Chapter 132 – Battle of the Dragon and the Giant

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

The Sea Dragon was the first to set foot on Giant Rock Island.


Half-human, half-horse, the agile and strong centaur warriors followed, along with packs of massive-jawed hounds, the dark mass of jackal-men, gnolls, and other followers.


The giant kin, who had been waiting in tight formation along the coastline, sprang into action.


Ogres, trolls, minotaurs, and wolf giants.


These towering figures, each at least the size of three or four jackal-men or four or five gnolls, strode forward with battle-axes, greatswords, tower shields, and hammers, ready to confront the dragon kin who dared to invade Giant Rock Island.




The Sea Dragon let out a bellow, spewing forth fine streams of water in a radial sweep towards the giant kin.


Several minotaurs were struck by the water streams.


Their hard horns were pierced through, and their bodies were riddled with fine, dense holes.


The minotaur warlocks in the rear let out a couple of low moos, summoning strange glowing circles at their feet, enveloping the wounded minotaurs and rapidly healing their injuries.


Not to be outdone, the lizardman warlocks from the True Dragon kin retaliated with spells from a distance, leaving the minotaur warlocks too preoccupied to respond.


After causing some casualties with its water streams, the Sea Dragon charged into the ranks of the giant kin, its massive body unstoppable, shattering the bones of several trolls that came head-on.


Behind the Sea Dragon.


The centaur warriors followed closely, trampling the flung trolls into a bloody pulp.


These creatures charged as if on flat ground, their heavy spears and lances easily tearing through the armor and flesh of the giant kin, impaling them along the way, and ripping through the giant kin's army like a knife through butter.


But the giant kin were not made of paper.


They were fewer in number, but of superior quality.


A tall wolf giant reacted swiftly, dodging the centaur's spear thrust and then leaping onto the centaur's back, pressing down on its shoulders with its claws and biting through its neck.


The centaur warrior let out a mournful cry as it fell sideways to the ground, and the wolf giant leapt off its back.




On the chaotic battlefield, several agile and nimble elite jackal-men assassins leaped up, climbing onto the freshly landed wolf giant, their daggers slicing through its eyes, ears, and throat. After a brief struggle, they left it covered in cuts and gravely wounded on the ground.


Before the jackal-men assassin squad could seek new targets.


A rotund ogre warrior charged in, swinging his iron club and sweeping it across, sending two jackal-men assassins who couldn't dodge in time flying, their flesh torn and bones shattered.


The massive-jawed hounds attacked from all sides, overwhelming the ogre, viciously biting at its arms, legs, neck, and head.


The battle had just begun, and it was already a chaotic and bloody melee.


Almost every second, creatures were dying, and the blood painted Giant Rock Island in vivid colors.


At the same time.


An adult Topaz Dragon and a teenage Blue Dragon.


The large and small dragons spread their wings, soaring over the army, plummeting like meteors towards the giant kin's forces.


Boom! Boom!


The ground couldn't bear the force of the dragons' descent, collapsing in layers, forming deep craters and sending up clouds of dust. Cracks spread from the edges of the craters like spiderwebs or lightning, extending far and wide.


In the two differently sized craters, there were unrecognizable remains of creatures, flesh and bones mangled together, crushed to death by the falling dragons.


The surrounding giant kin stumbled from the impact of the landing, many losing their balance and falling.




A gust of wind surged.


Dust scattered.


Dragon Might, like a tidal wave or a storm, radiated outward at the same time, stiffening the bodies of the giant kin it swept over, while invigorating the True Dragon kin.


The Topaz Dragon's tail swept across, its nearly ten-meter-long slender tail whipping through the surrounding area like a lash, sending armored creatures weighing over a ton flying with blood spurting from their mouths.


The Blue Dragon's body crackled with electricity, its claws striking, jaws biting, and wings flapping, also forcing the nearby monster kin to retreat.


The Dragon Legion, in coordination with the True Dragon lords, began a merciless slaughter.




The Storm Giant roared furiously, its thunderous voice reaching the ears of many kin, jolting their spirits that had been intimidated by the Dragon Might.


At the same time, two adult Storm Giants, unwilling to show weakness, crouched slightly, then the ground shattered beneath them as they launched into the air like cannonballs, their bodies crackling with electricity, crossing the space to pounce on the two True Dragons.


The seventh-tier Storm Giant leader held a battle-axe in both hands, leaping down with a chopping strike.


His mountainous, powerful frame was full of oppressive force, visually no less impactful than that of an adult dragon.


The Topaz Dragon lord flapped its wings and pushed off with its hind legs, suddenly rising on its hindquarters.




The Storm Giant hit the ground, its attack dodged by the Topaz Dragon lord, the axe striking the ground and leaving a long, trailing mark.


At the same time, the upright Topaz Dragon reached out with its claw, a layer of gray-white eroding energy swirling around it, emitting a dangerous aura.


Crack! The Storm Giant leader pulled out the axe, swinging it upwards towards the Topaz Dragon's claw.


Just as the axe was about to clash with the claw.




The Topaz Dragon lord's body blurred for a moment.


The axe 'sliced through' the claw.


But the Storm Giant leader's expression changed, showing no sign of triumph.


