Chapter 180 – Golden Dragon and Emperor Dragon, second battle, two and a half years later

“Saga, come, let me feel the agony once more!”

The Golden Dragon, brimming with excitement, roared softly and charged headlong towards Saga.

Watching the overzealous Golden Dragon, Saga swept his dragon wings, immediately gaining altitude to dodge.


The mountain peak exploded, and with a deafening roar, countless fragments scattered in all directions.

After shattering the mountaintop, the Golden Dragon shook off the dust from its body, shook its head, and then looked at Saga, eager to try again.

“Cool down for a second, I’m really not in the mood to fight you right now.”

Saga gestured for a pause, hovering mid-air, he said.


Before Saga’s eyes.

The Golden Dragon was momentarily taken aback, then the radiant golden scales on its body began to shine ever brighter, its aura of Dragon Might growing increasingly potent until it finally broke through its current limit and gradually ceased, the dazzling scale light also receding.

Sigh. The Golden Dragon gazed at Saga, eyes sparkling with vitality.

Just moments ago, after the excited Golden Dragon had smashed the mountaintop, it had soared to a high-level eighth rank.

Saga: …

Is this guy taking breaking through ranks so lightly?

“The Golden Dragon’s combat power at the same rank isn’t monstrous, but its growth speed always keeps it a step ahead of its peers. It’s highly likely it will step into the realm of legends during its youth.”

Saga couldn’t help but remark.

At that moment, the Golden Dragon raised its head and whispered to Saga:

“I thought I had no equal among dragons my age, which made me a bit complacent, but your arrival has given me a much stronger drive.”

“Moreover, the fierce battle with you has taught me a lot. As expected, I’ve broken through to the eighth rank.”

After a pause, it revealed a radiant smile and said:

“Saga, having you in this era is my fortune.”

Under the Golden Dragon’s fiery gaze, watching its brilliant smile, Saga felt a chill in his heart.

Does this guy have some kind of twisted hobby?

Oh no, it’s not going to cling to me, is it?

Saga felt a twinge of alarm inside.

“Congratulations on reaching the eighth rank. I’ve got other things to do, see you later.”

Saga spread his wings and turned to leave.

“Eh? Don’t be in such a hurry, I still have a lot to say.”

The Golden Dragon was momentarily stunned, then quickly pursued.

“Saga, let’s have another battle with all our might, no holding back. I know you also miss the feeling of fighting me, your blood boiling, your body bathed in blood!”

It called out, voice filled with fervor and excitement.

The two dragons flew in a straight line, one after the other, at high speed.

The newly ascended eighth-rank Golden Dragon, though its aura was still a bit unstable, had physical attributes surpassing Saga’s, and the distance between them was closing.

Just as the Golden Dragon was about to catch up.

Saga repeated the trick, suddenly veering off at high speed, changing direction in an attempt to shake off the Golden Dragon.

However, to Saga’s surprise, under the influence of the paralysis suggestion he had cast, the Golden Dragon managed to execute the high-speed turn without any pressure and continued to pursue him relentlessly.

“The same trick won’t work on me!”

“After competing with you, I’ve completely erased my mental weaknesses!”

The Golden Dragon shouted.

“Come on, let’s have another fight!”

Annoyed at being chased, Saga turned his head and opened his dragon mouth, aiming at the Golden Dragon.

“The same trick doesn’t work on you?”

“Then taste my dragon breath again!”


A breath of invisible and intangible force, carrying a pulverizing power, burst forth from Saga’s mouth.

The Golden Dragon’s expression changed in shock, then it came to a sudden halt, its body shining brilliantly as it dodged with lightning speed, displaying incredible agility and velocity, avoiding Saga’s dragon breath.

With the opponent in full strength and not under control, it was hard for the dragon breath to hit.

“Hm? This isn’t the dragon breath you used before?”

“No wonder it came out in an instant, without any buildup time.”

While dodging at close range, the Golden Dragon felt the difference in Saga’s dragon breath before and after, then boldly puffed out its chest, ready to take the dragon breath head-on.


A blast of dragon breath sent the Golden Dragon plummeting to the ground, crushing a hill and scattering dust and debris in the wind, revealing the Golden Dragon’s robust and symmetrical body. It faced Saga’s dragon breath, its chest scales cracking open, oozing strands of golden blood, all the while showing a look of enjoyment as it continued to push forward with flapping wings.

Seeing this, Saga closed his mouth, no longer spewing the electromagnetic pulse dragon breath.

This low-grade version of the Annihilation Dragon Breath could be used almost instantly, but its effects were far from that of the true Annihilation Dragon Breath.

