Vol.2 – Chapter 33 – Tribulation cloud

“Your turtle grandpa! Your turtle second grandpa!”

“That’s Traverse Heaven! Not the defective product sealed by the Spirit Clan! How dare you? How dare you!”

The toad was hopping mad.

Had This Turtle grown tired of living? Just because it wore a white jade turtle shell, it thought it was invincible? It was one thing to pull back the blue bird, but how dare it attack at will?

Attacking a Traverse Heaven powerhouse, especially one in a state of combat, would result in an automatic counterattack from the person’s true essence, which would be enough to give you a hard time!

Su He retreated, not having time to deal with the roaring toad. He spat out the blue bird, which immediately covered the door with its domain, pulling the door around randomly, preventing Feng Yiju from locating it.

As the door moved randomly, the door within the Three Lives Door trembled slightly, making it difficult for Feng Yiju to figure out.

Feng Yiju’s face cooled down, he had truly been negligent this time.

After months of research, he had a preliminary understanding of this small world, and had always thought it was a masterless world.

When the door was broken earlier, it suddenly had a master. He guessed that the master of this world might not have had the small world for long, and hadn’t fully refined it, or even that the master had no ability to refine this world.

By sounding out, the master of this world was either at the limit of Subdue Demons or just entering Traverse Heaven.

He just didn’t expect it to be a Dragon Turtle. No wonder the Divine Beast of Qingyuan Town would mistakenly enter this small world.

It had found its real kin.

But even if it was a Dragon Turtle, how dare it steal his things?

Feng Yiju’s sword eyebrows stood on end, and with a point of his finger, several Fairy Swords were controlled and were about to be shot at the Three Lives Door.

But at this moment.


A thunderclap sounded, and the rain grew heavier. The rain fell on the ground and formed a stream, which twisted and turned into Su Huanian. With a sword in the air, she blocked all of Feng Yiju’s Fairy Swords.

She looked up at Feng Yiju.

He seemed to have forgotten that she also came from the Qingyuan Sect and had held the Formation flag for nearly a hundred years. Didn’t he know how terrifying the Qingyuan Formation flag was? Without a method to deal with the Formation flag, how could she return in peace?

The Qingyuan Formation flag could not be resisted, but deception was still possible. She disguised herself as one of the Formation flags, connected by aura, and naturally, the Formation flag would not stop her.

Feng Yiju’s face was solemn as he said to Su Huanian, “Yaya’s life source is only this one. If it is damaged, she will have no chance of recovery. This is not the time for a grudge, you should step aside.”

Su Huanian gathered her hair and took a step back, completely blocking the Three Lives Door.

She recognized That Turtle at a glance. After that, it entered the Qingyuan Sect and stayed in her pond, even helping her design the Formation of Listening Sea Lake. In the illusion, a person and a turtle would stay for a year.

Although the color had changed, Su Huanian recognized Su He at a glance.

Moreover, the blue bird was her soul beast. The soul beast and its master shared the same aura, emotions, and even memories. Shared vision was just a basic ability, even a first-grade soul beast could do it.

The situation inside the Dragon Turtle’s small world had long fallen into her eyes.

How could she let you enter this world?

Inside the Dragon Turtle’s small world, the blue bird shook its feathers, fluttered its wings and floated in mid-air, tilting its head to look at the Dragon Turtle below.

“Yaya, yaya, why did you turn into a white turtle? Shouldn’t you be a black turtle?” It had been curious about this turtle for several months!

It flew around Su He in circles, then looked around and asked, “Where’s my daughter?”

It was looking for Feng Yaya.

This should be Su Huanian’s soul beast. Only a soul beast would have such a lack of boundaries.

“She’s still sleeping.” Su He responded, then looked outside the door. In the heavy rain, a beautiful figure stood in front of the door, holding a Fairy Sword in her hand, blocking all the crises.

Su Huanian was very close to the door, and she could pull her back as long as she reached out half of her body.

