Chapter 139 – Transformation of the Dragon Vein

Less than two days had passed when Saga returned to Moon Bay from the Grayrock Archipelago.


As the golden Hatchling Dragon arrived at First Quarter Island, his followers were diligently mining for Magic Gems.


In a blink, the golden dragon's silhouette folded its wings and descended upon Gem Peak, gazing down upon his domain.


Just back on First Quarter Island, Saga keenly noticed that the number of Lanternfishman slaves seemed to have diminished. The previous battle with the pirates had caused some casualties among them, but even accounting for those, the numbers were still off.


Diving down, the golden Hatchling Dragon landed in front of where Black Shark Tig was.


"My lord, welcome back," Black Shark Tig bowed his head in greeting.


"The Lanternfishman slaves have decreased in number. What happened?"


Black Shark Tig nodded and said, "Seeing your return, I was about to inform you. But with your keen insight, you've already perceived it."


He paused, then with a somewhat fierce smile, he continued:


"While you were away, the Lanternfishman slaves plotted an escape, planning to steal fish eggs and flee."


"What they didn't know was that, apart from the overseers you openly selected, there were also some among the slaves, specifically to prevent their secret plotting, who informed us ahead of time."


To control these slaves, there were overseers in plain sight and informers hidden among them to secretly communicate with the overseers.


"Before the plotters could execute their escape plan, we conducted a purge," Black Shark Tig said simply and cruelly.


Saga nodded, "Well done."


"If there are a few more such escapes, they will understand what the ultimate outcome of rebellion is."


Whether to remain slaves or become followers.


Saga had given the Lanternfishman a choice.


They chose to retain the dignity of their race, to be the lowest slaves, and Saga granted them that. Their current plight was fitting for their choice.


"Gaga, welcome back, my noble and powerful master," greeted the Demon Warlock, crawling over like a spider with a human skull, accompanied by the crackling sound of bones rubbing together.


Under the influence of the electromagnetic slave brand, it was becoming a more qualified and excellent servant.


Saga glanced at the Demon Warlock, then turned his gaze toward the side of Gem Peak.


On the clearing unobstructed by trees, where sunlight should have prevailed, a persistent layer of grey clouds lingered, a dense aura of necromantic negative energy emanating from the Tremorboar skeleton within.


"Not killing Addison in a fit of rage but choosing to subdue it was the right choice."


"The role of an Archmage of Necromancy is significant. For me now, this Tremorboar skeleton is a great asset."


The high-tier Tremorboar skeleton, currently the strongest creature under Saga's command.


The golden Hatchling Dragon looked down at the Demon Warlock's skull and said, "Addison, a high-tier Storm Giant in its prime, do you have the confidence to successfully soul-snatch?"


The Demon Warlock was momentarily taken aback, then seriously replied:


"If the high-tier Storm Giant is in its prime, I definitely couldn't succeed. But if it's already effectively subdued and captured, and I torment its spirit before casting the soul-snatching spell, making it weak-willed and despondent, and I prepare myself well, bringing my condition to the peak I can achieve, I think I can succeed. After all, the foundation of my nine-ring Archmage status still exists."


After speaking earnestly, the soul fire in the Demon Warlock's eye sockets flared up intensely.


Saga wouldn't ask such a thing out of the blue for no reason. Could it be… The Demon Warlock's eyes shone with hope, and with an expectant tone, he inquired, "My lord, have you encountered a high-tier Storm Giant?"


Saga grinned and said:


"Not only have I encountered it, but I've also subdued it."


"Your recent performance has been commendable. This Storm Giant will serve as my reward to you."


He paused, then added:


"If you think the Storm Giant isn't satisfying enough, you can wait longer. There will always come a time when you encounter other creatures with greater talent."


The Demon Warlock was pleasantly surprised. The words previously spoken to it were not just empty promises but commitments to be fulfilled, and it was moved by the consideration shown for its well-being.


"I swear, once I shed this pitiful form and am reborn, I will serve you to the best of my abilities," it said sincerely, its jawbone clacking.


"So, do you want the Storm Giant, or will you wait? Though, there aren't many species with a higher potential than a Storm Giant."


Not counting the extremely rare and seldom-seen species like the Golden Giant or Cyclops, the Storm Giant is at the top of the common giant species, a powerful race with undeniable potential.


After a brief consideration, the Demon Warlock said, "I don't want to wait any longer."


"My spirit and will are sinking as time passes in this decaying skeletal undead body. If I wait any longer, it will be difficult to maintain myself, to keep a free mind."


