Chapter 100 – The timeless gaze, the dragon of eternity and time

“The location of Thorn Isle. There had been extremely strong energy fluctuations from the direction of Thorn Isle before.”

“Could it all be because of the Red Dragoness?”

Gazing at the Mechanar magic array, an ominous feeling began to grow within Saga’s heart.

“The previous energy fluctuations were manageable, but this suddenly deployed array… it doesn’t seem like something of a legendary level.”

Saga’s throat felt dry as he looked up at the terrifying array silently operating, imprinted upon the sky: “It’s brewing something, at least a demigod-level strike.”

“Could this be an attack targeting the Red Dragoness?”

Saga thought rationally, considering that the attack wasn’t meant for the Red Dragoness. After all, while she was indeed powerful, that was a relative term. Based on the information he knew, such a level of attack seemed like overkill against the Red Dragoness.

But reason is one thing.

A strong intuition was telling Saga.

This suddenly deployed demigod array was indeed descending upon the Red Dragoness.

At the same time, a legacy was triggered, and information about this scene was recorded within the Dragon Legacy.

【Derived from the highest-grade war creation of the Mechanar Empire, codenamed Gaiborga, the Mechanical God Fist—capable of striking targets across space, ignoring distance. Two thousand years ago, it shattered hundreds of sky cities during the imperial war with the Skyrealm Empire, once demonstrating the might to obliterate nations with a single punch.】

A record from two thousand years ago.

Since the establishment of the high council, and the imperial conflicts moved behind the scenes, the Mechanar Empire had not used such exaggerated military force for a long time.

To deal with the now much stronger Red Dragoness, such an attack shouldn’t be necessary.

Even ordinary demigods couldn’t withstand a punch from the Mechanar Empire’s highest-grade creation.

Yet, the long-silent Mechanar Empire chose to activate the Mechanical God Fist, choosing to make a mountain out of a molehill, undoubtedly a show of deterrence, like a wild beast baring its fangs.

“Praise the Empire, praise the Machine Spirit.”

“The great Empire and Machine Spirit, the perfect fusion of machinery and magic, a creation that rivals the existence of a true god, bring down your mighty fist and quell the wicked Red Evil Dragon!”

A whisper from an unknown source arose, so faint that even Saga at Moon Bay could barely hear it.


At the same time, a mechanical giant fist, indescribable in size, stretched out from the array, overshadowing the sun and pressing towards the sea.

Machinery, metal, gears, levers, pipelines—it looked somewhat rough and simple, but it carried an overwhelming force of destruction, unyielding and oppressive, that feeling of oppression materialized, hitting everyone in the face, causing all creatures who witnessed this scene to tremble in their hearts and bodies.

Before the fist even fell, the space around it was already sealed.

Under the tangible oppressive force, the sea below split layer by layer, boiling and churning as if stirred by an invisible hand, even revealing the seabed thousands of meters deep. Countless fish and shrimp had already been crushed to death in this process, their bodies bursting, creating waves of blood that dyed the sea red.


Due to the immense distance, Saga could barely make out a tiny spot, like a flame, appearing right below the mechanical giant fist.

Although he couldn’t clearly see what the black flame was, Saga felt a trace of familiarity.

This bit of familiarity made him certain—it was the Red Dragoness.

The Red Dragoness was facing an unprecedented crisis.

“What should I do?”

Saga wanted to provide some assistance to the Red Dragoness.

“Activate the Golden Radiance Body Shield? No, it’s too far away.”

Under the overwhelming pressure, Saga realized that all the means at his disposal were ineffective; he could only watch helplessly as the Red Dragoness was about to be quelled.


Despite the vast distance, Saga could see a fireball being spat out from the ‘black flame,’ heading straight for the sky-covering Mechanical God Fist, but it seemed like an egg striking a rock, not slowing the descent of the mechanical iron fist in the slightest.




The mechanical iron fist fell unwaveringly.

At the same time, Saga saw the ‘black flame’ suddenly swell, forming the outline of a dragon, flapping its wings in a jade-shattering manner, not resigning to fate but bravely and fiercely confronting the mechanical iron fist, facing death.

Time seemed to slow down, and an indescribable emotion brewed and churned in Saga’s heart.

Saga was silent, wordless, just staring intently into the distance.

However, just as the flame in Saga’s heart was about to reach its peak, something even more inconceivable happened.

The Golden Hatchling Dragon’s expression shook, and its eyes widened in shock.

Without any warning, a chilling scene unfolded before its eyes.

From afar, it was as if time had stopped. Under the area covered by the Mechanical God Fist, the rolling waves on the sea suddenly froze, motionless, like the most exquisite works of art.

