Chapter 183 – Traveling mage and sparks, infinite diversity

“What is this? Doesn’t look like much, tiny and insignificant.”

Saga frowned as he observed the speck of a spark within his field of vision.

He took out the magic crystal ball that sealed the spark, along with a note from the space crystal, and examined them closely.

After scrutinizing the spark for a while without discerning anything particular, Saga shifted his attention to the note.

He gently caressed it, then opened the note that seemed like a picture book to him, and leaned in to read the small print.

The note was written in a common language, which Saga could understand.

But just by reading the first few lines on the first page, Saga’s gaze sharpened, and he became exceptionally focused.

“Destined reader, if you’re seeing these words, it means I am already dead.”

“The question before you now is—who am I?”

“I am but a nameless foreigner.”

“A stranger from a distant realm, from a place you’ve never heard of, who wished to return home but never succeeded before death.”


“The multiverse is vast and boundless, time and space infinitely mysterious. It’s laughable how I thought the multiverse of all wisdom was the ultimate, how I believed different worlds meant different timelines.”


“An accident made me a foreigner of the Great Ring, and it also led me to the truth about the infinite multiverse.”

“Sadly, the extinguishing of the spark prevented my return home, my body wounded by the deities of the Great Ring deteriorated beyond recovery, and I, who knew the truth of the universe, am stepping towards death.”


Time ticked away second by second, Saga read attentively, not missing a single word, while the Red Dragoness watched calmly as he flipped through the pages of the note.

Before long.

Saga exhaled slowly, closed the not-so-thick note, and then looked at the crystal ball beside him with a newfound brilliance in his eyes.

“A lost Traveling Mage from the ‘Great Ring Multiverse’, a spark that has already dimmed and extinguished.”

Saga murmured under his breath, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

From the words of the Red Dragoness, knowing the existence of infinite space-time, Saga deduced the true theory of the infinite multiverse, which was real, he was not mistaken.

Only an infinite number of multiverses like the one Saga lived in, combined, could constitute the true infinite multiverse.

Because in Saga’s multiverse, the many planes together formed the outline of a Great Ring structure, and there were theories such as the Great Ring Cosmology, the Cycle of All Things, etc., this place was known as—the Great Ring Finite Multiverse, or simply the Great Ring.

As for the one who left the note, they came from the multiverse of all wisdom.

This Traveling Mage was not what the inhabitants of the Great Ring thought, a mage who traveled between different world planes, but a noble profession.

In the multiverse of all wisdom, Traveling Mages were almost worshipped as deities.

Among countless beings, only one would have a “spark,” an indescribable essence that gave this being the chance to become a Traveling Mage, and among those born with a “spark,” only a very few could ignite it and thus understand their potential to traverse worlds.

Many Traveling Mages ignited their sparks in the face of great crises or trauma, but each awakening process was unique. Near-death experiences might ignite the spark, but life-changing epiphanies or profound meditation could also lead a Traveling Mage to grasp transcendent truths, each having their own awakening journey.

“A Traveling Mage who has awakened the spark possesses the ability to traverse different worlds.”

“An accident, not specifically mentioned by this nameless Traveling Mage, allowed his or her spark to shine with unimaginable brilliance, and then, directly crossed the vast distances between different multiverses, arriving at the Great Ring Multiverse.”

Saga pondered, summarizing the information he knew.

“However, the multiverse naturally oppresses outsiders, and the once nearly divine Traveling Mage grew weaker by the day. During the exploration of the Great Ring, they also encountered a deity, were severely injured, and the spark that once shone brilliantly was extinguished, unable to be reignited, losing the chance to leave the Great Ring Multiverse.”

…………A rather tragic outsider.

A being worshipped as a deity in their own universe, who lived a miserable life after accidentally straying into another multiverse, ending in obscurity.

Saga felt a twinge of sympathy in his heart.

The Skull Lord I encountered before was probably also an outsider. But what’s with the Great Ring, attracting foreign gods so easily?

Saga pondered for a moment, then his attention returned to the spark.

“Before death, the nameless Traveling Mage tried every means to extract and preserve their own spark, leaving behind this note, hoping that one day, someone would ignite the spark, thus leaving behind a legacy, not dying alone in a foreign land.”

Looking back at the tiny spark within the magic crystal ball, Saga’s gaze heated up.

“A spark capable of traveling through different worlds, different planes, and even different multiverses.”

“Even deities would place great value on it, wouldn’t they?”

“Truly an extraordinary item.”

Just traversing worlds or planes was nothing special in Saga’s eyes.

Because in this era of outstanding magic research, magic that traversed worlds and planes was not considered advanced, even creating small worlds and planes was not particularly rare.

But to traverse different multiverses, that was a whole different matter.

Even if the spark extinguished after traversing a multiverse once, surely at a great cost, no matter what, it had such an ability.

The concept of a true infinite multiverse was known only to a very few beings, Saga and the Red Dragoness were among those who learned of it by accident. Not even a trace of it was recorded in the Dragon’s heritage, and Saga guessed that even many gods thought the Great Ring was the infinite multiverse.

