Chapter 176 – The final match! Super high-pressure nuclear explosion fist

Saga’s battle with the Golden Dragon was fiercely intense, even brutal enough to rank among the top in all competitions, unparalleled in its ferocity.

When the victor emerged and the competition drew to a close.

The gravely wounded Golden Dragon, with a gaping bloody hole in its chest, was taken away by a legendary dragon for treatment. Its injuries were not severe, but it was exhausted and nearly depleted of strength. Saga, too, was treated with advanced restorative magic.

However, while the advanced restorative magic could heal the scars covering Saga’s body and replenish his physical and spiritual energy, it could not restore the Power Essence he had expended during the battle.

Saga’s body was still empty, in need of rest.

After the competition, Saga returned to the Dragon Palace, soaking in a magma pool with his eyes slightly closed, his golden diamond-scaled chest rhythmically rising and falling with each breath.

He replayed the battle scenes with the Golden Dragon in his mind, conducting a post-match analysis.

Moments later, Saga opened his eyes.

“The golden light shooting from its pupils, the beams sweeping from its back, and the peculiar ability to grow stronger the more it was injured… these were all trump cards the Golden Dragon had not shown in previous matches, each exceptionally powerful,” Saga exhaled, his expression calm, “Compared to this battle, the previous matches where I didn’t need to go all out were like leisurely relaxation.”

The image of the Golden Dragon’s radiant smile surfaced in Saga’s mind, and he thought silently, “It is said that Hyperion becomes stronger under the sun, bathed in its glory.”

“If the arena had not been deep in the sea but under the scorching sun, I might have lost this semifinal.”

“It is eight years my senior, now stepping into the higher realms, and fighting it was perilous, after all, it too could fight beyond its level.”

Eight years, a significant age gap for the current Hatchling Dragons, but as time passes, it will become increasingly inconsequential—a thousand years and a thousand and eight years are nearly indistinguishable.

“…What a thrilling battle it was, and I didn’t win easily.”

“But such an opponent is worth the fight.”

This competition was not merely Saga’s solo show.

As the defeated party, the Golden Dragon’s performance was equally dazzling. Had it sustained its ninth-tier state for just one more second, it could have turned defeat into victory. Yet, in front of Saga, that one second was like a chasm, seemingly insurmountable.

Saga and Hyperion’s Dance of the Twin Dragons left an indelible impression on countless dragons.

These two rising stars of the dragon race were unstoppable.

Sooner or later, they would ascend to the skies, their radiant scales illuminating many planes of existence, becoming pillars of the dragon race.

“The upcoming final will finally allow me to face off against my haughty dragon sister and determine the victor.”

Saga spread his wings and arms, leaning against the edge of the magma pool, his tail draped outside, his eyes half-closed.


Centered around Saga, invisible arcs of Force Field emerged in the surrounding space, continuously converging into his body. To those with the ability to perceive Force Fields, it appeared as a bizarre cocoon woven of countless threads.

The battle with the Golden Dragon Hyperion left Saga exhausted, but also with much to gain.

After every intense battle, Saga’s body would enter a state of hunger, absorbing the omnipresent Force Field energy more efficiently than usual, his mind far more active, thoughts swift as lightning, steadily strengthening his spiritual power.

Other dragons also experienced rapid growth after intense battles, but not as markedly as Saga.

“Whatever doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.”

Saga’s face was serene, his eyes tightly shut, his Dragon Might growing incrementally stronger with the passage of time.

Even without the talent to harness the basic forces, with Saga’s tenacious will and pursuit of power, his future achievements might not be as high as now, but certainly not much lower.


The door to the sleeping chamber suddenly opened.

Saga twitched his tail but did not open his half-closed eyes, continuing to soak in the magma pool and draw in Force Field energy.

A fiery figure stepped firmly into Saga’s chamber and eventually stopped across from him in the magma pool.

Gazing at Saga, feeling the growing strength of his aura, Yekaterina slowly spoke, her gaze sliding from Saga’s dragon horns down to his faceplate:

“Saga, I’m glad you won the semifinal.”

“It was a splendid fight, and your performance surprised me greatly.”

“You didn’t disappoint me, making it to the final to face me.”

Yekaterina had also watched Saga’s match with the Golden Dragon.

Even to the proud Yekaterina, it was indeed a fiercely intense battle.

She could tell that Saga’s victory was hard-won.

This year’s Hatchling Dragon competition was a battle among the extraordinary and the strong.

Saga, Hyperion, Yekaterina.

These three mixed-blood or pure-blood Golden Dragons were on a completely different level from other championship contenders.

