Vol.2 – Chapter 47 – Bai Ling: Only I can kill myself

“Don’t look at me! I don’t know either.” The ancient Dragon Turtle looked at the bewildered Su He, shrugging his shell.

He had never seen the “Ming” on the Hakutaku list, not knowing how ancient it was.

Perhaps it had long been obliterated in the river of history, or maybe it was hiding somewhere, sleeping for a million years.

Hakutaku lived too long, and its inheritance was somewhat strange. Only when one Hakutaku died would a new one be born.

There was always only one Hakutaku in the world, solitary and alone.

The new Hakutaku would inherit the memories of the old one, as if there had always been only one Hakutaku, just with a changed personality.

The Dragon Turtle glanced at Hakutaku, only to see the old fellow gradually becoming transparent, slowly disappearing without attracting attention. Seeing him glance over, it vanished completely in a flash.


Was it just because he asked for a proper greeting gift after Bai Ling’s Tribulation Crossing?

The Dragon Turtle curled his lips, a chick jumped out from the Mysterious Wasteland, bringing out the blood drop of Yaya that the toad had just sent in.

A glance at the blood drop separated it from the crystal, floating in front of him and rapidly enlarging – not multiplying, but magnifying. Each cell seemed to be swelling.

As the blood drop expanded, he could see the constant flashing of electricity within it, as well as a hidden, undetectable trace of consciousness.

Feng Yaya was similar to a Divine Beast, her divine soul and body were one. Every drop of her blood carried a trace of divine soul.

The Dragon Turtle looked at the blood drop, runes appearing out of thin air between his two dragon horns, falling into the blood, analyzing the blood components. A look of confusion gradually rose in his eyes. He occasionally looked down at Su He, his gaze becoming more and more strange.

Finally, after a long while, he couldn’t help but ask, “Little guy, tell me honestly, besides the talent of duplication, do you have any hidden talents?”

Su He was puzzled.

After blinking for a while, he went through all his Divine Abilities, strengths, and weaknesses in his mind, before hesitantly asking, “Does being rich count?”

“Pah!” The Dragon Turtle spat at him.

Every Dragon Turtle was rich. Being rich was useless, the real heroes of the Dragon Turtle clan were those who could produce offspring.

“Let’s go, let’s go!” He collected the blood drop, let out a long chant towards the direction of Yunmeng Ze, and flew towards the extreme south of the Mysterious Wasteland.

It had been a long time since he returned to the Mysterious Wasteland, the runes he used to suppress the land should have slackened. He needed to go and reinforce them.

There was no love without reason, nor hatred without cause. The Divine Beasts were of great use to the world.

Divine Beasts could help the world expand, grow, and advance.

However, this ability only came after the opening of the heavens, which was still a long way off for Su He.

Su He lay outside the Three Lives Gate, the toad was picking up the fragments of the entrance to the Transcend Mortality realm of the Three Lives Gate one by one, stuffing them into his space bag.

These were what the Dragon Turtle asked Su He to collect, but they were of no use to the Dragon Turtle. Su He could use them to create the entrance to his own small world, carrying it with him.

Su He was already lying on the ground, his consciousness once again sinking into the Dao Palace, entering the Sea of Inheritance. His cultivation time was too short, and his knowledge was too scarce.

He needed to seize every opportunity to acquire knowledge.

He landed on his own Dao Shadow, looked around, and then looked at Bai Ling’s Dao Shadow.

Above Bai Ling’s head were three huge talismans, two of which Su He couldn’t look at at all. Looking at them made his mind roar. The knowledge contained within them was too vast and profound, not something he could touch at the moment – if it weren’t for the fact that he was a Dragon Turtle, with a world pearl in his body. The high and mighty act of opening the heavens was not something he could accept with his current knowledge.

Su He’s gaze fell on the third talisman of Bai Ling, and as his consciousness just probed into it, a voice with a hint of playfulness and defiance suddenly rang out.

“Yo~ Little brother~”

Su He was startled.

The only two things that could make a sound in the inheritance ground were the inheritance ground itself and the Dragon Turtle receiving the inheritance.

Bai Ling was being special again!

Not only did she leave a voice, but she also left an image! The talismans left by other Dragon Turtles were like memories. When your gaze touched the talisman, you would receive a thought, understanding what was recorded.

