Chapter 177 – Champion! Champion! (8K words!)

Flames and intense light spread out, forming a slowly rising mushroom cloud.

The already small remaining platform collapsed completely, and Saga and Yekaterina were thrown out from the mushroom cloud, hurtling backward until they finally stopped, crashing against the energy walls at both ends.

Bracing against the energy wall with the back of his hand, Saga steadied himself.

Looking down, he saw no foothold left in the arena; below was completely occupied by the ancient Silver Dragon’s breath, forming a silvery-white ice river—a troublesome situation if one were to fall in.

Raising his head, Saga gazed towards Yekaterina.

On the other side, near the energy wall thousands of kilometers away, The Little Dragoness, with her scales vividly red and wrapped in dark golden threads, bathed in fire, her robust body flickering in and out of visibility amidst countless steams of seawater.

After an intense close-combat bombardment.

Both had sustained certain injuries.

The nuclear punch came with high pressure, high temperature, impact, intense light, and many other types of damage. Saga, encountering it for the first time, couldn’t perfectly deflect it. Some of the force, through the deflection force field, left many scars on his body, and the consumption of maintaining the deflection force field was also significant.

But Yekaterina was not faring any better.

On Yekaterina’s body, her originally shiny scales were covered with deep dents, the handiwork of Saga’s super-heavy dragon punch. Even with Yekaterina’s strong physique, she couldn’t withstand the damage of Saga’s super-heavy punches.

Around each punch’s impact, the scales cracked like spiderwebs, oozing strands of rose-gold dragon blood, the same color as Saga’s.

The difference was, her dragon blood, as soon as it flowed out, quickly merged into the surrounding seawater and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time.

A rich, fragrant, almost pungent scent, like that of roses, traveled through the seawater to Saga’s nostrils.

He instinctively took a light sniff, immediately feeling a burning pain in his nose, accompanied by a strange itch. The tender flesh inside his nose underwent uncontrollable changes, as if it had its own life, wriggling and rapidly mutating and spreading.

“This dragon blood is poisonous!”

Saga’s gaze sharpened, tiny sparks flickered inside his nostrils, turning the mutated soft flesh into charred tissue, curbing the mutation of his own flesh, and isolating all seawater infused with the invisible toxin with a deflection force field.

“Such intense toxin, what kind of poison is this?”

Saga’s senses fully opened, and within the field of force perception, he saw golden ripples crisscrossing the sea area, undulating and revealing a deadly dangerous aura.

“Radiation waves—Yekaterina’s blood has an ultra-high concentration of nuclear radiation, which merges into her bodily fluids, creating this powerful radiation poison.”

Saga made his judgment.

Who would have thought that Yekaterina, known for her fierce fighting style, would also be a poison dragon with extremely dangerous blood.

“Saga, your reaction is very quick.”

Yekaterina’s voice was low, and with a grin, she said, “I’m very happy, fighting with you.”

“I’m equally happy, and I’ll be even happier when I trample you underfoot.”

Saga also smirked crookedly.

The dragon siblings locked eyes, silent and wordless. A second later, they both burst forth with their dragon wings.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by deafening explosions, countless bright lights and fierce flames erupted, along with the roar of the super-heavy punches, bringing a grand audio-visual feast to the audience of giant dragons.

In the fierce battle, the passage of time seemed to slow down.

Claw, tooth, tail, wing. Every part of their bodies became weapons for Saga and Yekaterina, sweeping towards each other with terrifying destructive power.

With each dangerous and ferocious close-combat exchange.

The injuries on Saga and Yekaterina gradually increased.

Because Yekaterina lacked a deflection force field, her injuries seemed more severe than Saga’s, but Saga also suffered greatly. Every attack from Yekaterina that hit him caused severe explosions, draining him significantly.

Saga’s attacks hit Yekaterina, shattering her dragon scales and also exploding fiercely, causing some backlash to Saga.

As Yekaterina’s injuries increased.