“You watched my match.”

Hearing Yekaterina’s words, Saga slowly opened his eyes, his smile teasing:

“Yekaterina, I remember you once said you didn’t care who your opponent was, so why go out of your way to watch my match?”

Yekaterina’s expression stiffened slightly.

“I just, just on a whim, wanted to experience watching the match as a spectator, not because I care about you.”

Saga raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise.

“Oh? I never said you cared about me.”

Pretending to ponder, Saga’s expression turned to one of sudden realization: “So you went to watch it for me.”

Yekaterina, inadvertently admitting her actions in front of Saga, became angrily embarrassed, her tail flicking up a wave of magma that splashed over the unmoving Saga.


The Little Dragoness changed the subject.

Her lips curled into a smile like flames, using a prepared retort, she said to Saga:

“Saga, my foolish brother, your making it to the final proves your strength.”

“But, the championship is mine. I will defeat you in front of everyone, making you bow down to me. The stronger you are, the more thrilled I will be when I trample you underfoot.”

Looking straight into the eyes of her arrogantly poised dragon sister, Saga grinned and said:

“Save the big talk, my foolish sister. Otherwise, if you end up losing to me, I worry your pride will shatter, and you’ll run crying to our father.”

“Hmph, prepare well for the upcoming battle.” The Little Dragoness stood up, shaking her body, the magma sliding off her fiery red and gold scales.

After speaking, she turned to look at Saga one last time, then stepped out of the chamber.

Yekaterina returned to her own chamber, adjusting her state for the final just like Saga.

Though her mouth claimed the championship was hers, Yekaterina was not blindly arrogant. Having seen Saga’s match with the Golden Dragon, she understood deep down that Saga possessed immense strength. His narrow victory over the Golden Dragon was also an inevitable one.

“If I had faced the Golden Dragon, no matter the process, even if fraught with peril, I would have won just the same.”

“Because, anything that stands between us siblings will be destroyed and trampled. This is the unbreakable bond between us; we are destined to meet in the final.”

Alone, a faint smile appeared on the usually aloof Yekaterina’s faceplate.

A second later.

The smile vanished, and Yekaterina focused on adjusting her state.

Facing ordinary opponents, even championship favorites, the proud Yekaterina couldn’t be bothered to take them seriously, not even deigning to look them in the eye.

But, she knew her dragon brother was extraordinary.

If she truly underestimated Saga.

Then she would undoubtedly be the one to lose in the final.

Defeating an opponent as formidable as herself in the final would not be easy.

Peak condition, thorough preparation, and a bit of luck were all indispensable.

“Saga, my dear brother, of all the opponents in this competition, only you are worthy of my serious attention, only you can excite me. Let me trample you underfoot; you can only lose to me.”

Yekaterina, coiled up, murmured to herself.

On her body, interwoven golden threads glowed, emitting invisible yet destructive waves that radiated and then retracted, repeating the process.

In the quiet Dragon Palace.

In the bustling Dragon City of the deep sea.

Time ticked away second by second.

After reaching their peak states, Saga and Yekaterina were ready for the final to begin.

This time, the Golden Dragonfather, usually busy with affairs in Dragon City, set aside all tasks and personally escorted Saga and Yekaterina to the arena.

A majestic Golden Dragon with a wingspan over a hundred meters led the way.

Two comparatively tiny and adorable dragons, one red and one gold, followed behind.

This combination, appearing beneath the sea, caught the attention of countless sea creatures and dragons.

“Look, it’s the divine Golden Dragon Nagaias! It’s said to have stepped into the demigod realm and is one of the strongest True Dragons in our deep sea Dragon City.”

“Those two behind are Nagaias’s offspring.”

“Like their father, they are also the center of attention, two rising stars.”

“One is the champion of the last Hatchling Dragon competition and has made it to the final of the Young Dragon competition, while the other defeated the brightest Young Dragon star in Dragon City, also making it to the final.”

“This family of dragons is truly outstanding. Not one is ordinary.”

Various sea creatures and dragons of different forms and races murmured in admiration and envy.

During this time, the Golden Dragonfather seemed to be communicating with some dragons not visible to Saga and Yekaterina, occasionally nodding lightly, looking very satisfied, his dragon whiskers fluttering as if blooming with joy.

At Saga’s inquiry, the Golden Dragonfather stroked his whiskers and said with a smile:

“I’m boasting about my offspring to some Old Fellows.”

“In this year’s Young Dragon competition, many outstanding Young Dragons are the descendants of some old relics of Dragon City, many of whom you have soundly defeated. Your performance has brought me great honor.”

