Vol.2 – Chapter 30 – Sentimental

Feng Yaya was lying on a horizontally cut tree, looking at the starry sky with her legs crossed. Two little eagles nestled in her arms, nudging her armpits and crying incessantly.

It was so unfair!

They had hatched in Feng Yaya’s arms, making her their bird mother. But Feng Yaya was extremely irresponsible, disappearing every few days. If it weren’t for the terrifying big snake, the two birds would have died long ago.

When all the beasts were fleeing from the dragon’s water suction, Green Snake didn’t dare to take the two chicks with her. She hid them in a bird’s nest, and only brought them back when it was safe.

They had been hungry for a whole day.

Feng Yaya was tickled by the two of them, and she laughed as she pulled the two little ones out and placed them on her chest, tearing off some wind wolf meat to feed them.

With every gain, there’s a loss. Although their parents were gone, these birds had been eating exotic beast meat since they hatched, which was quite extraordinary.

While feeding the birds, Feng Yaya occasionally glanced into the cave. Big Turtle and the toad were plotting something inside, looking very mysterious.

They probably weren’t planning a rebellion. Her Exotic Beast Empire hadn’t been established yet, so it was a bit early for a rebellion.

But she always felt like they were talking behind her back.

Green Snake was flicking her tongue, her snake face expressionless. But judging from the speed of her tongue flicking, her mood was probably not very good.

Su He had left her a task: to tame these exotic beasts and have them hunt for offerings.

Green Snake: “……”

She should whip that black turtle with her tail. Didn’t he consider the target when assigning tasks? She was a snake demon who had just entered the True Blood realm, and she was supposed to tame a group of four, five, six-star exotic beasts.

Was she tired of living? Why didn’t he ask her to pluck stars from the sky?

Apart from Yaya and Dragon Turtle, who else could suppress them?

The Thunder Monkey King and the Fat Monkey had been confronting each other by the sea since they returned. If it weren’t for the tiger whale watching from the sea, they would have started fighting long ago.

Even the wild boar was disobedient and refused to hunt. It followed Green Snake with a broken saddle in its mouth, walking in step with her, its eyes full of pleading.

Without this wooden blockhead, Feng Yaya wouldn’t ride it anymore. A wild boar that had just become an exotic beast, what was the difference between not having a master and seeking death?

Only Green Snake on the island could make saddles.

Today the moon was very round, and Feng Yaya yawned. It was almost time for her to sleep again. She didn’t like sleeping. Sleeping for too long would make her miss a lot of fun things.

But some things were beyond her control.

Monkey Island was quiet, with the howling of wolves and the roaring of beasts echoing in the distance.

Feng Yaya couldn’t possibly control all the exotic beasts on the island. These were beasts, not an army. When there were too many exotic beasts gathered together, they would do nothing but fight.

Green Snake had already suggested that she only tame a few species and let the rest go after subduing them.

Feng Yaya was a bit reluctant to let go.

When the beef was roasted, the toad came up and shouted to Feng Yaya, “Girl, Dragon Turtle is looking for you!”

Feng Yaya jumped up immediately, “I’m coming!”

The two little eagles flapped their wings and fell down, chirping as they fell into the grass. After a few flaps, they cried even louder. Their mother was too irresponsible.

“Yikes!” Feng Yaya jumped down, grabbed one in each hand, stuffed them into Green Snake’s arms, and dove into the cave without looking back, completely ignoring the two hungry little eagles.

“Big Turtle, you called me.” Su He was checking his treasures when a ball of flame jumped in.

“Yes!” Su He replied, “Hmm!” He gestured to the soul jade, warm jade, and spirit fruit piled on one side. These were for you. Save the warm jade, eat the spirit fruit as you please. There are plenty growing outside, I’ll take you to grab some another day.

Feng Yaya looked at the fruit, her eyes shining. She liked to eat meat, but occasionally having spirit fruit was also good. Especially the warm jade, it tasted even better!