The surrounding rose-scented dragon blood radiation poison became more intense, and he needed to divide his attention to resist it with the force field.

However, in this round of close combat, Saga still held the advantage.

In each collision, Saga gradually became familiar with Yekaterina’s way of exerting force, mastering the timing to deflect her attacks more perfectly, occasionally controlling the force field to deflect and rebound the attacks back to Yekaterina.

Seconds later.

As if dancing, the two dragons clashed with fists.

Saga’s gaze was solemn, his thoughts racing like lightning, calculating the angle of the force field’s deflection, and at the perfect moment, with the perfect angle, he released it!

Reverse the force field!


The fists collided, but not as evenly matched as before.

A surge of overwhelming power rose, changing Yekaterina’s expression.

Saga’s super-heavy punch force, combined with the rebounded force of the nuclear punch, converged into one, rushing towards Yekaterina.


Under the unstoppable force of the impact, her body flew backward, scales on her dragon arm shattering inch by inch.

Saga looked up, intending to use the singularity dragon breath to control Yekaterina, then seal the victory with the annihilation dragon breath.

However, Yekaterina, with her rich combat experience and astonishing intuition, anticipated Saga’s next move.

Under the immense force, as her body flew backward, she barely spat out a high-explosive fireball, smashing into Saga’s body, causing a violent explosion that made Saga stagger, forcing him to interrupt his singularity breath.

Saga was not yet able to prepare a dragon breath while enduring an attack.


Yekaterina hit the energy wall, with large grid patterns rippling behind her.

With a flap of her dragon wings, she detached from the energy wall.

Waves of pain came one after another, and Yekaterina looked down to see the surface of her dragon arm, where scales were twisted and shattered, blood flowing out, a grisly sight.

Raising her head, she gazed at the calm and profound little Golden Dragon on the other side.

Yekaterina revealed a slightly mad smile, her eyes burning with tangible fighting spirit like flames.


She roared.

More golden particles emerged from around Yekaterina’s body.

Her golden lines became more dazzling, and new gold threads appeared on the edges of each dragon scale, making her every move bring up glimmers of golden light.

At the same time.

Centered on Yekaterina’s body, countless golden particles shone, wandered, rotated, occasionally exploding and disappearing, but more were born, eventually forming ever-changing and fluctuating golden light and particles.

This wave was extremely dangerous, carrying lethal peril.


Yekaterina swung her dragon wings.

The surrounding golden particles roared out, forming the outline of a crescent-shaped giant blade, its edge continuously exploding in fine bursts, shining with intense light and carrying high-temperature flames, slashing towards Saga.

At the same time.

Saga also raised his right wing, swinging it heavily.


A highly concentrated horizontal gravitational wave also roared out, the normally invisible and intangible gravity blade attracting tons of seawater, turning into a semi-transparent deep-sea water blade, then colliding with Yekaterina’s golden giant blade.


A deafening explosion sounded, accompanied by surging dark golden flames that devoured and evaporated the seawater, and blinding bright light flashed in all directions, with shockwaves continuously spreading.

All of Yekaterina’s attacks seemed to carry a strong explosive effect.

At the same time.

A fiery red figure tore through the still-burning dark golden fireball, trailing a long tail flame like a cape, and charged straight towards Saga.

In Saga’s eyes, the approaching Yekaterina was reflected.

He took a slight breath, his gaze serious and solemn, with thunder flashing within.

Zzzt, an electric arc flickered between Saga’s crown-like three pairs of dragon horns, then two, three, thousands.

Thousands of electric arcs converged, turning into a dazzling golden lightning.


The golden lightning instantly pierced through the seawater, aiming for Yekaterina’s head.

The lightning was too swift, and even with Yekaterina’s reaction, she could only manage to raise her head before her chest was hit, thousands of electric arcs spreading from the point of impact to her entire body, glittering and buzzing.

The high temperature and scorching effect of the lightning did not cause much damage to Yekaterina.