The reason was that the heavy axe strike didn't feel solid; the Topaz Dragon's figure dissipated like a bubble, and the axe had only hit an afterimage.


The Storm Giant leader's pupils contracted, and he swiftly turned to swing horizontally.


The adult Topaz Dragon, having used a psychic step to instantly move, was faster, its bright yellow scales and dark eroding energy enveloping its claw, striking the Storm Giant leader's chest.




The Storm Giant leader was sent flying, blood splattering the ground, and with a thunderous crash, he smashed a huge boulder.


Unable to use the psychic step again in quick succession, the Topaz Dragon lord pursued the victory, flapping its wings to accelerate and surge forward.


However, two fifth-tier wolf giants leaped into the air, one on each side, opening their massive jaws to bite at the Topaz Dragon's neck.


A fierce light shone in the Topaz Dragon's eyes.




Before the wolf giants could bite their target, the Topaz Dragon's forelimbs shot out like lightning, accurately seizing the necks of the two wolf giants.




The hook-like claws pierced the flesh of the wolf giants, and with a forceful twist, snapped their necks.


With a flick of its dragon arms, it tossed the two wolf giants away like trash.


The wolf giants, known for their tenacity, didn't die immediately after their necks were broken, struggling on the ground.


Hiss! Hiss!


Several jackal-men with sharp daggers jumped onto the severely wounded wolf giants, skillfully stabbing their hearts and finishing them off, then immediately rejoining the fierce battle with the ogres and other monsters.


At the same time, the Storm Giant leader, sent flying by the Topaz Dragon lord, was also attacked by nearby True Dragon kin.


A group of lizardman warlocks cast spells.


Blood Extraction, Water Blade, Withering Curse, Grievous Wound, Explosive Water Orb. A barrage of spells rained down on the Storm Giant leader lying among the rubble.


The minotaur warlocks used Shield, Dispel, and Torrent Barrier to defend against them.


These spellcasting giant kin were outnumbered by the Topaz Dragon lord's lizardman warlock troops and only blocked some of the spells, while others fell like rain on the Storm Giant leader.


Boom! Boom! Boom!


Steam filled the air, and dust and rubble flew.


A bold centaur warrior gripped his spear with both hands, charging into the dust and debris towards the blurry figure inside.




A head flew out, bloodied.


The centaur's body fell forward.


The Storm Giant leader, his body wreathed in electricity as if clothed in thunder, bloodstained and with a grim look, stood up.


On his left arm, several claw marks were nearly bone-deep, the wounds still entwined with the dark eroding energy that was difficult to dispel in a short time, constantly sending waves of agonizing pain.


The last strike had been blocked by the Storm Giant leader's arm, protecting his chest.


Otherwise, the injury would have been far more severe.


"Vile giant, you will regret making an enemy of me! You will regret making an enemy of dragons!" the Topaz Dragon lord roared, soaring into the air, once again charging at the Storm Giant leader. The dragon and the giant entangled in close combat once more, both their kin seizing the opportunity to aid their lord or leader, striving to gain even a slight advantage. Occasionally they succeeded, but often at the cost of their own lives.




Elsewhere on the battlefield.


The Blue Dragon and a sixth-tier female Storm Giant were also locked in fierce combat.




The female Storm Giant landed a punch squarely on the Blue Dragon's forehead, knocking its head sideways, shattering the scales on its faceplate. The immense force nearly knocked the Blue Dragon to the ground.


Unlike the dominant Topaz Dragon lord, this dragon was being overpowered.


The Blue Dragon, Glorithia, was still at the fifth tier.


A dragon's combat power is slightly higher than that of a giant at the same level, but both are high-ranking species, and it's not something an ordinary dragon or giant can do to fight across tiers.


The Blue Dragon was able to continue fighting mainly because of its thick skin and robust physique.


Although she was covered in wounds, her body battered by the female Storm Giant, her vitality was still incredibly strong. Unless something unexpected happened, she would not be easily defeated in the short term.


After fighting for a while longer.




The female Storm Giant swung her hammer in a full circle, hitting the Blue Dragon's chest and sending it flying, its chest a bloody mess.


"Why am I always the one getting hit?" the Blue Dragon wailed, flapping its wings and soaring into the air, seemingly wanting to flee and unwilling to continue fighting the female Storm Giant.


"Trying to run? Die!" the female Storm Giant seized the opportunity to finish off the Blue Dragon, making a split-second decision and using Storm Levitation to gain brief flight capability.




A strong wind was born, wrapping around the female Storm Giant's body.


She chased into the sky with her hammer.


However, the seemingly fleeing Blue Dragon suddenly turned around, a fierce light in her eyes, and from her open maw, a dazzling, shining orb of lightning was brewing.




The lightning orb shot out, striking the female Storm Giant.


The Blue Dragon and the Storm Giant shared similar attributes, so attacks of the same attribute could mitigate some damage, but they couldn't be completely ignored.


The female Storm Giant, having cast Storm Levitation, rode the wild winds, her attention focused on the Blue Dragon, preparing to shift her body and dodge the lightning orb's blast.


At that moment.


In an inconspicuous corner of the sky, the last syllable of a magic spell ended.


A chilling cold emerged, and ice crystals suddenly sprouted.

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