Chapter 109 – The slave seal takes effect, and I self-strategize PUA


Golden radiance shone like a blazing sun, and the dreamlike golden dragon, with scales of diamond texture, whispered in a voice that rumbled like thunder through dark clouds.

“I need not feel your pain and despair, nor endure your setbacks and trials.”

“I am a born ruler, a natural emperor. Before me, all things must bow their heads, sooner or later, whether it be the highest peaks or the deepest seas, all obstacles shall part ways for me, bowing in my presence.”

“My will is unshakable, indestructible, pain and despair have no place in my spirit!”


The undead wailed, the earth trembled, and the tangible negative energy swirled around the towering skeleton, making it appear as if it were a giant demon shrouded in black mist.

“Then let me be the one to make you feel pain!”

The Necromancer’s roar echoed.

The towering skeleton bent down, one hand plunging into the skeletal ground, then violently pulled out a bone sword, white and chilling, as long as a thousand feet. Immediately, it strode forward, attacking the golden dragon.

Saga extended a dragon claw, aiming at the towering skeleton from afar, and then swept it upward.


The use of his abilities, imagined many times and minutely experimented with in the realm of ideal force fields, was now displayed here.

All Things Attraction!


Gravity reversed, and the towering skeleton, heavy as a giant mountain, was abruptly lifted into the air.

At the same time, in that instant, it was as if the towering skeleton itself had become a massive source of gravity. The ground around it suddenly shattered, and billions of bones surged upward like a white waterfall, pressing in from all directions. In the blink of an eye, they enveloped it into a giant bone sphere, which continued to shrink and compress. Countless peripheral bones were crushed into bone dust, which was then compressed as dense as steel.

The towering skeleton was trapped within.

“Do you think this can hold me?”

The twisted roar of the Necromancer sounded.


A bone sword, burning with a ghostly blue flame, thrust out, sweeping across and cutting a gap in the sealed bone sphere, revealing the upper half of the towering skeleton.

At the same time, a flash of gold caught the eye.

The golden dragon, as massive as a mountain range, spread its wings, already close at hand.

The skeleton raised its bone sword, swift as lightning, slashing at the neck of the golden dragon, but the dragon’s claw was quicker, pinching the flaming blade just in time.

Then, under the incredulous gaze of the Necromancer.


The bone sword shattered completely, not just breaking into pieces, but disintegrating inch by inch from the touched spot into the finest particles, invisible to the naked eye, of primal energy.

“How is this possible?”

Even in the inner world, the attacks manifested were not entirely at will. Without insight, without a broad vision, without the corresponding cognition, it was impossible to perform the corresponding attacks.

The peculiar power displayed by Saga had exceeded the Necromancer’s understanding.

At the same time, the golden dragon stood upright, clenched its claw into a fist, twisted its waist with the dragon’s spine as the axis to gather strength, and then threw a powerful dragon punch.

The countless ribs of the super-sized skeleton protruded, interlocking into a bone shield to intercept Saga’s fierce dragon punch.

Then, with a flash of golden light, the dragon punch shattered the hastily constructed bone shield.

Continuing without losing momentum, it smashed through the giant skeleton’s breastbone, penetrating straight through the chest cavity.

Then, just like the previous bone sword, invisible electromagnetic forces spread out like ripples along Saga’s dragon arm, quickly extending over the entire body of the towering skeleton, and not stopping there, extending to the super-sized bone sphere with a radius of over ten thousand feet.


The golden dragon crushed the bone sword and turned with a powerful punch, instantly shattering the giant skeleton along with the bone sphere that was pressing down on it, leaving no trace.

The entire Necromancer’s will world trembled slightly and dimmed considerably.

“Ah, exhilarating.”

With a light flap of its enormous wings, Saga hovered in the air, looking down at the Necromancer’s world formed by Addison’s heart, exhaling a breath of warm air.

“I, I cannot accept this.”

“In my world of will, I cannot lose to a Hatchling Dragon less than five years old!”

Addison’s voice rang out again.

Only this time, there was a hint of hesitation in his voice.

He had been shaken.

“I told you, even in your inner world, you’re not the one in charge.”

Saga gazed at the ground.

The countless bones on the surface undulated like waves, forming the contours of Addison’s face.

He was not ready to give up, unwilling to end it like this, and wanted to fight Saga again.

As if an endless supply of bones gathered once more, forming more super-sized skeletons, besieging the golden dragon that seemed to be at the center of the entire world.


A storm arose, and the golden dragon swooped towards the skeleton army.