It could shatter the Golden Dragon’s scales, but it couldn’t penetrate deeper, causing only minor injuries to the Golden Dragon at this time.

The Golden Dragon spread its wings and flew towards Saga again, still growling:

“That’s the feeling, keep going! Let me feel the pain! Don’t run!”

Saga hung in mid-air, standing up, his gaze sternly fixed on the Golden Dragon.

“You don’t think that after your breakthrough, I’m afraid of you, do you?”

Raising his dragon arm, Saga took a deep breath as he watched the Golden Dragon flying towards him.

Then, when the Golden Dragon was still tens of meters away, he swung his arm down fiercely, punching down from above with a force that could shatter the heavens and the earth.

Super Heavy Intent Punch!

The crown of pure gold on his head flickered with dragon patterns.

Localized Amplification Spell!


Saga’s right dragon arm thickened and lengthened, becoming a full ten meters long, nearly as long as his entire body, and then, under the astonished and delighted gaze of the Golden Dragon, the super heavy dragon fist smashed down.


Like a meteor falling to earth, the Golden Dragon was sent flying backward at a speed faster than its arrival, smashing the ground and forming a huge crater amidst the debris and dust.

Saga pursued the victory, charging at the embedded Golden Dragon with the Great Desolation Dragon Meteor Strike.

The Golden Dragon, thrilled, met Saga’s attack.

Boom, boom, boom.

Deafening sounds kept erupting.

The ground collapsed, hills shattered, and even towering mountains swayed, with one nearly collapsing under the repeated impacts of the two dragons, crushing vast swathes of forest.

Amidst such a spectacle, many adolescent dragons gathered to watch, shocked at the performance of the two young dragons.

Upon reflection.

They felt that if they, as adolescent dragons, encountered these two young dragons, they probably wouldn’t stand a chance and would be thoroughly beaten.

More and more adolescent dragons gathered to watch.

Under their gaze, time flowed unhurriedly.

Following the semi-finals, Saga and the Golden Dragon had another fierce encounter in the adolescent hunting grounds.

Wherever the two dragons went, the surrounding environment suffered greatly, becoming a scene of devastation, and the sounds of battle were immense. Not only the adolescent dragons, but even some of the guardians of the adolescent hunting grounds couldn’t help but cast their gaze in that direction, secretly observing.

Moments later.


Two golden dragon shadows intertwined at close range, crashing into the side of a mountain and then bursting out the other side, leaving a huge hole that went straight through the mountain, eventually rolling nearly a kilometer on the ground, crushing stones and snapping giant trees, dragging out a long trench.


Saga lay on the ground, feeling quite exhausted due to the massive consumption of Power Essence and Spirit Essence, and because he had used too much magic, the pure gold crown on his head had dulled significantly.

On the other side.

The Golden Dragon pulled its body, almost embedded in the mountain wall, out of the dragon-shaped crater, then lay down as well, basking in the sun above.

On its body, the once shiny golden scales were largely shattered, flesh blurred.

One dragon arm twisted unnaturally, and its dragon face was swollen and bruised.

Using the pure gold crown, Saga, who had just ascended to a high-level eighth rank and was still unstable, was slightly stronger than the Golden Dragon. Without using any killer moves, Saga had given the Golden Dragon a beating. Since it didn’t suffer serious injuries, the Golden Dragon couldn’t exert stronger power, so it was no match for Saga.

However, the Golden Dragon’s battered face was filled with a smile of satisfaction.

Watching the opponent’s joyful smile, Saga felt no sense of superiority as the victor.

During the fight, Saga hit the Golden Dragon, inflicting wounds on it. The Golden Dragon shouted in pain, but Saga knew it didn’t actually feel pain; in fact, it felt great and wanted to continue.

Under such circumstances, Saga’s interest in fighting the Golden Dragon plummeted.

“It hurts so much, it’s exhilarating.”

The Golden Dragon turned its head to look at Saga and whispered:

“You should be able to feel it, beings with our talents are naturally lonely. As we grow stronger, our former friends are destined to be left far behind, unable to keep up with our pace, and eventually can only look up to our backs, unable to interact as friends again.”

After a pause, it said earnestly:

“Saga Alzhus.”

“I see you as a rival, but also as a friend, a dear friend who can walk the path to the pinnacle with me.”

“But I’m not sure if this is just my own wishful thinking.”

“What do you say, would you like to be my rival, to be my dear friend?”

Saga also turned his head to look at the Golden Dragon, silent.

After a dozen seconds, Saga stood up, then walked over to the Golden Dragon and extended his dragon claw towards it on the ground.

