden Dragon exchanged a glance with Saga, and then they both surged forward, closing in on the Tyrant Fiend.

In this heated exchange.

Since Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon were distracted and restrained by the bloodhounds, unable to assist Saga and the Golden Dragon, they began to sustain injuries in the face of the Tyrant Fiend’s fierce counterattacks.

However, the Tyrant Fiend was not having an easy time either.

These two newcomers from Deep Sea Dragon City, regarded as prodigies, possessed incredibly powerful skills, easily inflicting significant damage on this ninth-tier demon, and also had outstanding combat skills, reacting swiftly, always striking and defending at the most appropriate times.

In the dance of battle between the two Golden Dragons, the Tyrant Fiend suffered massive injuries time and again, and due to the Tyrant Fiend’s abnormal self-healing ability, it regenerated time and again.

But because it had taken too many hits.

Its self-healing speed had begun to decline.

As a ninth-tier creature, it had a vigorous life force, but it was not without limits.

In contrast, the two Golden Dragons, whose life levels were not as high as it, used their physical strength and various energies almost extravagantly. Each attack was made with full force, but even now, they were still full of vigor, as if they had not exhausted themselves, displaying a terrifying ability to sustain combat.

At the same time.

The battle between Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon was coming to an end.

A pink magic book revolved around Charlotte’s body.

Taking advantage of the Amethyst Dragon’s psychic paralysis to control several bloodhounds, the pink book flew out, reaching above the bloodhounds’ heads, sprinkling a dreamy pink mist, enveloping all the bloodhounds within it.

The other bloodhounds, baring their teeth, lunged and bit at the two dragons with weaker melee capabilities.

However, several bloodhounds, now tinged with pink, suddenly pounced on their own kind, and then, in broad daylight, amidst the falling snow, they forcibly dragged their agitated kin into unspeakable acts. The normal bloodhounds initially tried to resist, but soon their bodies were also stained with pink, and they too succumbed.

Ten pink, ferocious creatures entangled together, taking advantage of every opportunity.

The scene was quite an eyesore.

Unable to bear the sight, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon covered her dragon face, though her gaze still peered through her fingers, unblinking.

At the same time, Charlotte marveled at the pink book.

“Amazing, and oh, what a wicked magical artifact.”

The Pink Book, created a century ago by a ninth-tier Archmage specializing in enchantment magic, was said to be the result of a spontaneous inspiration after sensing a connection with an unknown entity. The Pink Book’s effects were potent and malevolent, capable of plunging targets into an endless frenzy of carnal desire, losing control on the spot, regardless of gender. Even two lifeless stones hit by the Pink Book would collide uncontrollably.

The Archmage traveled across the continent with this book, causing untold harm to countless creatures, even accidentally ensnaring a legendary warrior.

Later, a Golden Dragon who happened to encounter the Archmage thought such an evil yet powerful magical artifact should not be left to circulate, so it physically persuaded the Archmage and turned the Pink Book into its own collection, which was then taken by Charlotte when she left Deep Sea Dragon City.

The bloodhounds collided fiercely with each other, oblivious to the existence of the two dragons.

Taking advantage of this, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon summoned the Psychic Guard Sword Cannon Dragon.

The Sword Cannon Dragon, with its arsenal of weapons, unleashed a fierce storm of firepower, quickly turning the entangled bloodhounds into ashes.

Having dealt with their own troubles.

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon once again began to assist Saga and the Golden Dragon.


With practiced psychic blasts, Tixil shook the Tyrant Fiend’s mind, making it difficult for it to concentrate fully.

Charlotte controlled the Pink Book as it spun and flew, scattering a swath of ambiguous pink luster, nearly enveloping Saga and the Golden Dragon as well.

“Don’t use magical artifacts you can’t control properly!”

Glaring at Charlotte, the instigator, Saga took a deep breath, and together with the Golden Dragon.

Taking advantage of the Amethyst Dragon’s cooperation with Charlotte’s full-force charm, which caused the Tyrant Fiend to be momentarily stunned.

Both Golden Dragons reached out with their claws, one on each side, grabbing the Tyrant Fiend’s wings, and then tore fiercely.


Blood-stained and mutilated, the Tyrant Fiend’s bat wings were brutally torn apart, and during the brief window of regeneration, it was hit by another powerful blow from Saga, plunging into the ocean for the fourth time, stirring up rolling waves.


As the tsunami rose to the sky, the Tyrant Fiend, with its wings already regenerated, headed straight for Charlotte.

For some reason, after witnessing the effects of the Pink Book, this fiend’s heart surged with an intense hostility towards Charlotte, a hostility that even surpassed that towards the Golden Dragon and Saga, who had caused it many injuries and engaged in fierce combat for a long time. It made it abandon the enemies it most needed to face and target Charlotte.

“Hmm? Did it get its head bashed in?”

The Golden Dragon and Saga exchanged a glance, then surged forward, attacking the Tyrant Fiend.

