Chapter 185 – I am invincible among peers, it is normal to kill enemies of higher levels

The Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon, with a bully’s personality, and the Black Shark Tig, with a composed personality.

These were the personas Saga thought most fitting for them.

The Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon was quite docile in front of Saga, but this Subdragon was naturally quite ferocious. During each war at Moon Bay, it was always at the forefront, fierce and brutal in combat, instilling fear in the enemy like a true bully.

Black Shark Tig, on the other hand, had a calm and collected nature.

Though naturally ferocious and reckless like the Tiger Shark, Black Shark, as a highly intelligent Outsider variant, was different from ordinary Tiger Sharks. Its personality was calm and matched that of a composed individual.

“These three islands are all my territory.”

“You two are free to roam and find a place you like as a temporary lair.”

Pointing at Waxing Crescent Island, Saga said:

“There’s a pen on this island with little lambs I love to eat, creatures not found in Deep Sea Dragon City. You should try them, one for each dragon. Just one, cough, don’t look at me with those strange eyes, I’m not being stingy, it’s just that eating too many of these creatures can cause diarrhea.”

The Amethyst Dragon said with a smile:

“Lambs that can give dragons diarrhea? This is a first for me.”

Looking at the Gemstone Dragon, she said, “Come on, Charlotte, let’s eat more and test our limits.”

“Hehe, okay.”

Then, under Saga’s pained gaze, the Amethyst Dragon and the Gemstone Dragon spread their wings, soared into the sky, and headed straight for Waxing Crescent Island.

“Ah, my flock of lambs is going to suffer a heavy loss.”

Saga shook his head and then focused on himself.

“Creating personality fragments.”

Finding a comfortable position, Saga coiled atop a mountain peak, his eyes half-closed, gathering his will in his inner world.

With eyes closed, his vision turned to darkness.

As time passed, Saga gathered his psychic energy while recalling various past experiences, a series of memories flashing through his mind.

On Thorn Isle, acting on whims, beating up any creature that looked at him the wrong way, even ants passing by had to be stepped on twice.

Soaring between the stormy sea and sky, plundering and sinking a pirate ship, and annihilating all the pirates on board.

Arriving at Moon Bay for the first time, he gave no chance to those who offended him, descending from the sky to annihilate a Gnoll Mind Warlock and wiping out the entire Gnoll tribe.

All these memories eventually froze on the image of a small Golden Dragon with a domineering and ferocious face, like a bully.

Then, the glow of psychic energy began to emerge, enveloping each memory slowly but steadily, gathering them in the inner world like tangible matter, merging with each other, and finally blending together to form a crystallized personality.

Deep within the personality crystal, one could vaguely see the form of the bully-like little Golden Dragon.

“Everything is going smoothly.”

The clearer the self-awareness, the simpler it is to condense the personality crystal.

For example, if a pure-blooded Golden Dragon tried to condense a bully personality, it might not want to admit that it has a bully side, making it difficult to successfully condense that personality.

Saga’s eyes trembled slightly, then he continued to focus and, in one go, condensed the composed personality crystal.

He replicated the process, collecting all aspects of his composed nature in his inner world, and finally used his psychic energy to fully merge them into a crystallized personality.

Deep within the crystal was the image of a composed little Golden Dragon.

When the second personality crystal was complete, Saga opened his eyes.

Looking up, he saw layers of fiery red clouds stacked like flames, forming a splendid sunset, with the slightly yellow sun gradually sinking into the distant sea horizon.


Rubbing his temples, Saga let out a long breath.

Condensing personality crystals was not an easy task. Creating two in one day was smooth but not without significant psychic energy consumption.

“Bully and composed are relatively easy for me to condense.”

“Which of the fifteen personalities will be the hardest for me to condense?”

“Perhaps the coward.”

Saga pondered thoughtfully.

“However, although rare, there is a cowardly side deep within me, and I don’t deny it. It’s not shameful to admit to being a coward.”

“The first time I saw the Fist of Machinery descending from the sky, even though I wasn’t the target, I still felt deep fear.”

Saga thought silently.

Slowly standing up, Saga looked around and saw that on the beach of First Quarter Island, Black Shark had prepared a lot of delicious food and wine, with the aroma of barbecued and steamed seafood drifting on the wind, tempting Saga.

The Amethyst Dragon and the Gemstone Dragon were also attracted by the scent of the food.

After a while, as the twilight and dusk faded from the sky and night fell, the banquet on First Quarter Island began.

Saga ate and drank, watching the Tiger Sharks’ strange and interesting dances.

