Chapter 186 – The evil demons and the young dragons

Dawn broke with a hint of fish-belly white on the distant horizon of the sea.

The newly risen sun, shy like a maiden, draped the ocean in a veil, casting a modest glow.

The bonfire celebration for Saga’s return had ended.

Under the pale morning light, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon snuggled together, fast asleep, with Tixil’s head resting on Charlotte’s neck and Charlotte’s head leaning against Tixil’s spine.

At the same time.

The Golden Dragon soared amidst the high clouds.

Its wings spread wide, scales glistening attractively, absorbing the morning sun’s energy.

Having left the Stellar Realm, the Golden Dragon was resting and adjusting in the prime material world.

Yet, it diligently absorbed solar energy to strengthen itself without slack.

Saga stood atop Gemstone Peak.

His body inverted, a dragon claw bracing against the rock, he withstood the gravity field’s pull, flexing his body in his daily physical training.

Whenever his muscles ached from the intense workout beneath his scales,

the affected areas would efficiently absorb force field energy, growing even stronger.

Time passed quietly.

Gusts of cold wind blew incessantly, growing stronger, adding a chill to the air.

When Saga left Deep Sea Dragon City, Moon Bay was in the month of frozen everything, the winter season.

Now, despite the lower temperatures, the vast ocean showed no signs of freezing, though thin ice had formed on some streams and lakes within the islands, and disordered ice crystals were faintly visible along the coastal edges.

Time continued to flow.

After a while, as the sun fully emerged above the sea level, casting a not-so-warm light,

a crystal-clear, diamond-shaped snowflake descended from the sky, landing on Saga’s diamond-like golden scales, the snowflake and dragon scales reflecting each other’s beauty.

“Oh? It’s starting to snow.”

Saga lifted his head, looking towards the sky.

The vast expanse turned hazy, with sporadic snowflakes falling like fluff, cool and filling the view, many landing on Saga’s scales, the ground, tree branches, streams, lakes, and the bodies of his monster followers.

In the year 2086 of the New Era, not long after Saga left Deep Sea Dragon City, Moon Bay welcomed its first snowfall.

Shifting his gaze, Saga saw the Golden Dragon, and also Tixil and Charlotte, who had awakened and were stretching their bodies.

“My humble Moon Bay, including myself, now hosts four dragons of exceptional talent.”

This was the moment when Moon Bay’s combined strength was at its peak.

“I really wish some blind enemies would come knocking, preferably strong ones, otherwise they wouldn’t be enough to fight.”

Saga mused with a hint of emotion.

Moon Bay could still be targeted by enemies.

For example, the black skull pirates suspected of worshipping a dark god.

The pirates Saga had killed were only a part, and after dealing with the invaders of Moon Bay, he had remained vigilant for a while, but no enemies came, until now.

Without dwelling further,

bathed in the increasingly heavy snowfall, Saga continued his training.


The wind howled, lifting thousands of waves.

As time passed, the snowstorm grew heavier, and the sun was obscured by the thickening veil of snow, becoming invisible to the naked eye.

The sun’s rays weakened under the cover of the snowstorm.

The Golden Dragon, suspended mid-air, opened its half-closed eyes, surveying the world gradually filling with snow.

Snowflakes landed on the Golden Dragon’s scales, melting into water in an instant, then evaporating into gas.

With the efficiency of solar energy absorption reduced in such weather, the Golden Dragon folded its wings and descended, landing near Saga atop Gemstone Peak, watching him train his physique.

Under the Golden Dragon’s gaze, Saga felt a bit awkward.

After a brief minute, he ceased his daily training and looked at the Golden Dragon, asking:

“What are you staring at me for?”

The Golden Dragon opened its mouth and exhaled a hot breath, sweeping over Saga’s body, melting the snowflakes on his surface, and with a radiant smile, it remarked:

“Your movements are interesting.”

Saga’s exercises, such as push-ups and inverted one-finger Zen, were not recorded in the dragon’s heritage. The Golden Dragon was seeing such movements for the first time and found them intriguing.

“You could try it too. It effectively increases control and balance over your body, among other things.”

Saying this, Saga’s tail curved to support him on the ground, arms crossed over his chest, legs suspended in the air, dragon wings motionless, the entire dragon relying on the support of his tail, half-suspended in mid-air.

“Can it really be done like that?”

The Golden Dragon’s eyes widened, then it gave it a try.

It too used only its tail to support its strong and hefty body, but with a slender tail and a large body, the point of support was small. Although its terrifying strength was enough to keep it suspended, it swayed left and right, while Saga, in the same pose, was as immovable as a mountain, the epitome of calm.