“Hey, hey, hey!” The blue bird chirped, “Don’t be silly, a Traverse Heaven realm wouldn’t fall in the same place twice. The same trick won’t work if you use it again. If you dare to step out half a step, Feng Yiju will definitely kill you at the door without hesitation. Even little Huanian can’t stop it.”

Su He backed away and just watched quietly.

Feng Yaya’s life source was extremely important to Feng Yiju. The first time he held the Fairy Sword, one hand holding the Formation flag and the other the Fairy Sword, he slashed directly at Su Huanian.

Su Huanian’s Fairy Sword rose sharply, and with a slash, she didn’t slash at Feng Yiju, but turned her head and slashed at the Three Lives Door.

She wanted to cut off Su He’s door.

Feng Yiju’s face changed drastically in an instant. The sword and flag that were slashing at Su Huanian suddenly let go, forming an arc and flying to the front of the Three Lives Door, protecting the Three Lives Door.

That small world was extremely peculiar, and if this door was shattered, it would never be able to enter again.

How could he allow her to be so reckless!

The shadow of the Eastern Cloud Mountain appeared on the Formation flag, directly blocking Su Huanian’s sword. Suppress! Consolidate! Gather… All the methods to protect space were used by him at the first moment.

Su Huanian’s sword light fell, but it was powerless. This sword was just a feint!

Her body suddenly turned, pointing at Feng Yiju. The rain at her fingertips condensed into a sword in an instant, and this sword gathered all her sword intent.

Feng Yiju’s face changed drastically!

Three hundred years of fixed thinking couldn’t be changed in an instant. For three hundred years, Su Huanian had always been straightforward, no matter what, she would cut it with a sword! Today, she had already given him two feints.

A man should be looked at anew after three days.

Feng Yiju raised his sword to meet her, while the Fairy Sword and Formation flag guarding the Three Lives Door suddenly changed their moves, turning into sharp attacks from behind towards Su Huanian.

But at this moment, Su Huanian’s figure suddenly turned, not colliding with Feng Yiju at all. The water flow Fairy Sword directly hit the Fairy Sword behind her. The two sword auras collided with a bang, turning into a huge destructive force, which Su Huanian led towards the Three Lives Door.

Su Huanian knew that with her power alone, she could at most damage, but not shatter the door to the small world. She needed Feng Yiju’s help.

Feng Yiju’s eyes were filled with rage!

“Move aside!”

In the Dragon Turtle’s small world, Su He roared, his domain enveloping the world’s door, charging towards Su Huanian.


A loud noise echoed as the force of two colliding sword energies struck the door, causing it to shatter and explode instantly.

A massive force was coming.

“Go!” Su He roared, a column of water spewing from his mouth, knocking the azure bird flying and sending a wave towards the toad. Before the wave could rise, the force from the exploding space door had already struck, pushing Su He and the toad forward.

Ahead, a door was floating – Su He’s domain was still active, and various doors were floating within it.

The turtle and the frog had no time to struggle, they were already thrust into it.

The door was like a long spatial tunnel.

Looking back, it was the sea of the Dragon Turtle’s world. They wanted to rush back, but couldn’t. The space above the sea was in chaos, making it impossible to return.

The scene ahead kept changing: a desolate land, disciples of Qingyuan, elders of Qingyuan, minotaurs…

Next to the Dragon Turtle’s small world was the battlefield of the two realms.

That was… Elder Qiao and Elder An, being besieged by five minotaurs. But they were actually gaining the upper hand, pressing their attack…


Ahead was the Demon Subduing Realm’s battlefield of the two realms!

Among the overlapping shadows, Su He even saw a much broader battlefield of the two realms.

The Traverse Heaven Realm?

Are you kidding me?

Su He was stunned for a moment, instantly retracting the white Jade Turtle Shell on his back, and was pushed out of the door by the explosive force.

The toad bounced a few times after crashing onto the ground, then jumped up. It pointed at Su He and cursed, but stopped mid-sentence.

It looked around.

This was no longer the Dragon Turtle’s world!


Did I get out? For a moment, it seemed a little lost.

Su He looked up at his surroundings. This was a barren hill, completely bare. He opened his dragon eyes and looked around. This place was about ten thousand miles in size, surrounded by a dome-like spatial membrane.

