Vol.2 – Chapter 40 – Dao Palace

Su He: “……”

This Turtle was somewhat frivolous.

He looked up at the mountainous Dragon Turtle. His six-meter shell was no bigger than a fingernail under the Dragon Turtle’s foot!

Just as Su He was thinking about what to say, a voice came from outside the Emperor’s World Gate: “Call him Uncle Two!”

The voice was filled with uncontrollable joy, and after speaking, it burst into laughter.

Su He: “……”

Could it be that the entire Dragon Turtle clan had issues?

He had thought that only the White Jade Dragon Turtle liked to take advantage of others, insisting on being called sister even after death, but it turned out the whole clan was like this?

Su He bowed his head slightly: “Senior……”

“Pah!” Gu Luo spat at him: “Who are you calling senior? There are only eight of us in the entire Dragon Turtle clan, including you. Call me uncle!”

Su He was taken aback. He detected a hint of melancholy in Gu Luo’s tone. The term ‘senior’ seemed to sadden him.

Su He opened his mouth: “Uncle Luo!”

Gu Luo laughed heartily, his shell even started to glow. He gestured towards the Emperor’s World: “The one outside is Lei.”

“Uncle Lei!” Su He readily agreed.

“Call him Uncle Two!” The voice from the Emperor’s World came again.

Gu Luo laughed heartily. Today was the happiest day in tens of thousands of years, especially since the death of Spiritual Tranquility. As a Dragon Turtle, he could command the wind and rain, and was invincible. He was a top-tier existence wherever he went in the three thousand worlds.

Everyone who saw him was respectful, but no one could understand the loneliness of the Dragon Turtles. For hundreds of thousands of years, there were only seven turtles in the entire clan.

Finally, they had Little Spiritual Tranquility, but after only twenty thousand years, that guy had entered oblivion.

This kind of repression, this kind of frustration, was truly beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

This was also the direct reason why the entire Dragon Turtle clan had been domineering and unreasonable in their inquiries of various forces over the past six thousand years, yet no one dared to provoke them.

Losing a young one was a responsibility that no world could bear. Even the Emperor’s Palace and the Ten Immortal Gates did not dare to offend the Dragon Turtles at this time.

“Little guy, looking at your silly and cute appearance, haven’t you entered the Dao Palace to receive the inheritance?” Gu Luo looked down at Su He. This Little Turtle had a face full of curiosity, and looked like he had countless questions to ask. It was clear that he hadn’t received the inheritance.

The word ‘silly and cute’ was great. It was a term that his chick had just learned from the Little Dragon Turtle and the toad. It perfectly described Su He’s current appearance.

Su He nodded repeatedly. He felt that his body was temporarily full and could not absorb the power of the source anymore. The “Heng” character text also suppressed the remaining source and no longer spit it out.

He had completely transformed into a Dragon Turtle, with the Bright Mirror as a witness. His status had already changed to: healthy. However, he had not received the inheritance!

The last time he went to the inheritance illusion, he didn’t know how to enter.

Gu Luo laughed heartily, raising a claw to tap on Su He’s shell: “Have you seen the world pearl formed in your body? Haven’t you studied it carefully?”

So that pearl was called the World Pearl. Su He had studied it. The mountains and plains on the World Pearl were very beautiful, and the more he looked at it, the more fascinated he became.

When the World Pearl grew to the size of a fist, it connected with the meridians, crazily devouring the spiritual power in the meridians, and then spitting out pure turtle yuan.

It seemed to have nothing to do with the inheritance.

Gu Luo’s eyes were strange: “Sink your consciousness into the World Pearl. Inside it is the Dao Palace, and inside the Dao Palace is the inheritance illusion.”

Gu Luo looked at Su He, his scales all spread out. Another normal turtle, that’s right! How could any turtle naturally know how to obtain the inheritance?

Back when he transformed into a Dragon Turtle, he hadn’t entered the inheritance land just like Su He, and the Dragon Turtle who guided him had a good laugh at him.

Two thousand years ago, when he guided Spiritual Tranquility, he put on the posture of a great senior and did not mock her. He gently told Spiritual Tranquility how to enter the inheritance land.

As a result, he was looked at by Spiritual Tranquility with a gaze that cared for a senior with a brain disease for a long time. That little girl not only found the Dao Palace, but also moved the Dao Palace to the Sense Realm without a teacher!

Gu Luo deeply doubted himself, and even dared not ask other members of his clan. It wasn’t until Su He came along that his heart was slightly soothed.

