Chapter 119 – The attacking and terrifying believers

Antonina remembered the warning of the evil knight.

The evil knight had instructed that she should notify him immediately upon identifying the target.

However, the target indicated by the gem was a broadly ranged island, and Antonina planned to lead the pirates to infiltrate the island first to assess the situation. If circumstances allowed, there would be no need to trouble the evil knight; she could handle it herself.

Having become a devotee of the Skull Lord, Antonina’s heart yearned for battle.

The desire to kill burned within her like flames, her body feverish with the urge to vent, to shatter the flesh and blood of lifeforms, to twist off their heads. She couldn’t wait for the evil knight to arrive.

Indeed, serving the Skull Lord granted her a ceaseless stream of power, but it was not without cost. One such price was a mind constantly scorched by bloodlust and the desire to kill.

“Continue forward.”

The submarine vessel moved silently, embarking once again, speeding beneath the sea towards Moon Bay.


Moon Bay, First Quarter Island.

Beneath the Gem Peak, on an unnaturally formed clearing, a demon warlock in the form of a skull-headed spider was directing some shark-tigers and demon-lantern fishmen in their busyness.

Their focus was at the center of the clearing.

It was a massive skeletal frame, its bones thick and sturdy, gleaming with a metallic sheen in the sunlight, vaguely outlining the form of a Tremorboar, fierce and menacing. Though inanimate, it still exuded an undeniable oppressive force.

It was not yet fully assembled.

Ribs, leg bones, spine, and more were still missing, temporarily replaced with other magical materials.

Shark-tigers and some demon-lantern fishmen slaves were searching and excavating for the remaining bones.

The demon warlock’s bony hands fluttered about, moving up and down the Tremorboar skeleton like a spider, using negative energy as ink to etch intricate and eerie magical patterns onto the bones.

“Hehehe, when my master returns, I shall give him a surprise.”

In the task of transforming the Tremorboar skeleton, the demon warlock invested great enthusiasm, having not rested for days, tirelessly inscribing runes, including arrays to gather negative energy and magic patterns to animate the Tremorboar skeleton. The spiritual and magical power expenditure was immense, dimming the soul fire in the warlock’s eye sockets.

The last time it had shown such fervor was hundreds of years ago when the demon warlock was engrossed in researching soul-stealing techniques.

The completion of the Tremorboar skeleton was not far off.


While etching the magic patterns, the demon warlock paused, its gaze narrowing as it looked out towards the vast ocean.

“There’s a faint sensation of being targeted.”

“Hehehe, is it my imagination? No, I trust my senses.”

The target indicated by the gem was the creature that destroyed Frank’s fleet, which was the death knight and the demon warlock. If both were dead, it would point to the place of death, but since the demon warlock was still alive, it naturally pointed to him.

The former necromancer was no lowly adventurer from a tavern.

It keenly sensed something amiss.


Atop the massive boar skull, the demon warlock called out to the black shark.

Not far away, Tig, who was overseeing the excavation of the mine, turned his head and approached the demon warlock: “Skullhead, what do you need?”

The demon warlock scuttled quickly, positioning itself on the boar’s leg bone, then extended its head.

With its characteristic cackling laugh, it spoke, “It seems we have guests coming to Moon Bay. Inform your kin to prepare for their arrival.”


A serious expression crossed the black shark’s face, realizing the demon warlock referred to unwelcome visitors.

Although he disliked the demon warlock, Tig knew the creature was once a significant figure, and its words carried weight. Now that its soul was enslaved by Saga, its credibility in Tig’s mind was much higher.

Immediately, the kin mobilized, preparing to welcome the uninvited guests.

Time flowed like water, unhurriedly passing by.

The sun set in the west, sinking into the distant sea, the brilliant sunlight fading, replaced by the cold moonlight. The bright moon hung against the velvet night sky, reflecting off the stars, casting a glow that illuminated the night.


The black skeleton pirates, guided by magic, quietly arrived.

Splash. Waves churned under the moonlight, casting up sparkling sprays of water, as figures emerged from the waves and stepped onto the sands of First Quarter Island.

Antonina, leading her chosen elite pirates, appeared here.

Buzz. Dark red patterns on her mechanical arm lit up, like a beast about to awaken.

Beside Antonina, a sixth-tier energy-shaping caster inquired:

“Are we sure it’s here?”

This caster was another lieutenant of the evil knight, a man with a weathered middle-aged face and a brooding gaze, occasionally flashing with bloodthirst.