From over a year old, Saga had often trained under gravity fields.

Later, he switched between heavy, weak, and even anti-gravity fields, and Saga, who persisted in training under such conditions, had a sense of balance beyond the imagination of ordinary dragons, with high control over every part of his body.

Despite his size, measuring eleven meters from head to tail and weighing over a hundred tons,

if Saga wished, he could perform a vigorous dragon dance on a delicate thread without damaging it.

“Quite interesting.”

The Golden Dragon struggled to maintain balance while speaking.

“What about you? Do you have any unique training methods of your own?”

Saga inquired about the Golden Dragon’s routine.

After some thought, the Golden Dragon shook its head and said:

“Simply absorbing solar energy is enough for me.”

“With enough time, my strength, agility, reaction, defense, and other attributes will continue to grow, as will my control over my body.”

As it spoke, the Golden Dragon’s swaying gradually lessened.

With a strong physical foundation, other tasks were simple.

“However, it seems you lack some methods to utilize solar energy. You rely almost entirely on your body for combat.”

The Golden Dragon’s ranged attacks were few; its main combat method was to use its body as both sword and shield.

Hearing Saga’s assessment, the Golden Dragon smiled slightly and said:

“Only the intense collision of bodies can make my blood boil.”

Pausing, it looked at Saga with a hint of anticipation:

“My friend, I think you should fight with your body as I do, pure and powerful.”

Saga sized up the Golden Dragon and then said, “You speak like a Red Dragon, yet you’re a Golden Dragon.”

He had developed many basic force skills focused on powerful dragon body combat, but Saga preferred a well-rounded development, not satisfied with mere physical strength.

The Golden Dragon laughed heartily, its voice resonant and powerful:

“What use are spells, psychic powers, or arcane arts? You hit me from a distance, I hit you back, it’s boring. Only the intense clash of bodies, the thrill of pain, is the truth!”

Developing too many ranged methods,

how could one experience the thrill of close combat and pain?

The Golden Dragon never actively researched ranged attacks; the ranged strikes it used were innate, naturally awakened spell-like abilities.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A gust of wind lifted much snow, and Charlotte, flapping her dragon wings, also approached, unaware of the Golden Dragon’s slightly displeased gaze, squeezed between the Golden Dragon and Saga, and curiously asked:

“What are you two talking about? Why such strange poses?”

“Just some discussions about which direction to develop,” Saga replied.

Hearing this, Charlotte blinked, then glanced at her dragon brother, turned to Saga, and with a mischievous grin said:

“Let me guess, Hyperion is talking to you about the body and pain, right?”

“Don’t believe him. My dragon brother is talented and powerful, but his penchant for pain is too bizarre. Some elders think Hyperion has a slight mental illness, and it might even be contagious, so don’t get infected.”

Saga’s tail relaxed, and he landed on all fours.

“As a Mind Warlock, I fear no mental illness,”

he declared.

Meanwhile, Hyperion’s murmurs came from beside Charlotte.

“Sister, I haven’t settled the score with you for betraying me before.”

Charlotte’s face stiffened, turning her neck as if rusted, and under Hyperion’s imposing gaze, she said, “But you said you didn’t mind, right?”

Hyperion calmly stated:

“Sometimes I don’t mind, but occasionally I do.”


This slightly abnormal dragon brother wouldn’t want to hit me, would he?

Charlotte quietly stepped back, wings spread, and flew away, adding, “Well then, I won’t disturb you guys, carry on with your chat.”

After Charlotte left the middle,

Hyperion nodded almost imperceptibly, a satisfied smile on his face, then prepared to continue discussing with Saga the pursuit of physical perfection and the experience of pain.

“Saga, we were born to experience the world’s infinite beauty.”

“Why not give it a try? I think you’re not resistant.”

“In battle, you don’t shy away from or fear pain, do you? Pain makes your dragon blood boil, your fighting spirit soar. Try it, change your mindset, and you’ll find it can also bring you pleasurable enjoyment.”

After a pause, he added:

“If you think this is a mental illness, then as a Mind Warlock, you should try it yourself.”

Saga: .

“You, you’re just trying to get me hooked on the same habit as you, so we can fight day and night to satisfy your quirk, right? I’m not so easily fooled.”

Saga glanced at the Golden Dragon and bluntly stated.

The Golden Dragon was still a bit off the mark in trying to sway him.

“Forget it, your views won’t influence me.”

Hearing Saga’s words, the Golden Dragon wasn’t discouraged; it was eager to continue the discussion.

However, another sound of flapping dragon wings interrupted what the Golden Dragon was about to say.

