Chapter 128 – The Red Dragoness’s Message

Proofreader&Editor: Howard Wong

"I'm back! The Hell Queen of Thorn Isle is truly domineering, a lone dragon capable of sweeping through kingdoms and winning the favor of the Dragon God. She's just as noble and beautiful as the rumors say.


She's perfect, the very image of a dragon queen in my heart, above all else, noble and beautiful, looking down on everything."


The Blue Dragon, Gullitia, folded her wings and descended.


Having just landed opposite Saga, she immediately began to praise the Red Dragoness with an astonished tone. Clearly, her trip to Thorn Isle had left a profound impression on her, especially the now-rising 'Hell Queen'.


Saga glanced at the Blue Dragon and said, "So, what's the result? The question I asked you to inquire about."


When he had sent the Blue Dragon to Thorn Isle, Saga had instructed her to say that he wished to visit the Red Dragoness and gauge her response.


The Blue Dragon snapped back to reality and said:


"The Hell Queen says if you want to go to Thorn Isle, don't come within a year, but after that, you're welcome anytime."


As she spoke, Gullitia couldn't help but size up Saga with a peculiar look in her eyes.



Her memory returned to the moment she had just arrived at Thorn Isle, nervously led before the Hell Queen by a legendary Tremorboar.


The Hell Queen was coiled deep within the Dragon's Nest, her face solemn and majestic, her gaze cold and indifferent, as if she were an unrivaled sovereign. Her scales were a flamboyant red, like flames, and the dark, almost demonic patterns on them were particularly striking.


"Blue Dragon, why have you come?"


The other's voice was husky and languid, filled with magnetism.


In the presence of the Hell Queen, the Blue Dragon only dared to glance at her before meekly bowing her head, not daring to look directly at her. The legendary Red Dragon's invisible might had already intimidated her, and her terrifying size of forty meters in length made the Blue Dragon's breath catch. Even the eldest among the legendary ancient Blue Dragons from her birthplace were not as massive or imposing.


She timidly stated her purpose: "Lord of Moon Bay, the True Dragon Saga sends his regards and inquires if he might visit Thorn Isle soon."


"Lord of Moon Bay?"


A hint of surprise tinged the Hell Queen's voice before she fell silent.


In the silence.


The Blue Dragon cautiously lifted her head for another look at the Hell Queen before her.


Then, to her astonishment, she saw a soft emotion in the beautiful and powerful Hell Queen's dragon eyes, and a faint smile on her lips.


Could the notorious nation-destroying Evil Dragon actually show such a gentle expression?


Am I under some illusion?


The Blue Dragon rubbed her eyes in shock.


Immediately, her mind began to race with speculation.


What could be the relationship between Saga and the Hell Queen to elicit such an expression?


The Blue Dragon's curiosity soared to new heights.


Could it be… A bold guess flashed through her mind.


A whimsical legendary Metal Gemstone Dragon (since she didn't know Saga's exact lineage, she assumed he was a Metal Gemstone Dragon, a hybrid of Metal and Gemstone Dragons) and the mighty and domineering Hell Queen.


Could it be…


Her mind was filled with endless thoughts, imagining all sorts of stories.


"Go back and tell him, after a year, he can come to Thorn Isle anytime."


She heard the Hell Queen's response.


The ability to come and go from her territory anytime… The Blue Dragon's wild guesses intensified.



Back to the present, Saga noticed the Blue Dragon's strange gaze.


Facing the hesitant Blue Dragon, Saga frowned and asked, "What do you want to say?"


"Well, I'm just curious, what's your relationship with the Hell Queen?"


The Blue Dragon voiced her doubts.


However, as she spoke, she already had a conjecture in her heart, which Saga heard.


Upon learning of the Blue Dragon's thoughts and speculations, Saga's face darkened.


He glared at the Blue Dragon, too lazy to bother with her, showing no intention of answering her question.


As for the promised gold coin, Saga had no intention of giving it either; after all, as long as he didn't offer it himself, the Blue Dragon wouldn't dare to ask for it in order to curry favor with him.


Seeing Saga's suddenly fierce expression.


The Blue Dragon shrank her neck and closed her mouth, not pursuing an answer any further, but her mind continued to wander with wild thoughts.


"Definitely furious from embarrassment, huh, maybe she's a poor dragon that was once abandoned by the Hell Queen."


The Blue Dragon smacked her lips, inwardly sneering at Saga.


Little did she know, her thoughts were completely transparent to Saga.


Seeing that Saga was no longer engaging with her and his expression was becoming increasingly unfriendly and dangerous, the Blue Dragon gave an awkward smile and quickly distanced herself from the temperamental 'legendary Metal Gemstone Dragon', finding a hill of moderate height to settle down and rest.


The continuous travel had tired her out, and she needed to rest.


Atop Gemstone Peak, Saga pondered deeply.