“Keep these for me. If there’s anything you can use, feel free to use it.” Su He gestured to the pile of materials. Feng Yaya didn’t lack treasures. The materials Su He had couldn’t even compare to Little Girl’s pocket change.

Feng Yaya blinked, looking at Su He in surprise, “Are you dividing your inheritance? Are you going to die too?”

Su He: “……”

Thanks a lot!

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m just about to cross the tribulation, so I’m temporarily storing my things with you.” This little girl’s mouth was a bit scary. He couldn’t let her talk nonsense. If her words really came true, he wouldn’t have a place to cry.

“Oh!” Feng Yaya’s mood dropped a bit.


Wait, I’m not dying. What’s with your sudden disappointment?

Feng Yaya pouted, “I thought Big Turtle would die with me! So stingy!” She had never died before, and it was a bit scary to die alone, but she wouldn’t say it!

Feng Yaya took off a small sachet from her waist and collected all the treasures on the ground into the sachet.

You’re treating death like a vacation! With her three-year-old spiritual intelligence, she vaguely knew what death was, but she couldn’t truly understand the meaning of death.

Su He patted her on the head, “I’m crossing the tribulation because I don’t want you to die. With your mother and me, you won’t die.”

Death is not a good experience, not everyone can cross over after dying…

Feng Yaya stuffed all the things into her pouch in one go. She was about to speak when suddenly, she let out a soft exclamation. The pouch was out of her control, darting left and right, as if something wanted to jump out.

She opened the pouch, and a jade pendant jumped out. It leaped high and thumped on Su He’s forehead, as if it was angry and throwing a tantrum. It hit the dragon’s head hard, hung on the dragon’s horn, and refused to come down.

It was the love token, a key to the cave mansion that had exploded when Lu Ming and Qiao Ling were killed. The jade pendant was divided into Yin and Yang, and could be split into two halves. The Yang jade recognized Su He as its master, but the Yin jade had not yet found its place.

This thing… doesn’t want to leave!Su He was surprised. He tried several times but couldn’t hand it over. The jade pendant couldn’t leave him for more than ten feet. As soon as it left, it would immediately flash back. It couldn’t be put into other storage spaces. If it was put in, it would escape, either flying out or flashing back.

It seemed to be bound to his external space.

It didn’t have this problem before! When he first got it, the Turtle Mountain space it was stored in was a built-in feature of the Cave Mansion magical instrument, not something Su He had created.

This jade pendant was special. Last winter, Turtle Mountain and everything in the Turtle Mountain space melted and was absorbed by the external space. Only it appeared in the Turtle Mountain space in its original form.

It usually had no presence, and he had almost forgotten about it! To open the Cave Mansion belonging to the love jade pendant, a couple each needed to hold half of the jade pendant and enter at the same time.

Su He had been single for two lifetimes!

Feng Yaya tilted her head and looked at the jade pendant on top of Su He’s head. She tried to unbutton it but couldn’t — not only could she not unbutton it, but the dark jade also attacked her like a needle prick. It was almost as if the words “refuse to recognize the master” were directly written on the jade pendant.

The jade pendant looked down on her, and Feng Yaya pouted unhappily.

With a thought from Su He, the jade pendant immediately entered the external space, behaving very obediently.

Heavenly Tribulation variable +1

Su He sighed and closed his eyes to summon the “Eternal” rune from within his body. He hadn’t had time to study this rune yet. If his bloodline could evolve to the limit and he could bear not to cross the Heavenly Tribulation, he would try to study it.

It could ensure that the spirit race survived under the White Jade Dragon Turtle, and it couldn’t be duplicated. It was definitely not an ordinary object.

Looking at the rune floating in mid-air, Feng Yaya reached out to grab it. But at this moment, the White Jade Turtle Shell in the external space jumped out uncontrollably, bumped into the rune, and stuck the rune on itself like a tattoo. With a whoosh, it dived back into the external space.

Su He and Feng Yaya stared at each other in surprise.

