Chapter 136 – Dance, dance for death!

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

Saga spread his wings wide, blocking the path of the female Storm Giant.


Blue Dragon Glorithia circled in the sky, her gaze fixed on the female Storm Giant while a horde of monsters gathered around, encircling her like a siege.


For a moment.


Enemies of the giants were everywhere, including the once loyal, now traitorous giant kin.


"Where do you think you can escape to?"


"Surrender peacefully, and perhaps there's a chance for you and your daughter to survive."


Saga spoke quietly.


Meanwhile, a strange feeling grew within Saga's heart.


"This situation makes it seem as though I'm bullying the weak."


His gaze swept over the two giants. The imposing female Storm Giant stood five meters tall at the shoulder, her stature seemingly more intimidating than Saga's, dispelling his earlier thought.


Even the juvenile Storm Giant she protected stood nearly three meters tall at the shoulder, surpassing the size of a typical adult ogre or troll.


They were by no means weak.


"Surrender? Hmph, capturing us Storm Giants will never happen."


"Even in death, I'll make you dragons pay in blood!"


The female Storm Giant growled.


Zzzt, zzzt!


As if her life force ignited, lightning brighter than ever before flashed around her, her aura surging, quickly reaching the peak of the sixth tier, as if she was on the verge of ascending to a higher rank.


"Oh? Can you bear to watch your own daughter die, torn apart by monsters?"


Saga waved his dragon claw, calming the restless monsters and Blue Dragon, and calmly said.


Giants take pride in taming True Dragons.


Likewise, capturing a giant as a slave is a matter of honor for dragons, a boast-worthy achievement.


"Hmph, the children of my Storm Giant tribe are no cowards who fear death!"


Fleeing in the face of an unfavorable battle is a strategic retreat, unrelated to the fear of death, because a fight to the death is meaningless.


But now, the choice between death and a cowardly survival was significant.


The female Storm Giant had just made her choice.


To die fighting valiantly in dire straits is the glory revered by the giants.


After all, capable of standing against dragons, the giants have their own formidable aspects.


Saga's gaze shifted to the juvenile Storm Giant behind her.


Though large in size, the third-tier Storm Giant lifted its head with a defiant look, not hiding its deep hatred for the True Dragon before it.


"Good, even as enemies, I respect your courage to face death."


Saga whispered calmly.


After a pause, his voice deep and eyes stern, he said:


"For this, I grant you the honor you deserve, and death!"


"Dance, let us have a blood-soaked dance of death!"


As his words fell, a Gravity Field suddenly descended.


The two giants, one large and one small, collapsed to their knees.


The Blue Dragon dove from the sky.


Large ogres, fierce trolls, charging warriors, and cunning gnolls and other monsters converged on the two Storm Giants from all sides.


In an instant, the giants were overwhelmed by a sea of monsters.


Boom, boom, boom!


Thunderous roars erupted on the ground, with electricity and thunder rising among the sea of monsters, charred and mangled bodies occasionally thrown into the air, only to be replaced by more creatures.


Giants, monsters, dragons, thunder, blood, and smoke.


Together, they painted a cruel yet beautiful tableau.


While Blue Dragon and the monsters besieged the female Storm Giant, Saga did not join in, as the already injured giant, encumbered by a burden, was clearly no match for the multitude of monsters and Blue Dragon. The lightning and electricity that had been so vivid were quickly weakening, and she was soon submerged in the sea of monsters.




Saga soared, tracing an arc in the sky, joining the Topaz Dragon and Brass Dragon in pursuit of the remaining high-ranking Storm Giant.


Compared to the female, this giant posed a greater threat.


Boom, boom, boom!


The Storm Giant ran wildly, cutting down any monster in its path like chopping vegetables, its body crackling with electricity, its straight-line speed rivaling that of True Dragons in flight.


Saga used a lighter Gravity Field, flapping his wings vigorously to further increase his speed.


At the same time, the Shaper Caster constructed his signature spell.


Sixth-tier Shaping Spell: Frost Crystal Imprisonment!


The Shaper Caster waved his staff.


Aimed at the Storm Giant.


In an instant, a chilling cold spread, materializing in the giant's path.


"Damn it."


The Storm Giant's stride halted abruptly, and with a leap, it crossed the icy area, always wary of the cunning Shaper Caster, reacting in time.