And it wasn’t just the waves; they were just a trivial part of the frozen area.

The splashing droplets, the burning flames—all were still.

Including the Mechanical God Fist descending from the sky and the black and red fire dragon soaring and battling in the air.

Then, after a moment of stillness, time seemed to start flowing again.

But this time—backward.

The waves rolled back, the droplets converged.

The Mechanical God Fist rose inch by inch, the black and red fire dragon fell inch by inch, the sea water flowed back into the depressed area that had revealed the seabed, blood droplets and bone fragments separated from the bloodied water, gathering together, the dead fish and sea beasts came back to life, swimming upside down in the water, and in the blink of an eye, the tumultuous world became calm and sunny again, as if nothing had happened.

The sky-covering mechanical array disappeared, ceased to exist.

At the same time, a feeling of being watched came over him.

The Golden Hatchling Dragon trembled, its eyes wide, looking up at the sky in confusion.

At some point, a pair of ethereal, translucent platinum dragon pupils appeared above the firmament, deep as the vast starry sky, indifferently watching over all things below.

The power that reversed time seemed to originate from Them.

These eyes were like the sun.

As for Their owner, although not fully revealed, not showing Their face, the moment Saga saw these eyes, he naturally understood to whom they belonged—

The deity worshipped by the Time Cult, the teacher of the legendary Death God Karsas—The Eternal Dragon of Time!

“The Eternal Dragon of Time actually exists, and this might doesn’t seem to be feigned by some evil god or demon.”

“But why? Why is there no record of this Dragon God among the pantheon of dragon deities?”

“Why would such a mysterious and powerful Dragon God personally intervene to resolve the crisis for the Red Dragoness? Could it be that the Red Dragoness is a dragon favored by the gods, a believer He has taken notice of? It doesn’t seem impossible.”

Saga’s heart tightened, his thoughts racing like lightning.

Somehow, he felt that the Eternal Dragon of Time, who had only revealed Their eyes, was watching him.

As Saga thought this.

A deep and sacred voice sounded.

It was like the breeze of ancient times, blowing through the curtains of time, gently falling into the present, and like an echo from the distant future, stirring the ripples of time, merging with this moment.

Past and future intertwined, converging together.

Finally, it reached into Saga’s soul.

“Saga, this is our second meeting.”

They spoke thus.

“Eh? Our second meeting?”

Saga was slightly startled, and subconsciously questioned in his heart: “Great Dragon God, when have we met before?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized that the other party had called him by name, but after thinking about it, it was too simple for such a god-like being to find out about him.

Looking up at the sky with the Golden Hatchling Dragon.

The platinum dragon pupils showed a profound look, not responding, gradually fading away.

A cloudless sky, clear as a gemstone, filled his view.

“A riddle dragon, huh? When exactly have we met?”

“Could it be that I encountered one of Their avatars in the past without knowing it?”

Saga came back to his senses, a bit annoyed, thinking to himself.

“Don’t leave after speaking in riddles, is it fun to be a riddle dragon?”

“Ah, no, the Dragon God must have a deeper meaning, it’s just me who doesn’t understand.”

Saga muttered and complained in his heart, but then he quickly collected his thoughts and corrected himself, thinking that the other party might still be around and might hear his inner thoughts.

He slowly exhaled and looked into the distance again.

The direction of Thorn Isle had calmed down, and the black and red fire dragon that could be seen had shrunk until it faded from Saga’s view, after all, the distance was indeed vast.

“Does the Red Dragoness really have a faith? And she’s a dragon favored by the gods? It doesn’t seem like it, but then again, I don’t know much about the Red Dragoness, she rarely mentions her past.”

“Could it be that before I was hatched, the Red Dragoness worshipped this Eternal Dragon of Time?”

Based on the information he had, Saga made a reasonable guess.

He couldn’t be sure of his thought, not knowing if it was true or false, but for now, he could only think this way.

“After a while, I need to return to Thorn Isle and ask the Red Dragoness about the situation.”

Saga thought to himself.

At the same time.

To the west of Moon Bay, four thousand kilometers away, in the airspace a thousand kilometers further west of Thorn Isle, the Red Dragoness, now in her normal form of a nearly forty-meter-long red dragon, had a thoughtful look in her eyes.

After sinking the King of the Vast Seas and attacking the Kingdom of Rosen, she was on her way back to Thorn Isle.

During this period, because of her confrontation with the Archdemon, her return was not swift; she would sometimes dive into the deep sea to focus on the standoff with the Archdemon until her emotions stabilized before continuing her journey.

However, before she could reach Thorn Isle, just now.