Including Bai Ling’s other talismans.

You knew exactly what was inside, but there was no sound, no picture, like recalling past events with your eyes closed.

But now, a picture appeared on that huge talisman, vividly depicting a scene.

A unique white jade Dragon Turtle, sitting cross-legged with its heart facing the sky, its armor facing the picture, and a ball in its front claws.

After a while, it finished its work and opened its eyes, waved its claw and pointed to a secret realm behind it, raised its head, and proudly said, “Look, this is the territory I have conquered for you!”

The raised dragon head, a pair of extremely beautiful dragon horns, looked like a heroic empress.

Su He: “……”

She laughed, lay down, as if she could see Su He through the image, her eyes bright, “Little brother, you have to be quick~ This is a secret realm created with the full strength of seven Teng Snakes. It’s prepared for the Dragon Turtles to open the heavens. If you come late, it will be taken by others.”

The picture broke apart here, the talisman was still a talisman, everything returned to calm. As if nothing had happened just now.

Looking at the talisman again, it returned to its original state, recording a lot of experience and knowledge. It was about divination and prediction.

Mysterious and elusive.The divination in this realm has always been inaccurate, with the Heavenly Machine always in a state of chaos. However, this is relative, as there are always one or two monsters that can break the norm. Gu Luo said that Bai Ling could break through the Heavenly Machine lock and see the future.

Su He didn’t know what the Heavenly Machine lock was. He only knew that Bai Ling was very powerful.

After twenty thousand years of cultivation, she could beat other divine beasts who had cultivated for three hundred thousand years. Her talent was outrageously high.

Su He was scratching his claws, wanting to pull Bai Ling out of the talisman and give her a beating.

This Turtle must be seriously ill!

He only let him glance at the entrance to the secret realm, without even telling him where the secret realm was! The entrance to the secret realm – don’t they all look the same?

Could it be that he wanted him to learn divination himself?

It was difficult for the turtle. This was not something that could be done in a short time. Just being able to understand the experience recorded in this talisman would probably take three to five thousand years.

As Su He was looking confused, the talisman shook again, and the broken picture reversed and condensed, and Bai Ling appeared again. She propped up her front paw and sat cross-legged again, looking annoyed: “I forgot, you’re too young and inexperienced. You don’t even know where this is. As your older sister, I’ll be generous and give you a free divination with this rune every year.”

She stood with her hands on her hips, looking like she was very generous.

“Make good use of it! Don’t tell the other elders in the clan about the secret realm~” Bai Jade Dragon Turtle threw a flirtatious glance at Su He, and was about to disperse.

Su He blinked: “Sister, you missed something!”

The Bai Jade Dragon Turtle, who had everything under control, suddenly looked flustered, hurriedly looked down at herself, and glared at Su He, saying in an unfriendly tone: “I’ll bite you! My tail is curled up!”

After she finished speaking, the picture suddenly shattered.

Su He was stunned, and after a while, a curse word slipped out.


He never swore unless he couldn’t hold it in.

Was that the behavior of a dead turtle in the picture just now?

Bai Ling was still alive! She was secretly living in some corner!

Su He’s breathing became rapid.

The huge talisman on top of Bai Ling’s inheritance shadow was flashing a dangerous red light. Su He glanced at it, and a picture appeared.

The picture was blurry and vague, not as clear as the previous video, but more like an animated painting.

Two soaring snakes were hiding in the shadows, their wings spread out and moving rapidly. They were still talking while flying: “Hurry! We need to hurry! Go to the Seven Extremes Secret Realm in the Mysterious Wasteland. The Dragon Turtle has a cub, and it will definitely take the core of the secret realm! We must snatch it before him.”

Next to him was a soaring snake with a languid expression, looking like a frostbitten eggplant: “Don’t worry, that turtle just crossed the Tribulation, he’s very weak, it’s not time for him to open the sky.”

“Weak my ass! Can a weakling shatter your thoughts? It might be another Bai Ling. Speed up! We must reach the Mysterious Wasteland within ten days by riding the River of Light…”

The picture shattered completely at this point.

