Chapter 117 – I, Saga, the Golden Diamond Dragon, guarantee the authenticity

Crude and vulgar, rigid and hypocritical. Not only am I a descendant of both the Chromatic and Metallic Dragons, but I am also the mixed blood of the leaders of both kinds. Truly, you must be blind not to see.

Saga’s expression remained unchanged, his heart undisturbed, as he concealed his true thoughts and responded:

“Yes, your insight is like a torch.”

Since the other party now believed he was a Gemstone Dragon and had become somewhat friendlier, Saga didn’t mind being thought of as such.

Chromatic Dragons, Gemstone Dragons, Metallic Dragons. Saga suddenly realized that no matter which kind of dragon he claimed to be, it seemed unlikely to raise suspicion.

“In the future, I could even add another layer to my identity—a Gold Diamond Dragon.”

Meanwhile, the Topaz Dragon continued to converse with Saga using mental abilities, saying, “Which Gemstone Dragon do you belong to, seeing the golden hue of your scales? Could it be that you have the bloodline of a Topaz Dragon?”

Saga lifted his chin, his dragon scales shimmering brilliantly.

“It’s hard to say. You may consider me a rare variant of the Gemstone Dragons, a Gold Diamond Dragon.”

“A Gold Diamond Dragon? Is that the name you’ve given to your Outsider form? It fits the naming style of our Dragon Kind, but Outsider bloodlines are hard to pass down. I doubt there will be a Gemstone Dragon clan named Gold Diamond Dragon, though I am quite eager to see the birth of a new Gemstone Dragon clan, even if the probability is minuscule.”

The Topaz Dragon spoke calmly and logically.

“I haven’t seen a fellow Gemstone Dragon for some time. Having a kin to converse with pleases me. You may stay in my territory for a while longer.”

As it spoke, the floating spines on its back quivered, revealing its good mood.

Different Dragon Kinds have incompatible worldviews, making it difficult to get along.

Dragons prefer to communicate with their own kind.

Saga didn’t continue on the topic of bloodlines. Instead, he changed the subject and got straight to the point:

“I’ve heard you’ve been seeking allies to deal with the Storm Giant clan on Boulder Island.”

“I am here for that very reason, not as you thought, a reckless Hatchling Dragon that has intruded into your territory.”

After hearing the words of the golden Hatchling Dragon, the Topaz Dragon was slightly taken aback, then its gaze sharpened, and it said in a deep voice, “You know Gurlythia? Besides her, I haven’t sought help from any other dragons.”

Saga nodded and said, “Yes.”

After a pause, he stated bluntly, “To be precise, Gurlythia is my follower. She came to negotiate with you on my command.”

Upon hearing this, a hint of uncontrollable astonishment appeared in the calm eyes of the Topaz Dragon, and its back spines twitched.

“The young Blue Dragon Gurlythia, that clumsy one, is your follower?”

It scrutinized the golden Hatchling Dragon before it, its massive body slowly pacing on the beach, circling around Saga before stopping in front of him again.

“Little one, I find it hard to believe your words. You are trying to deceive an adult dragon.”

“Although we are kin, your deceitful behavior is equally repulsive to me. A Hatchling Dragon like you, able to have a young dragon as a follower, heh, telling such a clumsy lie is an insult to my intelligence.”

The Topaz Dragon’s pupils narrowed, revealing a hint of danger.

Judging only by size, it overestimated Saga’s age, thinking he was a Hatchling Dragon capable of having a young dragon as a follower. It had never heard of such a thing; although its lineage had similar cases, they were one in a million, an extremely slim chance. The Topaz Dragon didn’t believe it would encounter such an improbable event.

If it knew that Saga was close to but not yet at the Hatchling stage, it would be even more skeptical and disbelieving.

The Topaz Dragon’s dragon might spread out, negative energy surged, and the golden sand on the ground around it lost its luster, the vibrant colors turning to gray-white. This gray-white color spread out, staining the surrounding space.

“I sense a feeling of contempt in your mind.”

“You are underestimating me.”

Enduring the Topaz Dragon’s dragon might, the golden Hatchling Dragon remained expressionless, speaking quietly.

In the gray-white area, he still appeared golden and radiant, out of place.

As if unaffected by the Topaz Dragon’s dragon might at all.

Not seeing the scene it expected, the Topaz Dragon let out a light ‘hmm’, its contemptuous and displeased gaze becoming a bit more solemn.

Intimidating a little Hatchling Dragon, it naturally wouldn’t release its full dragon might, but even with the intensity it released, it should have been easy to scare a normal Hatchling Dragon out of its wits. However, in the Topaz Dragon’s perception, its dragon might seemed to be intercepted by an invisible, thin membrane covering the opponent’s body, rendering it ineffective.

The dragon might was suddenly withdrawn.

The gray-white sand regained its original color.

“You seem to have something special about you.”

“I take back my previous words and apologize for my disrespect.”

Unlike the typically arrogant Chromatic Dragons, who would stubbornly refuse to admit their mistakes, this Topaz Dragon readily acknowledged its error upon realizing it and accorded Saga the respect he deserved.

After a pause, the Topaz Dragon continued:

“I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself. Show me that you have the power to have a young Blue Dragon as a follower, and not just empty words of deception.”