Her physical body was strong, and as a fire attribute True Dragon, she naturally had resistance to this aspect.

But Saga’s golden lightning was not ordinary.

It also mixed with an attack on the spirit world.

Saga’s dragon horns shone golden like a thunder crown, and the electromagnetic lightning shot from it continued unabated, landing on Yekaterina, with the electric arcs like binding nets.

Yekaterina’s brow furrowed, her face slightly twisted, her body stiff in place, as if golden thunder descended upon her spirit, continuously striking her mind.

Saga pursued the victory, raising his neck, opening his mouth.

Following the same method, the singularity dragon breath rapidly brewed in his mouth.

However, before Saga’s singularity dragon breath could succeed, Yekaterina’s face showed ferocity, and then she suddenly raised her dragon claw, carrying a large number of golden particles, and slapped her own chest hard.


Centered on Yekaterina’s body, a huge golden fireball suddenly exploded, engulfing endless seawater, and simultaneously unleashed a tsunami-like shockwave that swept over Saga’s body. The immense impact forced Saga to retreat repeatedly, the golden lightning interrupted, and he was also unable to accumulate dragon breath.

The next second, Yekaterina, bathed in blood, shot out from the golden fireball.

She flapped her wings, with flames exploding behind her dragon wings, propelling her with bright light and flames, her speed increased explosively compared to before.


The extremely fast Yekaterina suddenly collided with Saga, scales against scales, tightly embracing Saga and fiercely crashing into the energy wall at the edge of the arena.

At the moment when Saga’s back was against the energy wall, with no retreat, the immense impact from Yekaterina came into effect.

At that time, Saga’s gaze sharpened, he roared, and his embraced body suddenly straightened.

The power of the deflection force field was maximized, with a massive influx of power essence.


The immense impact brought by Yekaterina was completely deflected by the force field, directed at a downward angle, acting on Yekaterina’s body.

Caught off guard.

Yekaterina was carried by the force of her own full-strength impact, plummeting towards the silvery-white ice river below.

“Saga, let’s go down together!”

As their figures crossed, Yekaterina suddenly stretched out her blood-red dragon claw, grabbing the little Golden Dragon’s tail.

Before Saga could rejoice, whoosh, he was pulled by Yekaterina, holding onto his tail, and they both plunged into the silvery-white ice river.


One red and one gold, under the astonished gaze of many giant dragons, the two main characters of the finals plunged into the silvery-white ice river together.

“Saga and Yekaterina have both fallen into the ice river formed by the breath of the ancient Silver Dragon!”

“In this dangerous situation, how will these two stars of our Deep Sea Dragon City react? I’m very much looking forward to it!”

The legendary Brass Dragon exclaimed excitedly.

Many giant dragons craned their necks, looking down towards the bottom of the arena.

In the deep-sea arena, within the slowly flowing silvery-white frozen river, one could faintly see a gold and a red figure.

“So cold!”

Inside the silvery-white ice river, Saga, who was dragged in, couldn’t help but shiver slightly, his teeth chattering.

Crack crack crack. Layers of ice crystals extended, and the bone-chilling cold penetrated through scales, through flesh, as if reaching deep into the marrow, deep into the soul.

Saga’s deflection force field was still on.

But still, a deep chill penetrated the force field and acted on Saga’s body.

This damage was very single and pure cold damage.

In theory, it should be easy to deflect and resist.

However, because the source of the cold was an ancient Silver Dragon, and the gap between them was too large, his deflection force field could not completely deflect it. If he were to completely deflect the omnipresent cold without regard, Saga could do it, but the power essence might be exhausted in an instant.

At the same time, Yekaterina, who was holding onto Saga’s tail, was even more uncomfortable.

She didn’t have a deflection force field, a protective ability with no dead angles.

The piercing cold came, and Yekaterina continuously released golden particles, causing them to explode and generate high-temperature flames to resist.

