Vol.2 – Chapter 37 – You did not bring out your merits earlier

Beneath him were dark red boulders, and white mist surrounded him. Taking a gentle breath, he felt refreshed, as if he had swallowed warm jade and soul jade.

“Don’t get distracted, absorb it quickly while the second wave of Tribulation Crossing hasn’t arrived!”

Tribulation Crossing is the condensation of the world’s origin. Once shattered and crossed, there are naturally great gains.

The first two waves of Tribulation Crossing were more like benefits for the Divine Beasts rather than a tribulation.

Su He opened his mouth and operated the Turtle Longevity Breath Technique, absorbing all the surrounding mist in one breath like a whale sucking in water.

The mist entered his body and rapidly nourished it.

Just as Su He was rapidly absorbing the mist, the magma stone beneath him suddenly shattered. Two Kylins, one black and one yellow, broke through the boulders and pounced on him when he was unprepared.

“Be careful!” the toad shouted.

No need for a reminder, Su He was aware of everything around him. He sensed the moment the Kylins broke through the ground.

The two Kylins opened their mouths at the same time, one in front and one behind, biting towards Su He.

Su He moved sideways on the water wave beneath him, avoiding the bite. The two Kylins, with identical movements, slapped their claws on Su He’s water wave. The wave instantly shattered, turning into a puddle of water.

“Don’t use water, this is the second wave of Tribulation Crossing. Water covers the earth, and the Kylin is the Divine Beast of earth. This is not a real Kylin, but a tribulation formed by earth!”

I’m not just good at manipulating water.

Su He roared, and a cloud of thunder condensed.


Thunderbirds fell from the sky, but the two Kylins were fearless. They roared and bit towards the thundercloud. In an instant, they tore the thundercloud to shreds.

He made a mistake, his thunder was water thunder.

Before the Kylins that had torn the thundercloud could land, Su He’s front claws, like swords, slashed out five sword auras, all striking the yellow Kylin. The Kylin roared and turned its head to bite, but Su He bit its neck and tore off its entire head.

The Kylin fell to the ground and turned into a ball of earthy yellow energy, which Su He swallowed.

The black Kylin was behind, roaring and stepping on the turtle shell. Just as it was about to bite, a sword aura slashed out from the turtle shell, cutting it in half.

It also turned into a ball of energy, which Su He swallowed in one gulp.

Both Kylins only had the combat power of seven-star Exotic Beasts. The first and second waves of Tribulation Crossing were indeed warnings and didn’t have much power.

After swallowing the two balls of energy, before he could fully digest them, two thunderclouds above his head thundered simultaneously.


Two thunderbolts, one black and one yellow, twisted together in mid-air, intertwined like a twisted rope.

The two Tribulation Crossings were actually cooperating!

Aren’t you guys going to fight anymore?

Su He roared, and it seemed as if they heard his roar. The two thunderclouds lit up again and bombarded each other, but they also formed thunder and lightning that struck Su He.

Nine from the front and nine from the back, eighteen thunderbolts twisted together, forming nine huge twisted braids, crazily striking down.



Nine golden and black intertwined thunderbolts struck Turtle Mountain in various ways.

Su He only felt as if mountains were crashing down one after another, like waterfalls and waves formed by mountains.

The impact made his blood surge and his internal organs shake. Only after the nine strikes ended did the burning and numbness of the thunder and lightning come.

Su He, in his turtle form, lay on the ground, twitching non-stop. The toad lay weakly on his head, with thunder snakes shuttling through its body.

The third wave of Tribulation Crossing, this was the first truly damaging wave.

After a while, Su He shook his body and got up. Looking up, he saw that the fourth wave of Tribulation Crossing was already condensing. The two thunderclouds no longer attacked each other, they found that they couldn’t do anything to each other.

Or perhaps they suddenly remembered that they had a mission, and they both focused their attention on Su He. The two thunderclouds rolled, trying their best to condense thunderbolts.

