Vol.2 – Chapter 6 – Kill the snake and silence it

Su He was taken aback, “It’s not?”

Green Snake shook her head, her tail swaying back and forth in the sea to maintain balance, “I’ve been to the battlefield between the two realms. The Transcend Mortality realm spans tens of thousands of miles, the Subdue Demons realm spans hundreds of thousands of miles, and the Traverse Heaven realm is unknown. The Sect Leader didn’t mention it.”

She simply used her tail to hook onto a rock on Turtle Mountain where Su He was, hanging there without having to swim herself, “The environment in the Transcend Mortality and Subdue Demons realms is similar, with a grey sky and bare rocks. It’s nothing like here.”

Green Snake looked around. This was a perfectly suitable place to live, with a higher concentration of spiritual energy than her small courtyard.

“If it’s not the battlefield between the two realms, how did you get in?” Green Snake was clearly here to find him. Since she had a purpose in coming, how could she not have any understanding?

Green Snake shook her head, “I was originally crossing into the battlefield between the two realms. When I passed through the Three Lives Gate, I was pulled by your life lamp and fell into the sea, and then it played with and hunted me.”

Green Snake glanced at the tiger whale shrinking to one side, hissing a few times to reveal its sharp teeth, quite a bit resentful.

Su He was confused.

After thinking for a long time, he could only think of some possibilities. He had previously felt a trace of Dragon Turtle’s aura on the Three Lives Gate, thinking it was an illusion.

Could this place be related to Dragon Turtle?

Su He then thought of another thing. If this is not the battlefield between the two realms, then… are there any Mysterious Moon Exotic Beasts?

There shouldn’t be any around. Su He didn’t sense the aura of Mysterious Moon. If there were Mysterious Moon Exotic Beasts, the tiger whale, as a six-star Exotic Beast, would not be unaware – at least it would have been hit by Mysterious Moon.

But when Su He asked it who was the strongest around, it proudly and straightforwardly said that it was the strongest.

Be careful and probe first!

Focus on cultivation, and there will be nothing to fear once you advance to Divine Beast – at worst, you can just lie low. Right now, you still need to work hard on cultivation. It’s important for a Divine Beast to grow peacefully. Adult Divine Beasts are at least in the Traverse Heaven realm.

Dragon Turtle is even the cream of the crop among Divine Beasts.

Moreover, once you advance to Divine Beast, you can gain inheritance. With more knowledge and broader horizons, you naturally know what you should know.


Su He let out a low growl towards the tiger whale, asking it to bring its group over.

First train the tiger whale group, then send them out to explore the world. Su He would be much safer hiding in the back.

Confirming that Su He had no way to leave this place, Green Snake was stunned for a while, then she seemed relieved. She even felt a bit fortunate.

Nowadays, the Qingyuan Sect is constantly at war. Disciples above the Sense Realm have to fight in the battlefield between the two realms, and those in the True Blood realm also have to assist in defense. Her being able to come here is like escaping a disaster.

Green Snake is just a snake, having opened her Spiritual Intelligence less than a year ago. The snake’s instinct still dominates, and she would rather live well than go to the battlefield!

Green Snake swayed her tail and swam towards the small island. The sea was too dangerous for her. It was much better on the island. Su He just accompanied her to beat up the only four-star giant lizard, letting the giant lizard know that this snake was not to be messed with, and then she was safe.

Letting Green Snake take care of Feng Yaya, Su He returned to the sea and swam towards the seabed.

Actually, Green Snake didn’t need to take care of Feng Yaya. Feng Yaya’s Cultivation Level didn’t need to be mentioned, and the defenses left on her by Su Huanian were countless.

If there really was a Mysterious Moon Exotic Beast running out here, throwing Feng Yaya out would definitely be the right move!

Su He sank to the bottom of the sea and closed his eyes to cultivate.

The Turtle Longevity Breath Technique was running, and both spiritual power and True Blood were activated.

Originally, only his turtle shell and scales were as black as ink. Now, when he looked inward, all his bones were emitting a color like black jade. When he struck them with his Divine Sense, they made a clanging sound like metal and stone.

This was not only due to the Dragon Turtle, but also the effect of the Warm Jade. The Warm Jade had an extraordinary effect on nourishing the body.