The Demon Warlock joined in, with rhythmic clacking bone hands under its skull, moving backward with mechanical steps, blending into the dance.

On the small island in the vast ocean, there was singing and dancing around the burning bonfires.


While nibbling on a blue-black shrimp, the little Golden Dragon’s gaze shifted, and he took out a trembling communication crystal from beneath his scales.

This was a high-level device capable of cross-realm communication.

Saga’s psychic power flowed into it, and he immediately felt the call of the Golden Dragon.

“Saga, my dear friend, I have finished a sun refinement session and now have some free time. I wish to return to the prime material world.”

“Are you still in Deep Sea Dragon City? I can’t wait to see you again. During the tedious days of gaining power from the Stellar Realm’s sun, I’ve been longing for our passionate battles.”

After two years.

The Golden Dragon from the Stellar Realm was returning to the prime material world.

“Two years. Hyperion is now sixteen, officially a young dragon.”

Saga was curious to see the current state of the young Golden Dragon, so he responded:

“Hyperion, I have left Deep Sea Dragon City.”

“If you want to see me, come to my territory in the Whirlpool Sea, which is not under the jurisdiction of Deep Sea Dragon City.”

“I’ll give you the spatial coordinates.”

The Golden Dragon immediately replied:


Just as Saga finished giving the coordinates of First Quarter Island to the Golden Dragon.

In just two or three seconds, an unusual fluctuation appeared not far from Saga, as if the fabric of space was unnaturally twisted by invisible hands, and then a portal slowly opened.

Many vassal creatures noticed the unfolding portal and showed a wary demeanor.

“So quick?”

Saga raised his head, looking at the portal.

At the same time, under many watchful eyes, a golden-scaled foot stepped out of the portal first.

“Eh? I sense my brother’s aura.”

Charlotte sensed the Golden Dragon’s aura and felt somewhat guilty.

She looked left and right, as if trying to find a place to hide, but ultimately, she found no suitable hiding spot.

“Saga, you look even stronger.”

Accompanied by the deep and fiery Dragon Tongue, the Golden Dragon covered in bright golden scales stepped out of the portal, its eyes sparkling as it gazed at Saga.

Saga also examined the Golden Dragon he hadn’t seen in two years.

The Golden Dragon’s scales were brighter, dazzlingly golden, and the light from the surrounding bonfires paled in comparison. It also radiated a sense of light and warmth.

Additionally, its size hadn’t changed much, barely reaching twelve meters from head to tail.

This was significantly larger than ordinary young dragons of the same age, but compared to some dragons with exceptional growth in size and its own outstanding physical attributes, its growth rate was only slightly better than that of an ordinary True Dragon.

Saga was about eleven meters and six or seven centimeters long.

However, compared to the slender-bodied Golden Dragon, Saga appeared more robust, even more imposing in size.

“My growth rate in size is not as fast as that of the Golden Giant Mountain or other Outsider dragons, but it’s still quite good.”

Saga’s gaze swept over the three dragons around him, thinking to himself.

There were now a total of four dragons here, with only Saga, at nine years old, still in the Young Dragon stage. The other three had already become young dragons, with the Gemstone Dragon and the Amethyst Dragon both being fifteen years old when they participated in the Young Dragon competition.

But in terms of appearance, Saga seemed to be the oldest.

The actual oldest here, the seventeen-year-old Gemstone Dragon, was ten meters long, and the Amethyst Dragon, slightly younger but also seventeen, was just short of ten meters, with both having more slender and graceful figures.

Without mentioning his Young Dragon status or testing his age, other dragons would definitely not treat him as a Young Dragon.

Saga didn’t consider himself a Young Dragon either.

After all, aside from his age, his mental maturity and physical development were not something ordinary Young Dragons could compare to.

“Your aura is much steadier now, it seems you’ve fully stabilized at Tier 8 and even grown stronger.”

Saga said to the Golden Dragon.

In Saga’s perception, the Golden Dragon was still at Tier 8, but compared to when it first broke through, it had stabilized and grown a lot, steadily approaching Tier 9.

For dragons, a long-lived species.

A year or two is normally not enough to see any changes, but these dragons are not ordinary, and almost every year they make noticeable progress.

“You’ve just entered the young dragon stage, and if nothing goes wrong, you’ll definitely become a young legend.”

“Let me congratulate you in advance.”

Saga said.

Appearing in an unfamiliar environment, the Golden Dragon didn’t look around but focused on Saga, then smiled and said:

“Likewise, you can break through to high Tier 7 at any time, and you’re still a Young Dragon. It’s a sure thing that you’ll become a high-tier creature within the Young Dragon stage, and moreover, I’m convinced you can become a legend during your young dragon stage.”