But the effect was not as good as Saga’s deflection force field. In the silvery-white ice river, the explosive effect was severely suppressed, and some parts of Yekaterina’s body were already covered with thick ice crystals. Although they were quickly destroyed by Yekaterina’s explosions, the destruction speed was far slower than the growth rate.

At least Saga’s body didn’t have ice crystals growing, just feeling cold.

But Yekaterina was already affected more severely.

At that moment, Yekaterina suddenly exerted force, pulling Saga’s tail hard, dragging him into deeper waters, while she herself flapped her wings vigorously, scattering dense golden particles.


A series of violent explosions blasted open the ice river’s breath.

Yekaterina shot up into the sky, her body half leaping out from the surface of the silvery-white ice river, her surface already faintly covered with a layer of snow-white frost.


Just as Yekaterina was about to leap out of the silvery-white ice river.

A super-heavy gravity field enveloped Yekaterina, as if an invisible hand pressed down on her, bringing heavy pressure and hindering her movements.

At the same time, a dragon claw covered in fine golden diamond-like scales reached out from the surface of the ice river, moving swiftly and accurately, grabbing Yekaterina’s hind limb ankle.

“Thinking of leaving? Come back here!”

Saga roared, his muscles under the scales bulging with strength.

With great force, combined with the oppression of the super-heavy gravity field, Yekaterina, who had just leaped out of the silvery-white ice river, was pulled back by Saga, almost immediately plunging back into the ice river as soon as she emerged.

A second later.

A golden dragon head with three pairs of dragon horns emerged from the ice river. However, before the body could appear, a red and gold dragon claw broke through the ice river, pressing the golden dragon head back down.

Bang bang bang!

Inside the silvery-white ice river, a series of muffled hitting sounds rang out.

Not long after, a red dragon head emerged, only to be pressed back into the ice river by a golden dragon claw.

Within the ice river.

Amidst the erosion carrying the chill of deep cold, Saga and Yekaterina were almost clinging to each other, wrestling, you punching and me clawing, relentlessly attacking each other.

Neither wanted to let the other escape the dangerous place, continuously creating trouble for each other, so much so that both were unable to leave the silvery-white ice river, and in the uninterrupted struggle, they gradually sank towards the deeper and colder bottom.

Even Saga, protected by the deflection force field, now had a layer of ice crystals on his body, his movements becoming sluggish and stiff.

Yekaterina’s body had more and thicker ice crystals than Saga.

However, Yekaterina’s combat instincts were indeed strong, and in the current situation, she quickly changed to a better way of coping.

She no longer destroyed the ice crystals from head to toe but waited until a significant amount of ice had accumulated, then used a more efficient, less consuming method to explosively shatter them all at once.


Yekaterina punched, tilting Saga’s head.

Saga’s counter-claw left several tears on Yekaterina’s faceplate, splattering strands of dragon blood.

In such close combat, Saga inevitably got a lot of Yekaterina’s blood on him. As you know, Yekaterina’s blood has fierce radiation poison, and such close contact caused Saga’s power essence consumption to surge, gradually becoming somewhat overwhelmed.

“We can’t keep fighting at close quarters like this.”

“If I get splashed with more of her blood, I won’t be able to take it.”

Saga thought silently.

At the same time, it was inevitable that Yekaterina would weaken due to the loss of blood.

And although she used a more efficient way to break the ice, her performance in the ice river environment was still not as good as Saga’s. The speed of ice crystal growth on her body still exceeded the speed of destruction and removal, and her movements had become even more stiff and sluggish than Saga’s.

“I must leave here.”

“The longer I drag on, the more disadvantageous it is for me.”

Yekaterina’s eyes were cold, murmuring in her heart.


The two dragons, as if by agreement, pushed each other’s chests hard, then separated from the close combat, pulling apart a body’s length.

Bang bang bang!

Dragon claws swung, bringing up heavy afterimages.