While speaking, they moved on, and soon, under the watchful eyes of many, Saga and Yekaterina arrived at the arena with the Golden Dragonfather.

Outside the arena.

The Golden Dragonfather looked down at the two little ones, only about ten meters long, and spoke warmly:

“Saga, Yekaterina.”

“Although I’ve been very busy lately, I’ve still been following your matches and have seen your performances.”

“You have made me incredibly proud.”

He reflected, “Hundreds of years ago, when I was a Young Dragon, I too longed to reach the final and yearned for the honor of being a champion, but regrettably, even the top eight were beyond my reach at that time.”

Before consuming divine power, the Golden Dragonfather was only a bit better than an ordinary True Dragon, but not by much.

“If I could have made it to the top eight, I would have been overjoyed, but unfortunately, I couldn’t.”

After a pause, the Golden Dragonfather patted the heads of the two little dragons, his face showing pride:

“But you have fulfilled my past regrets.”

“Seeing you overcome obstacles and step by step make it to the final, I am very gratified.”

His gaze shifted slightly between the two little dragons, and the Golden Dragonfather’s tone became serious:

“Saga, Yekaterina, remember, no matter which of you wins or loses, it is a cause for celebration. Do not be disheartened by a momentary failure.”

His tone relaxed, and the Golden Dragonfather smiled:

“The moon has its phases, and it’s hard for dragons to always be victorious.”

“Being too rigid can lead to breaking. Appropriate failure can actually be a good thing for both of you. I have a lot of experience with this, after all, at your age, I was far from as outstanding as you.”

After a pause, the Golden Dragonfather’s demeanor gradually revealed the majesty of a demigod Golden Dragon, showing a hint of arrogance:

“But now, looking across this entire material world, how many creatures dare to disrespect me?”

His proud posture flashed by.

When looking at the two little dragons, the Golden Dragonfather became gentle again.

Saga and Yekaterina exchanged glances, then looked at the Golden Dragonfather and nodded lightly, saying, “We understand, Father.”

There was still some time before the start of the match.

The Golden Dragonfather and the two finalists were not in a hurry to enter the arena.

Meanwhile, Saga curiously asked the Golden Dragonfather:

“In the deep sea Dragon City, are you always busy? Don’t you have any kin to help you with affairs?”

Hearing this, the Golden Dragonfather’s brows instinctively furrowed, then slowly relaxed.

The Golden Dragonfather exhaled and said, “It’s not usually like this, but now, the deep sea Dragon City has encountered some trouble, and I cannot be negligent.”

Yekaterina asked in confusion, “With the strength of the deep sea Dragon City, what trouble could there be?”

Saga also looked at the Golden Dragonfather with curiosity.

Under the gaze of the two little dragons, the Golden Dragonfather fell silent, seemingly contemplating whether to answer Yekaterina’s question.

After a few seconds, the Golden Dragonfather’s voice resonated directly in the minds of the two little dragons.

“In a deep trench within the deep sea Dragon City, an ancient Silver Dragon delved into the seabed, seeking to explore the trench’s ultimate depths. Unfortunately, it accidentally unearthed a rather troublesome rift—a rift connecting to the Kaserli Exile Abyss.”

Hearing this, Saga and Yekaterina were slightly taken aback, then their pupils constricted.

The Kaserli Exile Abyss.

In the records of dragon heritage, this is a plane for the exiled, a prison plane in the multiverse.

Almost no creature chooses to live in the Kaserli Exile Abyss voluntarily. Exiles, avoiders, defeated ones, as well as rebels, backstabbers, and those with unspeakable ambitions, like their souls, are all sent here. This plane is a complete prison, and nearly all creatures in the Kaserli Exile Abyss are trying to find a way out, to escape.

One can imagine.

A group of prisoners struggling in despair in a dark world, if they discovered a rift to the material world, how terrifying their madness would be.

“Don’t be nervous, even if the sky falls, there are taller dragons to hold it up.”

The Golden Dragonfather smiled slightly and said:

“Moreover, this rift was just born not long ago, and before those mad prisoners discovered it, it had already been successfully sealed. To be safe, it is currently being reinforced.”

The two little dragons’ agitated hearts settled down.

After a brief chat with the Golden Dragonfather, Saga and Yekaterina put the matter of the Kaserli Exile Abyss rift behind them. After all, at their current level, they couldn’t get involved in matters concerning outer planes that troubled the entire deep sea Dragon City. Worrying was useless.