Crossing into the air.


Storms entwined with electricity wrapped around the giant's limbs.


Then, the Storm Giant ran through the air as if on solid ground.


The Topaz Dragon Lord's eyes glowed with psychic energy, and the psychic spines on its back quivered.


Psychic Stride!


Its massive body vanished from the spot, reappearing hundreds of meters away in an instant, closing the gap with the fleeing Storm Giant.


Lifting its neck, the Topaz Dragon unleashed a gray-white breath.


The Storm Giant furrowed its brow and hurled its greatsword in response.


The greatsword, like a meteor with dense electricity, met the dragon's breath in mid-air. The electricity on the sword was quickly neutralized, and the blade, sharp enough to nearly sever the Topaz Dragon Lord's forelimb, rusted at a visible rate, its magical glow fading.


The Topaz Dragon's withering breath, composed of negative energy, had a strong corrosive effect on both equipment and living beings.


As the breath engulfed the thunderous greatsword, the Storm Giant had already made a greater escape.


It stepped onto a towering boulder, then crouched with electricity crackling through its muscles like serpents.




In the next instant, the Storm Giant leaped fiercely.


The boulder beneath shattered into countless pieces, and with that powerful jump, the giant's speed surged, crossing thousands of meters and breaking free from Grayrock Isle, plunging into the vast ocean.




The pursuing Topaz Dragon, Brass Dragon, and 'Diamond Dragon' Saga all inwardly cursed.


Storm Giants are amphibious creatures.


Dragons are adept in water, land, and air.


However, underwater, Storm Giants are stronger swimmers than ordinary True Dragons, and unless it's a dragon specialized in swimming like the Ocean Lord Dragon, it's hard to catch a fleeing Storm Giant in the sea.


"This Storm Giant was a reinforcement called in. At the start of the war, it stayed hidden, keeping itself in good condition, making it difficult to kill."


Thinking this, the three dragons did not cease their pursuit.


However, just as the Storm Giant was about to hit the water, something unexpected happened.




A vast magic circle, hundreds of meters in diameter, appeared above the tumultuous sea, adorned with numerous arcane and inscrutable magical runes, with the light of Elemental Energy flickering along the runes, brightening and dimming unpredictably.




As if an endless amount of wind Elemental Energy had gathered.


A fierce windstorm arose, boiling the sea, and a tornado instantly formed, lifting tons of water and shooting into the sky, sweeping up the Storm Giant as it fell and forcefully propelling it back to Grayrock Isle.


The three dragons' gazes sharpened, looking towards the sea and sky.


Winds intertwined, forming a lifelike humanoid figure.


The figure extended its arm, performing a noble gesture known in the Skyrealm Empire, and a gentle voice carried by the breeze reached the dragons' ears.


"Levinsia Alpha, from the Skyrealm Empire, greets the three True Dragons."


After a pause, the voice continued:


"Consider this a small gift. I have a trade proposal for you later, which I hope you will consider."


With that, the figure made of wind dissipated.


The Storm Giant, covered in wounds and terrible wind scars, lay among the strange rocks of Grayrock Isle, struggling to stand.


The Brass Dragon and Topaz Dragon exchanged glances and immediately dove towards the Storm Giant.


Saga remained motionless in mid-air, for the Storm Giant was now within the grasp of the two dragons.


At the same time, upon hearing the introduction of the sudden wind caster, relevant ancestral knowledge was triggered.


【In the Skyrealm Empire, only those with royal blood are entitled to the surname Alpha】


Saga's gaze drifted towards another large island in the Grayrock Archipelago.


The island with a magic tower amidst the mangroves.


It was said that the caster who had built a magic tower on the mangrove island was an Elemental Mage, a Wind Caster.


"Wind Caster."


Saga recalled the first caster he had encountered, also a Wind Mage.


In the Skyrealm Empire, where the magic systems are comprehensive, Elemental Mages are a special existence, for when the empire rose in ancient times, only Elemental Mages existed.


Elemental Mages are the oldest casters in the Skyrealm Empire.


Among all Elemental Mages, Wind Casters are particularly special.


Because the Alpha royal family of the Skyrealm Empire, without exception, are all Wind Casters, each with immense power.


Dragon heritage mentions, and many Sapient Being races know—that the founders of the Skyrealm Empire were not humans from this prime material world; they came from another prime material world.


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