The two dragons complimented each other.

Then, the Golden Dragon’s eyes gradually brightened, and his voice took on an excited tone.

“Come on, my dear friend, let’s battle, let me see what progress you’ve made in these two years.”

Having not fought seriously for a long time, Saga was also itching for a fight and did not refuse the Golden Dragon’s invitation to battle.

“Come! To the sea!”

The two Golden Dragons took to the sky, one after the other, tracing a golden arc in the air, and then, with a splash, dove into the surrounding sea.


After the two dragons entered the sea, the waters immediately began to boil.

The originally calm sea surface twisted and surged with waves, and as time passed, sometimes terrifying tsunamis tens of meters high rose, occasionally golden pupils pierced the darkness, and occasionally boundless sea water gathered into high-pressure water spheres, with the silhouette of a Golden Dragon faintly visible within.

As Saga and the Golden Dragon sparred and competed.

The vassal creatures at the banquet and the other two dragons lost interest in the bonfire party.

They gathered along the beach, watching the churning sea with awe in their eyes.


The sea surface exploded.

Accompanied by sparkling droplets, Saga leaped into the air, his wings sweeping across the sky as if fighting the heavens, his form agile and swift, two golden pupils moving rapidly in pursuit.

Seconds later, Saga plunged back into the ocean.

Centered around the battlefield of the two dragons, a giant whirlpool formed, extremely dangerous.

The Demon Warlock scratched its skull, thinking:

“Where did this dragon come from? It’s so powerful.”

Looking at the Amethyst Dragon and the Gemstone Dragon beside it, feeling the immense power from the sea, it seemed that these dragons far exceeded its understanding and imagination.

As a former Tier 9 Caster, Addison had encountered dragons.

But in Addison’s memory, even the battles of adult or mature dragons were hardly as impressive as the clash between Saga and the Golden Dragon.

“Even among dragons, the differences can be vast.”

“My lord, these Outsider True Dragons, and the Golden Dragon currently battling it, must be among the top talents even among the Dragon Kind.”

Addison thought silently.

Under the night sky, time flowed like water, unhurriedly passing by.

About an hour later, the storm-swept sea, with its endless waves and tides, gradually calmed down.


Two golden dragon figures, one after the other, broke through the sea, circled in mid-air, and then landed on First Quarter Island. Although they slowed down before landing, their heavy bodies still stirred up waves of sand.

With a faceplate bearing several cracks and a constant sensation of pain, the Golden Dragon smiled contentedly.

Looking at Saga with a golden crown on his head, it said:

“You haven’t regressed at all, I’m very happy.”

“I’ve had friends before, but just a year or two apart, when I look back, I find they can no longer keep up with my pace, only able to look up to my back.”

Saga grinned at the Golden Dragon and said:

“I’m actually afraid you won’t be able to keep up with my pace.”

“If your growth slows down and I catch up, reaching the same tier, you will no longer have the ability to look me in the eye.”

The Golden Dragon’s combat power at the same tier was clearly not as good as Saga’s.

“I’m definitely not your match at the same tier.”

The Golden Dragon looked confident, lifting its chin proudly and said, “But, catching up to me in terms of tier, even for you, Saga, that’s not an easy task.”

The enticing aroma still lingered.

Changing the subject, Saga said, “Let’s not talk about that, you’ve come at the right time, come, join me for the bonfire banquet.”

Only then did the Golden Dragon shift its attention from Saga and look around.

It saw Saga’s vassals, focusing on those with the same origin as Saga’s dragon vein, then also noticed the Amethyst Dragon Tixil and its own dragon sister, Charlotte.

Their eyes met.

The Gemstone Dragon Charlotte guiltily turned her head away.

“Sister, I’m surprised to see you here.”

Not minding or perhaps unaware, the Golden Dragon didn’t mention being betrayed by Charlotte, only expressing curiosity about her presence here.

But the Golden Dragon’s attitude made Charlotte even more guilty.

She thought for a moment, struggled for a few seconds, then hesitantly said:

“When you and Saga were in the semifinals, I told Saga about your weakness in high-speed turning, this, Hyperion, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

The Golden Dragon shook its head, casually saying:

“It’s okay, Saga’s victory over me wasn’t due to that weakness.”

“Moreover, after the match with Saga, I successfully overcame that long-standing mental weakness.”

Pausing, the Golden Dragon shifted the topic, not delving deeper, and asked:

“Did you leave Deep Sea Dragon City with Saga?”

