Chapter 134 – Saga kills the giant leader, First Blood!

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

Seizing the opportunity, the Brass Dragon and the Storm Giant with his heavy sword simultaneously abandoned their stealth and disguise, launching a surprise attack. They exchanged glances, neither expecting to encounter such a situation.


But on second thought, it made sense. If one could call for reinforcements, why couldn't the other?


Now, it was time to see whose reinforcements were stronger.


The Storm Giant shook the dragon blood off his heavy sword, his gaze solemn and focused. He shifted his attention from the Brass Dragon to the Topaz Dragon, whose injuries were accumulating to a severe degree. With an electric surge in his legs, he leaped up, aiming a jump slash at the Topaz Dragon.


At that moment, the voice of the Brass Dragon reached his ears.


"Hey, hey, hey, stinky and ugly brute, your opponent is me. Isn't it rude to ignore me and go after the wounded? Are all Storm Giants cowards who bully the weak?"


The Brass Dragon flapped its wings, its body gleaming with a metallic luster, and charged head-on.


The Storm Giant frowned, raising his heavy sword in a defensive stance.




The dragon's claw struck the back of the heavy sword with a clear sound.


The dragon's strength surpassed the giant's, and the leaping Storm Giant was smacked back to the ground by the Brass Dragon's claw, while the Brass Dragon remained in mid-air, taking a deep breath as dragon breath formed in its mouth.


Strangely enough, even while preparing its dragon breath, the Brass Dragon's voice continued to resonate unaffected.


"Why aren't you speaking? Are you mute?"


"Just now, I saw you revert from a troll back to your original form. Odd, since when did adult giants learn to shape-shift? Oh, you used a magical item. I always thought only inherently weak species liked to rely on external objects."


"And an anklet? Your giant aesthetics are truly peculiar. A bunch of burly brutes fancy anklets, haha, did you know? In human realms, that's an ornament occasionally worn by delicate and fragile noble girls. Do you have some strange fetish?"


As the Brass Dragon spoke its first words, the Storm Giant had already blocked his ears with his ear muscles, not wanting to hear the incessant noise. However, the Brass Dragon's words were like a curse, echoing directly in the Storm Giant's mind, impossible to ignore.


The Storm Giant braced himself, focusing intently on the Brass Dragon, preparing to dodge the impending dragon breath. But the incessant chatter was irritating, distracting him and making him restless.


"Shut up!"


The usually reticent Storm Giant roared in the common tongue.


"Oh, did I hit a nerve? But there's no shame in that hobby. Just admit it openly, then take off your armor, put on a pretty skirt, and dance for me. That's also acceptable."


The Brass Dragon's words increasingly infuriated the Storm Giant.




Just as the Storm Giant was about to retort and curse the Brass Dragon, the dragon suddenly fell silent.




A dense mist-like breath spewed from the Brass Dragon's mouth, enveloping the battlefield and targeting the Storm Giant. The ogres, warhorses, and other monsters touched by the white mist, originally fighting bloodily and spiritedly, suddenly became drowsy and listless, then collapsed to the ground, snoring.


They had fallen asleep.


This was one of the two types of breaths the Brass Dragon possessed.


The Sleep Breath.




Distracted by the Brass Dragon's nonsense, the Storm Giant failed to react swiftly, and even after dodging, was still touched by the Sleep Breath.


The Sleep Breath penetrated everywhere, seeping through the giant's skin into his body.


The Storm Giant's mind immediately grew extremely weary, his eyelids fluttering. Although he didn't collapse like the monster minions, he was greatly affected, feeling drowsy and as if in a dream.


The battlefield's noise dimmed, and all sights blurred.


In his vision, a brass-colored blur, like overlapping shadows, rapidly approached.




The Storm Giant was overwhelmed by the diving Brass Dragon.


Due to the minimal contact with the Sleep Breath and the giant's resilient spirit, plus the life-or-death situation, he snapped awake, shaking off the effects of the Sleep Breath.


However, his body was pinned down by the seventeen-meter-long beast.


The Metal Dragon's weight made it difficult for the Storm Giant to rise.


The Brass Dragon had already opened its maw, its throat wriggling, and a ball of fire rose from its mouth.


As a True Dragon with fire attributes, the Brass Dragon also possessed a fiery dragon breath, capable of spewing a straight line of fire with high temperature and strong penetrative power.




The Storm Giant's body shone with dazzling lightning.


At the same time, thunder suddenly exploded from the sky, a bolt striking the Brass Dragon's back. Electricity coursed over the metallic Brass Dragon's scales, paralyzing its body.


The Storm Giant took the opportunity to heave the Brass Dragon off.


In the process of being flung away, the Brass Dragon, with its strong elemental resistance, had already recovered from the paralysis. It lunged again at the Storm Giant, continuing to bombard him with a relentless stream of meaningless words.


The Brass Dragon and the Storm Giant clashed together.


It was clear that a victor would not be decided in a short time.