Deities probably couldn’t traverse different multiverses at will.

Otherwise, the structure of the Great Ring would definitely not be what it is now, and the records of deities in the Dragon’s heritage would include many more from outside the universe.

As his gaze swept over the spark, Saga’s fiery eyes slowly cooled.

“But how do you ignite this thing?”

It’s the spark that can traverse different multiverses, not the tiny spark before him.

“Moreover, the cost of traversing different multiverses with an ignited spark must also be significant.”

While Saga was deep in thought, the Red Dragoness said with a smile:

“How about it, Little Saga, are you satisfied with this wondrous spark?”

Saga looked up at the imposing figure of the Red Dragoness, then nodded slowly, saying:

“Although I have no clue how to use it, I am very satisfied. It is a wondrous item that even deities would covet.”

The Red Dragoness said:

“Break the crystal ball, take the extinguished spark into your body, maybe you can rekindle it.”

The crystal ball was made by the Red Dragoness.

While exploring the Traveling Mage’s tomb, she had already tried to merge with the spark. However, the spark needed to be integrated at the heart, but the Red Dragoness’s heart was already occupied by the Demon Lord, so for her, although the spark was precious, its importance was obviously not higher than that of the Demon Lord.


Saga took a deep breath, stood up, and his demeanor became solemn.


With a forceful squeeze of his dragon claw, he crushed the crystal ball.

Among the shattered crystal fragments, the dim spark was revealed.

Then, to the surprise of the Red Dragoness and the astonished gaze of Saga, the spark, as if stimulated by something, went from being still one second to whooshing the next, darting into Saga’s chest like lightning.


“Is this how it merges?”

Everything happened so quickly, Saga touched his chest, feeling nothing out of the ordinary, as if nothing had happened.


When the Red Dragoness tried to merge with the spark, nothing like this happened.

At least, the spark didn’t show such eagerness in her presence.

“It seems you’re quite compatible with it.”

“But I don’t feel anything—”

Before he could finish, Saga’s expression changed.

In his heart, the spark flickered on and off, uncertain, revealing a primal yearning.

“What do you want?”

Saga whispered in his heart.

With a trial thought, he controlled the flow of Power Essence within his body, directing it towards his heart, towards the spark within.

The moment the Power Essence touched the spark.


A strange sensation echoed in Saga’s heart, and he instinctively understood—if he had enough Power Essence, he could ignite the spark.

The environment around him also began to change imperceptibly.

Saga looked around and finally at himself.

He saw that from his heart as the center, the surrounding force field lines were unnaturally twisting and undulating, very unsettled, like the sea in a storm, and some lines were emerging from his chest, extending towards an infinitely distant beyond that even his senses couldn’t reach, towards an unknown place.

Saga’s heart trembled.

At the same time, as the Power Essence flowed away, the spark in Saga’s heart remained dim, but it gained a sense of vitality that wasn’t there before.


With a thought from Saga, the Power Essence converging towards his heart immediately ceased, and the spark, deprived of its supply, sat dumbly at his chest, dimming once again, the Power Essence it had absorbed dissipated and returned to Saga’s body.

“To reignite this tiny spark into a flame, the process seems to be continuous. To ignite it in one go, how much Power Essence would I need?”

Based on his intuition from just now, Saga estimated that even if he drained himself completely, it would probably still be a spark, just a bit brighter.

“I probably can reignite it.”

“But not now.”

“Once I achieve legend, maybe I can give it a try.”

Saga licked his lips, his heart excited.

Meanwhile, the Red Dragoness looked Saga up and down and said slowly:

“Little Saga, I have even greater expectations for you now.”

The Red Dragoness had thought that Saga might have a chance to ignite the spark in the future.

But she didn’t think the chance was very high.

After all, even the nearly divine Traveling Mage couldn’t do it until their death.

She hadn’t anticipated that Saga had just come into contact with the spark and already showed a different reaction, and there was a very high probability that he could ignite it in the future.

“How do you feel, can you ignite it? It had a different reaction to you.”

The Red Dragoness inquired.

Saga thought for a moment and told the Red Dragoness about the general situation.

The value of this wondrous item was immeasurable, and the Red Dragoness had already decided that Saga would choose it, even giving it to him as a gift. Saga felt her sincerity.

Regarding the recent changes, Saga had no intention of hiding anything from his dragon mother.

“So it is. Your mutated energy can activate it.”

The Red Dragoness pondered, then her gaze sharpened, looking at Saga, her voice directly resonating in Saga’s mind, saying:

“The existence of this spark, do not let a third party know.”

“An item involving the secrets of the infinite multiverse, even deities would be tempted.”

“And you, the little one who can serve as the key to unlock it, once exposed with the spark, the consequences are unimaginable.”

Saga nodded solemnly, saying:

“I understand, Mother.”

The Red Dragoness’s serious expression slowly faded, then she suddenly smiled slightly, saying:

“I will soon be heading to another time-space to fight for the mysterious Dragon of Eternity and Time.”

