Chapter 161 – Swallowing gods and devouring demons, the perfect match for parents

Although it was the first time he had heard the term "Versailles," Golden Dragonfather understood its meaning through Saga's previous remarks.


The majestic Golden Dragon, with a smile on his face, said:


"Saga, Yekaterina, both of you are so outstanding, and your mother is also very powerful. How could I, as your father, be ordinary?"


After a pause, Golden Dragonfather's gaze deepened as he continued:


"Perhaps, besides the Outsider abilities you have already shown, you have both inherited my talents."


Saga and Yekaterina both became slightly excited.


"Father, is there a way to verify this?"


Golden Dragonfather nodded and then shook his head, saying, "If you could come into contact with Transcendent divine power, there would be a chance to prove it, but unfortunately, such opportunities are rare."


Otherwise, Golden Dragonfather wouldn't have discovered he was an Outsider Dragon only after becoming legendary.


The so-called Outsider Dragons refer to a broad category, not just dragons whose appearance and abilities are naturally mutated.


Any dragon with unique talents not possessed by ordinary True Dragons, including pureblood Dragon Kind, can be considered Outsider Dragons. Within dragon society, Outsider Dragons are often synonymous with exceptionally talented individuals.


The Silver Dragon who could naturally sense outer planes.


The Golden Giant Mountain whose body grew rapidly.


The Glittering Golden Dragon that could absorb the power of the sun.


The Madflame who mastered spell-like abilities before even hatching.


Including Saga and Yekaterina, these young dragons were all considered Outsider Dragons.


However, there are differences in strength among Outsiders, and who is stronger or weaker would be witnessed in the upcoming young dragon competition.


As for Golden Dragonfather's talents, they were definitely among the most formidable within the Outsider Dragons.


"Devouring and digesting divine power. Golden Dragonfather should be around five hundred years old now, but he only became legendary in his prime and then made rapid progress in a short age bracket, probably stepping into the demigod realm by now."


"Ordinary talents couldn't achieve this. If only I had inherited this talent from Golden Dragonfather," Saga thought to himself.


At the same time, he curiously asked, "Father, how did you discover you had this talent?"


"That's a long story, and it actually involves your mother," Golden Dragonfather said with a slight smile, then began to recount the tale.


Saga and Yekaterina listened quietly, gradually coming to an understanding.


According to Golden Dragonfather:


He was still legendary and had not been with the Red Dragoness for long when they encountered the Lord of Avernus Hell, Duke Bael, who had descended into the prime material world.


A legendary Golden Dragon, plus a Red Dragon not yet legendary, were far from a match for a Lord of Hell.


In a desperate moment, the blood-soaked Golden Dragonfather prayed to the Platinum Dragon God and was fortunate to receive a response.


Then, the Platinum Dragon God, who ranked high among the deities, used Golden Dragonfather as a vessel for Divine Transformation, subjugating the Lord of Hell, shattering him into pieces, and nearly causing his complete downfall.


"Hmm, the Dragon God couldn't directly kill the Lord of Hell because of my influence," Golden Dragonfather scratched his head, saying:


"When I was about to deliver the final blow to the Lord of Hell, my body instinctively devoured a portion of the Dragon God's divine power, giving the Lord of Hell a chance to escape death."


Spreading his claws, Golden Dragonfather continued under his children's odd gazes:


"I couldn't help it, after all, I didn't even know I had such a talent before this."


After a pause, Golden Dragonfather added:


"The Lord of Hell escaped, but the Dragon God didn't blame me. Instead, he bestowed more divine power upon me. Over the years, I've digested this divine power and grown to where I am now."


"During this time, I've also found several damaged artifacts from my kin and successfully devoured the remnants of divine power on them, confirming my talent."


Saga flicked his tail, exclaiming:


"Father, if you devoured a complete god, could you ascend to godhood or gain power comparable to the deities?"


Golden Dragonfather licked his lips subconsciously, a mix of wariness and eagerness in his voice:


"Perhaps, but it's also possible I'd be blown apart. I don't know my limits, and the gods are lofty with Transcendent power, not so easily offended."


"But if there's a chance, I might try."


Golden Dragonfather's potential was undoubtedly astonishing.


Not knowing one's limits means being far from reaching them.


After learning about Golden Dragonfather's situation, Saga thought to himself:


"The Demon Duke sealed by the Red Dragoness must be the dying Lord of Avernus Hell, not just any Demon Duke."


He realized he had underestimated the Red Dragoness.