This was a normal turtle.

Just then…


A dull sound came from Su He’s mind, as if something heavy had fallen.

Gu Luo’s relaxed scales suddenly tightened. This sound was too familiar. It was the sound of the Dao Palace moving to the Sense Realm! It took him two years to master the method of moving the Dao Palace!

He looked at Su He in astonishment, as if saying: What’s wrong with these little turtles?

Su He responded to the toad in his heart: “Is that how it’s done?”

Just now, the toad suddenly sent a message in his heart, telling him to take the Dragon Horn roots and tie the Dao Palace back to the Sense Realm.

Su He did as he was told. Because the “Heng” character text had released too much world source, the Dragon Horn roots were strong and powerful, and doing this was not a problem at all.

Inside the Mysterious Realm of Mountains and Seas, the toad was being looked down upon by a fiery red Dragon Turtle, and carefully replied: “Senior, I have informed Su He, and the Dao Palace has also moved.”

The fiery red Dragon Turtle nodded, lay down contentedly. Now Luo would doubt his life even more, wouldn’t he?

Living too long, if you don’t actively find some fun, turtle life is too boring.Su He set up the Dao Palace, but he didn’t rush in. He didn’t know how long it would take to receive the inheritance. He was afraid that by the time the inheritance was over, the elders guiding him would have left.

He opened his eyes and looked at the Dragon Turtle, which was as big as a mountain, and asked, “Uncle Luo, I have a question to ask, is it convenient?”

Gu Luo leisurely came back to his senses, indicating that Su He could ask freely.

Su He spoke softly, “I have a junior whose life source has been stolen by a third, and now she only has five years of life left. Uncle Luo, you are knowledgeable and experienced, do you know how to remedy this?”

Gu Luo smiled, he was very satisfied with Su He’s question. The Dragon Turtle clan was small, so their temperament was particularly important. If they had a rebel like the Phoenix clan, they wouldn’t even know where to cry.

The Dragon Turtles were domineering and unreasonable, but that was only towards outsiders. Internally, they were very loving – if only those two or three old guys could stop teasing the juniors, it would be even better.

The Little Dragon Turtle asked about the Little Girl first after his Tribulation Crossing ended, which made Gu Luo very gratified.

He looked as if he knew everything, “Are you talking about that little girl by your side?”

Su He was stunned, and looked up at the Giant Turtle in front of him in surprise.

The Dragon Turtle, knew about Feng Yaya?

It was this kind of look that made those two unscrupulous old guys love to tease the juniors. Being looked at by the juniors with this kind of look was indeed very interesting.

He was delighted in his heart, but his face was calm, “There’s no need to look at me like that. Since the first time you entered the inheritance illusion, I’ve been watching you. Even how many fish peed in your mouth when you were underwater, I know clearly – as for your ability to duplicate, of course it didn’t escape my eyes.”

Su He’s heart twitched, and his face changed drastically – from jet black to completely pitch black.

Gu Luo laughed heartily, and only when Su He’s breathing became heavier did he lower his head, “Little guy, I’m just teasing you. It’s just a talent and divine ability, it’s not a big deal. Compared to the Little White Spirit, it’s far inferior – if I have the chance, I’ll take you to rob the Emperor He An’s palace. Last time I found a few real treasures, I’ll rob and you’ll duplicate, we’ll split it evenly!”

Which Dragon Turtle doesn’t have an unreasonable talent and divine ability? It can absorb the luck of others, should this be announced everywhere?

A turtle without any special abilities, how can it become a Dragon Turtle? Nine out of ten would die on the path to becoming a Dragon Turtle.

A little chick fell out of the void, looked at Su He with surprise, patted his head, flapped its wings and climbed onto Gu Luo’s head.

A frog followed, landing on Su He’s head, looking at him with a strange look.

Gu Luo chuckled, “There are many ways to save that little girl. The most difficult for others is the easiest for you, but it’s a pity that you just missed it – you should have taken her to cross the Heavenly Tribulation together! Not the Tribulation of cultivators, but the Heavenly Tribulation of Divine Beasts. After crossing the Heavenly Tribulation, you can absorb the world’s origin and replenish her origin.”

The Little Dragon Turtle has the Heng Hexagram to protect him, so he’s not afraid of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, no matter how strong it is. Taking the Little Girl to cross the Tribulation would certainly not be a problem.