“This departure, I do not know how long it will be before I return, and perhaps this departure is forever.”

After a pause, with Little Golden Dragonfather looking slightly stunned, the Red Dragoness smiled and said, “You and I, mother and son, may not have the chance to meet again.”

She tapped Saga’s chest and said:

“This spark is my last gift to you.”

Hearing the Red Dragoness’s words, Saga’s mood inevitably grew heavier.

A war in another time-space that required a mysterious being to personally recruit people was definitely not an ordinary war comparable to those within the world. Saga couldn’t imagine the intensity of the war; the wars between empires on Saiga Planet in the past were probably child’s play in comparison.

Saga couldn’t help but think if there was anything he could do to help the Red Dragoness.

However, the result was nothing.

That was not a level he could meddle in.

“Still too weak. What’s the use of being the champion of the young dragons in the Deep Sea Dragon City?”

“In the eyes of some old dragons, it’s probably just like children playing house.”

Saga raised his head and looked up at the fierce and terrifying, but always reassuring, red behemoth, and said with certainty:

“Mother, with your abilities, even in another time-space war, you will stand out and then return safely.”

The Red Dragoness laughed heartily and said:

“Little Saga, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“Whether it’s life or death, it’s my choice, and I never regret my decisions, even if they lead me into the abyss.”

“Besides, dying in a grand and vast war in another time-space, turning my broken body into a blazing fire, for me, is an honor.”

The Red Dragoness was not worried about the upcoming journey through another time-space, but rather looked forward to it.

Saga felt the Red Dragoness’s anticipation and the fiery fighting spirit hidden in her lava-like eyes.

“Mother, I wish you great glory in the war in another time-space!”

Understanding the dragon mother’s thoughts, Saga’s unsettled emotions also calmed down, and he spoke earnestly.


“How could I disappoint my own dragon son? I will make the enemies of the Dragon Kind in another time-space flee in disarray and defeat!”

The upcoming war in another time-space was led by the entire Dragon Kind of that time-space, fighting against some formidable enemy, this was the intelligence the Red Dragoness had.

“When will you leave?”

Saga asked.

“I have reached the demigod realm and have received the call of the Dragon of Eternity and Time. However, I have been delaying my departure, waiting for you to return from the Deep Sea Dragon City.”

The Red Dragoness slowly stood up, her massive body stretching out, covering the sky and sun, and said:

“After seeing you for the last time, I will leave.”

After a pause, her gaze seemed to penetrate the palace walls, overlooking her territory, the Red Dragoness said solemnly:

“When you become a legend, and if I have not returned,”

“Then Thorn Isle will belong to you. When you arrive, all my followers will obey you and fight for you.”

“But before that, including Iyeona, they all need to stay on Thorn Isle, to manage this place for me in my absence.”

Saga nodded quietly and said:

“Won’t you say goodbye to Father?”

“Father doesn’t know you’re leaving here to fight in another time-space, does he?”

The Red Dragoness snorted with laughter and said:

“What’s the use of telling him? Should he join me in the war in another time-space?”

“Hehe, with your father’s level, it’s better not to go. If he did, he definitely wouldn’t come back.”

“I don’t want to have to bury his remains myself.”

The Red Dragoness spoke dismissively of the Golden Dragonfather.

But Saga could still hear that it was because the Red Dragoness, who knew the dangers of the upcoming war, didn’t want the Golden Dragonfather to be involved as well.

Moments later.

Gemstone Dragon Charlotte and Amethyst Dragon Tixil returned to the palace hall led by the wolf-headed bee.

As they approached the terrifyingly large Red Dragon, the two little dragonesses couldn’t help but feel a bit weak in the knees. Thankfully, Saga, who had brought them here, was also present. Seeing Saga, their moods instinctively settled a lot.

Saga turned his head, looked at Charlotte and Tixil, smiled slightly, and said:

“Let’s leave this place together. Now I’ll take you to my territory.”

“Of course, if you want to stay here, I won’t stop you.”

The two little dragons shook their heads as if they were rattle drums.

“We’ll go with you!”

They said in unison.

Then, Saga looked at the Red Dragoness and said solemnly:

“Mother, I’m leaving.”

“When you return triumphantly from another time-space, we’ll meet again.”

The legendary giant stone golems once again pulled open the palace doors, and then, under the calm gaze of the Red Dragoness, the three little dragons soared into the sky, leaving the Red Dragon Palace, their figures growing distant.

A day later.

In the quiet atmosphere of the palace.

“Hell Queen Renata, respond to the contract, fight for me, fight for the Dragon Kind!”

A profound whisper suddenly sounded.

The Red Dragoness raised her head.


Time and space became chaotic, and a door of time and space, invisible to the naked eye but truly existing, slowly opened before her.

“Little Saga, my child.”

“I hope that when I return, you have reached the pinnacle of the world.”

With a whisper, the Red Dragoness stepped into the door of time and space.

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