“Weaklings flock together, the strong stand alone, emperors are inherently lonely.”

“Rather than gaining a friend and rival, what I really want is a follower who heeds my command.”

Saga said, looking down.

The Golden Dragon smiled brilliantly and then grabbed Saga’s dragon claw.

“That’s a good idea.”

“One day, when you completely surpass me, making me feel unable to compete, unable to look you in the eye, only able to look up to you, then I will happily follow you.”

“But until then, let’s interact as dear friends and rivals.”

Saga exerted a slight force, pulling the Golden Dragon to its feet.

“Alright, as you wish,” he said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the Golden Dragon’s face lit up with a smile brighter than the sun.

At the same time, basking in the gentle sunlight, it stretched its wings to the limit, its body hovering, and then the wounds left by the battle with Saga began to heal at a visible rate.

With the sun present.

Basking in the sunlight, this child of the sun would be even stronger.

It gazed at Saga, voice excited:

“Saga, my dear friend.”

“Let’s have a fierce battle every day until our strength is exhausted, what do you say? You enjoy fighting with me too, right?”

Saga decisively shook his head, releasing the still-clasped claw of the Golden Dragon, while refusing:

“Enjoy? No, I feel nothing at all.”

“The so-called enjoyment is just your own feeling.”

During the semi-finals, Saga did enjoy the fight with the Golden Dragon because he wasn’t quite aware of the Golden Dragon’s psyche, but now facing an opponent who gets stronger the more it’s beaten and enjoys it immensely, Saga didn’t really want to indulge the other’s wishes.

The Golden Dragon’s smile remained, not disappointed by Saga’s response, and continued:

“Dear friend, don’t deny it, look into your heart, I know, you feel the same as I do, you just don’t want to admit it.”

At that moment, it was as if the Amethyst Dragon Tishir had possessed him, and Saga couldn’t help but roll his eyes dramatically.

“You’re teaching me, teaching a Mind Warlock to face his own heart?”

The Golden Dragon smiled at Saga, its gaze still stubborn.

“Even a Mind Warlock may not fully understand his own thoughts.”

It said.

Saga waved his claw, speaking indifferently:

“Say what you will, but I won’t stay in the Sea Dragon City for long, nor will I keep fighting with you.”

The Golden Dragon was slightly taken aback and asked:

“Are you leaving the Sea Dragon City? Where to?”

“Of course, to my own territory. Why, do you want to come along?”

Saga turned his head, his gaze sizing up the Golden Dragon.

Without the aid of external objects, the Golden Dragon, now ascended to a high-level eighth rank, had a slightly higher overall combat power than him. If he were to lure the Golden Dragon into his own territory, he might not be able to command it.

However, although they hadn’t interacted much, Saga had come to understand the Golden Dragon quite well.

This dragon was actually a fervent warmonger at heart, a battle fanatic who loved high-intensity battles that could injure itself.

If he could lure it away…

Should he accidentally encounter a very dangerous and troublesome enemy in the future, he wouldn’t need to say a word; the Golden Dragon would eagerly rush forward to meet it.

Thinking this way, Saga played to its preferences, his attitude changing as he said with a smile:

“Dear friend, my territory welcomes you.”

“If you’re willing to come with me, I can spar with you in my spare time, have a few battles, it’s not impossible.”

Hearing Saga’s words, the Golden Dragon’s eyes lit up, showing a pleased expression.

“Then when you’re ready to leave, I’ll go to your territory too.”

After a pause, as if it had thought of something, it then showed a troubled look and said:

“However, my elders are taking me to the Stellar Realm to bathe in the sunlight of the Stellar Realm to make me stronger. I actually don’t have much free time, especially since I lost to you in the semi-finals and missed out on the championship, I must work even harder to strengthen myself.”

After careful thought, the Golden Dragon said:

“Although I’d love to go, I won’t have enough time.”

“Maybe, when the sunlight I’ve absorbed from the Stellar Realm is saturated and I need to rest and digest, I can stay in your territory for a while.”

Saga nodded, smiling:

“Sure, you’re welcome anytime.”

The two dragons recorded each other’s communication crystal frequency fluctuations with high-quality light and shadow communication crystals, allowing for cross-plane communication.

Afterward, the two dragons stayed in the hunting grounds for a while, secretly comparing their strengths by hunting monsters, stirring up a storm of blood and carnage in the territories of high-level monsters in the adolescent hunting grounds. Many monsters with sensitive danger perception were terrified and hid in the deepest parts of their lairs, making the hunting of other adolescent dragons difficult.

When night fell.