This pirate lieutenant, too, had followed the Skull Lord and was sent to accompany Antonina in pursuit of the mastermind behind the destruction of Frank’s fleet.

“Leisha used the gem to guide us, and it pointed here.”

The caster nodded, murmuring softly, chanting a spell.


Dark energy surged from the ground, enveloping the caster and Antonina, their figures vanishing into the night.

Although both were adept at powerful destructive spells.

Unlike elemental mages who specialize in a single type of elemental energy, energy-shaping mages specialize in reshaping and controlling various energies, with a broader range of methods.

The caster had just used a spell called Shadow Cloak.

Fourth-tier energy-shaping spell Shadow Cloak—wielding negative energy to weave a cloak that shields most perceptions, a rare non-destructive energy-shaping spell.

The two most powerful pirates concealed themselves without a sound.

Next, some average third-tier pirates, adept at scouting, broke away from the group on the coast, following the leaders’ instructions, and quietly dispersed into First Quarter Island, moving silently through the shadowy, insect- and beast-filled quiet forest to gather intelligence.

Under the cover of night.

In the dense forest darkened by the lush canopy blocking the starlight and moonlight.

Shadows of branches flickered.

Occasionally, the low growls of unknown beasts and the calls of insects and birds could be heard.

A lean pirate scout, dressed in simple black clothes blending with the night, moved without a sound.

He extended his arm, gently parting the vines in front of him.

Stepping forward, he carefully avoided noisy dry branches and stones.

He watched ahead vigilantly, unaware that he had already been spotted by a predator.

Behind the pirate, the ground where he had passed silently split open.


A subtle sound of disturbed air currents arose.

The pirate’s expression changed, for he saw a shadow suddenly appear beneath his feet. Looking up in horror, his vision was filled with a gaping maw of jagged, saw-like teeth.


A shark-tiger burst from the ground, biting off and swallowing the pirate’s head in one gulp.

The ambush was successful; the pirate didn’t even have a chance to make a sound before he was dead on the spot.

Similar scenes unfolded in many places.

Anticipating the arrival of enemies on the island, Saga’s kin took advantage of their familiarity with the terrain to ambush the pirates, catching them off guard.

The kin’s attacks were as discreet as possible.

However, these pirates were not mediocre; the faint scent of blood in the air immediately put them on alert.


As a pirate rounded a narrow path’s corner, a shark-tiger burst from an unseen blind spot, lunging at its target. But the alert pirate reacted instantly to the abnormal sound of the wind.

He rolled awkwardly on the spot, dodging the shark-tiger’s assault.

As he rolled, the pirate swiftly drew a stink bomb from his waist and threw it at the fleeting figure, releasing a pungent, eye-stinging scent that exploded in front of the shark-tiger. The pirate, nimble and quick, drew his dagger and struck at the shark-tiger.


Sounds of combat arose throughout the forest.



Bright yellow rockets shot into the sky, illuminating the dark night.

This signaled that the pirates scouting in the forest were calling for help.

Being in an unfavorable territory and outnumbered, they were at a distinct disadvantage and promptly called for backup from their comrades.

When the illumination rockets were seen.

The large group of pirates waiting patiently at the coast changed their expressions.

They moved out, heading deeper into First Quarter Island.

However, before the large group of pirates could cross the beach to reach the forest.

The gravel beneath a dozen pirates suddenly turned a scorching red-hot iron color, the heat distorting the air, and patterns like molten lava lit up like a spiderweb.


Before the pirates could escape the high-temperature zone, pillars of lava erupted, engulfing their bodies.


Covered in lava and aflame, the pirates let out agonizing screams, running wildly before collapsing lifeless on the ground.

At the same time.

A deafening roar exploded like thunder.


Amidst the splattering lava droplets, a massive Amberclaw Earth Dragon burst from the ground, its fierce form bathed in moonlight. It turned, its tail hammer smashing down, instantly pulverizing a dozen pirates.

Then, the Amberclaw Earth Dragon coiled its body, ignited in flames, and rolled like a giant fireball, thundering and crushing everything in its path.

In addition to the Amberclaw Earth Dragon.

A White Feather Gryphon with some of its feathers turned silver.

An elemental energy-infused mutant slime, a winged skeleton wielding a bone spear, and a multitude of shark-tigers and demon-lantern fishmen, at this moment, all emerged and launched a surprise attack on the pirates.

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