Su He breathed deeply, swallowing and spitting out seawater. He watched as True Blood slowly changed his bones and internal organs. His consciousness entered the sea of the Sense Realm, and the bright mirror hung high:

Status: Healthy

True Blood: 89.9%

Sacrificial Bone: 12%

Internal Organs: 13%

In the past few days, True Blood had completely stagnated. It should be that only after all the bones and internal organs are upgraded can it continue. The growth of Sacrificial Bone and Internal Organs was rapid, thanks to the effect of Warm Jade and the quality ×3 lobster.

Of course, the most important thing was Su He’s diligence.

Exiting the Sense Realm, he no longer felt the outside world and devoted himself to cultivation. The seawater around him flowed slightly, the fish were lively, and two sharks cursed and ran away.

Time quietly passed.

After two cycles, Su He’s consciousness returned. He felt something strange under him. Something was wriggling. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw a huge sea turtle, in reverse gear, pushing its butt against him and trying to burrow under him.

Judging by the smell, it was a female turtle.

Su He…

Su He suddenly jumped up, floating high, looking down in horror.

It was indeed a female turtle in heat.

Before she could get into position, the male turtle on her body ran away. The female turtle looked surprised, raising her head to see two stars shining in her forehead.

It was another Exotic Beast!

Su He shivered with cold. This turtle didn’t emit any malice, otherwise, even if he was in cultivation, he would wake up instantly.

A light laughter came from above his head. Su He turned his head and saw Green Snake swaying her body like a willow in the wind, winking at him with a bit of charm.

Su He’s face darkened even more. Dozens of ways to kill the snake and silence it flashed through his mind.

Green Snake shrank back a bit, baring her teeth at Su He in a threatening manner, “Are you thinking of something cruel?”

Don’t deny it, your scales are standing on end.

Su He created a whirlpool to sweep away the sea turtle that was trying to wrap around him again, and looked at Green Snake, “Why did you come into the sea?”

Didn’t she know her own weight? If Su He were an enemy, Green Snake wouldn’t be able to withstand even one of his claws – she wouldn’t even be enough to fill the gaps between his teeth.

Green Snake flicked her tongue, “Looking for a place to cultivate!” It was too dangerous on the shore. Although the giant lizard had been beaten up, there were still other Exotic Beasts.

She was not Feng Yaya, nor was she Dragon Turtle. She didn’t have such strong combat power. She wasn’t afraid of two or three two-star Exotic Beasts, but a group of them was too much – who had ever seen six or seven two-star Exotic Beasts in a wolf pack in other places.

The wild Exotic Beasts of the Qingyuan Sect were all outside the Sect.

Thinking about it, it was safer to be near Dragon Turtle with the tip of her tail.

“Are there any big trees under the sea?” She was of water and wood attributes. There was plenty of water element here, but the wood element was lacking. In fact, her best cultivation environment was like Snake Valley, with trees by the water, where the water and wood elements merged harmoniously.Su He shook his head, how could there be trees at the bottom of the sea? There were plenty of seaweeds, but they lacked the vitality of wood.

Green Snake, disappointed, flicked her tail and slithered into the seaweed a hundred feet in front of Su He, soaring and circling like a swimming dragon.

Su He’s cultivation was about stillness, motionless except for his breathing, like a whale drawing in water. Green Snake’s cultivation, on the other hand, involved constant movement. If she grew large enough in the future, she could wind around mountains.

Green Snake’s swimming was full of rhythm, as if she was one with the water, flowing with the current. The seaweed parted and gathered around her, creating a sense of beauty akin to Tai Chi in her movements.

A hint of a smile rose in Su He’s eyes. Having a snake cultivating by his side reminded him of the same time last year, when he shamelessly lingered in Snake Valley.

Eating, sleeping, fighting old crocodiles!

But this tranquility was shattered in an instant. The urgent call of a tiger whale came, immediately interrupting Green Snake’s rhythm.

It was his tiger whale.

“Back to the shore!” Su He instructed Green Snake, parting the water and heading straight for the surface. From afar, he saw the tiger whale chasing a huge sea dog, which had a baby tiger whale in its mouth.

(End of Chapter)

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