Each one was twice as big as before, and more importantly – there were countless of them!

There were only eighteen just now, how generous.

Not giving Su He and the toad a chance to be scared, the thunderbolts struck as soon as they condensed. This time, the two thunderbolts didn’t intertwine, they both poured down on Su He in a race.

It seemed like they wanted to strike Su He dead before the other.

The toad only had time to shout: “Be careful.”

Then a thunderbolt struck its head.

The toad looked dumbfounded, smoke rising from its body. It glared at the thundercloud and cursed in its heart: “Are you blind? You strike me instead of the big turtle?!”

It jumped off the dragon’s head, smoke billowing from its body, and burrowed under Su He.

In an instant, thunder fell like rain.

The whole world was left with only the sound of crackling and booming.

In Yanfeng City and Qingyuan City, everyone had put away their Magical Instruments, and even the city’s protective formation was not dared to be activated, fearing that the thundercloud would sense it and involve them.

Who could have thought that the thundercloud of Dragon Turtle’s Tribulation Crossing was not above Dragon Turtle’s head, but closer to them on the left and right.

Why don’t you guys merge together?

Ge Feng smiled bitterly. He was worried that someone would interfere with Senior Uncle Dragon Turtle’s Tribulation Crossing. Now it seems, whoever wants to go, just go!

The entire sky was filled with rolling thunderbolts, who would dare to go out?

Some disciples were already pressed to the ground by the overwhelming heavenly might, but no one mocked them – everyone found that as long as they lay down, the thundercloud would not pay attention to them, probably assuming that they would not interfere with the Tribulation Crossing.

They belonged to the surrender faction.

So… the entire Qingyuan City, regardless of gender, was lying on the ground.

Yu Lin lay on the ground, biting his lower lip, and secretly transmitted his voice: “Whoever spreads the news about today’s event will be the enemy of everyone, and we will attack them together!”

Everyone: “……”

Senior Brother, we all have our pride, who would say it? We’re just afraid that the Minotaurs on the other side will spread it!

Inside Yanfeng City, Feng Luan’s face was pale – the higher the Realm, the more one could sense the terror of Tribulation Crossing.

The Tribulation Crossing released its aura recklessly, almost pressing her to the ground.

She couldn’t hold on any longer…

She gave a low command: “All soldiers listen to the order – lie down!”The crowd of Minotaurs, as if pardoned, instantly softened and collapsed on the ground.



Su He raised his head and howled, “Ang~”

Lightning rained down, striking Turtle Mountain one after another. The third wave of two types of lightning twisted into a rope before falling, yet it didn’t seem to affect them. Perhaps they had already attacked each other in the air, causing some damage?

This time there was no entanglement, each lightning bolt struck independently. The power was even greater, especially when two different lightning tribulations struck the same place, it could trigger a chain reaction.

It was as if heavenly thunder and earthly fire collided together, exploding with a loud bang. Rocks flew off Turtle Mountain, and fragments were thrown far away.

Su He roared, condensing water balls in the sky that exploded into a curtain of rain. Thousands of heavy raindrops flew chaotically in the air, attracting the thunder to explode in mid-air.

After an unknown amount of time, the outer part of Turtle Mountain had shrunk by half, and the remaining part of the mountain was also cracked. The fourth wave of heavenly tribulation gradually passed, with only occasional lightning strikes hitting unknown places.

Su He was panting. A toad crawled out from under his turtle shell, looking very unwell.

The power of the heavenly tribulation formed by two tribulation clouds was not additive, but multiplied. The fourth wave just now was as powerful as the seventh wave of a normal Divine Beast’s tribulation.

In this case, Dragon Turtle could at most survive the fifth wave. He would kneel at the sixth wave!

The toad slapped itself. Damn it, why did it have to be so soft-hearted! Knowing that with two tribulation clouds, This Turtle might not be able to pass this test, yet it still eagerly ran back to acknowledge its master.