Its wings, a hundred kilometers long, unfolded straight, like an invincible golden blade. As the golden dragon twisted and turned, it split the mountain-like skeletons in two with a thunderous roar.


Death’s Touch!

A multitude of newly appeared skeleton mages cast spells, dense death rays shot from their dry, pale fingertips, bombarding the golden dragon like a torrential downpour.

The golden dragon did not even bother to dodge.

Deflecting Force Field!

The myriad of dark beams fell upon the golden dragon’s diamond-like scales, but before they could truly touch the beautiful, dreamlike scales, they were repelled by an invisible force field that covered the surface.

Even more astonishingly.

Zip, zip, zip!

The countless dark beams were reflected directly back the way they came, accurately striking the heads of the skeleton mages that had conjured them. The army of skeleton mages created by the Warlock’s will was instantly annihilated.

This was Saga’s ideal state of a deflecting force field.

He could deflect attacks at will, even reversing them back onto the attacker, making them suffer the consequences of their own actions.

“Damn it, if only I wasn’t reduced to a mere remnant soul!”

The Warlock gritted his teeth, inwardly cursing the Death Knight Alfred who had died with him.

If it weren’t for that man dragging him down, he wouldn’t have fallen to his current state.

Anger caused a surge in its spirit, and in the world of will, it created even more undead creatures.

Flaming skulls circled in the sky, spewing explosive fireballs, ghastly and ferocious undead zombies with bodies of bronze and iron, an army of Death Knights clad in heavy armor, and even a multitude of bone dragons constructed from skeletons.

No matter how many undead Saga destroyed.

It seemed there were always more waiting for him.

But Saga’s will did not waver. With a thought, he unleashed a super gravity field, countless times more powerful. In an instant, the undead on the ground were crushed to pieces, those in the sky uncontrollably plummeted to the corpse-littered ground, and even incorporeal spirits like wraiths were pulled and twisted as they fell.

At the same time.

As endless undead crashed to the ground, the golden dragon flapped its wings, its massive body rising into the air, crushing countless undead along the way, soaring into the sky.

At a certain height.

The massive dragon plummeted to the ground like a meteor.


The dragon’s limbs hit the ground simultaneously.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze for an instant, and then, in the next moment, amidst deafening, world-mourning sounds, the earth collapsed in layers, sinking and shattering, forming countless terrifying ravines and chasms stretching thousands, even tens of thousands of miles, with cracks extending infinitely.

Terrifying shockwaves swept through the entire world of will.

Endless undead were swept over, effortlessly ground into dust, turning the world of the dead murky and indistinct.

Dragon wings stirred up a great wind.

Clearing the sky of bone dust and fragments of spirits.

“Your will has already wavered.”

In the ravaged world, the golden dragon saw clearly and spoke calmly.

The Warlock remained silent, no longer responding.

From its initial grand declarations to its current silence.

“It’s time to end this, accept the fate you cannot change.”

Saga exhaled and raised a dragon claw.

Invisible waves immediately spread out.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle. Silver-white electric arcs and deep blue lightning bolts appeared in the air.

Centered on Saga, billions of electric currents spread out like a net, permeating and diffusing in an instant, enveloping the entire world of will.

Crash, crash, crash!

Electric arcs leaped, imprinting the ground and the sky, countless bones melted and disintegrated, countless spirits vanished. Innumerable electric arcs, carrying Saga’s will and the power of electromagnetic forces, left countless marks in Addison’s world of will.

Addison was powerless to stop this process.

Moments later.

The electric currents dissipated, and the electromagnetic brand, after a judgment of wills, was successfully applied to the Warlock.

Looking around at the marks he had left, the golden dragon nodded in satisfaction. Its body turned into light and slowly faded away, leaving behind a world of will scarred and marked with electromagnetic brands.

Outside, at the peak of the Gem Mountain.

Bathed in the bright and warm sunlight, the golden Hatchling Dragon opened its eyes, looking at the skull it held tightly in its claw.

“Addison, from now on, serve me well.”

“With me, you will no longer need to feel pain and despair. That is something our enemies need to consider.”

Saga spoke quietly, then released his dragon claw.

The soul fire within the skull flickered weakly.

Hearing Saga’s words, the Warlock, knowing its soul had been marked and would lose its free will, was momentarily stunned.

For some reason.

Its cold, dead heart warmed for a moment.

In a daze, the Warlock thought, “If I had followed him long ago, been his loyal retainer, it would have been a fortunate thing.”

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