This was not a live broadcast, this was a deduced picture. Su He deeply doubted, weren’t deduced prophecies all vague and ambiguous things? Can they be this specific?

Su He immediately exited the inheritance sea, and shouted at the frog who was eager to jump into the Three Lives Gate and go to the Subdue Demons battlefield: “Cuihua, take me to the Mountain Sea!”

The frog turned its head sharply, gritted its teeth and glared at him. It jumped up and slapped Su He on the forehead, and the next moment, his consciousness was already in the Mysterious Realm.

“If you call me Cuihua again, I’ll peel off your scales one by one!” The frog stepped on his forehead, croaking a warning.

Su He shook his head and threw it off.

He didn’t appreciate his good fortune. He wasn’t satisfied with the name his parents gave him? He was called Su He because when he was taken to the welfare home, the auntie there was distributing pastries to the children.

The surname Su was better than the surname Pastry, so he chose Su. The character He was even more random, he just opened the dictionary and chose the simplest character on that page – the auntie only had a primary school education, you couldn’t expect her to come up with a high-end name.

Su He let out a long howl to the sky: “Ang~”

Dear uncles and grandfathers! Who’s at home, does anyone have news about Bai Ling!

As soon as Su He finished shouting, he flew up uncontrollably, the scenery in front of him changed drastically, and he crashed headlong into a mountain.

The mountain was hollow, with gems sparkling.

The place was lavishly decorated, like a palace in the mountain.

There was music playing inside, and a group of female turtles were swaying and dancing. The little female turtles were all top-notch, just shaking their heads and tails, but Su He felt as if they were like willows in the wind, as beautiful as the most beautiful women in the world.

This aesthetic… there’s a problem! It was fine to think Bai Ling was beautiful, but why did he think ordinary turtles were beautiful too?

Gu Luo and Huai were enjoying themselves in front of him.

Su He: “……”

Can the Mysterious Realm be played like this? Just pulling him here like this, isn’t it a bit inappropriate for children? The Dragon Turtle who said he was a turtle cub was talking about the realm.

Su He was really still a turtle cub!

“Do you have news about Little Bai Ling?” Gu Luo turned his head and murmured.

Su He nodded and let out a low hum: “She left a picture in the inheritance illusion, I suspect… she’s not dead!”


There was a commotion, and the swaying female turtles disappeared in an instant. Gu Luo and Huai stared straight at Su He.

“Memory!” Su He murmured.

This kind of thing, shouting back and forth was too exhausting, it was better to watch it directly.

He recalled the previous events in his mind.

The two elders immediately cooperated, and a scene appeared in front of Su He, which was his experience in the inheritance illusion.

A black jade Dragon Turtle looked up at one of the three white spirit talismans, and the talisman twisted.

Su He murmured, “Two uncles, pay attention, the white spirit is coming…”

A scene appeared on the talisman, on a hill, a white jade Dragon Turtle was shrinking in its shell as if wronged, twitching and trembling.

Su He: “???”

He had never experienced this scene!

The white spirit in the picture stretched out its head towards the picture, “I’m sorry, I’m dead… I can’t bear children for you… I was born before you, and when you were born, I was gone… Even if you go to my grave and touch my corpse, I can’t continue your lineage…”

Su He: “!!!”

The two uncles looked at him with their heads down, their eyes flashing with strange light, as if they were looking at a pervert.


No, spit! The scene was wrong!

Su He was so anxious that words appeared on his forehead, lines of words formed by water stains, jumping like bullet comments.

The two uncles looked at him with even stranger eyes.

At this moment in the picture, the white spirit stood up, put her hands on her hips and laughed, “Little brother, are you surprised? Are you shocked? I told you not to tell the elders, but you still want to find your parents? You are a Dragon Turtle! You need to be independent!”

Su He, who was frantically commenting, was silent: “…”

He tilted his head to look at the two uncles, and the roar and bullet comments appeared at the same time, “This thing is alive, right?”

How could a dead person be so suicidal?!

“She interacted with me in the inheritance space!”