With one Gemstone Dragon gone, Tixil the Amethyst Dragon flew over.

“It’s snowing! Saga, come soar and dance with me in the sky.”

Tixil’s eyes shone with excitement, a rare joyful expression on her face, her dragon horns undulating rhythmically as she invited Saga.

Without waiting for a response, she took off, spinning around her spine, wings flapping, her purple-gleaming body spiraling into the sky, surrounded by fine snowflakes.

Charlotte, with her colorful scales, also flew over, and the two dragons soared in the snowy sky.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Feeling the cool sensation of the brisk wind against his body, Saga took a deep breath and then spread his wings, tearing through the wind and snow, ascending into the sky.

“What’s so fun about this? It’s just some wind and snowflakes.”

The Golden Dragon shook its head but also moved, following behind Saga, its body rising straight up, melting the snowflakes in its path, only for more to close in and fill the void.

Above Moon Bay.

Many of Saga’s followers looked up at the sky.

What was once a light snowfall had now transformed, accompanied by a howling wind into a heavy snowstorm, with snowflakes fluttering down, obscuring the entire sky, and the islands below gradually taking on a layer of pure white, with a faint layer of snow also on the sea.

A world clad in silver and white was taking shape.

In this world, against the backdrop of a snowy sky,

four dragons, not much different in size and each with distinctive features, chased each other, dancing on a stage crafted by the wind and snow.

They soared at high speeds, displaying incredible agility.

Sometimes spiraling, stirring up surging snow whirlpools, as if the sky had become the sea, birthing white vortexes, sometimes darting forward like arrows, tearing the wind and snow ahead and closing it behind.

“Saga, in this world of white, battle me!”

The Golden Dragon, with snowflakes melting and evaporating around it, was like a small golden sun, pursuing Saga.

At the same time, Saga, with his wings flapping and snowflakes swirling in strange patterns around him, turned his head to look at the Golden Dragon.

“Not interested.”

He glanced at the Golden Dragon and said.

“Alright then.”

The Golden Dragon, full of fervor, paused, and its forward motion came to an abrupt halt, giving Saga the impression it was being unexpectedly obedient.

Moreover, dancing in the sky with his companions, Saga felt a sense of openness in his heart.

His gaze shifted from the Golden Dragon, taking in the surroundings, his thoughts racing faster than usual, with a burst of inspiration.

Invisible to the naked eye, endless arcs of force field lines undulated in Saga’s vision, becoming easier to comprehend.

Saga lifted his dragon claw, his eyes narrowing, his demeanor turning solemn.

With a thought, power essence surged, leveraging the force field.

Hundreds of meters away, the gravitational arcs in a region twisted unnaturally, time seemed to freeze for a moment, and then the surrounding wind and snow roared in convergence.

However, just as the snowball was about to compress under the immense gravity,

Saga suddenly focused, looking into the distance, and the nascent snowball collapsed back into snowflakes, blending into the increasingly white-clad world.

“Something is approaching at high speed.”

Saga frowned.

Almost simultaneously, the Golden Dragon also looked in the same direction, with Tixil and Charlotte sensing the anomaly a few seconds later.

In the distant beyond,

a blood-red dot tore through the curtain of snow, reflected in the vision of the four dragons, and rapidly enlarged.

At first faint, but the increasingly intense evil aura spread.

“A demon? An abyssal demon?”

Aside from Saga, the other three dragons first thought of this.

The stranger’s aura was very similar to that of demons.

But it wasn’t a known demon.

Smelling the increasingly familiar aura, Saga’s eyes narrowed, recalling the female gunner who had mutated into a monster, and murmured:

“It’s a demon, but not an abyssal one.”

“What is it then?”

The young dragons looked curious, their facial armors showing no fear.

Saga spoke calmly:

“A Tyrant Fiend.”

Having once clashed with the self-proclaimed Blood God of Tyranny, the Skull Lord, on the mental plane, Saga remembered it well, and the brutal evil aura of this minion of the dark god was all too familiar.

Saga guessed this creature was coming for him.

After all, only he had confronted the Tyrant Fiends and even their god.

However, although he didn’t know why it had come now, it seemed like a very inconvenient time.

Saga’s gaze swept over the three dragons around him, thinking silently.

“A Tyrant Fiend? I haven’t heard of it, but it’s still a demon, right? I just don’t know if it’s passing by or coming here.”

“Its aura is oppressive, but not legendary.”

“Hmm, as a Golden Dragon, encountering such a scourge in the prime material world, it shouldn’t be ignored.”

Having just been rejected by Saga for a battle, the Golden Dragon was eager to prove itself:

“Let’s intercept and kill it.”

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