A Lord of Hell, even in a dying state, should not be underestimated. Daring to covet his power and seal him within her own body, she could truly be described as audacious.


Thinking of the Red Dragoness, Saga looked up at his father.


"The Golden Dragonfather capable of rapid growth by devouring Transcendent divine power, the Red Dragoness who sealed a Demon Lord and extracted the power of Hell. My parents are truly a perfect match; no wonder they came together."


Saga couldn't help but marvel.


After communicating with Golden Dragonfather for a while, Saga and Yekaterina were well-rested and continued their preparations for the competition, while Golden Dragonfather occasionally left and returned to silently accompany them, imparting many skills not found in their heritage.


Exploring basic force abilities, increasing proficiency.


Learning psychic knowledge.


Battling with a tier-eight Coral Constructed Dragon.


Occasionally returning to the sleeping chamber, soaking in the comfortable undersea magma pool under the care of the water spirit maids.


And so, time passed day by day.


One day.




A muffled sound like thunder erupted, and countless undercurrents surged.


The young Golden Dragon, sent flying by a headbutt from the Coral Constructed Dragon, landed steadily and, feeling his own condition, showed a delighted expression, not in a hurry to continue the fight.


The water flowed turbulently.


Saga's aura climbed steadily, and then naturally broke through to the sixth tier.


The last slumber had brought Saga to the peak of the fifth tier.


After accumulating experience over this period and under the immense pressure of the high-tier eight Coral Constructed Dragon, Saga naturally advanced, becoming a tier-six lifeform.


Taking a deep breath.


Saga looked at the Coral Constructed body and extended his dragon claw.


Super Gravity Field—Sixfold!




The sea churned, the super gravity field descended, and the high-tier eight, massive Coral Constructed Dragon suddenly found its body pressed low, belly scraping the ground, struggling to withstand the impact of the super gravity field.


"With the power to dominate among dragons, I'm even more confident in becoming the young dragon champion," Saga thought contentedly.


"The Glittering Golden Dragon Hyperion reached high-tier at fourteen."


"And I've just entered the young dragon stage. Although the leap from mid-tier to high-tier is difficult, given my growth rate, it's still very possible that I could reach the high-tier level before fourteen, no, even before fourteen."


"It's a pity, if I were born a few years earlier, I would have been the first dragon in the history of the Deep Sea Dragon City to become a high-tier lifeform during the young dragon stage."


The young Golden Dragon lifted his head.


As Saga reveled in his breakthrough, elsewhere, Yekaterina, not to be outdone, stood up, barely holding off the Coral Constructed Dragon's massive claw.


Her body was forced down inch by inch, clearly overpowered by the strength of the tier-eight Coral Constructed Dragon.


At that moment.


The golden threads on Yekaterina's body suddenly lit up with a dazzling brilliance.




Her heart's pumping sounded like a nuclear explosion, and Yekaterina's aura surged, her strength greatly increased, and in that brief moment, she managed to hold off the Coral Constructed Dragon's claw.


A few seconds later.


The Little Dragoness was swept away by the Coral Constructed Dragon's tail, but after stabilizing her landing, she showed an excited and thrilled expression on her faceplate, just like Saga, she had just broken through to the sixth tier.


Turning her head, Yekaterina teased Saga with a raised eyebrow, her previous dissatisfaction and suppression swept away, replaced by her usual proud demeanor.


"Hmph, my foolish brother, I won't lose to you."


She spoke like a victorious rooster, head held high.


"However, I was the first to break through, you're one step behind me."


The young Golden Dragon spread his claws, pointing out bluntly, leaving Yekaterina at a loss for words and annoyed.


"Saga, Yekaterina."


"Your rate of growth astounds me."


After both breaking through to the sixth tier during pre-competition training, Saga and Yekaterina didn't continue with high-intensity training but began to stabilize their realms under Golden Dragonfather's guidance, controlling their newly enhanced powers.


Finally, they set aside all training and rested for several days.


In the sleeping chamber's magma pool, Saga was enjoying the gentle massages of the water spirit maids, while the continuous warmth nourished his body, allowing his tense mind and body to relax, moving freely at will.


After a while.


Saga dismissed the water spirit maids and climbed out of the magma pool.


Stretching his body, the young Golden Dragon shook his head and then walked out of the sleeping chamber unhurriedly, meeting Yekaterina at the coral training ground.


Golden Dragonfather was waiting there.


Seeing Saga's approaching figure, Golden Dragonfather smiled and whispered to Saga and Yekaterina, "My children, go and become champions."


The day for the young dragon competition had arrived, right on schedule.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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