Under the assault of the two dragons, the Tyrant Fiend had to defend itself, shifting its hostile gaze from Charlotte.

Immediately, the battle continued, and under the group assault of the four dragons, the Tyrant Fiend fell into a predicament, like an ordinary creature trapped in quicksand, struggling incessantly but unable to escape.

Saga and the Golden Dragon faced it head-on.

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon kept looking for opportunities to strike, influencing the Tyrant Fiend’s mind at critical moments.

Its situation worsened, the injuries became more severe, and its self-healing power began to decline, with more and more wounds accumulating on its body.

The accumulation of injuries made it harder to counterattack, and it suffered even more.

A vicious cycle emerged for the Tyrant Fiend.

After dodging a pupil light from the Golden Dragon, the Tyrant Fiend, feeling death was near, had a moment of clarity in its mind.

“If this goes on, I’m doomed.”

“These four adolescent dragons are too strong, especially those two Golden Dragons.”

It was impossible to escape now.

In a moment of rapid thought, Barbette, whose mind had been cleared by the beating, remembered the deity it worshiped.

Its heart stirred.

Then, in the sight of Saga and the other dragons, the Tyrant Fiend, covered in snowflakes, showed a look of fervor and roared to the sky.

“Blood sacrifice to the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne!”

“Great Skull Lord, your loyal and brave warrior has encountered an unfair battle. I beseech your blessing!”

“Grant me the power to crush my enemies, let me sever the heads of these four dragons, and offer them as trophies to adorn your throne!”

After speaking, it ignored the True Dragons watching closely and closed its eyes, murmuring prayers continuously.

Listening to the Tyrant Fiend’s increasingly loud prayers, Saga felt a sinking feeling in his heart.

This demon had the backing of an Outer Universe evil god.

Previously, just a demon transformed from a female gunner had attracted the attention of the Tyrant Blood God. Saga did not believe that this more powerful demon was not being watched from the shadows.

Watching the focused and devout demon, the other three dragons also felt a shock in their hearts.

“It’s praying to an evil god; the deity might descend. Kill it!”

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon’s voice became urgent.

While the opponent was praying recklessly, Saga raised his head and opened his mouth, and an invisible, destructive force brewed within.

The Golden Dragon rushed up, beating the devoutly praying Tyrant Fiend, but it ignored everything, relying solely on its regenerative ability to withstand the blows.

Soon, the Tyrant Fiend’s prayers echoed through the land and sky.

Saga’s mouth also accumulated the peak power of the Annihilation Dragon Breath.

With a glance, the Golden Dragon conscientiously flapped its wings and moved away from the Tyrant Fiend.

Saga’s body shook, and the Annihilation Dragon Breath pierced through the wind and snow, creating a void trajectory, charging straight at the Tyrant Fiend.

At the same time.

As the Annihilation Dragon Breath approached, the Tyrant Fiend opened its eyes, but to Saga’s surprise, who was highly tense, the fiend’s blood-colored pupils were filled with gray despair.

The Tyrant Fiend had received a response to its prayers.

But it was not a divine blessing, but scorn and merciless whispers.

“Shouting my name, dying gloriously in slaughter is the destiny of my followers.”

“Under the throne of the god, there are no cowards who choose to give up fighting when near death and only pray to me.”

In fact, if the Tyrant Fiend had fought to the death, its worshipped Skull Lord would have generously bestowed power and blessings, just like the female gunner before.

However, it actively sought power to break the situation.

This provoked the dissatisfaction of the Skull Lord, a god who revered power, battle, glory, and slaughter.

The Skull Lord abandoned the Tyrant Fiend.

Even though His minions in the Great Ring Universe were few.Meanwhile, the faith-shattered Tyrant Fiend, having lost its will to live, stood motionless like a statue. It was engulfed by the annihilating dragon’s breath, its body disintegrating inch by inch until it vanished completely.

“Hmm? The Tyrant Blood God didn’t descend?”

After ensuring the demon was utterly obliterated by the dragon’s breath, leaving not even ashes behind, Saga paused in slight surprise.

Such a powerful demon could have served as a vessel for a god to descend.

After their clash of wills in the realm of the mind, the demon had made it clear that it admired him, expressing a desire to elevate him to what it called the Tyrant Champion and mentioning they would meet again. It was highly likely that this demon’s attack was influenced by it.

As Saga was feeling somewhat displeased, wondering why the Skull Lord, who valued him, didn’t descend personally, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

A familiar voice, as resonant as clashing metal, rang in his ears.

“My champion, your growth has exceeded my expectations, and you have earned more of my favor.”

“This demon was but a trivial prelude between us.”

“Remember, I am always watching over you. I permit you to pray to me in times of mortal peril, and I shall bestow upon you power beyond your imagination. All you need to pay is a small price: to serve me as your lord.”

“One day, you will willingly fight for me, as my chosen champion, leading my legions to sweep across this realm!”

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