Vol.2 – Chapter 5 – Green Snake

Two two-star giant eagles were enough for Su He to have two meals.

Humans should know their limits, and so should eagles.

They had previously attacked Feng Yaya, got beaten up and had their nest and eggs stolen. Today, they came to attack him again. They were truly ignorant of their impending doom.

This world was strange. Exotic beasts could sense the threat of other exotic beasts, but they couldn’t sense Su He’s presence.

It was somewhat disrespectful.

Drip, drip, the sound of water droplets came from beside him. Turning his head, he saw a wild boar drooling, its eyes full of desire as it stared at the two eagles.

The aroma of the crispy outside and tender inside was overflowing.

This pig was smart but used its intelligence in the wrong place. Until now, it didn’t understand that it should hunt for Su He. Instead, it was thinking about taking advantage of him.

Su He tore off an eagle leg and threw it to the pig.

The wild boar’s eyes lit up, and it pounced on it.


Stay here, protect the master, if there’s any negligence, I’ll roast you alive!


The wild boar, with the eagle leg in its mouth, knelt on the ground, looking at Su He in fear.

Beast roars didn’t have specific words, but communication between beasts was even more convenient. Su He’s roar had two meanings: protect Feng Yaya or be struck by lightning.

Judging from the begging posture, the wild boar understood very thoroughly.

After finishing his meal, Su He rode the waves towards the seaside.

The storm had stopped, and the sun was shining brightly.

He didn’t know how many days he had slept, but the ground had already dried up.

On the beach, sea turtles were hatching. The baby turtles were clumsily crawling towards the sea, which was adorable. Seagulls were diving down from above, trying to snatch the baby turtles.


A thunderclap exploded in the sky, driving away the seagulls.

The stupid appearance of the baby turtle reminded Su He of himself when he had just hatched. There were no seagulls at Listening Sea Lake, but there were other water birds.

Back then, he had nothing. Eighty percent of his survival was due to luck, and the other twenty percent was due to caution.

He sensed the presence of a killer whale about twenty miles to the east. Looking over, he saw it chasing a giant snake. The whale seemed to be in a good mood, creating a whirlpool to trap the giant snake. The snake was spun to the bottom of the whirlpool and then flicked into the center by the whale’s tail.

The snake tried everything it could, spitting arrows, spitting fog, and even briefly flying, but it couldn’t escape.

In its struggle, it seemed somewhat delicate and fragile.

This snake was very beautiful, with an emerald green body and a slightly yellow belly. It was clearly a giant snake, but it gave off a seductive feeling.

This snake… looked familiar.

This was his Green Snake!

“Roar!” Su He roared.

Stop it.

The sound wave rolled away, leaving the killer whale confused. It was having fun when it seemed to hear the voice of that annoying turtle. What a mood killer… Wait, did the king also want to eat snake meat?

The killer whale immediately stopped the whirlpool and bit towards the Green Snake.

The snake felt dizzy. The teeth in the whale’s mouth were like roots under the sun, shimmering with a cold light. The smell of blood rushed to its nose.

It was going to die!

It was going to die!

In an instant, the entire snake couldn’t move. The Emerald Green Snake was naturally timid. In its life, when had it ever seen such a creature?

A six-star exotic beast! I’m just a little snake demon who has been cultivating for a year…

A sense of weakness came over it.

Just as it was about to be swallowed by the whale, a wave carrying the momentum of heaven and earth came – it was not an exaggeration, this wave seemed to be respected by the entire sea, the sea actively cooperated, allowing it to roll.


The wave was like a giant hand, slapping the killer whale away.

Green Snake blinked, not reacting for a moment.

It took a while for it to come back to its senses.

Was it… saved?

First, it was stunned, then overjoyed. Green Snake turned its head and saw a Dragon Turtle coming through the waves, majestic and domineering. The sea waves surged under it, but none dared to leap onto its body. It was as if the entire sea had been conquered by it.

Green Snake was somewhat stunned for a moment.

