Chapter 153 – Saga: I really want to keep a low profile, but my looks won’t allow it

"Hey, Yekaterina, the Hatchling Dragon competition is about to start. Are you participating?"


Eliyaga asked curiously.


Yekaterina glanced at Saga and then lifted her head, saying:


"Of course, I plan to claim the dual champion title first, and during the competition, I'll defeat Saga in front of everyone, making him bow to me."


"Big talk."


Saga responded indifferently.


"Oh, so Brother Saga is participating too."


The Little Silver Dragon's gaze shifted between Saga and Yekaterina, then asked curiously, "What's the relationship between you two? You seem very close."


"He (She) is just my foolish little brother (sister)."


Saga and Yekaterina said in unison, then exchanged a glance, with sparks seemingly flying in the air between them.


"I see."


"I'm rooting for both of you, whoever competes, I'll be cheering for you."


The Little Silver Dragon said cheerfully.


After a pause, she added:


"By the way, I'm also joining the Hatchling Dragon competition. We might face each other, so please go easy on me, I'm very weak."




Saga remained noncommittal on that point.


His perception was very sharp.


He had a way of analyzing the strength of a target through Force Field perception.


Saga had long noticed that any lifeform would cause an interaction with the Force Field, from dust to planets, the difference being the magnitude of the Force Field reaction.


Including strength, vitality, Magic Power, spirit, and so on, the higher the overall energy level of a lifeform, the stronger the Force Field reaction in Saga's perception.


The Little Silver Dragon, Eliyaga, in Saga's perception, had already reached a life level of 13, a solid sixth-order lifeform, and not just at the beginning of the sixth order.


"To reach the sixth order at ten years old, even for a Silver Dragon, is definitely a sign of exceptional talent."


Saga thought to himself.


"Winning the Hatchling Dragon competition won't be easy."


"This is a gathering place for countless Metal Dragons, and there are certainly many with extraordinary talents. Facing fourteen or fifteen-year-old Hatchling Dragons with strong gifts won't be easy."


"However, this is truly something to look forward to."


"I want to see how many Hatchling Dragons with exceptional talents there are on this vast Dragon Island and Dragon City, and where I, Saga, will rank among them!"


Participating in the Hatchling Dragon competition at six years old was not in his favor.


But Saga did not shrink back; his fighting spirit soared, and his Golden Dragon eyes sparkled with excitement.


After chatting briefly on the spot, the three Hatchling Dragons took to the sky and went off to play elsewhere.


Some time later, near a vast inland sea on Metal Dragon Island, Saga and the others landed.


"This is one of the favorite playgrounds for Hatchling and young Dragons."


Yekaterina said, breathing out sparks from her nostrils:


"Most of them here have been defeated by me."


After speaking, Yekaterina flapped her wings, like a red and gold meteor, swaggering towards the beach at the edge of the inland sea, and landed casually.


Her chosen spot was where a few young Dragons were playing.


Upon seeing Yekaterina's arrival, the nearby young Dragons shouted.


"Yekaterina is here, Yekaterina is here!"


"Stay away from her if you don't want to get beaten up."


Whoosh! A multitude of Hatchling Dragons flew away, leaving few Dragons within a kilometer radius of Yekaterina, except for some larger, older Dragons nearing adolescence who remained, eyeing Yekaterina.


Yekaterina landed on all fours and looked up at Saga still in mid-air, her eyes gleaming with pride, enjoying the fear she instilled in the other young Dragons.


"My foolish little brother, I'll show you the strength of the 'Dragon Empress.'"


Thinking this, Yekaterina turned her gaze to the few remaining older Hatchling Dragons.


"What are you looking at?"


Her pupils turned vertical, her voice suppressed and dangerous, directly challenging the older Hatchling Dragons sizing her up.


These Dragons, each over ten meters long and considered large Magical Creatures in the outside world, responded to Yekaterina's challenge: "What's wrong with looking at you?"


Showing weakness in the face of a challenge would be looked down upon.


The older Hatchling Dragons were not intimidated by Yekaterina.


"Nothing much, just that you're about to get beaten up."


"Do you want to come at me one by one, or all at once?"


Yekaterina said contemptuously.


The older Hatchling Dragons were annoyed by Yekaterina's attitude.


However, ganging up on a younger, smaller Dragon of their own kind was not something they were willing to do. One of the largest and oldest, a fifteen-year-old Bronze Dragon, stepped forward and whispered to Yekaterina:


"The reigning Hatchling Dragon champion, Dragon Empress Yekaterina."


"I've heard you're fierce and arrogant, but I must remind you, when facing older Dragons, you'd better show some respect."


With a flap of her wings, Yekaterina, facing the larger older Hatchling Dragon, charged forward aggressively, roaring.


"Respect? Only the strong deserve respect, not the elderly!"


A battle between the six-year-old Hatchling Dragon champion and the fifteen-year-old older Hatchling Dragon began.


"Fight! Fight! Fight!"


"Dragon Empress will prevail!"


"Go Kachim, teach that arrogant one a lesson!"


