Chapter 126 – the Priests

Proofreader&Editor: Howard Wong

the Dragon of Eternity and Time.


This deity, like a butterfly spreading its wings, has stirred a storm in the material world that sweeps through every corner, including the sinister devotion of some villains to their dark gods.


One should know, even the most vicious of scoundrels weigh their devotion to dark gods carefully.


However, once they believe the rewards from their dark gods outweigh their sacrifices, the last shred of hesitation in their hearts evaporates.


At this moment, the veil of night has quietly lifted, and the bright dawn spills its light.


Saga looks up at the beautiful sky, then lowers his gaze to the Shaper Caster, pondering how to deal with him.


Seconds later, Saga lifts his chin and says to the Topaz Dragon, "This Shaper Caster was captured by you, so it's up to you to decide his fate. Kill him or take him as a vassal."


Without the adult Topaz Dragon present, facing two level six beings, Saga wouldn't have it so easy.


His breath is a deadly weapon, equal in its disregard for all life, even legends, but it's costly to use and requires certainty of hitting the target.


Hearing Saga's clear intent, the Shaper Caster immediately turns to the massive Topaz Dragon, calmly stating his worth:


"I am a caster specializing in shaper spells, with ten years at the sixth Tier, my casting experience is rich, not comparable to ordinary sixth-tier casters. The shaper spells I've studied can wreak havoc on the battlefield."


He pauses, then emphasizes:


"With a competent team to protect me, and not facing a high-ranking True Dragon alone, given the chance to cast, I could have inflicted significant losses on you in last night's war."


Hearing the Shaper Caster's words, the Topaz Dragon strokes its chin, then says to Saga:


"The Shaper Caster indeed performs well on the battlefield. With enough magic power replenishing items, he's a living spell cannon. He could be useful in the upcoming war against the Storm Giant clan."


Saga nods, then asks, "Do you have a way to ensure he's under control?"


The Topaz Dragon smiles slightly and replies, "While I focus more on negative energy, don't forget, like you, I am a Gemstone Dragon with means to control the mind. Negative energy is quite suitable for casting curses, perfect for controlling subordinates."


The two dragons' conversation doesn't shy away from the Shaper Caster, now a prisoner.


The Shaper Caster's heart chills, sensing a bleak future.


Realizing something, the Gemstone Dragon looks puzzledly at Saga, "You wanted to negotiate with me about the knowledge of psychic abilities. Why? Don't you have it yourself? As a Gemstone Dragon Outsider, you should possess such inherited knowledge."


Saga replies with conviction, unhurriedly, "You should know, mutations aren't always positive. My dragon heritage just happens to lack the psychic ability part due to mutation."


The Topaz Dragon, unassuming, suddenly realizes, "So that's it. Mutations are indeed mostly negative."


It pauses, then with a hint of envy, continues, "Still, to have gained the extraordinary power of an Outsider like you, it's truly enviable."


The threat of Saga's annihilating breath lingers in its mind.


The last time it felt this way was when it encountered a legendary sea beast battling in the ocean while flying through the sky.


Even the attacks of the legendary sea beast seemed less threatening than Saga's annihilating breath, which nearly made the Topaz Dragon's scales stand on end.


"Perhaps it's an illusion. No matter how extraordinary and rare, it shouldn't match the power level of a legendary creature."


The Topaz Dragon thought to itself, unaware that Saga's annihilating breath had once destroyed the scales of a legendary Red Dragon with a formidable physique.


Immediately, Saga retrieves a magic chest from the space crystal.


Looking at the Shaper Caster, he says, "The magic chest you're looking for is this one. Open it now, let's see what's inside."


The Shaper Caster looks troubled and says,


"The chest is protected by defensive spells. I'm not interested in defensive spells and haven't studied them. It's not impossible to open the chest, but forcing it might damage the contents."


Saga frowns and asks, "Then, what's inside? What made you mobilize such a force to search for it?"


The shaper caster shakes his head, "I don't know. It seems only the leader and his lover and deputy, whom you killed, knew. I once asked, but the leader warned me."


A useless fellow who knows nothing.


Saga rolls his eyes dramatically.


Both he and the Topaz Dragon can listen to the true thoughts deep in one's heart, determining that the Shaper Caster isn't lying; indeed, he knows nothing.


Saga looks at the Topaz Dragon, which spreads its claws and shakes its head, saying,


"I haven't studied traditional spells much."