Without affecting themselves, Saga and Yekaterina attacked each other fiercely while flapping their wings, their cold bodies gradually rising from the silvery-white ice river.


Frost breath splattered, extending into the water above, forming clusters of ice crystals, blooming like snow-white flowers.

Both dragons flew out from the center of the frost flowers at the same time, escaping the dangerous silvery-white ice river.

Saga used a weak gravity field, his speed surged, overtaking Yekaterina, and with his claws joined into fists, he smashed towards Yekaterina with super-heavy force, intending to smash her back into the silvery-white ice river.

However, Yekaterina twisted her body, agilely dodging Saga’s attack.

Her fiery red dragon tail followed, whipping out with a series of explosions, immense power.

Saga retreated explosively, avoiding this heavy tail strike.

Opening a not too far or too close distance, both sides paused their offenses, gazing at each other.

Huff huff huff. Saga and Yekaterina’s chests heaved violently, breathing heavily, even forming small whirlpools at their nostrils.

After a long and fierce battle, even their stamina was somewhat exhausted.

The intensity of the fight between Saga and Yekaterina was very high, one could say they were squandering their power, and even dragons with their strong endurance would normally have been exhausted halfway through, unable to continue to this point.

Whether it was Saga or Yekaterina, their physical stamina and other attributes were far stronger than those of ordinary dragons.


With a force field push, the ice crystals on Saga’s body shattered and scattered.

On the other end, the layer of ice on Yekaterina melted into water under the high temperature she emitted, then turned into steam and bubbled up.

At this moment, Saga raised his dragon arm, aiming at Yekaterina from afar.

“Grand Attraction of the Myriad Heavens!”

He whispered in his heart.


Yekaterina’s body suddenly seemed to become a massive source of gravity, tons of seawater swirling and being drawn in, compressing onto Yekaterina, forming a clearly layered heavy water sphere distinct from ordinary seawater.

Trapped in the heavy water sphere, Yekaterina spread her wings.


A violent explosion occurred, shattering the heavy water sphere into pieces.

Saga shook his head slightly, no longer continuing to use Grand Attraction of the Myriad Heavens.

He was not proficient in this move, and it had only recently become a combat skill, inspired by the singularity dragon breath, because the effects of both were somewhat similar.

It had some use against ordinary opponents.

But if the opponent was evenly matched, the effect was not as good as Dragon Will.

He needed to deeply research and understand to control powerful skills, not just through simple self-awakening.

“I’ll delve deeper into this move later; it has potential for the future, but it’s not very useful right now.”

Feeling the power essence inside him rapidly cooling to freezing point, Saga let out a long breath, gazing at Yekaterina.

In the long and intense battle, he didn’t know how many times he had endured Yekaterina’s nuclear punches. An ordinary dragon would have been pounded into mush after so many hits, no, not even mush, probably completely obliterated.

Such formidable strikes, along with the radiation poison dragon blood, the silvery-white ice river, and so on, caused Saga to consume a vast amount.

“Yekaterina, let’s decide the outcome with one last move.”

Gazing at his dragon sister, the little Golden Dragon said solemnly.

On the other side, Yekaterina’s eyes narrowed slightly, she nodded slowly, and spoke, “Come on, I just had the same thought.”

Like Saga, the nuclear energy stored inside Yekaterina had also nearly dropped to freezing point during defense and offense, leaving not much left.


Both dragons simultaneously raised their heads, their mouths wide open.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The seawater trembled, and destructive fluctuations accumulated, brewed, and became increasingly intense and dangerous in the mouths of one red and one gold dragon.

In Saga’s mouth, the seawater vanished, the incoming seawater also turned to nothingness, creating a scene of void emptiness.

Between Yekaterina’s crisscrossing sharp teeth, flames filled with golden particles rolled, as if biting into a ball of fire, with nearby seawater evaporating in patches.

Looking at the two dragons ready to unleash their power.