It must be brain-damaged.

While Su He was resting and absorbing the world essence left after the heavenly tribulation, the toad jumped onto the turtle shell and looked at the tribulation cloud.

The tribulation cloud was rolling, and the fifth wave of heavenly tribulation was already forming.

The toad immediately changed color, unable to control itself, and cursed, “Damn it! Are you in a hurry to kill him so you can go back and get married and have children? When has there ever been such a short interval between two waves of heavenly tribulation?!”

This was cheating!

Each one was forming faster than the last, were they competing? Afraid that Dragon Turtle would be killed by the other and lose face?!

Before it could jump down and crawl under Su He’s turtle shell, the heavenly tribulation had already descended.

It was no longer a series of lightning bolts, but balls of thunder. When they fell to the ground and exploded, they could flatten a mountain. This power was enough for a full-strength attack from an Exotic Beast of the Mysterious Moon —— the Mysterious Moon was not scary, but it could kill Dragon Turtle.

The problem was, the entire sky was densely packed with thunderballs!

This was going to destroy the battlefield of the two realms!

Waves rose beneath Su He, carrying him as he dodged left and right. The heavy rain hit the thunderballs and exploded in mid-air.

Su He only felt that the whole world was trembling, and all he could hear was the sound of thunder exploding.


Boom boom!

Three thunderballs fell on Turtle Mountain in succession, and rocks flew everywhere. The toad took out a smoking pipe, jumped up and landed on Su He’s turtle shell, swinging the pipe to hit the thunderballs.

But it was hit by a thunderball and smashed onto Turtle Mountain. On the cracked Turtle Mountain, a stone tablet was revealed. The two characters “Ming Jian” on it were shining brightly.

The toad was taken aback, then started hopping mad. It hit Su He’s turtle shell with the pipe: “Why didn’t you say you had merit earlier, why didn’t you use it earlier!”

Su He spat out a water ball to knock a thunderball away. The merit stone tablet had long been embedded in Turtle Mountain, refining the turtle shell and adding a layer of membrane to the mountain, hiding it inside.

The toad hadn’t mentioned before that merit could be used to resist heavenly tribulation.

The toad ignored him, it ran over, grabbed the Ming Jian stone tablet, forcibly pulled it out from Turtle Mountain, and stuck it on the turtle shell.

Without needing to operate it, the merit stone tablet emitted a faint glow, forming a light curtain. All the heavenly tribulation thunderballs were blocked outside.

Outside the light curtain, thunder roared, lightning flashed, reflecting each other. The merit light curtain was constantly trembling from the explosions.

But in the end, the fifth wave of heavenly tribulation slowly passed.

The toad puffed on its pipe, speaking in Su He’s heart: “If you have any hidden tricks, say it now. Use anything that can deal with the heavenly tribulation.”

“White Jade Turtle Shell?” Su He also spoke in his heart.

The toad: “Get lost!”

“Then there’s nothing else!”

“There’s no hope, wait for death!” The toad stomped out the pipe, packed it up, and reached out to grab the much thinner merit stone tablet.

The tribulation cloud above their heads was really rushing, the sixth wave was already forming.

Why so fast?

Within the battlefield of the two realms, the Dragon Turtles of the Mysterious Wasteland and the Emperor’s Great World communicated with each other.

The way of heaven was fixed, one peck and one drink. It limited the world power flowing into this realm from the two great worlds, reducing the power of the heavenly tribulation, but increasing the speed of its formation several times.

They didn’t know whether they were helping or harming the little Dragon Turtle?

“What a pity, Ming Jian has been in the world for too short a time. If it had been two or three hundred years, and it had spread throughout the major worlds, the little guy would have accumulated more merit, and there would be no problem in crossing the tribulation.

The remaining half of the stone tablet won’t survive the sixth wave.”

The Dragon Turtle of the Emperor’s Great World sighed softly, with a group of Minotaurs kneeling beside him.

(End of Chapter)

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