It pauses, then adds, ". However, there's a psychic creation ability within the psychic powers that can unlock magical locks. I can pass it to you separately first. As for the complete psychic power inheritance, you'll have to help me deal with the Storm Giant clan first."


Saga's eyes brighten, and he nods.


Through a psychic link, the Topaz Dragon transfers the relevant psychic creation knowledge to Saga.


Without studying it in detail, Saga glances at the shaper caster and reminds the Topaz Dragon,


"Be careful with this one; he worships a dark god. Though he seems to be a mere casual believer without devout faith, he could still become an anchor for the dark god."


His lack of interest in the Shaper Caster is partly for this reason.


The dark god's parting words of seeing each other again have given Saga a sense of urgency. Being targeted by a god is no small matter, especially when it's a known dark god.


Thus, he wouldn't leave a ticking time bomb by his side.


The Topaz Dragon nods and says,


"No problem. On one of the main islands of the Grayrock Archipelago, belonging to the Poli Duchy's Westia Island, there's a sizable Temple of Radiance. I can have their priests purify and baptize him. The Dawn Priests of the Temple of Radiance would be pleased to purify a dark god's follower, pleasing the deity they worship."


The deity served by the Temple of Radiance — the Lord of Dawn, the Master of Countless Lights.


This neutral good deity is one of those with a considerable following on this planet and may continue to grow.


"The Lord of Dawn, there's much about this deity in the heritage records."


This is no ordinary deity, but a high-ranking being at the top of the divine pyramid, with high-level divine power. Their Temple of Radiance has strong purifying effects against dark and evil gods."


Saga thinks to himself.




The Shaper Caster speaks up timidly. Under the gaze of the two dragons, the immense pressure makes the Shaper Caster meekly say, "I just casually believed, my faith couldn't be shallower, there shouldn't be any problems, no need to take me to the temple."


Neutral good deities don't necessarily mean they're gentle.


Their priests are rarely beautiful, gentle women, or kind, white-haired old men.


Tall, bald with the deity's emblem tattooed on their heads, covered in tattoos, looking more frightening than demons—such priests are not uncommon.


Facing the minions or followers of dark gods, these priests often strike hard, showing no mercy, shouting "Heretics die!" as they smite with thunder.


Being 'purified' by them is not a pleasant experience.


"Since that's the case, what are you afraid of?"


"And do you think you have a choice?"


The adult Topaz Dragon speaks indifferently.


The Shaper Caster opens his mouth to protest but then swallows his words helplessly.


Then, the Topaz Dragon looks at Saga and says, "The leader of the Black Skull pirates may come soon; a bit of information got out from the female pirate who turned into a monster."


"I can stay here a few more days, waiting for this pirate general to come, then we can kill him together to prevent future troubles."


What the two dragons don't know is that the pirate general won't be able to come anytime soon.


The Black Skull Archipelago is now shrouded by the power of the Skull Lord, and all creatures within are plunged into bloody slaughter.


Ten days later.


The pirate general has not arrived, and the Topaz Dragon doesn't wait on First Quarter Island indefinitely, ready to leave as it has its own matters to attend to, and it has already helped Saga quite a bit.


Hovering in midair, the Topaz Dragon looks down at an open space near the Gemstone Peak.


A giant skeleton, wrapped in negative and earth elemental energy, stands still like a statue. With a massive beast's head and two prominent tusks, the eighteen-meter-long Tremorboar skeleton exudes the aura of a high-ranking creature.


No weaker than in its living days.


"With this seventh-tier Tremorboar skeleton here, if the Black Skull pirate leader comes with his subordinates, he'll probably be counter-killed by you."


The Topaz Dragon is familiar with undead creatures.


In these ten days, with the cooperation of the Topaz Dragon and the Necromancer, the Tremorboar, whose flesh went into Saga's belly, has returned as a seventh-tier Undead, now belonging to Saga, ready to fight for him as per his will.


"I won't let your help be in vain. Once I'm more financially stable, I'll give you enough treasure as a reward," Saga says.


The Topaz Dragon has helped him a lot during this time, and the promised reward will be given when due.


To this, the Topaz Dragon doesn't refuse, saying, "When I return from the Brass Dragon's territory, we'll fight side by side in the Grayrock Archipelago. I hope to witness more of your extraordinary abilities."


After a brief farewell, the Topaz Dragon leaves First Quarter Island.

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