Chapter 157 – The dragon clan’s stars are shining, and I will be like the bright moon in the sky



A fourteen-year-old young dragon, a high-tier level seven?


Is this for real?


Aside from the Golden Dragon, Red Dragon, Iron Dragon, Amethyst Dragon, and other powerful dragon kinds that lead their respective breeds, the majority of dragon species average around level seven when they reach adulthood.


The adult Topaz Dragon and Brass Dragon that Saga had previously encountered were both just high-tier level sevens.


A young dragon that has already reached high-tier level seven can only be described as a monstrous aberration.


If it continues to grow at this terrifying rate into adulthood, it's unimaginable how high it could reach.


Its ability to absorb the power of the sun is also quite special. The sun, as a celestial body, holds a unique status, and deities with the authority of the sun are invariably high-level divine powers.


It's worth mentioning that there's a rare breed of True Dragons that particularly love living on the surface of the sun, known as Sun Dragons.


However, Sun Dragons don't have the innate talent to actively absorb solar power; they can only passively receive some nourishment from solar energy. Their survival on the sun relies on a fire resistance that surpasses all other fire attribute True Dragons.


The growth rate of Sun Dragons isn't particularly fast, certainly not compared to this resplendent Golden Dragon. One is a rare dragon breed, the other an Outsider Golden Dragon; the difference between the two is significant.


"Having such an opponent, this trip to the deep-sea Dragon City was not in vain."


Hearing of such an adversary, Saga licked his lips.


He wasn't apprehensive; instead, his fighting spirit soared even higher.


Saga was looking forward to it, eager to battle this young dragon that was most likely to claim the honor of a seven-time champion, and then defeat it.


In the deep-sea Dragon City, where monstrous young dragons abound and the stars shine brightly, Saga's goal was to become the unique 'Bright Moon' that outshines the group, surpassing many strong contenders.


A high-tier level seven resplendent Golden Dragon did not intimidate Saga.


If victory could be determined solely by level, then there would be no need for battle.


The high-tier creatures that have fallen under Saga's wings are not few, and a high-tier level seven dragon is not enough to make Saga retreat. On the contrary, it made him even more earnest and expectant, his fighting spirit blazing like fire.


"A resplendent Golden Dragon? Never heard of it."


"No matter how formidable it is, the honor of the young dragon champion will definitely be mine."


Yekaterina flicked her tail, speaking with nonchalance.


The little Silver Dragon blinked curiously:


"Sister Yekaterina, you're entering the young dragon competition, but you don't know about the resplendent Golden Dragon? It's the biggest favorite to win the championship, um, besides the resplendent Golden Dragon, there are also other formidable young dragons, don't you know?"


Yekaterina responded, "I don't care, because the champion can only be me."


This Little Dragoness had never even considered the possibility that there could be a young dragon stronger than herself.


Saga stroked his chin's fine scales, teasingly laughed, and said: "Yekaterina, you're so confident, but what if you don't even make it to the finals? Will you cry?"




Yekaterina was unfazed.


Saga smacked his lips and suddenly said, "Do you want to become a Mind Warlock? If you do, I can teach you. I suddenly feel that if you became a Mind Warlock, your progress on this path might even be faster than mine."


The little Silver Dragon, Ilyag Song, burst into laughter.


"Is Brother Saga teasing Sister Yekaterina for being too arrogant?"


Low emotional intelligence: Arrogance.


High emotional intelligence: You would surely be an outstanding Mind Warlock.


Indeed, creatures with innate arrogance are suited to become Mind Warlocks because they believe themselves to be invincible and have a strong will.


But this also has its drawbacks.


For example, after experiencing a devastating defeat that is hard to accept, they can easily be so struck that they fall into a state of depression and self-doubt, halting their progress or even regressing.


Yekaterina snorted coldly and said to Saga:


"My foolish brother, wait until I beat you so badly in the arena that you're searching for your teeth on the ground, then you'll know whether I can become the champion."


At that moment, the Golden Dragonfather's gaze shifted, looking at Saga with inquiry: "Have you already awakened your psychic abilities and embarked on the path of a Mind Warlock?"


Saga nodded slightly, a glint of psychic brilliance shining in his eyes.


He didn't speak, but his voice echoed in the hearts of several dragons, saying, "Yes, the path of a Mind Warlock suits me."


After a pause, Saga counter-asked:


"I also sense unusual powers in you. Have you, too, pursued transcendent paths that suit you in your heritage?"


None of the dragons present were ordinary True Dragons; all were exceptional individuals willing to forsake laziness in pursuit of power.


The reason why the Dragon Kind could stand at the pinnacle of the pyramid was partly due to their generally legendary high average level, and partly due to these individuals who were more outstanding than ordinary dragons. They are the backbone of the Dragon Kind, the true depth of the dragon race.


Golden Dragonfather glanced at Yekaterina, then quietly said:


"I have found knowledge of a Dimensionist in my heritage, and I have been working hard towards it, with some achievements already."