The Mechanical God Fist of the Mechanar Empire descended, in a manner that she was completely unable to stop, falling from the sky, sealing the space around her, and pressing down.

Her counterattack was ineffective.

Just as she was prepared to perish together with it, hoping to leave at least a mark on the Mechanical God Fist.

The Eternal Dragon of Time appeared, reversing time with inconceivable means, and resolved this crisis for her.

From Their appearance to departure, it was only a short second or two.

There seemed to be no communication between them.

But there was a conversation that only the Red Dragoness knew.

This mysterious dragon, also shrouded in secrecy in the legacy, suddenly appeared when she was about to be quelled by the Mechanar Empire’s Mechanical God Fist, not simply to rescue her.

Unlike what Saga had guessed, she did not worship any deity, nor was she a believer favored by the Eternal Dragon of Time.

In a seemingly still time, unknown to outsiders.

The other party proposed a trade, offering generous terms that the Red Dragoness could not refuse.

First, this Eternal Dragon of Time would rescue her from the dire situation.

Then, They also helped the Red Dragoness set up a more secure time seal, aiding her in digesting and assimilating the Archdemon’s power.

On the pattern of the Infernal Demon Refinery faintly outlined on the Red Dragoness’s chest and abdomen, there was now an even more inconspicuous ring-shaped mark, perfectly encapsulating the Infernal Demon Refinery pattern.

This was a trade, not a one-sided gift.

The other party offered such generous terms and also put forward Their conditions.

“When you achieve demigodhood, heed My call, and go to another timeline to fight for Me!”

As for the other timeline, the Red Dragoness received some information from the Eternal Dragon of Time that she was not previously aware of.

It turns out that in addition to the infinite number of worlds, there are also infinite timelines, and the timeline she was in was just an insignificant one among the infinite timelines, like a drop of water in the ocean, no, even like the finer particles that make up that drop of water.

“The world is diverse, timelines are infinite, in such a boundless and infinite world, how can I, Renata, be content with obscurity?”

The Red Dragoness did not ponder long over the conditions of the Eternal Dragon of Time and agreed decisively.

After all, she actually had no choice.

Moreover, this was also a tremendous opportunity.She wanted to visit other times and spaces, to gain opportunities to broaden her horizons and increase her knowledge, and also, to meet and communicate with more of the peculiar True Dragons. The Eternal Dragon of Time and Space told her that there were many True Dragons like her, who had been saved by themselves in times of crisis and agreed to a trade, each one an exceptional existence among dragons.

“What help could I possibly offer to such a divine being? To fight for Them?”

“Even if I become a demigod in the future, I probably won’t be able to get involved in wars at that level. When I become a demigod, the answer to this question will be revealed.”

With a different kind of excitement, the Red Dragoness returned to Thorn Isle.

With the seal gifted by the Eternal Dragon of Time and Space, she could more easily smelt the Archduke of Demons, and her ascension to demigod status was imminent, and this was just the beginning.

On First Quarter Island, Saga swayed his tail, his heart filled with the same doubts as his dragon mother.

In fact, it wasn’t just Saga and the Red Dragoness who were shocked and puzzled.

To flaunt its military power and deter other nations, the Mechanar Empire activated the Mechanical God Fist for the first time in two thousand years. When this fist descended from the sky, crossing space, it was sensed by many demigod powerhouses on Saiga Planet.

They understood the intentions of the Mechanar Empire.

However, the geopolitical landscape of the many nations on Saiga Planet was one of three superpowers and many strong ones.

The Skyrealm Empire, the Mechanar Empire, and the Divinia Empire—these three empires were stronger than the other two higher empires, and even stronger than the ordinary empires.

As one of the three super high empires, the Mechanar Empire indeed had the capital to show off and intimidate.


What the demigod powerhouses of this primary material world could not have imagined was the subsequent development.

The Mechanical God Fist sent down by the Mechanar Empire was dissolved and unraveled in such a manner, the scene of time flowing backward deeply imprinted in the minds of these people, unable to be dispelled.

It was foreseeable.

This primary material world was about to ‘quake.’

The Eternal Dragon of Time and Space was but a fleeting glimpse, yet it would change the pattern of this world.

Some Casters proficient in divination and foresight whispered in their hearts.

“The seemingly peaceful Saiga Planet for so long, might be about to change.”

The Eternal Dragon of Time and Space was regarded as a deity.

They intervened in the primary material world, effortlessly dissolving the attack of the highest creation of the Mechanar Empire.

Due to the vast ocean, many Sapient Beings witnessed this scene, and this information would inevitably sweep across Saiga Planet like a storm.

This would greatly influence the world’s perception of deities.

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