Having already battled for a while and both being ambushed, the Topaz Dragon Lord and the Storm Giant leader continued their fierce fight, with injuries accumulating severely.


Compared to the initial aggression, the Storm Giant leader's offense became much more conservative.


While fighting the Topaz Dragon Lord, the Storm Giant leader also kept an eye on the surrounding situation, seemingly ready to flee if things turned sour.




The thunderous battle-axe parried the Topaz Dragon Lord's claw.


The Topaz Dragon Lord spun around, its tail sweeping like an iron pillar.


The Storm Giant leader's legs were wrapped in thunder, leaping back swiftly to dodge the tail strike, and in mid-air, he punched a Dire Jaw Hound into a spray of blood and shattered bones.


"Weym, why don't you dare to fight me head-on?"


The Topaz Dragon Lord accelerated with a flap of its wings, closing in on the Storm Giant leader, while roaring from its throat.


"I can smell it, the scent of fear emanating from you!"


The dragon leaped, its claws reaching out, diving toward the Storm Giant leader.


The Topaz Dragon Lord's claws were coated with a dense negative energy, almost entirely turning gray-white.


The combat methods of adult dragons or giants mainly rely on their formidable physiques, with everything else being supplementary.


The bloodied Storm Giant leader grimaced, growling back:




He swung the thunderous battle-axe in full circle, its dazzling lightning making the already huge weapon seem to grow even larger.


From below, the Storm Giant leader's axe cleaved upward at the Topaz Dragon Lord.


He gave it his all with this strike.


"If I can't overcome and reverse the disadvantage, I should consider retreating."


At the same time, the Storm Giant leader thought this to himself.


In that moment, time seemed to slow down, the dragon's pressing claws and the giant's raised axe approached each other, ready to collide fiercely in the blink of an eye.




Just when they were mere inches apart.


The surrounding air once again rippled with fine ripples, a 'Golden Dragon' with a body length of about seven meters looming faintly, its body covered with strange and magnificent diamond-like dragon scales.

"There is another dragon!"

The leader of the Storm Giant blinked.

At the same time, the little Golden Dragon's eyes were deep, driving the invisible gravity roaring together.


Super gravity field!

In an instant, a sudden super gravity descended.

As if a small mountain suddenly pressed down, the sudden appearance of super gravity pressure caused the ground under the leader of the Storm Giant to directly shatter, its lower legs sinking into the ground, its body bent and deformed under the pressure.

Caught off guard, the Storm Giant leader's attack was shattered.

In an instant, the mood sank to the bottom of the valley, as if falling into an abyss.

In the field of vision, in addition to the suddenly appearing little Golden Dragon on the side, there was also the Topaz Dragon Lord coming head-on.

"Haha, die!"

The Topaz Dragon Lord roared, his dragon claw enchanted with darkening negative energy as fast as lightning.


With a swipe, the darkening negative energy dissipated the thunder and lightning attached to the Storm Giant's body, and the dragon claw pierced into the Storm Giant's chest, intending to extract its heart.


Seemingly due to intense pain, seemingly out of anger.



The leader of the Storm Giants roared to the sky.


Along with its thunderous roar, dazzling lightning burst out from the center of the Storm Giant leader's body, as if a blue sun was shining from the ground, expanding lightning, and the immense power directly pushed back the Topaz Dragon Lord.

Saga, who was not too close to the Storm Giant leader, retreated in time.

A few seconds later.

The lightning dissipated.

The Storm Giant leader gasped for breath, exuding wisps of hot air, the surrounding ground turned into a crystal-like texture, with crackling electric arcs flickering.

Compared to before, the breath of the Storm Giant leader was weaker.

The powerful skill just now obviously consumed a lot of its physical strength and magic power.


The Storm Giant Lord made a decisive decision, speaking in the language of the giants, his voice echoing on the battlefield.

At the same time, strong winds rose, using the Storm Levitation Technique, intending to ascend into the air to escape the chaotic battlefield of Grayrock Isle and evade the pursuit of the dragons.

Just then, it heard the urgent shout of its brother.

"Be careful!"


Alarm bells rang in its mind, and the Storm Giant Lord turned around.

A hundred meters away, a strange little Golden Dragon with scales like gold and diamond, and three pairs of six dragon horns, which had just caused it to fall into a definite disadvantage, was now opening its dragon mouth, aiming at itself, and fiercely spitting out.




Dust, debris, and smoke along the path were annihilated.


A trail of void cut through.


Without time to react, the Storm Giant leader could only raise his thunderous battle-axe, using the back of the axe as a shield, to block the 'void trail.'




The thunderous battle-axe, forged from high-quality magical metal, sturdy and battle-tested, was as fragile as thin paper at this moment, instantly pierced and destroyed like ordinary dust.


Then, a sharp pain followed by an uncontrollable extreme weakness.


The Storm Giant leader trembled, looking down at his chest.


A huge, through-and-through wound appeared, revealing the scene behind him.

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