Their immediate and unanimous goal was the same—

To win the championship of this competition!

The final was about to start, and Saga and Yekaterina entered the arena, with the Golden Dragonfather appearing in the spectator stands for the first time, his imposing figure drawing the attention of many dragons and sea creatures.

Boom boom boom!

The drumming in the deep sea was more intense than ever before.

Amid the fervent atmosphere, the legendary Brass Dragon emerged with a flourish, its entire body rotating around its spine in a showy ascent, finally spreading its wings and creating ripples in the water like blooming flowers.

“Let us welcome with enthusiastic cheers the two finalists!”

The roar of the dragons thundered, the sound waves layered, the pressure filling the sea.

“Dragon Empress Yekaterina Alzhus! Heart of Gold Saga Alzhus!”


In the newly repaired arena, the metallic ground slowly split open, and under the focused light of the magic jellyfish, two dragons, one red and one gold, emerged from within, standing nearly a kilometer apart, gazing at each other from a distance.

“This long-awaited battle between siblings has finally begun!”

“This pair of dragons with exceptional talent, surpassing countless Young Dragons, have both entered the final. The long-awaited battle between siblings has finally begun!”

After a brief pause, the legendary Brass Dragon gestured with its arm.

Crack crack! The metallic ground of the arena suddenly collapsed from the outside in, layer by layer, until only about a kilometer was left, with the two dragons just at the edge of the ground.

For the two dragons, whose physical strength was comparable to adult or even mature dragons.

This was undoubtedly a narrow space, although their battle would not be confined to the ground of the arena.

At the same time.

Saga and Yekaterina both felt a bone-chilling cold.

They turned their heads to look behind them at the collapsing floor.

A dense, tangible white frost spread, quickly filling the entire space below the arena, leaving only a small platform of about a kilometer. The frost congealed together, turning the seawater silver-white without freezing it, forming a vast silver-white ice river.

The piercing cold that had filled the surroundings was now contained within the silver-white ice river.

The seawater in contact with it was not the least bit cold, but inside the silver-white ice river, there was a bone-chilling cold that even dragons found hard to bear.

Saga extended the tip of his tail and probed into the silver-white ice river.

Hiss. The extreme cold gave the little golden dragon a Shock, and he immediately withdrew his tail, seeing a layer of frost on the tip.

Looking up.

Yekaterina was also shaking her tail, now covered in frost, her dragon brows slightly furrowed.

“This is an extreme cold ice river formed with a portion of the ancient Silver Dragon’s frost breath.”

“For two fire-attribute mixed-blood Golden Dragons, it’s like a dangerous land!”

“This dangerous special terrain, what kind of variables will it bring to the final?”

To make the battle more exciting and thrilling, this final introduced the ice river terrain, which was dangerous for both Saga and Yekaterina, on the suggestion of the legendary Brass Dragon.

The dragons and sea creatures in the spectator stands all showed great anticipation for the match.

Then, the legendary Brass Dragon looked at Yekaterina with excitement.

“Yekaterina Alzhus, as the champion of the last Hatchling Dragon competition, who entered the final with an overwhelming presence, will she maintain her undefeated record, defeat her own dragon brother, and win the Young Dragon championship for the second time, becoming a two-time champion?”

Turning to Saga, it continued:

“Saga Alzhus, he made the star of Dragon City, Hyperion, fall in the semifinal, defeating a former Hatchling Dragon champion under his dragon wings. In the final, can he defeat another Hatchling Dragon champion and claim two champions in one match?”

Taking a deep breath.

The voice of the legendary Brass Dragon echoed and undulated in the arena.

“Let us all, watch with bated breath!”

“The grand final, begins now!”

Crack crack crack. The platform beneath their feet began to shake, with fine cracks spreading at an unstoppable pace, chunks of metal breaking away from the edges and plunging into the silver-white ice river below, instantly enveloped by layers of ice crystals.

As time passed, even the kilometer-wide platform would crumble.

Soon, only the perilous terrain of the silver-white ice river would remain beneath the arena space.


Their gaze shifting from the platform beneath their feet, the two dragons locked eyes.

“Saga, come on, show me your strength!” Yekaterina took a step forward.

Hum hum hum!

Threads of gold, like a spider’s web or lightning, lit up across her fiery red scales, not as brilliant as the Golden Dragon’s but exuding a dangerous and profound golden hue.

The golden threads included those within Yekaterina’s pupils.

As her gaze shifted, they shimmered with a peculiar luster, quite extraordinary.

At the same time, an invisible yet dangerous radiating field spread out, enveloping Saga within it.

