Chapter 118 – Topaz Dragon’s Collection Quirk

After finalizing a rough battle plan with the Topaz Dragon, Saga stayed on Golden Sand Island for another day.

He communicated a lot with the Topaz Dragon, including techniques on the use of psychic powers. However, since this particular Topaz Dragon was not interested in psychic powers and focused on negative energy spells, their communication on this topic was brief.


The Topaz Dragon was very curious about Saga’s Outsider powers, and they engaged in a simple exchange of skills.

In the friendly spar that stopped at the first touch, the outcome was naturally in favor of the mature and high-ranking Topaz Dragon. However, it also confirmed that defeating this uniquely talented Hatchling Dragon would not be an easy task. The Topaz Dragon grew increasingly amazed and respectful towards Saga, believing that the future of this young dragon would likely surpass its own. Befriending him seemed like a wise choice.

As one of the Gemstone Dragons, known for their intelligence among Dragon Kind, the Topaz Dragon knew how to act in its own best interest.

Apart from exchanging knowledge on psychic powers and sparring, Saga also learned more about the other main islands and powers within the Greyrock Archipelago from the Topaz Dragon. The Topaz Dragon patiently answered all of Saga’s questions, considering him a potentially powerful neighbor in the future.

In the eyes of the Blue Dragon, Gulietya, the Topaz Dragon was bad-tempered, quirky, and difficult to get along with.

It initially treated Saga similarly, but soon its attitude changed to a more pleasant one. Dragons often have different attitudes towards different dragons.

Saga spent some time surveying the other large islands from high above.

The most mysterious of all was the Mage Tower of the Skyrealm Empire, which could not be penetrated by force field perception. Well, not that it couldn’t be penetrated, but when Saga used his force field perception to probe the Mage Tower, he felt as if he had touched an invisible barrier. He could force his way through, but that would undoubtedly provoke hostility and retaliation from a high-ranking Caster.

Considering that he was not yet capable of matching a high-ranking powerhouse head-on, Saga abandoned the idea of forceful probing.

He saw the Greyrock Archipelago as a transit point for himself, planning to settle here for a while. In the future, he would inevitably come into contact with the Casters of the Skyrealm Empire, so there was no rush.

Several days later,

Saga prepared to leave Golden Sand Island and the Greyrock Archipelago to return to Moon Bay.

Before he left,

The Topaz Dragon suddenly spoke:

“Wait, your territory is Moon Bay, right? I know of this place. I need to seek out a Brass Dragon ally and will pass through Moon Bay. I think we can travel together for a while. Once I find my Brass Dragon ally, we can return to the Greyrock Archipelago together and, in one fell swoop, eliminate the Storm Giant clan.”

“I just ended a not-so-small conflict with the Storm Giants, and we’re both in a period of recuperation. Quietly leaving my territory now shouldn’t cause any issues.”

Saga did not refuse, inviting instead:

“Sure, I’ve stayed in your territory for a few days, and your hospitality has been quite good. As the lord of Moon Bay, I formally invite you to visit Moon Bay.”

During the days Saga stayed on Golden Sand Island, the Topaz Dragon had treated him to plenty of good food and drink.

The Topaz Dragon nodded, its dorsal spines quivering with good mood, and with a squinted gaze and a chuckle, it said, “Before we go to Moon Bay, I invite you to take a look at my collection.”

One way dragons express their fondness is by showing off their collections.

Of course, this also serves to flaunt their treasures.

But regardless of how much showing off is involved, when a dragon invites you to admire its collection, it means it has a good impression of you.

“Your collection? Sure.”

The golden Hatchling Dragon readily agreed.

The legacy records mentioned that Topaz Dragons generally have a collecting habit different from other dragons, and Saga was a bit curious about this.

Flying over streams and hills,

They descended in a dense forest, passing through an illusionary barrier formed by psychic powers and spells. The lush forest, indistinguishable from its surroundings, suddenly changed.

A mountain of moderate height appeared before Saga’s eyes.

One side of the mountain had many unnatural excavations, forming square caves. The entrances of the caves were sealed with a layer of strange negative energy, obscuring the contents within.

The Topaz Dragon’s gossamer-like wings flapped, and its massive body took flight, approaching the mountain.

It extended its claw, passing through the negative energy seal, reaching into the square caves to retrieve some of its favorite treasures, then flew back down to the ground.

Different treasures danced in mid-air, neatly revolving around the Topaz Dragon.

“Look, these little things are so wonderful, they always bring me joy whenever I see them,” the Topaz Dragon said in a singing tone, its psychic spines almost dancing.

Saga looked at the Topaz Dragon’s collection with a strange expression.

Wood, stones, hmm… weathered antlers, broken corals. Such a chilling and bizarre collection, I probably wouldn’t give these things a second glance in normal circumstances.


The Topaz Dragon picked up a pitch-black piece of rotten wood, presenting it to Saga as if it were a treasured gem, saying, “I found this wood after extinguishing a forest fire. It’s charred and riddled with holes, but look closely.”