"After a year, I can go to Thorn Isle anytime. Why not within the year? Is the Red Dragoness consolidating her realm? Too busy to deal with me?"


That's what Saga thought.


It seemed very likely.


"Then I'll go after a year. It's not that long; it will pass quickly."


Unbeknownst to him, Saga was only a month or two away from turning five years old, which could round up to being five already. At five, he would be at the end of the Hatchling stage, and after another year, he would leave the Hatchling stage and officially enter the Young Dragon stage, stepping into a new phase of dragon life.


"After a year, when I enter the Young Dragon stage and reach the fifth rank, it's a sure thing. If all goes well, maybe I can break through to the sixth rank."


Advancing one rank in a year.


This rate of progression was astonishing, even if it wasn't in terms of ranks, but the more detailed biological levels, it was still an unbelievable speed for ordinary creatures.


If he could keep progressing at this rate…


Saga, in his Young Dragon stage, could reach legendary status before the age of fifteen, becoming an unprecedented legendary Young Dragon.


However, Saga thought the chances were slim.


After all, the higher the rank, the more valuable and wider the gap, not comparable to the early stages. Saga's ideal scenario was to become a legend before the age of twenty-five, during his Teen Dragon stage.


A Teen Legend, that too was beyond belief.


The golden Hatchling's eyelids fluttered.


Looking down at his subjects and slaves bustling in and out of the Gemstone Peak mines, Saga felt a sense of pride but also a faint hint of drowsiness.


"I've accumulated enough; it's almost time for a year-long slumber. Maybe I'll sleep through it.


After dealing with the Storm Giant clan, it should be just about time to hibernate."


Next, Saga went to the beast pens on Waning Crescent Island and ate a few of his favorite floral sheep, then returned to First Quarter Island. As soon as he got back to Gemstone Peak, he saw an Earth Slime emerge from the mine, followed by an excited Tiger Shark.


Saga was slightly taken aback, then his eyes brightened.


With a swoosh, he folded his wings and landed near the mine entrance.


Amidst the debris, digging tools, and some temporary shacks, the resplendent little Hatchling stood out like a rich slave owner in a slum.


The Tiger Shark kneeled on one knee, excitedly reporting to Saga:


"My lord, the mine tunnel is fully open, and we've reached the gemstone vein."


"This Earth Slime has brought you the first Magic Gem."


Saga looked down at the Earth Slime.


The round-bodied slime, with a layer of rocky carapace on its head, hopped in place a few times, then let out a couple of chirps.


Saga's gaze narrowed as he saw a Magic Gem trembling inside the slime's jelly-like body.


The remaining rock skin and stone dust were rapidly dissolving.


Seconds later.


With a pop, accompanied by the movement of the slime's jelly-like body, a crystal-clear, slightly brown, egg-shaped Magic Gem without a single impurity was spat out.


Before the Magic Gem could hit the ground, it was caught by an invisible force and flew right into the golden Hatchling's claw.


Saga held the Magic Gem up high, admiring it as he looked up.


The twilight's glow shone down, casting a dreamlike beauty through the clear Magic Gem.


"I've never tasted a Magic Gem before."


Saga didn't keep the first excavated Magic Gem; he opened his mouth and swallowed it whole, his throat gulping it down into his stomach.




A warm current emerged from his belly, spreading to his limbs and bones, a comfort beyond words washing over Saga's mind like a tide. If he had to describe it, it was like warm spring water soaking and nourishing his body, as if countless soft hands and tongues were gently kneading and licking every cell of his being.




The golden Hatchling closed his eyes involuntarily, letting out a low moan.


After a moment, Saga opened his eyes, feeling a mix of regret and lingering satisfaction.


By then, more Earth Slimes had come out of the mine, offering Saga various Magic Gems of different sizes and qualities, but overall acceptable.


He stored these new Magic Gems without eating any more.


Although they tasted good and had a certain moisturizing effect on the body, if there were enough Magic Gems, they could be arranged into a gemstone array, which would be more beneficial for a dragon's growth. In the long run, it was better to accumulate the gems.


"If I have so many gems in the future that I can't even count them, I might as well taste them now and then."


Saga licked his tongue, looking forward to it.


With the gem mine officially producing, Saga's mood brightened.


He ordered all his subjects and slaves to stop mining and go hunting for sea creatures like fish, shrimp, and crabs. At night, he held another bonfire feast.


Under the night sky.


The subjects sang and danced, Saga played with a few larger gems in his claw, enjoying the food while watching the Tiger Sharks' peculiar dance.


Around him, slimes hopped and sang.


Under the control of the Demon Warlock, the Tremorboar skeletons also swayed, nodding their heads and wagging their tails, looking comical and strange.


At the monster's feast, Saga ate his fill and, content, prepared to return to the top of Gemstone Peak to meditate.


But just then.


A familiar Dragon Might and a strange one swept over simultaneously.

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