A Dimensionist, a type of Caster specializing in spatial Spells.


There aren't many dimensional Spells, but their effects are often very strong.


This bulky and rapidly developing Golden Dragon, even surpassing Saga and Yekaterina in growth, combined with the agile and unpredictable dimensional Spells, indeed made for a good combination.


The little Silver Dragon, Ilyag Song, said with a giggle:


"I don't like to engage in combat myself; it's too inelegant and cute. Moreover, I have a unique affinity and perception for the outer planes, and I easily gain the favor of Outsiders, so I learned the Spells of the Necromancy school, focusing on summoning."


Shaping, Necromancy, Curses, Prophecy, Transformation, Protection, Enchantment, Illusion.


The school of Curses is one of the eight schools of magic, containing many summoning Spells.


A Dimensionist, a Necromancer summoner—Saga nodded and then turned to Yekaterina.


The other two young dragons also looked at the 'Dragon Empress.'


Under the gaze of several dragons, Yekaterina slowly said:


"I have no interest in the little tricks you're learning. I prefer to spend my time honing my combat skills. I think none of the magic, none of the abilities are as reliable as my claws and teeth."


She was a rather pure warrior dragon.


Yekaterina did possess some spell-like abilities, but her main reliance was on her True Dragon body and formidable combat skills.


When Yekaterina fought with a Bronze Dragon much older than herself, Saga, who was watching from the sidelines, noticed that Yekaterina had strong keen reactions and combat instincts.


Her combat skills were formidable.


Offense, defense, counterattack, finding opportunities, piercing weaknesses—these were her strengths.


Leaving the hunting grounds, the dragons flew to other parts of Metal Dragon Isle.


While soaring swiftly through the air, Saga asked the little Silver Dragon, Ilyag Song, "Ilyag Song, you're quite familiar with the famous young dragons, right?"


The little Silver Dragon nodded, "Yes, indeed."


"Tell me about them; I want to know how many formidable rivals are worth noting."


Unlike Yekaterina's blind confidence, Saga was bold but meticulous, confident yet careful. He believed he needed to learn more about the strong competitors in the competition.


"The resplendent Golden Dragon is the biggest favorite to win, but besides it, there are indeed other favorites, all exceptional beings."


"Sister Yekaterina is one of them, you know her well, so I won't elaborate."


The little Silver Dragon cleared her throat and said, "Known as Black Iron Wing, Lexander, thirteen years old, a hybrid of Iron Dragon and Cobalt Dragon, possesses an indestructible strong scale armor and the ability traits of both Iron and Cobalt Dragons."


Hearing this, Saga was slightly taken aback.


A hybrid of Iron and Cobalt Dragons?


"Are there descendants of the Heavy Metal Dragons here?" he couldn't help but ask.


The Heavy Metal Dragon clan, also known as the Sub-Iron Dragon clan, is not part of the Metal Dragon clan.


Long ago, these two dragon clans were one family, and the Sub-Iron Dragon clan once held a pivotal position, but later, they were excommunicated from the Metal Dragon clan by the decree of the Platinum Dragon God and gradually weakened.


The conflict between the Metal Dragon clan and the Sub-Iron Dragon clan is even greater than that between the Metal Dragons and the Chromatic Dragons.


"I heard that an ancient dragon elder encountered an abandoned dragon egg in the wild and, taking pity, brought it to Metal Dragon Isle to raise. Lexander's temperament is relatively normal, and he has not been ostracized on Metal Dragon Isle."


Then, the little Silver Dragon continued:


"Known as Mad Flame, the Brass Dragon Shirudi, fifteen years old, a pure-blood Brass Dragon. This guy is said to have awakened spell-like abilities as soon as he hatched. He often boasts that he started learning Spells while still in the egg. His mastery of Spells is high, but…"


The little Silver Dragon showed a strange expression and said:


"He only uses Fireball Spells. According to Shirudi, the Fireball is the true art. He has mastered a series of bizarre but powerful Fireball Spells."


Saga listened quietly.


As time passed, the little Silver Dragon mentioned about a dozen famous young dragons considered favorites to win the championship, and Saga noted their characteristics and strengths.


"I'm not just going to beat Yekaterina; I'm going to strive to become the young dragon champion."


"Being new here, the young dragons don't know much about me. When the competition starts, I can hide some of my abilities in the early matches and then use them at critical moments later on."


Saga took this young dragon competition very seriously.


"It's rare to come to the deep-sea Dragon City; how can I not leave behind some noteworthy deeds? Passing by quietly is not my style. Moreover, making the Golden Dragonfather proud of me might even earn me some extra rewards."


"When I go to Thorn Isle again and tell Mother Dragon that I've trampled all the metal young dragons of the deep-sea Dragon City underfoot, she'll probably give me some good stuff if she's happy."


"Playing both sides, heh heh."


Saga rubbed his claws, looking forward to what was to come.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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