Saga narrowed his eyes, feeling the environment around him suddenly become oppressive and perilous, and activated a deflection Force Field, keeping the radiation from Yekaterina at bay.

“Let me trample you underfoot!” With a low roar, Yekaterina shattered the already cracked platform beneath her, her body blazing like a vivid, gold-wrapped flame, charging head-on towards Saga.

“Come and try,” Saga responded with a deep roar, moving without showing any weakness, the platform beneath him shattering as well.

Crash crash crash!

The two dragons flapped their wings to accelerate, charging forward, their steps causing the platform to break apart and tremble violently.

When they closed to about a hundred meters apart.


Saga’s hind legs pushed off, sending chunks of metal flying as he leaped into the air, a dense network of gravitational lines converging on his right fist. Twisting his body, he coiled his power before unleashing it like a meteor with a punch.

“Yekaterina, submit to my power!”

Super-Heavy Charged Punch!

Below, Yekaterina surged forward and suddenly rose on her hind legs.

Reflected in her eyes was her own imposing and ferocious dragon brother. Yekaterina’s lips curled slightly, a rare smile appearing on her cool face, a smile of excitement and pleasure.

“Saga, bow down to me!”

With a roar, the golden threads on Yekaterina’s body flickered darkly.

At the same time, golden particles began to materialize out of thin air around her clenched dragon fist, gathering towards it and turning Yekaterina’s right dragon fist into a deep, dark golden color.

This was the first time Yekaterina had revealed this ability in the competition.

Facing her powerful dragon brother, she held nothing back and chose to go all out.

Super-High Pressure Nuclear Punch!


Under the tense gaze of countless dragons, the two fists, carrying the momentum of earth-shattering force, collided head-on without any reservation.

In an instant, blinding light and intense heat burst forth.

Tons of seawater evaporated, creating a vacuum filled with intense light and flames around the two dragons. Waves of super-high pressure shockwaves surged, causing chaotic currents even outside the vacuum. The metallic platform beneath them was torn to shreds, with more cracks spreading into the distance.


Like a hurricane passing through, the flames and light were split apart, a pathway punched through by the fierce force, with seawater being pushed away in large swathes.

Then, accompanied by thunderous sounds of fists colliding, more intense light and flames erupted, with super-heavy punches piercing through the flames.

Within the tumultuous flames.

Two shadowy dragon figures clashed fiercely, each contact accompanied by bright light and high pressure, and the super-heavy pressure that split the seawater, creating terrifying shockwaves that swept across the arena, making it seem as if disaster had struck.

Saga and Yekaterina spared no expense with their power, their vigorous energy seemingly endless.

“Are these really Young Dragons?!”

Many dragons in the spectator stands twitched, cursing inwardly, wondering how there could be such a huge gap between dragons. When they were at the Young Dragon stage, they probably couldn’t even scratch the scales of their opponents.

Boom boom boom!

The intensity of the battle continued to escalate, with explosive ripples constantly arriving.

As the platform, already weakened, teetered on the brink of collapse, it shook violently, riddled with cracks and fissures.

At the same time, in the most intense central area of flames and high pressure.

Saga’s eyes blazed like molten gold, his horns winding majestically, and with a low growl, he unleashed a super-heavy punch.

Across from him, Yekaterina’s body shimmered with golden threads as she withstood Saga’s super-heavy Force Field, seemingly unaffected by the formidable force as she drew in golden nuclear particles for her explosive punch, her presence overwhelming.

Both dragons wore expressions of sheer exhilaration on their faceplates.

Without any preliminaries or reservations, they unleashed their full power upon contact, engaging in a heated battle that saw hundreds of explosive exchanges in just a few seconds.

They both thoroughly enjoyed this full-throttle intense battle.

Bang bang bang!

After a rapid series of exchanges.

The two dragons, standing on the platform, leaned back slightly, coiling their spines, and drew back their fists for a brief charge before striking out with full force.

The full-strength super-heavy charged punch and super-high pressure nuclear punch collided.


Fire and light burst forth, spreading across the sky, with super-high pressure shockwaves radiating out, causing the energy walls at the edges to reveal a dense grid structure.Meanwhile, beneath the feet of the two dragons, amid a cacophony of shattering sounds, the teetering metal platform collapsed completely, breaking apart with their standing points as the epicenter.

Countless shards of metal plummeted into the silvery-white ice river, becoming encased in frost.

Amidst this scene of devastation and ruin, two figures—one golden, one crimson—were engulfed in flames, hurtling backward in opposite directions.

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