It’s a pity that the Heng Hexagram is special, it only works for its owner’s Tribulation. Even if the Dragon Turtle wanted to take Feng Yaya to hitch a ride on another Divine Beast’s Heavenly Tribulation, it wouldn’t be possible.

This path was completely blocked.

But Su He’s eyes lit up, “I still have a lot of the world’s origin left!”

The Dragon Turtle shook his head, “The world’s origin refined by the Heng Hexagram can only be used by you. To others, it’s as deadly as a strong poison. Don’t think about it, it’s useless.”

Su He was stunned, his eyes blinking, and he couldn’t describe the feeling in his heart. He looked up at the Dragon Turtle in front of him.

Gu Luo shook his head, “If I had known earlier that you had the Heng Hexagram, I would have found a way to remind you to take that girl to cross the Tribulation together. But the things in the Little White Spirit’s tomb are unknown to me and others, until the Heng Hexagram appeared, I didn’t know.”

Among the sixty-four hexagrams in all the heavens and worlds, each has its own use. But they have one common feature, if it doesn’t show up, outsiders won’t know! No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can’t actively detect it.

Su He took a deep breath, suppressing his shaken mind. Luo said there were many ways, so there was no need to regret missing one.

“Heng” is not a rune, but a hexagram?

He looked up at Gu Luo, and a symbol of “” formed by water flowed out from the top of his head, “Isn’t the Heng Hexagram supposed to look like this?” The one inside him was a rune he didn’t recognize.

Gu Luo looked at him in surprise, the three-year-old child knew quite a lot. In the last era, the eight hexagram runes were just the basics of cultivation, not to mention cultivators, even ordinary mortals could talk about it fluently.

But he didn’t know when, the hexagrams had been hidden in the river of time – not disappeared, but someone deliberately hid them, making people ignore and forget.

Without a deep foundation, it’s impossible to touch it.

The art of divination has completely fallen into obscurity, even the formations have become deformed.

The hexagram is the foundation of this path! It’s also the foundation of all the heavens and worlds!

Cultivators cultivate the Mind’s Eye and Divine Objects, and cultivate the Cave World, but they overlook the most important hexagram.

The Dragon Turtle Luo pointed a finger at Su He’s head, replaced the hexagram with “”, and corrected, “This is Heng, what you drew is Da Guo.”

“The hexagram has no fixed form or meaning. Why it became the shape in your body, ask it, don’t ask me. If one day you can restore it to its original appearance, the three thousand worlds and all the heavens and worlds are yours to roam!”

Among the sixty-four hexagrams, the Dragon Turtle clan only got one “Tai” hexagram. They didn’t know how many tens of thousands of years it had been, and they still hadn’t made the hexagram appear.This was the second divination that Dragon Turtle had received from Su He!

Gu Luo chuckled lightly and shook his head, shattering the heavy rain in the sky: “Let’s not talk about this for now. The records of the divination images are all in the inheritance. If you want to know, you can check it yourself later. As for your Little Girl, even if she missed the Tribulation Crossing, there are other methods. It’s just a lot more troublesome.”

Su He listened attentively.

However, Gu Luo didn’t rush to speak. He pondered while somehow pulling out a large shrimp from somewhere and started chewing on it. Halfway through, he was pecked hard on the head by a chick and only then remembered that there was a junior beside him. He pulled out another shrimp and placed it next to Su He, indicating that Su He need not be polite.

This shrimp was four or five times bigger than Su He.

“The replenishment is a bit difficult. The simplest way now is to let her cultivate the Beast Transformation chapter and cultivate a second body. Then it doesn’t matter whether the first body lives or dies.”

Su He gnawed on the large shrimp and shook his head: “Ya Ya is special. Her divine soul and physical body are unified, similar to a Divine Beast. It seems that she can’t cultivate the Beast Transformation chapter…”

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Gu Luo looking at him with a smile, and he was suddenly enlightened: “Uncle, you have been cultivating for tens of thousands of years, why don’t you modify the Beast Transformation chapter?”

Gu Luo burst into hearty laughter.

The whole turtle felt comfortable. Being a parent should involve being pestered by their naughty children for this and that! Being a Dragon Turtle was too boring, he didn’t even have a little one to dote on under his shell before.

Finally, a pure spirit came along, and it was a monster. Instead, it was him who occasionally asked the pure spirit for help.

He looked at Su He with satisfaction. This Turtle was good, very good!

His own!

Thanks to the philanthropist 888 for the reward of 200,000 on the 6th… I only saw it after ten days. I’m really, really sorry. A belated thank you…

(End of the chapter)

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