Gu Luo and Huai both shook their heads. Gu Luo formed a large hand of yellow soil and patted Su He’s shell. A thought echoed in Su He’s heart, “This is the white spirit. She opened the seven heavens, all based on divination. Her divination has reached the realm of transformation. If she wants, there is nothing in all the heavens and worlds that she does not know! It’s not surprising that she’s just playing a joke on Little Turtle six thousand years later. If she’s willing to pay the price, not to mention predicting your reaction and interacting with you, she can even cross time and have a real conversation with you!”

A hint of loneliness flashed in Gu Luo’s eyes.

Is the white spirit really strong? Actually, it’s not that strong, it can only top two of it, but it has no room to resist in front of the white spirit – plus Huai, plus Lei, all the uncles together are useless!

Whatever they want to do, what kind of divine ability, what kind of technique, what kind of movement… the white spirit knows clearly! The more opponents she has, the more she can handle it!

To deal with the white spirit, only the supreme power can break the cleverness with force, and smash the whole world with one punch, perhaps this will work.

But… the white spirit is a Dragon Turtle, and it is the best among the Dragon Turtles. Even Taizu doesn’t have the ability to wipe her out all at once.

As long as she is not killed in one hit, the white spirit is immortal. If anyone can kill her in one hit, they will probably never find her.

In this world, except for the white spirit, no one can kill her.

Su He was stunned for a moment. The white spirit was not alive, she just used divination to predict his actions and language, and then left corresponding images to respond…

Is this a normal person’s ability?

The world of monsters is indeed incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Su He actually felt a sense of loss in his heart. Although he had only become a Dragon Turtle for a short time, he really liked this group.

All the Dragon Turtles really treated him as their own turtle. If the white spirit was not dead, she would probably have a lot of fun in the clan according to her character, right?

Su He imagined and chuckled, then shook his head frantically.

No – according to the character of the white spirit, she would definitely bully him! The white spirit doesn’t need to take advantage of the early morning to beat her brother. Whenever she wants to beat him, she can. Su He doesn’t even have a chance to resist.

Su He looked at the two uncles, “The white spirit left a secret…”

His bullet comment hadn’t risen yet, and it was shattered by Gu Luo.

Gu Luo shook his head, very sure, “Little white spirit doesn’t let you say, there must be a reason. Don’t say it, saying it will bring unpredictable changes. Do what you need to do with confidence.”

Just now, the image of the white spirit in Su He’s memory changed, which must be the effect of the runes left by the white spirit in the inheritance place. It seemed to be warning the clan brother, but in fact, it was telling these elders: this matter is a secret, you are not allowed to inquire!

Su He opened his mouth. There were two Teng snakes coming over, and he felt that he might not be able to handle it.

Gu Luo smiled, his dragon whiskers trembling – Su He hadn’t grown dragon whiskers yet, the two dragon whiskers and bifurcated dragon horns were the signs of adulthood!

Gu Luo asked with a smile, “Is the thing that the white spirit wants you to do still in the Mysterious Wasteland?”

Su He nodded.

Then there was no problem, Gu Luo proudly said, “Then go ahead and do it with confidence, my main body is still in the Mysterious Wasteland. I won’t leave in the short term, you leave a thought in the Mysterious Realm, if you need anywhere in the Mysterious Wasteland, I can arrive in an instant.”

This was the strong self-confidence brought by the supreme strength.

The toad had already set up a stone pillar on Su He’s island, and Su He could divide a thought to stay here forever. After the thought refined the stone pillar, even if the thought here was shattered, there was no need for the toad to lead the way when he came in again.

…In a desolate land, Su Huanian leaped into the air, lightly touching the water surface and transforming into a lone goose flying into the distance. She soared for more than twenty feet before falling back down, touching the water surface again, and then leaping another thirty feet.

She did not use Sword Riding to fly. This space was forbidden by magic and cultivation level. She could only leap and fly like a mortal martial artist, a skill she had improvised the last time she was trapped here.

Now she used it again, each time she fell and flew up again, she covered a much greater distance. With her current Realm, modifying mortal martial arts was just a matter of thought.

The place she was heading to was deep within the desolate land, where a sea of thunderstorms lay!

Years ago, she was forced to cross the Tribulation in the sea of thunderstorms while fighting with her enemies. The power of the thunder tribulation was unknown times stronger than the outside world, and she almost died here. In the end, even she didn’t know how she had managed to cross the thunder tribulation…

(End of the chapter)

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