The Topaz Dragon’s tone paused, very solemn.

Saga’s spirit was shaken, thinking he might have missed something.

Could this really be some kind of treasure?

Right in front of the Topaz Dragon, the golden Hatchling Dragon looked intently, his gaze solidifying, following the Topaz Dragon’s claw to the pitch-black piece of wood, and then, in the crevices on the surface of the wood, he saw a green leaf.

Apart from that, there was nothing special.

Saga looked at the Topaz Dragon with a puzzled gaze.

Is there something magical about this wood? Or is it just my poor eyesight?

With an excited tone, different from its usual composure, the Topaz Dragon explained, “Look, this charred wood, already devoid of life from the fire, yet a tender leaf has sprouted from it. This rebirth from destruction is truly wonderful.”

Saga: …

I was almost misled by this creature.

To fancy such things, what a peculiar taste.

Saga chuckled and said, “Aren’t you Topaz Dragons fond of destruction and ruin? Why would you extinguish a forest fire? That doesn’t seem like your style.”

The Topaz Dragon turned its head, speaking matter-of-factly, “Hmm, the fire was set by me. It was to see if any creatures or wood could be reborn from destruction, and then I was lucky to find it.”

The pitch-black piece of wood was solemnly returned to its place.

Immediately after, the Topaz Dragon enthusiastically began to ‘show off’ its other treasures to Saga.

Saga had no interest in these broken trinkets, but since the other party was so enthusiastic about showing him its collection, he couldn’t be too disrespectful, so he had to feign surprise and go along with it.

“What a treasure.”

“A marvel of the world!”

“Rare in the universe!”


He also gave timely praise.

The Topaz Dragon, already having a good impression of Saga, now found the golden Hatchling Dragon even more pleasing to the eye.

Half an hour later,

The Topaz Dragon finally finished introducing all its treasures, still looking like it had more to show. It also hinted to the golden Hatchling Dragon, “Saga, I can tell you really like my collection, but don’t get any crooked ideas. That would ruin our friendship. If you want, I can tell you how to acquire them.”

A black line almost appeared on Saga’s dragon face.

Faced with these things that he would consider trash even if they were given to him for free, how could he possibly have any crooked thoughts?

“Don’t worry, I won’t steal your treasures. Hmm… They are very safe here. Even if a thief were to sneak in, I doubt any of your collection would go missing,” Saga said.

“Hmm? Why is that? If a thief sneaks in here, why wouldn’t my collection go missing?” the Topaz Dragon asked, puzzled.

Saga casually laughed it off without giving a direct answer.

Moments later,

One large and one small, one amber and one golden, the two dragons took to the sky together, concealing their forms as they left Golden Sand Island and headed towards Moon Bay.

At the same time,

Just as Saga and the Topaz Dragon, Matthias, left Golden Sand Island and headed for Moon Bay,

Several small submarines continued to navigate under the sea at a depth of a kilometer. They were made entirely of metal, with a somewhat rough exterior armor, about twenty meters in length, resembling a silent school of giant steel fish.

On the hull of these ‘steel fish,’ the emblem of the Black Skull Pirates was engraved.

Following the trail of the Shadow Hound Frank, these submarines were getting closer and closer to Moon Bay.

Inside one of the submarines,

A Mechanical Warlock named Antonina, with a robust mechanical arm, wearing a crop top and shorts that revealed her long, pale legs, was resting with her eyes closed. Ignoring her fierce, scarred face, her figure from the back was that of a hot beauty.

A few minutes later,

At the location where Frank’s fleet sank,

Antonina opened her eyes and glanced at the submarine’s detection monitor.

The scan showed that in different directions, there were islands with signs of biological gatherings.

The vast ocean was where Frank’s ship had sunk. Searching aimlessly would be terribly inefficient.

In such a case, in this fantastical world where anything is possible, there are naturally ways to solve this.

Antonina summoned a female Caster dressed in a pure white robe, saying, “Leisha, it’s your time to shine.”

The Caster named Leisha, a diviner, nodded.

With a pained expression, she reached to her waist, pulled out a round Magic Gem, then closed her eyes and whispered an incantation.

As the last syllable of the incantation fell, Leisha opened her eyes.

At the same time, the Magic Gem suddenly levitated, its surface coated with a faint glow, and then, within this glow, the gem transformed into a beam of light and disappeared into the air.

However, in a scene invisible to the naked eye, in the Caster’s vision,

A straight white line pointed directly towards Moon Bay.

Fifth Circle Divination Spell: Guiding Gem.

Consuming a Magic Gem weighing no less than twenty grams, one receives guidance. The better the quality of the Magic Gem and the higher the level of the Caster, the closer the distance, the more accurate the guidance.

“This way.”

Leisha pointed in the direction indicated by the Guiding Gem.

Antonina narrowed her eyes, clenched her mechanical fist, a flash of violence in her eyes, and said, “Let’s go see who dares to destroy the ships of our Black Skull Pirates.”

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