Its pupils became vertical, tinted with a hint of cold indifference.

“If you can’t prove it, and you’ve wasted so much of my time, don’t blame me for being rude. I’ll make sure you leave this island with some unpleasant memories.”

“Begin, show me.”



A massive, nearly ten-thousand-ton weight suddenly descended.

The Topaz Dragon’s voice cut off abruptly, its huge body as if pressed down by an invisible giant hand, falling prostrate into the sand strewn with golden pebbles.

The Topaz Dragon’s scales rattled, its muscles bulging and creaking under the scales, but it could only rise halfway, unable to stand up easily under the nearly ten-thousand-ton pressure, its feet compacting the sand beneath as if it were marble.

Gemstone Dragons are not known for their physical strength, and in terms of power, they are much weaker than both Chromatic and Metallic Dragons.

Mostly, they are experts in using mental abilities or Spells, and they often possess more profound knowledge and a richer, more complete heritage than other dragon types.

A layer of dull gray-white negative energy emerged.

The Topaz Dragon’s strength increased significantly, allowing it to stand up straight, then it looked at the golden Hatchling Dragon before it with an uncertain gaze.

The contempt in its eyes had completely vanished at this moment.

“How about that, is that proof enough?”

Saga said, simultaneously withdrawing the super-heavy Force Field.

The gray-white negative energy diffusing from the Topaz Dragon’s body gradually dissipated, and after sizing up the golden Hatchling Dragon a few times, it exhaled and said, “You’ve given me many surprises. That just now was your Outsider ability, wasn’t it? Very powerful.”

After a pause, its tone became serious, and it said firmly:

“Now I recognize you. I believe you have the power to make Gurlythia follow you.”

Saga grinned and said, “Then, let’s talk about cooperation.”

He lifted his chin, speaking unhurriedly under the gaze of the Topaz Dragon, “I’ll help you defeat the Storm Giant clan, and then you’ll give me what I want—the mental abilities related to the Mind Warlock, as well as Boulder Island, which will belong to me.”

The Blue Dragon had already sounded out the Topaz Dragon.

Regarding Saga’s request, the Topaz Dragon didn’t haggle but simply nodded in agreement, saying, “Fine, I have no interest in the rugged Boulder Island. I just want to get rid of the Storm Giant clan.”

“As long as the Storm Giants are wiped out, I’ll give you the knowledge of the Mind Warlock heritage. As for Boulder Island, once you take it, you’d better have enough power to guard it. Sometimes, defending a territory is harder than conquering it.”

The golden Hatchling Dragon shook its head, saying:

“I have my own kin. Moreover, after the Storm Giant clan is annihilated, the Sapient Beings that follow them probably won’t all be dead. The survivors can also be subdued to guard Boulder Island for me.”

“Are you interested in these giant kin? If you are, we can see how many are left when the time comes and discuss how to divide them.”

The Topaz Dragon shook its head, its voice deep:

“They can all be yours. I don’t have a strong desire to occupy territories and enslave kin. Golden Sand Island and my current kin are enough.”

Among the countless lord dragons in the endless world, mainly Chromatic Dragons, because they have a strong desire for conquest, followed by Metallic Dragons.

Not many Gemstone Dragons are willing to occupy territories and develop kin.

As a lord dragon among the Gemstone Dragons, they often only choose a small piece of territory that can meet their daily needs and kin they can command, without overly ambitious ambitions.

“When do you plan to deal with the Storm Giant clan?”

“The Storm Giant clan might also seek external help. To deal with them, I think the sooner, the better.”

Saga said.

The Topaz Dragon thought for a moment, then shook its head:

“No, I want more than just to defeat them and make them flee from Boulder Island.”

It opened its mouth, revealing Sharp fangs, and said in Dragon Tongue, “I want to kill all these giants, not a single one left.”

This calm statement was filled with chilling murderous intent.

The Topaz Dragon’s pupils became vertical, and the corners of its mouth lifted, revealing a dangerous smile, saying, “For this, I don’t want to startle the prey. I want to be sure I can annihilate this clan in one fell swoop, at the most opportune moment.”

Saga suggested, “They’re probably thinking the same way. I still think it’s best to act as soon as possible.”

The Topaz Dragon insisted on its own idea, saying, “You just need to assist me when the time comes, but this is my war with the Storm Giants. This war belongs to me, and it will proceed as I wish.”

Stubborn creature.

The golden Hatchling Dragon spread its claws, saying, “Fine, let’s do it your way.”

“But how can you ensure their annihilation? It’s not a simple matter.”

The Topaz Dragon calmly said:

“Besides you, I will also seek another ally, an adult Brass Dragon who owes me a favor. Little one, although you are very special, I don’t think you have the power to decide the outcome of my war with the Storm Giants.”

“I can feel that you are still some distance from being a high-ranking dragon. With your special abilities, you may be invincible at the mid-tier, but to reliably kill high-ranking Storm Giants, just you and I are not enough.”

Defeating and killing.

These are different concepts.

The adult Topaz Dragon was right.

Saga was very clear about his own capabilities, so he didn’t refute the other party. He nodded and said:

“Then it’s settled. When you’ve recruited the Brass Dragon ally, let’s show these Storm Giants the might of dragons.”

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