With the Demon Warlock's capabilities, it could have been reborn as a high-level undead lich at its peak.


But it didn't do so, refraining from becoming an immortal lich to maintain its free mind, to progress further in the path of magic, rather than becoming an evil madman controlled by an undead body.


"I've encountered suitable bodies before."


"But I was too greedy, always thinking the next one would be better, thus wasting many opportunities and time, leading to my current plight."


"This time, I choose not to wait any longer."


"The Storm Giant is already powerful enough. Each Storm Giant possesses excellent magical talent, and their physique, almost on par with a True Dragon, goes without saying. If I can be reborn as a Storm Giant, I will be very satisfied."


Addison's gaze was deep as he spoke.


If it hadn't been for its endless greed, it might have already returned to the level of a nine-ring Archmage or even advanced further to become a legendary Caster.


"Then, prepare for the soul-snatching spell in advance," Saga said.


Looking at the skull, Saga wondered if, after a successful soul-snatch as a Storm Giant, it could still wield the powers of a necromancer or would it have to start over?


With this question in mind, Saga asked Addison.


Addison laughed and explained, "Yes, after the soul-snatch, I'll be a Storm Giant. Because of the change in body, my perception of necromantic energy will plummet."


"But my accumulation remains. Plus, Storm Giants are naturally magical creatures capable of wielding storms and thunder, with excellent magical talent. And before I was betrayed, I was a prodigy in the shaping arts! I can rely on the Storm Giant's body to walk the path of shaping once again."


Pausing, it continued:


"I won't give up on necromancy either. After all, I've reached the level of a nine-ring Archmage in necromancy, and one more step would make me legendary. No, having created the soul-snatching spell, I'm already legendary."


"Gaga, I will practice both shaping and necromancy, becoming a dual-legend in both."


Addison's tone was excited as it envisioned its future after rebirth.


"I'll be watching with interest," Saga chuckled, swishing his tail.


He certainly wouldn't mind his followers becoming stronger.


Then, Saga took flight, first heading to the livestock pens on Waning Crescent Island to pick out some tasty little beasts to indulge his appetite, and only after that did he leisurely return to First Quarter Island, calling Black Shark Tig to the forest around Gem Peak.


"My lord."


It was now evening.


Under the night sky, the fierce-looking Black Shark bowed to the golden True Dragon.


Saga spoke softly, "Tig, are you ready to receive the boon I am about to bestow upon you?"


Black Shark Tig was momentarily startled, then replied with a resounding voice:


"My lord, yes, I am ready. Ready to become a Dragon Vein creature that can serve you even better."


As he spoke, the imposing figure of the Tiger Shark knelt to the ground.


The cool night breeze carried the sound of rolling waves, and even in the dark of night, the golden-scaled dragon shone brightly, dreamlike, as if not of this world.


With a look of devotion, Black Shark Tig lifted his head, gazing up at Saga.


Saga calmly extended his forelimb, channeling the blood of the True Dragon in his veins to his wrist, while another dragon claw extended a hooked toe, slicing across the wrist.




Scalding dragon blood fell, pouring into the gaping maw of Black Shark Tig.


Gulping eagerly, Black Shark Tig's face flushed with excitement as he greedily consumed the blood.


The dragon blood was like fire, like magma, bringing a terrible burning sensation as it entered his throat, causing Black Shark Tig's expression to twist slightly, but he showed no fear, only joy.


For with the pain, Black Shark Tig could feel the change within.


An aura similar to Saga's, but much fainter, emerged in Black Shark Tig, growing stronger with the infusion of dragon blood, until after ten seconds, it expanded to the point of tearing open cracks in Black Shark Tig's skin, almost unbearable, eliciting uncontrollable roars from his mouth.


The muscles contracted, the dragon blood ceased.


"Tig, you are my trusted aide, and I have high hopes for you."


"I command you, undergo the Dragon Vein transformation, and continue to serve me as a Dragon Vein Tiger Shark, until death," Saga declared solemnly.


Black Shark Tig's face contorted as he growled, "By your command."


In the silent night, a creature's evolution was taking place.


Saga stepped back a few paces, keeping a distance from Black Shark Tig, who was undergoing the Dragon Vein transformation, his eyes showing astonishment.


For the Black Shark Tig, being transformed by the radiating dragon blood, was different from the previous Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon who had undergone the transformation.


Clusters of electric arcs, as if alive, began to emerge on the surface of Black Shark Tig's body, forming bright, lightning-like silver-white patterns amidst his dark fur.


More electricity emanated from these silver-white patterns, dense and interwoven like a sphere.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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