This was a Divine Beast…

“Hey!” The Divine Beast spoke.

Green Snake came back to its senses, feeling a bit embarrassed, then gritted its teeth and complained.

“Turtle, that whale bit me!”

“Wa ya~~ Wa ya~~”

Head! Eat snake!

A snake and a whale both called out to Su He at the same time.

Then the air froze.

The killer whale turned its head to look at the sea, trying to find the wave that had just hit it. Was it not the snake but the head that hit it? It looked incredulous. It hit me again?

Green Snake looked at Su He with a face full of resentment.

Back at Listening Sea Lake, this turtle was not doing its job. As a Divine Turtle, it became the king of crocodiles. Here, with so many sea turtles not being tamed, it tamed a six-star killer whale…

Wait a minute!

A six-star killer whale?

Green Snake suddenly felt it difficult to breathe, and its heart ached slightly at the seven-inch spot.

Six stars!

Back at Listening Sea Lake, although it couldn’t beat the turtle, there wasn’t much of a gap. To kill a three-star white tiger, they had to cooperate.

It’s been less than a year…

And this was a killer whale! The top predator in the food chain! Even if they were both exotic beasts, they were not comparable.

Su He looked at her changing snake face and found it extremely interesting.

“How did you get here?”

Green Snake swam a bit, its slender body creating a series of ripples in the sea waves. Its tail hooked a small cloth bag from its neck and handed it to Su He.

This was a Beast Pet bag.

Most of the disciples in Beast-taming Valley didn’t cultivate the Beast Transformation chapter, but tamed beast pets instead. Large beast pets couldn’t possibly run around freely, especially when going out, it was often inconvenient to let them out, so there were special Beast Pet bags.

Generally, spatial equipment couldn’t contain living beings. The Beast Pet bag was special. It didn’t completely sever the connection between its internal space and the outside world. It was one of the few spatial magical instruments that could contain living beings.

Su He opened it, and a grass turtle the size of a washbasin fell out. With a thud, it fell into the sea, then a wave lifted it up and dropped it on Su He’s external form, Turtle Mountain.

It was the turtle mother of Su He’s life.

“Elder Ge asked me to bring this to you, and these.” Green Snake took out a turtle shell from its Accept Disciple, which was the remains of Su He’s turtle father, and a life lamp, which was Su He’s own.

Su He was stunned for a moment. These were all things closely related to him. Although the connection with the turtle mother had been severed, the mother-child relationship was innate. How could it be completely severed in the dark?Unless Su He completely annihilated her, setting aside the intangible things like the grace of birth, killing his biological mother would inevitably affect his merit and fortune, and might even form a heart demon in the future.

The Life Lamp, needless to say, already contained Su He’s Divine Sense and spiritual charm, and was deeply related.

“Did Master leave any messages for you?” Su He asked.

Green Snake nodded, “Elder Ge said, cultivate well.”

Su He understood that the old man was agreeing with his decision to leave Qingyuan Sect, even indirectly encouraging him.

Su He put the turtle mother back into the Beast Pet bag. The sea was dangerous and not suitable for it to survive. The grass turtle should be in fresh water. He could find a suitable lake to release it in the future.

With a slight movement of his Divine Sense, the Life Lamp suddenly shattered. The Negative Mountain enveloped it and instantly absorbed all the residues.

Green Snake swayed her tail, looking at the vast sea around, “Where is this?”

“The Two Realms Battlefield, didn’t you feel the information from the Three Lives Gate?” Su He replied.

Green Snake gave him a glance, her voice lazy but mature and charming, “No, it’s not! The Two Realms Battlefield of the Transcend Mortality Realm is a bare mountain range that spans thousands of miles. It’s full of Minotaurs from the Emperor’s Great World. After entering, there’s a door from the Three Lives Gate behind that you can exit from. The Qingyuan Sect has already set up a Formation for defense at the gate.”

She looked around, nodding as if affirming to herself, “This is definitely not the Two Realms Battlefield! There’s no gate here to return to Qingyuan.”

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