Chapter 102 – Champion of the Red Dragon in Metal Dragon City

Saga was acting to unify Moon Bay when…

The Stormy Ocean, the Golden Sea, the deep-sea Dragon City.

Majestic and vast, within the towering Dragon City located beneath the fathomless deep sea, a grand circular structure now hosted a large gathering of Metal Dragon Kind, along with many sea creatures that were affiliated with them.

Colorful jellyfish floated by like neon lights.

A colossal octopus stretched out its slender tentacles to strike the rocks, producing a dull, rhythmic drumming sound.

Mermaids with elegant figures and flowing long hair sang melodious tunes that touched the hearts of all who heard.

The atmosphere in the deep sea was bustling with excitement.

All because the once-in-a-decade Hatchling Dragon competition was in full swing.

In the Metal Dragon’s deep-sea Dragon City, the Hatchling Dragon competition was held every ten years. Through brutal and straightforward one-on-one battles, the contestants were whittled down until a single Hatchling Dragon champion was determined. The little Hatchling Dragon who became the champion would receive a generous reward that made other Hatchling Dragons envious, as well as the glory of being the champion.

This competition was beneficial for the growth of True Dragon offspring.

It effectively boosted their enthusiasm.

Moreover, the adult True Dragons, who were spectators, could also find some amusement by placing small bets on their favored Hatchling Dragons.

It was akin to the children’s festivals held by other Sapient Being races.


A Brass Dragon, about forty meters in length, swam through the water, flapping its wings and appearing above the center of the dueling arena.

Its tail swished like a fish as it circled the dueling area rapidly, facing the audience.

After clearing its throat, the Brass Dragon spoke in a rapid and clear tone: “We have now reached the final battle for the title of Hatchling Dragon Champion, the moment that stirs the hearts of dragons is upon us. Which Hatchling Dragon will claim the title? Please, esteemed guests who have arrived at the deep-sea Dragon City, watch with bated breath!”

Pausing for a moment, it extended its dragon claw, pointing to the east side of the dueling field.


The pitch-black, metallic surface of the dueling field split open, and a platform rose, carrying a figure bathed in radiant gold.

“Now appearing before you is the offspring of the Metal Dragon Kind’s leader, the most powerful and majestic Golden Dragon, and the most beautiful and elegant Silver Dragon. Behold, Herkles!”

“Look, at just five and a half years old, Herkles already measures a full seven meters in length. This son of a Golden Dragon and a Silver Dragon possesses a physique surpassing that of the chief of the Evil Dragons, the Red Dragon, and is hailed by his peers as—The Golden Colossus!”

Amidst the praise, the Hatchling Dragon with golden scales and silver streaks proudly raised its head.

The Brass Dragon spoke with fervor.

On the other side, the ground split open again, and another platform rose with a different figure.

It had bright red scales crisscrossed with fine threads of gold, like a red-gold flame burning in the sea, with a slender yet powerful figure and a pair of indifferent eyes that shone like red gems.

The Brass Dragon spoke again.

“Now appearing before you is the unprecedented offspring of a Golden Dragon and a Red Dragon, the progeny born from the union of the leader of the good dragons and the leader of the evil dragons—Yekaterina! Ah, let me first express on behalf of our kin, the hope that the Metal Dragon blood flowing in this Hatchling Dragon will overpower the Evil Dragon bloodline!”

“At four years old, Yekaterina has already bested over a hundred Hatchling Dragons of her age in the deep-sea Dragon City, including many older than her. She is fierce and ferocious, hailed by her peers as—The Little Dragoness!”

The Brass Dragon’s face broke into a wide smile.

It declared passionately: “The Golden Colossus and The Little Dragoness, both hybrids of two Dragon Kinds, each peerless among Hatchling Dragons of their age. Which is stronger, which is weaker? Ladies and gentlemen, keep your eyes peeled!”

Thump, thump, thump!

The colossal octopus drummed even more urgently.

“The battle begins now!”

Under the gleeful watch of several True Dragons tens of meters in length, the two Hatchling Dragons charged at each other like arrows released from their bows.


The two Hatchling Dragons, one large and one small but both robust, collided fiercely, causing the sea to churn and explode into a ring of powerful shockwaves, muddying the water with countless bubbles and undercurrents.

“The first collision between The Golden Colossus and The Little Dragoness! Who will gain the upper hand, and who will be at a disadvantage?”

The Brass Dragon’s voice rang out with excited exaggeration.

Creak, creak.

The gazes of countless adult dragons pierced through the bubbling sea and murky currents to see the two True Dragons standing on their hind limbs, supporting their bodies, with their forelimbs locked in a fierce struggle.

“Yekaterina, you are younger than me, and your size is no match for mine. You cannot win against me!” The Golden Colossus spoke in Dragon Tongue.

With a powerful flap of its wings, the dragon over seven meters in length moved again, pushing the red-gold figure before it step by step.

“Now it seems that our Golden Colossus, the son of a Golden Dragon and a Silver Dragon, has the upper hand. Oh, The Little Dragoness is at a disadvantage. How will she respond? Ah, The Little Dragoness is powering up!”

Accompanied by the Brass Dragon’s passionate commentary, Yekaterina, who had been pushed back by The Golden Colossus, let out a low growl.


Her right hind leg stomped down fiercely, and the arena, large enough to accommodate teenage dragon battles, immediately cracked. Her retreating body came to an abrupt halt.