The surroundings were desolate, with white clouds overhead.

“Where… where is this?” The toad seemed to not believe that it had just left the Dragon Turtle’s world, and asked with a dry swallow.

“The battlefield of the two realms, the Transcend Mortality Realm!” Su He replied softly.

He looked up at the sky, a cluster of thunderclouds slowly gathering. It wasn’t going to rain, it was the Tribulation that was coming.

Wearing the Jade Turtle Shell, fighting, and consuming high-quality turtle essence, his sacrificial bones and internal organs had already reached 86%.

Being blasted by the exploding space door, his breath was chaotic and his mind was restless. The Tribulation was already showing signs of condensing.

After the toad recovered from its shock, it saw the Tribulation cloud above its head. It immediately started hopping: “You turtle… turtle… big brother, calm down, hold your breath, regulate your breathing, relax your mind!”

It wanted to curse, but it controlled itself halfway through. It couldn’t provoke the Dragon Turtle now, it would explode!

“Concentrate, relax, soothe your blood flow and spiritual power, don’t be nervous!” It comforted Su He, took out a pipe as thick as a thigh from its pocket, lit it, and handed it to Su He’s mouth: “How about a puff?”

This thing was excellent for refreshing the mind and calming the heart.

Su He closed his eyes, silently reciting the Clear Heart Mantra. After a while, he slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and the Tribulation cloud above his head slowly dispersed.

He hadn’t reached his limit yet, and the Tribulation hadn’t reached the point where it had to descend.

He could still endure a little longer.

Su He opened his eyes. Although the Tribulation cloud above his head had dispersed, the sense of crisis was imminent. Su He could feel that the Tribulation could descend at any moment.

“What do you think if I keep wearing the Jade Turtle Shell?”

When he wore the Jade Turtle Shell, he emitted the aura of the Divine Beast Dragon Turtle, and couldn’t feel the crisis of the Tribulation.

The toad took a puff of its pipe and curled its lips: “If you want to seek death, can you stay away from me?”

Just now, the Tribulation was about to condense, which meant that the Dragon Turtle had already been marked by the Tribulation.

Wearing the Jade Turtle Shell couldn’t hide it, but instead, the Jade Turtle Shell would enhance the power of the Tribulation to a terrifying extent.

What’s more, this place was the battlefield of the two realms in the Transcend Mortality Realm, and the power of the Jade Turtle Shell would most likely be suppressed by the laws here.

When the time came, the amplification would be gone, but the power of the Tribulation would be enhanced. Just thinking about it made the toad’s gallbladder cold.

The Jade Turtle Shell was in the control equipment, and wearing it on the body were two completely different provocations to the Tribulation.

Su He curled his lips, he just had an idea in his mind, he didn’t really plan to implement it.

He looked around: “How can I get back to the Dragon Turtle’s world from here?”

The toad shivered, why would anyone want to go back to that place?

“You’ve tainted the door to the Dragon Turtle’s world. If you wear the Jade Turtle Shell, or cross the Tribulation to become the Dragon Turtle, you should be able to find the way back. If all else fails, go find Ya Ya’s mother. Her soul beast is in the Dragon Turtle’s world, she can definitely locate it. Just have her take you in.”

Su He fell silent.

To find Su Huanian, he would have to leave the battlefield of the two realms and return to Dongyun Mountain. Going out now would really be like an old man eating arsenic because he was tired of living.

“Find a place to hide, adjust your state, and ignore everyone before the Tribulation!”

No matter if this place was the battlefield of the two realms or not, he would not participate in any fights. For the next period of time, he would see no one, and hide as far away as possible.

Su He made up his mind.

The toad nodded in approval, but then heard something strange behind him. Turning around, it saw four minotaurs chasing a girl in red about twenty miles away.The young girl was riding a black panther, a cannon barrel slung over her shoulder, a chain of shells across her body, but the ammunition was already depleted.

Out of bullets and supplies, she was in a panic, fleeing in this direction.

(End of Chapter)

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