The Golden Dragon didn’t expect to encounter the Gemstone Dragon outside of Deep Sea Dragon City, and especially here with Saga.

“Yeah, after all, it’s the young dragon stage, I thought it was time to leave Deep Sea Dragon City and venture out into the world.”

“But I didn’t know where to go, so I just followed Saga for now.”

The Gemstone Dragon replied.

“I see.”

“Tixil, you have the same reason, right?”

The Golden Dragon said.

Hearing her name called, the Amethyst Dragon was slightly startled, then nodded lightly, “Yes, I haven’t decided where to go yet.”

The Golden Dragon swayed its tail and said:

“Following Saga is a good choice.”

“No matter where he is, he can live well.”

The Gemstone Dragon blinked, unable to hold back her curiosity, “Hyperion, didn’t you lose to Saga? But it seems like you two are still on good terms.”

The Golden Dragon smiled brightly and said:

“A temporary win or loss in a competition doesn’t determine anything, besides, we’ve made a pact to reach the pinnacle together, so of course our relationship is good.”

Hearing the Golden Dragon’s words, the Amethyst Dragon Tixil turned to look at Saga.

Her voice echoed in Saga’s heart.

“I didn’t expect the Golden Dragon to see you in a different light.”

“Saga, I feel there’s a strange attraction about you that makes things involuntarily revolve around you.”

Being able to control gravity, it’s quite reasonable that I have some special attraction.

Saga raised an eyebrow at the Amethyst Dragon and thought:

“Can’t help it, my charm is like a light in the dark, impossible to hide, always attracting some moths to the flame.”

While speaking secretly with the Amethyst Dragon in his mind.

Saga also spoke to the Golden Dragon, “Come, try the wine brewed by my Tiger Shark vassals. Although not as good as the ones in Dragon City, it has its own unique flavor.”

Hearing Saga’s words, some Tiger Sharks actively brought over stone wine barrels almost as big as half their bodies, and at Saga’s command, presented them to the Golden Dragon.

The Golden Dragon grabbed a barrel, which was like a cup to a dragon, sniffed the aroma, and then drank it all in one gulp.

“Nice taste, like waves and tides churning in my mouth.”

It commented.

The Golden Dragon looked up at Saga, licked its lips, and said:

“When do you plan to break through to Tier 7? When you become high-tier, I want to have an even more intense battle with you.”

Saga thought for a moment and calmly said:

“I have a feeling that I’ll soon undergo a growth-related hibernation. I plan to let my accumulation gradually deepen and naturally overflow during my sleep, ascending in the most perfect way.”

“I look forward to your performance when you enter high-tier, and I expect you to still be able to sweep through your peers.”

The Golden Dragon said earnestly.

“Not just sweeping through peers, but also being able to defeat enemies above my tier.”

Saga lifted his head and said.

“Haha, okay, I’ll be watching.”

The Golden Dragon seemed even more excited than Saga.

Then, Saga looked at his vassals, waved his dragon claw, and said:

“What are you waiting for? Continue the music and dance.”

Surrounded by clusters of burning bonfires, with strange dances and musical tunes, the joyful night banquet continued with the addition of the Golden Dragon.


Under the night sky, on the foggy Skull Island, the thick mist still lingered.

Occasionally, sea beasts wandered in and never came out again.

Atop the hill, the blood-red cocoon continued to contract and expand like a heart, with the aura inside already reaching Tier 9.

Thump, thump, thump!

With the strong heartbeat, the figure curled up inside the cocoon trembled, its face distorting.


A suppressed whisper echoed in the deserted area.

Barbette, now the Skull Lord, whose aura had been steadily growing, began to become chaotic.

The remnants of emotions deep within prevented the Skull Lord from continuing to grow, and the blood sacrifices on Skull Island could only bring it to Tier 9 at most Breaking through to legend wasn’t something that could be achieved by blood-sacrificing a group of pirates, no matter how large.

“Blood for the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne.”

“Great Skull Lord, I offer you the skull of a True Dragon, grant me leave from Skull Island to spread your glory.”

The desire for slaughter was rising.

At this moment, the bloodthirsty craving filled the Skull Lord Barbette’s mind.

In response to its plea, a seemingly extraterrestrial deity gave a silent answer.

Hum. The thick fog that had shrouded Skull Island since the blood sacrifice trial began started to change, contracting towards the blood cocoon at the center, continuing to enhance the Skull Lord’s power.

Moments later.

The fog dissipated, exposing Skull Island under the night sky.

However, the cocoon that had stood in the center of the island was now split open, and the figure inside had vanished.

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