The audience of giant dragons became expectant and tense, and even the immovable Golden Dragonfather, though calm in appearance, leaned forward slightly.

At such a moment, the commentary of the legendary Brass Dragon unsurprisingly rang out.

“Dragon Empress Yekaterina Alzhus, Golden Heart Saga Alzhus.”

“These two finalists both possess terrifying dragon breaths, but there are differences in strength between dragon breaths. Which is stronger and which is weaker?”

“Through an exciting and classic dragon breath showdown, let us together.”

His voice paused, then resounded with vigor:

“Bear witness!”

Simultaneously, as the legendary Brass Dragon’s words fell, Saga and Yekaterina’s dragon breaths reached their peak, both dragons shaking their bodies and releasing their breaths.


Blinding bright light and terrifying flames that obscured Saga’s entire field of vision exploded and surged, presenting a very wide fan shape that came at him, mixed with unimaginable destructive power, covering a vast area, destroying and evaporating countless seawater, even causing the ice river below the arena to melt in patches.


A silent, invisible, straight columnar dragon breath annihilated the seawater, the bright light, the nuclear flames, forming a silent and extremely dangerous void trail, reflected in Yekaterina’s pupils.

The nuclear fission dragon breath and the annihilation dragon breath rose simultaneously, rushing towards each other.

Saga’s annihilation dragon breath was not as wide-ranging as Yekaterina’s nuclear fission dragon breath, but it had a stronger destructive effect.

The annihilation dragon breath tore through the nuclear fission dragon breath, forming a straight path through the nuclear fire sea, relentlessly approaching Yekaterina, already annihilating and destroying a layer of scales in front of Yekaterina’s chest, while at the same time, the wider-ranging nuclear fission dragon breath completely engulfed Saga.


Almost the entire arena trembled, the surrounding sea area was like boiling water, filled with flames, bright light, shockwaves, and the annihilation dragon breath. At this time, the grid patterns on the energy wall shone brighter than ever, even bulging slightly backward, causing some giant dragons near the energy wall to feel a slight thump in their hearts.

At this moment, both parties hit by the opposing attack had already stopped their breaths.

Amidst the endless flames.

Yekaterina looked down, seeing a hole in her chest as if pierced by a Golden Dragon, her body swaying slightly, her mind dizzy.

With a painful twist of her mouth, Yekaterina struggled to lift her head, which now felt unbearably heavy, and then stared fixedly at the dragon shadow twisting and howling in the nuclear flames.

In the spectator stands, the Golden Dragonfather frowned slightly, ready to move.

However, seeing Yekaterina’s stubborn eyes, and hearing Saga’s suppressed painful roars without any hint of retreat within the flames, the Golden Dragonfather suppressed the urge to intervene.

Moments later.

The flames gradually subsided.

In the sea area scarred with radiation, a dragon shadow with steam rising from its body and scales as red as hot iron trembled.

On Saga’s body, there was hardly a single intact scale, the flesh was charred and blurred, half of his dragon face’s armor was torn, even revealing the skull underneath, and his originally proportionate and handsome wings had become tattered.

The dragon’s condition looked extremely tragic.

Whether it was Saga or Yekaterina.

Their dragon breaths were far stronger than their own defenses, the damage had overflowed, causing very terrifying injuries to both sides.

“My goodness, this sibling competition has become more tragic than I expected.”

“What kind of tenacity do they possess to still stand in the arena under such injuries?”

The well-informed legendary Brass Dragon couldn’t help but be moved.

On the other side.

Yekaterina looked at the horrific Saga, and with the pain, her mouth twisted into an ugly smile, then she slowly said:

“I’m very happy, little brother.”

After speaking, she could no longer hold on and fell towards the silvery-white ice river below. Only then did the Golden Dragonfather move, catching Yekaterina with a dragon claw, carefully lifting her, and gentle golden light like liquid penetrated Yekaterina’s body, healing her wounds.

As Yekaterina completely lost her combat capability.