Many Hatchling and young Dragons gathered around, shouting loudly.


Saga and the Little Silver Dragon were also among them.


He saw Yekaterina and the Bronze Dragon refusing to back down, clashing head-on fiercely, with the smaller Yekaterina pushing forward relentlessly, sending the Bronze Dragon flying, then pursuing her victory with a flurry of blows in mid-air.


"Yekaterina's strength is formidable, and her attack style is fierce."


Saga thought silently.


The Little Silver Dragon beside him cheered for Yekaterina.


Meanwhile, many nearby Hatchling and young Dragons noticed the new face, Saga.


"Is this an Outsider Golden Dragon? Such handsome scales and horns!"


"You look so fierce."


Some Dragons even used the word "fierce" to describe Saga's appearance.


"Can we play together?"


The Hatchling Dragons didn't hide their preferences and curiosity, flocking around Saga, eager to talk and play with him.


Saga's unique appearance and battle-hardened demeanor stood out among the crowd of young Dragons.


Like fireflies in the night or stars in the night sky.


Saga basked in the attention of the surrounding Dragons, their admiration undoubtedly satisfying his vanity. Unlike Yekaterina's hot temper, he didn't mind the young Dragons' approach.


A few minutes later.


Yekaterina, standing on the bruised and swollen Bronze Dragon, roared at the other older Hatchling Dragons:


"Who else wants some?"


The older Hatchling Dragons shrank back, unwilling to be the next one beaten.


Yekaterina nodded in satisfaction, then looked around, ready to enjoy the awe of the surrounding Hatchling and young Dragons.


However, she was shocked to find that only a few Dragons were still paying attention to her.


Most of the young Dragons were fixated in another direction.


Yekaterina looked displeased in that direction and saw Saga, surrounded by many Dragons, showing a look of enjoyment.


"Ah, my detestable little brother."


Yekaterina cursed under her breath, especially irritated seeing Saga interacting happily with many Little Dragonesses.


"Move aside, don't block my way."


Yekaterina roared, flying towards Saga with a menacing air.


The young Dragons, already scared of her bullying, scattered immediately.


"Wow, Sister Yekaterina is so powerful, defeating a fifteen-year-old Dragon so easily."


The Little Silver Dragon Eliyaga, still present, praised.


Yekaterina's anger subsided a bit, but she still glared at Saga.


"Metal Dragon Island is so big, let's go explore somewhere else."


Saga chuckled and said.


Knowing his sister's temperament well, he understood why Yekaterina was angry. She wanted to defeat older Dragons with her strength and earn their awe, but Saga had stolen the spotlight, causing no Dragon to pay attention to her victory, so her anger was natural.


"Bye, let's play together next time."


Saga called out to the young Dragons he had been playing with.


The young Dragons wanted to follow Saga and play, but seeing Yekaterina's unfriendly face, they didn't want to get beaten up. In their dilemma, Saga and the others gradually moved away.


Time passed by.


Saga visited many areas, encountering more and more Dragons.


Due to his outstanding appearance and demeanor, Saga became the center of attention wherever he went.


Not just the Hatchling and young Dragons, but when encountering some adult, mature, and even ancient Dragons with vast and profound demeanors, they would occasionally stop and chat with Saga amiably. Some who noticed that Saga had awakened his psychic abilities and embarked on the path of a Mind Warlock were even willing to point out the pitfalls or important abilities on the psychic path, some of which were not recorded in the legacy.


Even brief conversations with the ancient Dragons were immensely beneficial to Saga.


Some ancient Dragons might not be as powerful as the Red Dragoness or the Golden Dragonfather, but they had lived through long ages, accumulated rich experiences, had broad perspectives, and possessed extraordinary insight and wisdom.


As for Yekaterina.


As the Hatchling Dragon champion, she was ignored next to Saga.


As time went on, night fell quietly.


The Golden Sea still shimmered with golden waves, and Metal Dragon Island remained lively under the night sky, as most Dragons did not differentiate between day and night activities.


Saga, Yekaterina, Eliyaga.


The three young Dragons were flying over a mountainous region when they were stopped by another Dragon.


A golden Dragon shadow appeared in front of them.


Saga focused his gaze, and the cascading golden scales of the other Dragon caught his eye.


This was a twelve-meter-long Golden Dragon, and its scales seemed more textured than those of ordinary Dragons, with a robust physique.


A teenage Golden Dragon? Or an older Hatchling Golden Dragon?


Saga sized up the other Dragon.


The Golden Dragon was also looking at Saga, with a hint of surprise in its eyes, frequently scanning Saga's distinctive and unusual scales.


"Hekris, what are you doing here? Want another battle with me?"


Yekaterina frowned and said.


At the same time.


The Little Silver Dragon moved closer to Saga and whispered in his ear:


"This is Hekris, known as the Golden Colossus, a hybrid of Golden and Silver Dragon, six and a half years old, with a growth rate that crushes his peers in size. In the last Hatchling Dragon competition, he was Yekaterina's opponent in the finals and was defeated by her."


Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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