The night sky, studded with stars, enveloped the Metal Dragon Island, which was not very dark, and the two young dragons who had caused chaos in the adolescent hunting grounds gradually ceased.

“Today, I feel very happy.”

“Not only because I’ve broken through to the eighth rank, but also because I’ve gained a dear friend who can walk further and higher with me.”

The Golden Dragon said with a smile.

Saga glanced at the vast night sky, his gaze falling between the stars, his voice deep and calm:

“Hyperion, strive to maintain your growth rate that even I admire, otherwise, one day when you’re caught up and surpassed by me, the gap between us will grow wider and wider, like a vast chasm.”

The corners of the Golden Dragon’s mouth curled up, its radiant smile almost dispelling the night, saying:

“Why warn me?”

“Isn’t this what you want? Because then, I will fulfill my promise and follow you.”

After a pause, it said with a smile:

“Or is it that you actually prefer a dear friend like me, rather than followers that can be found everywhere?”

“No, because I want a follower who is strong enough, not just any common goods, so I hope you can become stronger, so that when you bow down to me, I will be even more pleased.”

Saga said.

Under the night sky, with the rustling of trees and the undulating waves, two dragons, shining with golden light, illuminated a patch of night, chatting leisurely.

Suddenly, the Golden Dragon seemed a bit distracted.

“What’s wrong?”

Saga, keenly aware of the anomaly, asked.

The Golden Dragon quickly regained its composure and looked at Saga, saying:

“Dear friend, I’m afraid I’ll be leaving the Sea Dragon City before you. My elders just informed me that they’re taking me out of the main material world to the Stellar Realm.”

With the Golden Dragon’s talent, it could grow faster in the Stellar Realm.

Usually, it stayed in the Stellar Realm.

The sunlight of the Stellar Realm was more dazzling than that of the main material world. Many suns seen in the main material world are actually not real but are the shadows of a sun from the Stellar Realm. Only a few large main material worlds have their own suns.

The sun that shines on the Saiga Planet is real, but it still pales in comparison to the suns of the Stellar Realm.

“Go on, continue to strengthen yourself.”

“Remember my words, don’t become mediocre.”

Saga said solemnly.

At the same time.

Suddenly, the space around them fluctuated, and a portal to another plane formed in front of the Golden Dragon, behind which a vast and boundless, dreamlike silver world—the Stellar Realm—could be faintly seen.

Its elders were urging it on.

The Golden Dragon had a blood connection with the Colorful Dragon and also had very powerful, ancient elders referred to as Old Fellows by the Golden Dragonfather. This portal might have been opened by the observer in secret.

The Golden Dragonfather is probably watching me too.

The thought that his every move was actually exposed to the gaze of some ancient and powerful True Dragons was indeed uncomfortable for Saga, he thought silently.

This was also one of the reasons he was not too willing to stay in the Sea Dragon City for a long time.

“When I’ve reached the saturation limit through the power of the sun and return to the main material world, I’ll come play in your territory.”

With that, the Golden Dragon held its head high and stepped through the portal to the Stellar Realm.

Soon after, a golden dragon shadow soared into the sky, circled overhead, and then plunged into the golden sea, entering the Sea Dragon City.

The scenery of the sea was completely different from that of the land.

For a long time to come, Saga mainly wandered and played in the bizarre Sea Dragon City, occasionally visiting the Metal Dragon Island.

In the deep sea region.

Saga saw towering underwater volcanoes spewing hot lava, saw deep-sea whales nearly a kilometer long, saw various sea tribes of different shapes and numerous kinds, and saw colorful and beautiful but deadly carnivorous coral forests. Time flowed unhurriedly in the sea like this.

In the blink of an eye.

Two years had passed.


A small golden dragon, now eleven meters long with its aura stable at the peak of the sixth rank, leaped out of the sea, chasing a high-level Wind Chaser Swordfish that was as fast as lightning.

With a spread of its claws, aimed at the swordfish near the sea surface, it clutched.


Tons of seawater converged, madly compressing around the swordfish, forming a high-pressure water cage that trapped it inside.

Then, Saga approached leisurely, ready to claim his prey.

With the swordfish in his mouth, Saga stopped in a sea area near Dragon Island, coiling on a massive rock, listening to the crisp sound of waves hitting the rock while enjoying his catch.

At the same time, his eyes gazed out over the boundless Golden Sea.

Saga pondered inwardly.

“I’ve been in the Sea Dragon City for two and a half years.”

Saga was six and a half when he went to the Sea Dragon City with the Golden Dragonfather and Yekaterina. Now, Saga was nine years old.