On the other side, although Saga was staggering, he still had clear consciousness and some ability to act.Under the watchful gaze of countless dragons and sea creatures, Saga’s molten gold-like eyes, though occasionally trembling with pain, remained calm and composed. His battered body exuded an indescribable tenacity, like an emperor who never admits defeat.

Even though this was a young dragon far younger than himself.

But the many great dragons couldn’t help but offer their respectful gazes, utterly subdued by his presence.

“I won.”

Saga’s body swayed slightly, his entire being wracked with searing pain, and his vision periodically darkened.

In this battle, Saga displayed skills that surpassed those of Yekaterina.

Especially the deflection force field, a powerful ability developed through transcendent spiritual thought during the awakening of his psychic powers, proved to be an impenetrable shield. Neither the Golden Dragon nor Yekaterina could breach it. It was Saga’s strongest defense, warding off countless injuries, unbreakable.

As for the annihilating dragon breath, it was Saga’s sharpest sword, as invincible as ever.

If he had fought cautiously, in a more underhanded manner, relying on his superior defense to gradually accumulate an advantage, Saga could have won more easily. But facing his dragon sister in this special battle, Saga refused to engage in evasive tactics, choosing instead the most ferocious head-on approach.

With the bloodlines of the Red Dragon and the Golden Dragon, deep within, Saga still favored the exhilarating and straightforward royal style of combat, which brought him immense satisfaction.

After a series of intense clashes, the two unleashed their damaging dragon breaths in a mutual onslaught, both sustaining injuries.

Yekaterina’s breath was also incredibly powerful.

Fortunately, while Yekaterina’s dragon breath had a vast range, its damage was not as concentrated, causing more dispersed harm to a single target. Thus, although Saga appeared grievously wounded, his flesh torn and bones exposed, the internal damage to his body was not life-threatening, merely severe.

One side lay unconscious, on the brink of death, nearly certain to die without external aid; the other, though gravely injured, remained conscious and capable of some movement.

Thus, the victor was clear.

At that moment, the Golden Dragonfather flew toward Saga, lifting him with another claw.

Rich golden light enveloped Saga, also healing his wounds, as waves of warm sensations flowed through him, his injuries rapidly mending.


The legendary Brass Dragon raised its voice in a chant:

“This unprecedentedly thrilling young dragon competition has come to a perfect close. Overcoming numerous opponents, outshining the stars, the champion who has ascended to the highest peak is—the Heart of Gold, Saga Alzhus!”

“It is my great honor to crown the champion!”

With a sweep of its dragon claw.

Amidst the roaring cheers and congratulations, a magical crown forged from the finest pure gold appeared, adjusting in size before gently settling between Saga’s three pairs of dragon horns, adding a regal aura to the little Golden Dragon.

Crowned with pure gold, his body battered, the little Golden Dragon lifted his head with the demeanor of an indomitable emperor.

His gaze swept over the multitude of dragons, and with a deep voice, under the watchful eyes of all, he made his declaration:

“I am the champion, the Heart of Gold, and I shall become the sovereign of this world!”

“In time, all shall revere me as—the Emperor Dragon!”

Hearing this audacious proclamation, many of the old fellows in Dragon City couldn’t help but chuckle in silence.

It reminded them of their own youth.

After all, which dragon hasn’t been proud in its younger days?

At the same time, as the title of Emperor Dragon made its first official debut and became widely recognized.

Far away on Thorn Isle in the Vortex Sea, the Red Dragoness, with sweeping and crushing moves, destroyed mechanisms and flattened traps, exploring the legendary Caster’s tomb to its end. And from it, she retrieved a very special and precious artifact that she herself could not use.

At that moment, the Red Dragoness, sensing something, gazed toward the Golden Sea.

“Little Saga, if you can stand on the heads of all the metallic young dragons and become the champion, before I journey to another dimension, I will leave this as a gift and reward for you.”

She whispered in her heart.

Vote for me.

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