He hated unexpected situations the most!

Come out!

Su He communicated with the external space and shouted in a low voice.

The rune peeled off from the White Jade Turtle Shell and floated towards Feng Yaya again. Halfway through, the rune whooshed back, stuck itself on Su He’s forehead, and then directly melted in, diving into the Sense Realm and sinking into the sea of consciousness, refusing to come out again.


Why were they all so quirky?

The White Jade Turtle Shell, the Eternal rune, and the love jade pendant definitely didn’t have self-consciousness. Su He had checked too many times. At most, they were self-aware treasures, like the peacock essence blood, which would perform specific actions in specific environments.

But once they recognized their master, they couldn’t leave?

Heavenly Tribulation variable +2

Wait a minute!

An idea flashed through Su He’s mind.

If these things recognized their master, then they were his own things, just like the magical instruments he had sacrificed and refined. They shouldn’t increase the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, right?

The only thing that didn’t recognize its master was the White Jade Turtle Shell. Su He had no idea how to refine it. But this sister just clung to him and refused to leave.

Feng Yaya tilted her head, her big eyes staring at Su He as he played with his treasures, taking out one, then putting it back. Then taking out another one, and putting it back again.

She was having so much fun.

Are you showing off your treasures to a child? Or should I open my purse and let you have a look?

Su He coughed awkwardly, took out the peacock essence blood, and gave a heads up: “This is the essence blood of a divine beast. I don’t know if it’s willing to follow you temporarily. If it runs back, it’s not because I’m not sincere…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the essence blood whooshed away and landed on Feng Yaya’s forehead with a thud, automatically concealing its aura. It looked like a dot of rouge on her forehead, making her even more adorable.

Feng Yaya blinked, touched her forehead but couldn’t feel anything. But she felt warm all over.

Did she just take Big Turtle’s stuff?

Her mood inexplicably improved.

She giggled.

Su He: “…”

This drop of peacock essence blood had encountered Feng Yaya more than once or twice, but this time it couldn’t wait to follow her.

One by one, what were they up to?

If you say you don’t have consciousness, I really don’t believe it! Su He himself began to doubt.

“Test yourself!” He gently touched Feng Yaya with his dragon horn and borrowed the mirror.

Feng Yaya obediently opened the mirror and the attributes were displayed.

Status: Broken Soul and Body· Divine Beast Protection

Realm: Martial God Second Rank

Lifespan: Five years (Three thousand six hundred years)

Bloodline: Unknown

Origin: 71%+5%

There were no other changes, but there was an additional status of Divine Beast Protection.

It should be a good thing.

Su He borrowed the mirror several more times, checking from different angles repeatedly, and indeed there were no other changes.

“Big Turtle, Big Turtle, are you going to cultivate again?” As they gathered all their things and walked towards the cave entrance, Feng Yaya asked while walking.

Su He nodded.

“This time you cultivate, I’ll sleep next to you!” She yawned again, barely able to hold back.

Su He wanted to refuse. He might accidentally trigger the Heavenly Tribulation at any time, and it would be too dangerous for Feng Yaya to stay by his side.

He opened his mouth, but didn’t know how to start.

Ever since they came down from Cloud Island, he had noticed that Feng Yaya’s mood was a bit low. Perhaps the little girl couldn’t fully understand death, but she knew it was bad.

If she died, she wouldn’t see her mother or Big Turtle.

Big Turtle wouldn’t even accompany her in death…

Su He opened his mouth, but the words that came out were: “Okay!”

The beef was already cooked. Feng Yaya was the only one on the island eating cooked food, and no one was fighting with her. The little girl was shouting, claiming that she was going to swallow a whole cow, but after eating just one cow leg, she fell asleep leaning against Su He.The sea breeze blew gently, with a sky full of stars overhead. Some stars faded out, while some were newly born.

Feng Yaya turned over, mumbling in her sleep.

“Big Turtle, I miss Mother…”

(End of Chapter)

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