He had initially planned to stay for a year or so, but plans don’t always keep up with changes.

Although there were aspects of the Sea Dragon City Saga didn’t like, its enchanting scenery had made him stay much longer than he had intended.

Geniuses often attract each other.

During that time, Saga had made certain connections with the dragons from the competition who had shown exceptional talent, recording each other’s communication crystal frequencies.

This included the Four-winged Bronze Dragon, the Twin Silver Dragons, and the Steel Flame Copper Dragon.

These dragons had all expressed a desire to visit Saga’s domain when they entered their juvenile phase and left the Sea Dragon City to venture out. They could also follow Saga for a while to learn about life outside the Dragon City.

Saga, of course, welcomed them all.

Along with the Amethyst Dragon and the Colorful Dragon, whom he had become quite familiar with during the competition, and the Golden Dragon, who directly considered him a dear friend, as well as Yekaterina, with whom he shared a blood bond, Saga felt that if he tried, he could lure away most of the exceptional young dragons from this generation in the Sea Dragon City.

However, currently, only the Amethyst Dragon had made it clear that it wanted to leave with Saga directly; the intentions of the other dragons were still uncertain.

“It’s time to leave the Dragon City.”

“Beating all the Metal Dragon whelps and becoming the champion is news I have yet to share with the Red Dragoness.”

“It’s a pity I didn’t break through to the seventh rank.”

Saga had thought about leaving the Sea Dragon City after breaking through to the seventh rank.

The various types of energy here were very rich, conducive to the growth of dragon species, but after reaching the peak of the sixth rank, Saga, who was only a step away from the seventh rank, had yet to make the breakthrough.

“From middle to high, from sixth to seventh rank is a barrier that causes many creatures to despair and stagnate.”

“I’m sure I can break through, but without special circumstances, normal development might take a few years of accumulation.”

“Forcing a breakthrough isn’t impossible, but if the accumulation isn’t enough and I rush to elevate my life level, I might not be able to maintain the power to sweep through my peers and fight across ranks once I reach the seventh rank.”

Saga mused.

From sixth to seventh rank is a significant promotion from middle to high.

Once successful, it would bring about a considerable upgrade.

Although this is not as difficult as from ninth rank to legendary, it is much more challenging than a normal rank breakthrough and is actually a bit more difficult than from eighth to ninth rank. Many ordinary dragon species only become high-level beings in their adult phase.

Being able to fight across ranks, crushing numerous high-level monsters with a mid-level sixth rank life level, was not a small feat.

While thinking, after devouring the magic swordfish, Saga returned to the Golden Dragon Palace.

Arriving at the majestic palace, Saga easily found Yekaterina in the coral training ground.

Yekaterina hadn’t changed much in size, similar to Saga, with only about a meter increase in body length, her aura also stable at the peak of the sixth rank.

Like Saga’s philosophy.

Yekaterina also preferred to spend a few more years at the sixth rank rather than forcing a breakthrough without sufficient accumulation, which for dragons of exceptional talent who would inevitably break through sooner or later, was a rather short-sighted act.


The comparatively petite Yekaterina suddenly sent a twenty-meter-long eighth-rank Coral Construct Dragon flying.

Sigh. Taking a brief breath.

Yekaterina turned her head to look at the approaching little golden dragon.

Reluctantly bowing her head to Saga as previously agreed to show respect, Yekaterina flicked her tail and then declared with fighting spirit:

“My detestable little brother, let’s not wait for the juvenile competition, let’s have a bout right here, right now.”

Saga, with a smile, refused, waving his claws and saying:

“Don’t you want to defeat me in front of everyone? Don’t be so impatient, just wait a little longer.”

Yekaterina was always reluctant to show respect to Saga.

She was eager to change this situation, and whenever she had a moment of free time, she was almost always training her physique and honing her combat skills, not giving herself any time to relax. Saga, on the other hand, preferred a more relaxed approach.


Yekaterina snorted and posed for attack, baring her teeth and saying, “But you know, I don’t want to bow to you anymore.”

In front of the aggressive dragon sister, Saga calmly said:

“I’ll allow you from now on, when you see me, you don’t have to bow anymore.”

Hearing Saga’s words, Yekaterina was slightly taken aback, then sized up Saga.

“Are you really my detestable little brother? Or is it a shapeshifter in disguise?”

She looked suspicious.

Saga looked straight into the eyes of the little dragoness, sincerely saying, “Yekaterina, we are the closest of siblings, bound by blood.”

He sighed and said:

“Do you really think I need to force you to bow before me to satisfy my own lowly desires?”

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