Yekaterina’s dragon eyes, like rubies, turned into vertical pupils, and a deep voice seemed to squeeze out from her throat: “With just this much strength, heh, you think you can win against me?”

Underneath the fiery red scales, strong muscles bulged.

The other Hatchling Dragon’s expression changed drastically as it felt a tremendous force rising within its opponent.

Without using its wings for leverage, Yekaterina’s stationary body began to move.


With a step forward, the red-scaled Yekaterina, whose scales blazed like flames in the sea, forced the larger Hatchling Dragon to take a step back.

Thump, thump, thump!

Yekaterina quickened her pace, pressing forward with an unstoppable momentum, her body wrapped in surging currents. Each step she took cracked the arena floor, creating loud snapping sounds.

“What strength! The Little Dragoness, though smaller in stature, possesses a force greater than The Golden Colossus. This is truly, utterly astonishing! The situation has reversed in an instant! Will The Little Dragoness become the champion of this Hatchling Dragon competition?”

Thump, thump, thump! The octopus beat out a lively rhythm.

Amidst the rhythmic drumming, the Brass Dragon spoke with fervor, seemingly more serious than the two dueling Hatchling Dragons.


Just as The Golden Colossus was about to be backed into a wall with no escape, the larger dragon raised its head and roared.

Crack, crack, crack. Visible cold air emanated from its body, freezing the surrounding sea water into ice crystals. The ice extended outwards, attempting to encase Yekaterina within it.

Yekaterina’s gaze sharpened, then she released her grip on the opposing dragon’s claws.

With a flap of her wings, she leaped back gracefully, landing steadily ten meters away from The Golden Colossus.

“The Golden Colossus has used a Silver Dragon’s spell-like ability to force The Little Dragoness to retreat.”

“Indeed, this battle is far from over!”

The Brass Dragon’s noisy commentary caused Yekaterina to frown slightly, then she coldly stared ahead.


The ice shattered, and countless tiny ice cones, spikes, and blades, like a storm, surged towards Yekaterina in the cold sea water. Yekaterina, expressionless, raised her wings high and with a heavy flap, repelled them.

On the other side.

The Golden Colossus, much larger than the average Hatchling Dragon, raised its head.

Huff, huff, huff!

It was taking deep breaths, with tons of sea water rushing into its mouth. At the same time, a golden-silver flame appeared in its mouth, surrounded by swirling ice crystals. This was a strange dragon breath that possessed both the contradictory properties of extreme cold and scorching heat.

“You want to decide the outcome with dragon breath? Fine, I’ll indulge you.”

Yekaterina snorted coldly.


At the same time, she tilted her head back and took a deep breath.

The fine golden threads on her bright red scales became exceptionally bright, as if they were shining magical runes.



The sea water hissed and evaporated, creating numerous steamy undercurrents in the deep sea.

From left and right, two breaths erupted simultaneously and made contact in an instant.


Deafening explosions, like thunder, rang out without interruption.

The breath from Yekaterina carried a destructive force, and upon contact with the other Hatchling Dragon’s breath, it exploded wildly, crushing everything in its path. The sea water oscillated, and a large number of shockwaves erupted, along with an invisible, dangerous energy radiation spreading out.

Facing the approaching dragon breath.

Feeling the unstoppable terrifying force.

The Golden Colossus’s eyes showed a trace of panic.


The dark golden breath from Yekaterina hit The Golden Colossus. A dazzling bright light flashed first, causing even some adult dragons to squint instinctively, followed by a terrifying explosion that formed a mushroom cloud shape in the deep sea. The roaring explosion completely engulfed The Golden Colossus.

Such a spectacular explosion surprised many of the watching True Dragons.

Even some ancient dragons lurking in the abyss shifted their gaze, showing interest.

“Nagaeus, your daughter is exceptionally talented and capable.”

“However, you must pay close attention and educate her well, so her nature does not lean too much towards the evil alignment.”

Similar praises and reminders reached the ears of the Golden Dragonfather.

At the same time.

The hollowed-out area was filled with sea water again, and the undercurrents and dense bubbles gradually dispersed.

Inside a spherical spell shield, The Golden Colossus, with a face full of fear and palpitations, had just felt the threat of death. This Hatchling Dragon, who had lived carefree in the deep-sea Dragon City, admitted defeat.

“I… I lost.”

The spell shield was a precaution to prevent accidents among the Hatchling Dragons.

Once triggered, it meant that one side had lost.

After a second of silence, the lively drumming resumed. The Brass Dragon flapped its wings, its colossal body swooping down, then with its claws, it held the slightly panting Little Dragoness Yekaterina high in the light gathered by countless magical jellyfish.

Glancing at the mixed-blood Golden Dragon, who was dejected from defeat, Yekaterina’s expression remained calm in the jellyfish spotlight.

“Too easy.”

She thought to herself, her mind wandering, lacking enthusiasm.

“If my foolish brother were here, perhaps he could have entertained me.”

Meanwhile, the Brass Dragon referee held the indifferent Yekaterina aloft, flamboyantly shouting the proclamation:

“Our champion of this Hatchling Dragon competition has been born! She is, The Little Dragoness—Yekaterina!”

“Let us cheer for her, applaud her! I hereby wish this small but mighty Hatchling Dragon will truly live up to the title of The Little Dragoness and become a pillar of our Dragon Kind!”

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